Fix help text.
diff --git a/toys/posix/find.c b/toys/posix/find.c
index b1dccb3..9a851aa 100644
--- a/toys/posix/find.c
+++ b/toys/posix/find.c
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     -true            always true               -false      always false
     -context PATTERN security context          -executable access(X_OK) perm+ACL
     -samefile FILE   hardlink to FILE          -quit       exit immediately
-    -depth           ignore contents of dir    -maxdepth N at most N dirs down
+    -depth           contents first, then dir  -maxdepth N at most N dirs down
     -newer FILE      newer mtime than FILE     -mindepth N at least N dirs down
     -newerXY FILE    X=acm time > FILE's Y=acm time (Y=t: FILE is literal time)
     -type [bcdflps]  type is (block, char, dir, file, symlink, pipe, socket)