blob: 3c6d5ecf3288f08da7b7bcb60522ffe948f1feed [file] [log] [blame]
# Two different POMs are needed to build TestNG with Maven because it's not
# allowed to have circular dependencies.
# - pom.xml defines the project version "n-SNAPSHOT", builds, jars and deploys (but doesn't
# run the tests).
# - pom-test.xml declares a test dependency on "n-SNAPSHOT", which it will find
# in the local repository (~/.m2/repository). All it does then is run the tests.
mvn resources:resources compiler:compile resources:testResources compiler:testCompile jar:jar source:jar javadoc:jar install:install gpg:sign
echo "To run the tests: mvn -f pom-test.xml test"
echo "To deploy to the snapshot repository: mvn deploy"
echo "To deploy to the release directory: mvn release:clean release:prepar"
# deploy without tagging: mvn deploy -DperformRelease