blob: 01c26b888cb5fca2a8d38fa45081f56ec24cae88 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "tink/subtle/streaming_aead_decrypting_stream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "tink/input_stream.h"
#include "tink/subtle/stream_segment_decrypter.h"
#include "tink/util/status.h"
#include "tink/util/statusor.h"
using crypto::tink::InputStream;
using crypto::tink::util::Status;
using crypto::tink::util::StatusOr;
namespace crypto {
namespace tink {
namespace subtle {
namespace {
// Reads at most 'count' bytes from the specified 'input_stream',
// and puts them into 'output', where both 'input_stream' and 'output'
// must be non-null.
// Will try to read exactly 'count' bytes, unless the end of stream
// is reached (then returns status OUT_OF_RANGE) or an error occurs
// (an other non-OK status).
// Before returning, resizes 'output' accordingly, to reflect
// the actual number of bytes read.
util::Status ReadFromStream(InputStream* input_stream, int count,
std::vector<uint8_t>* output) {
if (count <= 0 || input_stream == nullptr || output == nullptr) {
return Status(absl::StatusCode::kInternal, "Illegal read from a stream");
const void* buffer;
int bytes_to_be_read = count;
int read_bytes; // bytes read in one Next()-call
int needed_bytes; // bytes actually needed
while (bytes_to_be_read > 0) {
auto next_result = input_stream->Next(&buffer);
if (next_result.status().code() == absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange) {
// End of stream.
output->resize(count - bytes_to_be_read);
return next_result.status();
if (!next_result.ok()) return next_result.status();
read_bytes = next_result.value();
needed_bytes = std::min(read_bytes, bytes_to_be_read);
memcpy(output->data() + (count - bytes_to_be_read), buffer, needed_bytes);
bytes_to_be_read -= needed_bytes;
if (read_bytes > needed_bytes) {
input_stream->BackUp(read_bytes - needed_bytes);
return util::OkStatus();
} // anonymous namespace
// static
StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<InputStream>> StreamingAeadDecryptingStream::New(
std::unique_ptr<StreamSegmentDecrypter> segment_decrypter,
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> ciphertext_source) {
if (segment_decrypter == nullptr) {
return Status(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument,
"segment_decrypter must be non-null");
if (ciphertext_source == nullptr) {
return Status(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument,
"cipertext_source must be non-null");
std::unique_ptr<StreamingAeadDecryptingStream> dec_stream(
new StreamingAeadDecryptingStream());
dec_stream->segment_decrypter_ = std::move(segment_decrypter);
dec_stream->ct_source_ = std::move(ciphertext_source);
int first_segment_size =
dec_stream->segment_decrypter_->get_ciphertext_segment_size() -
dec_stream->segment_decrypter_->get_ciphertext_offset() -
if (first_segment_size <= 0) {
return Status(absl::StatusCode::kInternal,
"Size of the first segment must be greater than 0.");
dec_stream->position_ = 0;
dec_stream->segment_number_ = 0;
dec_stream->is_initialized_ = false;
dec_stream->read_last_segment_ = false;
dec_stream->count_backedup_ = first_segment_size;
dec_stream->pt_buffer_offset_ = 0;
dec_stream->status_ = util::OkStatus();
return {std::move(dec_stream)};
StatusOr<int> StreamingAeadDecryptingStream::Next(const void** data) {
if (!status_.ok()) return status_;
// The first call to Next().
if (!is_initialized_) {
std::vector<uint8_t> header;
status_ = ReadFromStream(ct_source_.get(),
segment_decrypter_->get_header_size(), &header);
if (status_.code() == absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange) {
status_ = Status(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument,
"Could not read stream header.");
if (!status_.ok()) return status_;
status_ = segment_decrypter_->Init(header);
if (!status_.ok()) return status_;
is_initialized_ = true;
count_backedup_ = 0;
status_ = ReadFromStream(ct_source_.get(), ct_buffer_.size(), &ct_buffer_);
if (!status_.ok() && (status_.code() != absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange)) {
return status_;
read_last_segment_ = (status_.code() == absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange);
status_ = segment_decrypter_->DecryptSegment(
/* segment_number = */ segment_number_,
/* is_last_segment = */ read_last_segment_,
if (!status_.ok() && !read_last_segment_) {
// Try decrypting as the last segment, if haven't tried yet.
read_last_segment_ = true;
status_ = segment_decrypter_->DecryptSegment(
/* segment_number = */ segment_number_,
/* is_last_segment = */ read_last_segment_,
if (!status_.ok()) return status_;
*data =;
position_ = pt_buffer_.size();
return pt_buffer_.size();
// If some bytes were backed up, return them first.
if (count_backedup_ > 0) {
position_ += count_backedup_;
pt_buffer_offset_ = pt_buffer_.size() - count_backedup_;
int backedup = count_backedup_;
count_backedup_ = 0;
*data = + pt_buffer_offset_;
return backedup;
// We're past the first segment, and no space was backed up, so we
// try to get and decrypt the next ciphertext segment, if any.
if (read_last_segment_) {
status_ = Status(absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange, "Reached end of stream.");
return status_;
status_ = ReadFromStream(ct_source_.get(), ct_buffer_.size(), &ct_buffer_);
if (!status_.ok() && (status_.code() != absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange)) {
return status_;
read_last_segment_ = (status_.code() == absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange);
status_ = segment_decrypter_->DecryptSegment(
/* segment_number = */ segment_number_,
/* is_last_segment = */ read_last_segment_,
if (!status_.ok() && !read_last_segment_) {
// Try decrypting as the last segment, if haven't tried yet.
read_last_segment_ = true;
status_ = segment_decrypter_->DecryptSegment(
/* segment_number = */ segment_number_,
/* is_last_segment = */ read_last_segment_,
if (!status_.ok()) return status_;
*data =;
pt_buffer_offset_ = 0;
position_ += pt_buffer_.size();
return pt_buffer_.size();
void StreamingAeadDecryptingStream::BackUp(int count) {
if (!is_initialized_ || !status_.ok() || count < 1) return;
int curr_buffer_size = pt_buffer_.size() - pt_buffer_offset_;
int actual_count = std::min(count, curr_buffer_size - count_backedup_);
count_backedup_ += actual_count;
position_ -= actual_count;
int64_t StreamingAeadDecryptingStream::Position() const {
return position_;
} // namespace subtle
} // namespace tink
} // namespace crypto