blob: e21196b70609b438aea173443b61d1b5927e0e69 [file] [log] [blame]
/* tsort.c - topological sort dependency resolver
* Copyright 2023 Rob Landley <>
* See
config TSORT
bool "tsort"
default y
usage: tsort [FILE]
Topological sort dependency resolver.
Read pairs of input strings indicating before/after dependency relationships
and find an ordering that respects all dependencies. On success output each
string once to stdout, on failure print error and output cycle pairs.
#include "toys.h"
// Comparison callback for qsort and bsearch: sort by second element
static int sbse(char **a, char **b)
return strcmp(a[1], b[1]);
// Read pairs of "A must go before B" input strings into pair list. Sort pair
// list by second element. Loop over list to find pairs where the first string
// is not any pair's second string (I.E. nothing depends on this) and remove
// each pair from list. For each removed pair, add first string to output
// list, and also add second string to output if after removing it no other
// pair has it as the second string. Suppress duplicates by checking each
// string added to output against the strings added in the last 2 passes
// through the pair list. (Because "a b c a" removes "c a" pair after checking
// "a b" pair, so removing "a b" next pass would try to output "a" again.)
// If a pass through the pair list finds no pairs to remove, what's left is
// all circular dependencies.
// TODO: this treats NUL in input as EOF
static void do_tsort(int fd, char *name)
off_t plen = 0;
char *ss, **pair, *keep[2];
long count, // remaining unprocessed pairs
len, // total strings in pair list
out, // most recently added output (counts down from len)
otop, // out at start of this loop over pair[]
otop2, // out at start of previous loop over pair[]
ii, jj, kk;
unsigned long sigh;
// bsearch()'s first argument is the element to search for,
// and sbse() compares the second element of each pair, so to find
// which FIRST element matches a second element, we need to feed bsearch
// keep-1 but the compiler clutches its pearls about this even when
// typecast to (void *), so do the usual LP64 trick to MAKE IT SHUT UP.
// (The search function adds 1 to each argument so we never access
// memory outside the pair.)
sigh = ((unsigned long)keep)-sizeof(*keep);
// Count input entries in data block read from fd
if (!(ss = readfd(fd, 0, &plen))) return;
for (ii = len = 0; ii<plen; len++) {
while (isspace(ss[ii])) ii++;
if (ii==plen) break;
while (ii<plen && !isspace(ss[ii])) ii++;
if (len&1) error_exit("bad input (not pairs)");
// get dependency pair list, null terminate strings, mark depends-on-self
pair = xmalloc(len*sizeof(char *));
for (ii = len = 0;;) {
while (isspace(ss[ii])) ii++;
if (ii>=plen) break;
pair[len] = ss+ii;
while (ii<plen && !isspace(ss[ii])) ii++;
if (ii<plen) ss[ii++] = 0;
if ((len&1) && !strcmp(pair[len], pair[len-1])) pair[len] = pair[len-1];
// sort pair list by 2nd element to binary search "does anyone depend on this"
count = (out = otop = otop2 = len)/2;
qsort(pair, count, sizeof(keep), (void *)sbse);
// repeat until pair list empty or nothing added to output list.
while (count) {
// find/remove/process pairs no other pair depends on
for (ii = 0; ii<count; ii++) {
// Find pair that depends on itself or no other pair depends on first str
memcpy(keep, pair+2*ii, sizeof(keep));
// The compiler won't shut up about keep-1 no matter how we typecast it.
if (keep[0]!=keep[1] && bsearch((void *)sigh, pair, count, sizeof(keep),
(void *)sbse)) continue;
// Remove from pair list
memmove(pair+2*ii, pair+2*(ii+1), (--count-ii)*sizeof(keep));
// Drop depends-on-self pairs that any other pair depends on
if (keep[0]==keep[1] &&
bsearch(keep, pair, count, sizeof(keep),(void *)sbse)) continue;
// Process removed pair: add unique strings to output list in reverse
// order. Output is stored in space at end of list freed up by memmove(),
// defers output until we know there are no cycles, and zaps duplicates.
for (kk = 0;; kk++) {
// duplicate killer checks through previous TWO passes, because
// "a b c a" removes "c a" pair after checking "a b" pair, so removing
// "a b" next pass tries to output "a" again.
for (jj = out; jj<otop2; jj++) if (!strcmp(keep[kk], pair[jj])) break;
if (jj==otop2) pair[--out] = keep[kk];
// Print second string too if no other pair depends on it
if (kk || bsearch(keep, pair, count, sizeof(keep), (void *)sbse)) break;
if (out == otop) break;
otop2 = otop;
otop = out;
// If we couldn't empty the list there's a cycle
if (count) {
error_msg("cycle pairs");
while (count--) xprintf("%s %s\n", pair[count*2], pair[count*2+1]);
} else while (len>out) xprintf("%s\n", pair[--len]);
void tsort_main(void)
loopfiles(toys.optargs, do_tsort);