blob: 808c5748102e877468cab6fce0a60c80f2b29d09 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1 */
* Copyright (C) 2017 VMware Inc, Yordan Karadzhov <>
* @file KsModels.hpp
* @brief Models for data representation.
#ifndef _KS_MODELS_H
#define _KS_MODELS_H
// C++11
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
// Qt
#include <QAbstractTableModel>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QColor>
// KernelShark
#include "libkshark.h"
#include "libkshark-model.h"
#include "KsSearchFSM.hpp"
enum class DualMarkerState;
class KsDataStore;
* Class KsViewModel provides models for trace data representation in a
* table view.
class KsViewModel : public QAbstractTableModel
explicit KsViewModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
/** Set the colors of the two markers. */
void setColors(const QColor &colA, const QColor &colB) {
_colorMarkA = colA;
_colorMarkB = colB;
* Get the number of rows. This is an implementation of the pure
* virtual method of the abstract model class.
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const override {return _nRows;}
* Get the number of columns. This is an implementation of the pure
* virtual method of the abstract model class.
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const override
return _header.count();
QVariant headerData(int section,
Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role) const override;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
void fill(KsDataStore *data);
void selectRow(DualMarkerState state, int row);
void reset();
void update(KsDataStore *data);
/** Get the list of column's headers. */
QStringList header() const {return _header;}
QString getValueStr(int column, int row) const;
QVariant getValue(int column, int row) const;
size_t search(int column,
const QString &searchText,
search_condition_func cond,
QList<size_t> *matchList);
/** Table columns Identifiers. */
enum {
/** Identifier of the Index column. */
/** Identifier of the CPU column. */
/** Identifier of the Timestamp column. */
/** Identifier of the Task name (command) column. */
/** Identifier of the Process Id column. */
/** Identifier of the Latency Id column. */
/** Identifier of the Event name Id column. */
/** Identifier of the Event name Id column. */
/** Number of column. */
/** Trace data array. */
kshark_entry **_data;
/** The size of the data array. */
size_t _nRows;
/** The headers of the individual columns. */
QStringList _header;
/** The index of marker A inside the data array. */
int _markA;
/** The index of marker A inside the data array. */
int _markB;
/** The color of the row selected by marker A. */
QColor _colorMarkA;
/** The color of the row selected by marker B. */
QColor _colorMarkB;
* Class KsFilterProxyModel provides support for filtering trace data in
* table view.
class KsFilterProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
explicit KsFilterProxyModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow,
const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const override;
void fill(KsDataStore *data);
void setSource(KsViewModel *s);
size_t search(int column,
const QString &searchText,
search_condition_func cond,
QList<int> *matchList,
QProgressBar *pb = nullptr,
QLabel *l = nullptr);
size_t search(KsSearchFSM *sm, QList<int> *matchList);
QList<int> searchMap(int column,
const QString &searchText,
search_condition_func cond,
int first,
int last,
bool notify);
/** Get the progress of the search. */
int searchProgress() const {return _searchProgress;}
/** Reset the progress value of the search. */
void searchReset() {
_searchProgress = 0;
_searchStop = false;
* Use the "row" index in the Proxy model to retrieve the "row" index
* in the source model.
int mapRowFromSource(int r) const
/*This works because the row number is shown in column "0". */
return this->data(this->index(r, 0)).toInt();
/** Get the source model. */
KsViewModel *source() {return _source;}
* A condition variable used to notify the main thread to update the
* search progressbar.
std::condition_variable _pbCond;
/** A mutex used by the condition variable. */
std::mutex _mutex;
/** A flag used to stop the serch for all threads. */
bool _searchStop;
int _searchProgress;
/** Trace data array. */
kshark_entry **_data;
KsViewModel *_source;
size_t _search(int column,
const QString &searchText,
search_condition_func cond,
QList<int> *matchList,
int first, int last,
QProgressBar *pb,
QLabel *l,
bool notify);
* Class KsGraphModel provides a model for visualization of trace data. This
* class is a wrapper of kshark_trace_histo and is needed only because we want
* to use the signals defined in QAbstractTableModel.
class KsGraphModel : public QAbstractTableModel
explicit KsGraphModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~KsGraphModel();
* This dummy function is an implementation of the pure
* virtual method of the abstract model class.
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const override
return _histo.n_bins;
* This dummy function is an implementation of the pure
* virtual method of the abstract model class.
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const override {return 0;}
* This dummy function is an implementation of the pure
* virtual method of the abstract model class.
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override
return {};
/** Get the kshark_trace_histo object. */
kshark_trace_histo *histo() {return &_histo;}
void fill(kshark_entry **entries, size_t n);
void shiftForward(size_t n);
void shiftBackward(size_t n);
void jumpTo(size_t ts);
void zoomOut(double r, int mark = -1);
void zoomIn(double r, int mark = -1);
void quickZoomOut();
void quickZoomIn(uint64_t binSize);
void reset();
void update(KsDataStore *data = nullptr);
kshark_trace_histo _histo;
/** Defines a default number of bins to be used by the visualization model. */
#define KS_DEFAULT_NBUNS 1024
#endif // _KS_MODELS_H