blob: 658240bbd394a9a84366c47ee596a8e32ff1ce3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* This DOT file represents the logical interaction between
* the events in the system and the "state" of tlsdated.
digraph tlsdated {
subgraph cluster_states {
sleep -> wake;
wake -> sync;
sync -> save;
save -> sleep;
wake -> terminate;
sync -> terminate;
save -> terminate;
subgraph cluster_wake {
wake_label[shape=box,style=dashed,label="Wake Events"];
periodic_local_clock_check -> wake;
periodic_network_sync -> wake;
random_sigterm -> wake;
random_route_change -> wake;
subgraph cluster_dbus {
dbus_label[shape=box,style=dashed,label="DBus Events"];
dbus-> cros_shill_manager_change -> wake;
dbus-> cros_shill_service_change -> wake;
dbus -> cros_proxy_resolved -> {proxy_ok, proxy_failed};
dbus -> cros_user_set_time -> save;
cros_user_set_time -> sync [style=dotted];
get_proxy -> cros_resolve_proxy -> dbus;
announce -> dbus;
subgraph cluster_sync {
sync_label[shape=box,style=dashed,label="Network Sync"];
sync -> get_proxy -> {proxy_ok, proxy_failed, proxy_timed_out} -> tlsdate;
tlsdate -> tlsdate_ok -> save;
tlsdate -> tlsdate_fail;
tlsdate_fail -> tlsdate [label="retry",style=dotted];
tlsdate_fail -> terminate;
subgraph cluster_save {
save_label[shape=box,style=dashed,label="Save to the system"];
save -> { synchronize_rtc, synchronize_kernel, synchronize_disk } -> { save_ok, save_fail, save_bad_time };
save_ok -> announce -> sleep;
save_fail -> terminate;
save_bad_time -> sleep;