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<title>TestNG - Ant</title>
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<h2 align="center">TestNG Ant Task</h2>
<p>You define the TestNG ant task as follows:</p>
<pre class="brush: xml">
&lt;taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpath="testng.jar"/&gt;
This task runs TestNG tests and is always run in a forked JVM.&nbsp; It
accepts the following attributes: <br>
&nbsp;<table border="2" id="table1">
<th>Attribute </th>
<th>Description </th>
<th>Required </th>
<td><tt>annotations</tt> </td>
<td>Either the string "JDK" or "Javadoc". Defines which kind of annotations are used in these tests.
If you use "Javadoc", you will also need to specify "sourcedir".</td>
<td>No. Defaults to "JDK" if you're using the JDK 5 jar and to "Javadoc" if you're using the JDK 1.4 jar.</td>
<td><tt>classfilesetref</tt> </td>
<td>A reference to a
<a href="">FileSet</a>
structure of the test classes to be run. </td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td><tt>classpath</tt> </td>
<td>A PATH-like structure for the tests to be run. </td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td><tt>classpathref</tt> </td>
<td>A reference to a PATH-like structure for the tests to be run. </td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td><tt>configFailurePolicy</tt> </td>
<td>Whether TestNG should <tt>continue</tt> to execute the remaining tests in the suite or <tt>skip</tt> them if an @Before* method fails.</td>
<td>No. Defaults to <tt>skip</tt></td>
<td><tt>dataProviderThreadCount</tt> </td>
<td>The number of threads to use for data providers
for this run. Ignored unless the parallel mode is also specified</td>
<td><tt>delegateCommandSystemProperties</tt> </td>
<td>Pass the command line properties as system properties.</td>
<td>No. Defaults to false </td>
<td><tt>dumpCommand</tt> </td>
<td>Print the TestNG launcher command. </td>
<td>No. Defaults to false </td>
<td><tt>enableAssert</tt> </td>
<td>Enables JDK 1.4 assertion. </td>
<td>No. Defaults to true </td>
<td><tt>failureProperty</tt> </td>
<td>The name of a property to set in the event of a failure. It is used
only if the <tt>haltonfailure</tt> is not set. </td>
<td><tt>haltonfailure</tt> </td>
<td>Stop the build process if a failure has occurred during the test
run. </td>
<td>No. Defaults to false
<td><tt>haltonskipped</tt> </td>
<td>Stop the build process if there is at least on skipped test. </td>
<td>No. Default to false </td>
The list of groups to run, separated by spaces or commas.</td>
The list of groups to exclude, separated by spaces or commas</td>
<td>The JVM to use, which will be run by <tt>Runtime.exec()</tt></td>
<td>A comma or space-separated list of fully qualified classes that are TestNG listeners (for example<tt>
<a href="">
org.testng.ITestListener</a></tt> or <tt>
<a href="">
<td>A comma separated list of fully qualified class name and method. For example <tt>com.example.Foo.f1,com.example.Bar.f2</tt>.</td>
<td><tt>outputdir</tt> </td>
<td>Directory for reports output.
<td>No. Defaults to <tt>test-output</tt>. </td>
<td><tt>skippedProperty</tt> </td>
<td>The name of a property to set in the event of a skipped test. It is
used only if the <tt>haltonskipped</tt> is not set. </td>
<td>No. </td>
<td><tt>sourcedir</tt> </td>
<td>A PATH-like structure for JDK 1.4 tests (using JavaDoc-like
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td>A reference to a PATH-like structure for JDK 1.4 tests (using
JavaDoc-like annotations). </td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td><tt>suiteRunnerClass</tt> </td>
<td>A fully qualified name of a TestNG starter. </td>
<p align="left">No.&nbsp; Defaults to <tt>
<a href="">org.testng.TestNG</a> </tt></td>
<td><tt>suiteThreadPoolSize</tt> </td>
<td>The size of a thread pool to run suites.</td>
<p align="left">No.&nbsp; Defaults to 1.</td>
<td><tt>parallel</tt> </td>
<td>The parallel mode to use for running the tests - either methods or tests</td>
<td>No - if not present, parallel mode will not be selected</td>
<td><tt>suitename</tt> </td>
<td>Sets the default name of the test suite, if one is not specified in a suite xml file or in the source code</td>
<td>No. Defaults to "Ant suite"</td>
<td><tt>testJar</tt> </td>
<td>Path to a jar containing tests and a suite definition. </td>
<td><tt>testname</tt> </td>
<td>Sets the default name of the test, if one is not specified in a suite xml file or in the source code</td>
<td>No. defaults to "Ant test"</td>
<td><tt>testnames</tt> </td>
<td>A comma separated list of test names, as defined
in the &lt;test&gt; tag. Only these tests will be run.</td>
<td>No. defaults to "Ant test"</td>
<td><tt>threadCount</tt> </td>
<td>The number of threads to use for this run. Ignored unless the parallel mode is also specified</td>
<td>The maximum time out in milliseconds that all the tests should run
<td>Whether the default listeners and reporters should be used.</td>
<td>Defaults to true.</td>
<td>The directory where the ant task should change to before running
<td><tt>xmlfilesetref</tt> </td>
<td>A reference to a
<a href="">FileSet</a>
structure for the suite definitions to be run. </td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
One of attributes <tt>classpath</tt>, <tt>classpathref</tt> or nested <tt>
&lt;classpath&gt;</tt> must be used for providing the tests classpath.
