blob: 06d02067f647aaa1d87ca3a5ac905c6139221e16 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A crontab script to delete night test data."""
__author__ = " (Han Shen)"
import argparse
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import time
import traceback
from typing import Callable, List
from cros_utils import command_executer
from cros_utils import constants
def ProcessArguments(argv):
"""Process arguments."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Automatically delete nightly test data directories.",
usage=" options",
help="Only print command line, do not execute anything.",
"Specify the number of days (not including today),"
" test data generated on these days will *NOT* be "
"deleted. Defaults to 3."
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
return options
def RemoveAllSubdirsMatchingPredicate(
base_dir: Path,
days_to_preserve: int,
dry_run: bool,
is_name_removal_worthy: Callable[[str], bool],
) -> int:
"""Removes all subdirs of base_dir that match the given predicate."""
secs_to_preserve = 60 * 60 * 24 * days_to_preserve
now = time.time()
remove_older_than_time = now - secs_to_preserve
dir_entries = list(base_dir.iterdir())
except FileNotFoundError as e:
# We get this if the directory itself doesn't exist. Since we're
# cleaning tempdirs, that's as good as a success. Further, the prior
# approach here was using the `find` binary, which exits successfully
# if nothing is found.
print(f"Error enumerating {base_dir}'s contents; skipping removal: {e}")
return 0
had_errors = False
for file in dir_entries:
if not is_name_removal_worthy(
# Take the stat here and use that later, so we only need to check
# for a nonexistent file once.
st = file.stat()
except FileNotFoundError:
# This was deleted while were checking; ignore it.
if not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
if secs_to_preserve and st.st_atime >= remove_older_than_time:
if dry_run:
print(f"Would remove {file}")
this_iteration_had_errors = False
def OnError(_func, path_name, excinfo):
nonlocal this_iteration_had_errors
this_iteration_had_errors = True
print(f"Failed removing path at {path_name}; traceback:")
shutil.rmtree(file, onerror=OnError)
# Some errors can be other processes racing with us to delete things.
# Don't count those as an error which we complain loudly about.
if this_iteration_had_errors:
if file.exists():
had_errors = True
f"Discarding removal errors for {file}; dir was still "
return 1 if had_errors else 0
def IsChromeOsTmpDeletionCandidate(file_name: str):
"""Returns whether the given basename can be deleted from chroot's /tmp."""
name_prefixes = (
# This might seem a bit broad, but after using custom heuristics for a
# while, `/tmp` was observed to have >75K files that matched all sorts
# of different `tmp.*` name patterns. Just remove them all.
return any(file_name.startswith(x) for x in name_prefixes)
def CleanChromeOsTmpFiles(
chroot_tmp: str, days_to_preserve: int, dry_run: bool
) -> int:
# Clean chroot/tmp/test_that_* and chroot/tmp/tmpxxxxxx, that were last
# accessed more than specified time ago.
return RemoveAllSubdirsMatchingPredicate(
def CleanChromeOsImageFiles(
chroot_tmp, subdir_suffix, days_to_preserve, dry_run
# Clean files that were last accessed more than the specified time.
seconds_delta = days_to_preserve * 24 * 3600
now = time.time()
errors = 0
for tmp_dir in os.listdir(chroot_tmp):
# Directory under /tmp
tmp_dir = os.path.join(chroot_tmp, tmp_dir)
if tmp_dir.endswith(subdir_suffix):
# Tmp directory which ends with subdir_suffix.
for subdir in os.listdir(tmp_dir):
# Subdirectories targeted for deletion.
subdir_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, subdir)
if now - os.path.getatime(subdir_path) > seconds_delta:
if dry_run:
print(f"Will run:\nshutil.rmtree({subdir_path!r})")
"Successfully cleaned chromeos image autotest "
f"directories from {subdir_path!r}."
except OSError:
"Some image autotest directories were not "
f'"removed from {subdir_path}".'
errors += 1
return errors
def CleanChromeOsTmpAndImages(days_to_preserve=1, dry_run=False) -> int:
"""Delete temporaries, images under crostc/chromeos."""
chromeos_chroot_tmp = os.path.join(
constants.CROSTC_WORKSPACE, "chromeos", "out", "tmp"
# Clean files in tmp directory
rv = CleanChromeOsTmpFiles(chromeos_chroot_tmp, days_to_preserve, dry_run)
# Clean image files in *-tryjob directories
rv |= CleanChromeOsImageFiles(
chromeos_chroot_tmp, "-tryjob", days_to_preserve, dry_run
# Clean image files in *-release directories
rv |= CleanChromeOsImageFiles(
chromeos_chroot_tmp, "-release", days_to_preserve, dry_run
# Clean image files in *-pfq directories
rv |= CleanChromeOsImageFiles(
chromeos_chroot_tmp, "-pfq", days_to_preserve, dry_run
# Clean image files in *-llvm-next-nightly directories
rv |= CleanChromeOsImageFiles(
chromeos_chroot_tmp, "-llvm-next-nightly", days_to_preserve, dry_run
return rv
def CleanOldCLs(days_to_preserve: str = "1", dry_run: bool = False) -> int:
"""Abandon old CLs created by automation tooling."""
ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
chromeos_root = os.path.join(constants.CROSTC_WORKSPACE, "chromeos")
# Find Old CLs.
old_cls_cmd = (
'gerrit --raw search "owner:me status:open age:%sd"' % days_to_preserve
_, cls, _ = ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(
chromeos_root, old_cls_cmd, print_to_console=False
# Convert any whitespaces to spaces.
cls = " ".join(cls.split())
if not cls:
return 0
abandon_cls_cmd = "gerrit abandon %s" % cls
if dry_run:
print("Going to execute: %s" % abandon_cls_cmd)
return 0
return ce.ChrootRunCommand(
chromeos_root, abandon_cls_cmd, print_to_console=False
def CleanChromeTelemetryTmpFiles(dry_run: bool) -> int:
tmp_dir = Path(constants.CROSTC_WORKSPACE) / "chrome" / "src" / "tmp"
return RemoveAllSubdirsMatchingPredicate(
is_name_removal_worthy=lambda x: x.startswith("tmp")
and x.endswith("telemetry_Crosperf"),
def Main(argv: List[str]) -> int:
"""Delete nightly test data directories, tmps and test images."""
options = ProcessArguments(argv)
## Clean temporaries, images under crostc/chromeos
rv = CleanChromeOsTmpAndImages(
int(options.days_to_preserve), options.dry_run
# Clean CLs that are not updated in last 2 weeks.
rv |= CleanOldCLs("14", options.dry_run)
# Clean telemetry temporaries from chrome source tree inside chroot.
rv |= CleanChromeTelemetryTmpFiles(options.dry_run)
return 1 if rv else 0
if __name__ == "__main__":