Simplify and parallelize library probe.
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 21b9d7c..dd2172f 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@
+# --as-needed removes libraries we don't use any symbols out of, but the
+# compiler has no way to ignore a library that doesn't exist, so detect
+# and skip nonexistent libraries for it (probing in parallel).
+  [ -z "$V" ] && X=/dev/null || X=/dev/stderr
+  for i in util crypt m resolv selinux smack attr crypto z log iconv tls ssl
+  do
+    do_loudly ${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -xc - -l$i >>$X 2>&1 \
+      -o /dev/null <<<"int main(int argc,char*argv[]){return 0;}"&&
+      echo -l$i &
+  done | sort | xargs
 # Set/record build environment information
@@ -67,7 +80,7 @@
   echo '#!/bin/sh'
   echo "VERSION='$VERSION'"
-  echo "LIBRARIES='$(xargs 2>/dev/null < "$GENDIR/optlibs.dat")'"
   echo "PATH='$PATH'"
@@ -98,29 +111,6 @@
   echo -e "\n\033[1;31mwarning: using unfinished code from toys/pending\033[0m"
-# Probe library list if our compiler/linker options changed
-if [ ! -e "$GENDIR"/optlibs.dat ]
-  echo -n "Library probe"
-  # --as-needed removes libraries we don't use any symbols out of, but the
-  # compiler has no way to ignore a library that doesn't exist, so detect
-  # and skip nonexistent libraries for it.
-  > "$GENDIR"/
-  [ -z "$V" ] && X=/dev/null || X=/dev/stderr
-  for i in util crypt m resolv selinux smack attr crypto z log iconv tls ssl
-  do
-    do_loudly ${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -xc - -l$i >>$X 2>&1 \
-      -o "$UNSTRIPPED"/libprobe <<<"int main(int argc,char*argv[]){return 0;}"&&
-      do_loudly echo -n ' '-l$i >> "$GENDIR"/
-  done
-  unset X
-  rm -f "$UNSTRIPPED"/libprobe
-  mv "$GENDIR"/optlibs.{new,dat} || exit 1
-  echo
 # Write build variables (and set them locally), then append build invocation.
 compflags > "$GENDIR"/ && source "$GENDIR/" &&
   echo -e "\$BUILD lib/*.c $TOYFILES \$LINK -o $OUTNAME" >> "$GENDIR"/