blob: c3f644f9f4a80a1139cb75298657bfdddd153cfa [file] [log] [blame]
package org.testng.internal;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.testng.IMethodSelector;
import org.testng.IMethodSelectorContext;
import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.collections.ListMultiMap;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;
* This class is the default method selector used by TestNG to determine
* which methods need to be included and excluded based on the specification
* given in testng.xml.
* Created on Sep 30, 2005
* @author cbeust
public class XmlMethodSelector implements IMethodSelector {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9030548178025605629L;
// Groups included and excluded for this run
private Map<String, String> m_includedGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
private Map<String, String> m_excludedGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
private List<XmlClass> m_classes = null;
// The BeanShell expression for this test, if any
private String m_expression = null;
// List of methods included implicitly
private ListMultiMap<String, XmlInclude> m_includedMethods = Maps.newListMultiMap();
private IBsh m_bsh = Dynamic.hasBsh() ? new Bsh() : new BshMock();
public boolean includeMethod(IMethodSelectorContext context,
ITestNGMethod tm, boolean isTestMethod)
// ppp("XML METHOD SELECTOR " + tm + " " + m_isInitialized);
if (! m_isInitialized) {
m_isInitialized = true;
boolean result = false;
if (null != m_expression) {
return m_bsh.includeMethodFromExpression(m_expression, tm);
else {
result = includeMethodFromIncludeExclude(tm, isTestMethod);
return result;
private boolean includeMethodFromIncludeExclude(ITestNGMethod tm, boolean isTestMethod) {
boolean result = false;
Method m = tm.getMethod();
String[] groups = tm.getGroups();
Map<String, String> includedGroups = m_includedGroups;
Map<String, String> excludedGroups = m_excludedGroups;
List<XmlInclude> includeList =
// No groups were specified:
if (includedGroups.size() == 0 && excludedGroups.size() == 0
&& ! hasIncludedMethods() && ! hasExcludedMethods())
// If we don't include or exclude any methods, method is in
result = true;
// If it's a configuration method and no groups were requested, we want it in
else if (includedGroups.size() == 0 && excludedGroups.size() == 0 && ! isTestMethod)
result = true;
// Is this method included implicitly?
else if (includeList != null) {
result = true;
// Include or Exclude groups were specified:
else {
// Only add this method if it belongs to an included group and not
// to an excluded group
boolean isIncludedInGroups = isIncluded(groups, m_includedGroups.values());
boolean isExcludedInGroups = isExcluded(groups, m_excludedGroups.values());
// Calculate the run methods by groups first
if (isIncludedInGroups && !isExcludedInGroups) {
result = true;
else if (isExcludedInGroups) {
result = false;
if(isTestMethod) {
// Now filter by method name
Method method = tm.getMethod();
Class methodClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
String fullMethodName = methodClass.getName()
+ "."
+ method.getName();
String[] fullyQualifiedMethodName = new String[] { fullMethodName };
// Iterate through all the classes so we can gather all the included and
// excluded methods
for (XmlClass xmlClass : m_classes) {
// Only consider included/excluded methods that belong to the same class
// we are looking at
Class cls = xmlClass.getSupportClass();
if(!assignable(methodClass, cls)) {
List<String> includedMethods =
createQualifiedMethodNames(xmlClass, toStringList(xmlClass.getIncludedMethods()));
boolean isIncludedInMethods = isIncluded(fullyQualifiedMethodName, includedMethods);
List<String> excludedMethods = createQualifiedMethodNames(xmlClass,
boolean isExcludedInMethods = isExcluded(fullyQualifiedMethodName, excludedMethods);
if (result) {
// If we're about to include this method by group, make sure
// it's included by method and not excluded by method
result = isIncludedInMethods && ! isExcludedInMethods;
// otherwise it's already excluded and nothing will bring it back,
// since exclusions preempt inclusions
Package pkg = m.getDeclaringClass().getPackage();
String methodName = pkg != null ? pkg.getName() + "." + m.getName() : m.getName();
logInclusion(result ? "Including" : "Excluding", "method", methodName + "()");
return result;
private boolean assignable(Class sourceClass, Class targetClass) {
return sourceClass.isAssignableFrom(targetClass) || targetClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass);
private Map<String, String> m_logged = Maps.newHashMap();
private void logInclusion(String including, String type, String name) {
if (! m_logged.containsKey(name)) {
log(4, including + " " + type + " " + name);
m_logged.put(name, name);
private boolean hasIncludedMethods() {
for (XmlClass xmlClass : m_classes) {
if (xmlClass.getIncludedMethods().size() > 0) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasExcludedMethods() {
for (XmlClass xmlClass : m_classes) {
if (xmlClass.getExcludedMethods().size() > 0) {
return true;
return false;
private List<String> toStringList(List<XmlInclude> methods) {
List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList();
for (XmlInclude m : methods) {
return result;
private List<String> createQualifiedMethodNames(XmlClass xmlClass,
List<String> methods) {
List<String> vResult = Lists.newArrayList();
Class cls = xmlClass.getSupportClass();
while (null != cls) {
for (String im : methods) {
String methodName = im;
Method[] allMethods = cls.getDeclaredMethods();
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(methodName);
for (Method m : allMethods) {
if (pattern.matcher(m.getName()).matches()) {
vResult.add(makeMethodName(cls.getName(), m.getName()));
cls = cls.getSuperclass();
return vResult;
private String makeMethodName(String className, String methodName) {
return className + "." + methodName;
private void checkMethod(Class<?> c, String methodName) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(methodName);
for (Method m : c.getMethods()) {
if (p.matcher(m.getName()).matches()) {
Utils.log("Warning", 2, "The regular expression \"" + methodName + "\" didn't match any" +
" method in class " + c.getName());
public void setXmlClasses(List<XmlClass> classes) {
m_classes = classes;
for (XmlClass c : classes) {
for (XmlInclude m : c.getIncludedMethods()) {
checkMethod(c.getSupportClass(), m.getName());
String methodName = makeMethodName(c.getName(), m.getName());
m_includedMethods.put(methodName, m);
* @return Returns the excludedGroups.
public Map<String, String> getExcludedGroups() {
return m_excludedGroups;
* @return Returns the includedGroups.
public Map<String, String> getIncludedGroups() {
return m_includedGroups;
* @param excludedGroups The excludedGroups to set.
public void setExcludedGroups(Map<String, String> excludedGroups) {
m_excludedGroups = excludedGroups;
* @param includedGroups The includedGroups to set.
public void setIncludedGroups(Map<String, String> includedGroups) {
m_includedGroups = includedGroups;
private static boolean isIncluded(String[] groups, Collection<String> includedGroups) {
if (includedGroups.size() == 0) {
return true;
else {
return isMemberOf(groups, includedGroups);
private static boolean isExcluded(String[] groups, Collection<String> excludedGroups) {
return isMemberOf(groups, excludedGroups);
* @param groups Array of groups on the method
* @param list Map of regexps of groups to be run
private static boolean isMemberOf(String[] groups, Collection<String> list) {
for (String group : groups) {
for (Object o : list) {
String regexpStr = o.toString();
boolean match = Pattern.matches(regexpStr, group);
if (match) {
return true;
return false;
private static void log(int level, String s) {
Utils.log("XmlMethodSelector", level, s);
private static void ppp(String s) {
System.out.println("[XmlMethodSelector] " + s);
public void setExpression(String expression) {
m_expression = expression;
private boolean m_isInitialized = false;
private List<ITestNGMethod> m_testMethods = null;
public void setTestMethods(List<ITestNGMethod> testMethods) {
// Caution: this variable is initialized with an empty list first and then modified
// externally by the caller (TestRunner#fixMethodWithClass). Ugly.
m_testMethods = testMethods;
private void init(IMethodSelectorContext context) {
String[] groups = m_includedGroups.keySet().toArray(new String[m_includedGroups.size()]);
Set<String> groupClosure = new HashSet<>();
Set<ITestNGMethod> methodClosure = new HashSet<>();
List<ITestNGMethod> includedMethods = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ITestNGMethod m : m_testMethods) {
if (includeMethod(context, m, true)) {
MethodGroupsHelper.findGroupTransitiveClosure(this, includedMethods, m_testMethods,
groups, groupClosure, methodClosure);
// If we are asked to include or exclude specific groups, calculate
// the transitive closure of all the included groups. If no include groups
// were specified, don't do anything.
// Any group that is part of the transitive closure but not part of
// m_includedGroups is being added implicitly by TestNG so that if someone
// includes a group z that depends on a, b and c, they don't need to
// include a, b and c explicitly.
if (m_includedGroups.size() > 0) {
// Make the transitive closure our new included groups
for (String g : groupClosure) {
log(4, "Including group "
+ (m_includedGroups.containsKey(g) ?
": " : "(implicitly): ") + g);
m_includedGroups.put(g, g);
// Make the transitive closure our new included methods
for (ITestNGMethod m : methodClosure) {
String methodName =
m.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + m.getMethodName();
// m_includedMethods.add(methodName);
List<XmlInclude> includeList = m_includedMethods.get(methodName);
XmlInclude xi = new XmlInclude(methodName);
// TODO: set the XmlClass on this xi or we won't get inheritance of parameters
m_includedMethods.put(methodName, xi);
logInclusion("Including", "method ", methodName);