<p>One of the attributes <tt>xmlfilesetref</tt>, <tt>classfilesetref</tt> or
nested <tt>&lt;xmlfileset&gt;</tt>, respectively <tt>&lt;classfileset&gt;</tt> must be used
for providing the tests. </p>
<p><u>Note</u>: if using JDK 1.4 one of the attributes <tt>sourcedir</tt>, <tt>
sourcedirref</tt> or the nested <tt>&lt;sourcedir&gt;</tt> must be provided. </p>
<p><u>Note</u>: using <tt>&lt;classfileset&gt;</tt> doesn't automatically adds the
test classes to your classpath: you might need to repeat these classes in the
classpath for the task to work.</p>
<h3><a name="nested">Nested Elements</a></h3>
<p>The <tt>&lt;testng&gt;</tt> task supports a nested <tt>&lt;classpath&gt;</tt> element
that represents a <em>PATH</em>-like structure. </p>
<p>The location of bootstrap class files can be specified using this <em>
PATH-like</em> structure - will be ignored if <tt>fork </tt>is not set. </p>
<p>The suite definitions (<tt>testng.xml</tt>) can be passed to the task with a
<tt><a href="">FileSet</a></tt>
structure. </p>
<p>TestNG can also run directly on classes, also supplied with a <tt>
<a href="">FileSet</a></tt>
<p>A PATH-like structure for JDK 1.4 tests using Javadoc annotations. </p>
<p>Additional parameters may be passed to the new VM via nested <tt>&lt;jvmarg&gt;</tt>
elements. For example: </p>
<pre class="brush: xml">
&lt;jvmarg value="-Djava.compiler=NONE" /&gt;
&lt;!-- ... --&gt;
<p>Use nested <tt>&lt;sysproperty&gt;</tt> elements to specify system properties
required by the class. These properties will be made available to the virtual
machine during the execution of the test. The attributes for this element are
the same as for <em>environment variables</em>:</p>
<pre class="brush: xml">
&lt;sysproperty key="basedir" value="${basedir}"/&gt;
&lt;!-- ... --&gt;
<p>will run the test and make the <code>basedir</code> property
available to the test.</p>
<p>You may also use a nested <tt>&lt;propertyset&gt;</tt> element to specify a set of system properties that are defined
outside of the TestNG ant task. This allows for more flexible definitions of system properties, for instance selecting
all properties with a specific prefix or matching a regex. See the
<a href="">PropertySet page</a> in the
<a href="">Ant manual</a> for full details. Here's a simple example:</p>
<pre class="brush: xml">
&lt;property name="myprop1" value="value 1"/&gt;
&lt;property name="myprop2" value="value 2"/>
&lt;propertyset id="propset1"&gt;
&lt;propertyref name="myprop1"/&gt;
&lt;propertyref name="myprop2"/&gt;
&lt;testng outputdir="${}" classpathref="run.cp"&gt;
&lt;xmlfileset dir="${test15.dir}" includes="testng-single3.xml"/&gt;
&lt;propertyset refid="propset1"/&gt;
<p>In this case, the system properties named "myprop1" and "myprop2" are passed along to the TestNG process.</p>
<p>An inner <tt>&lt;reporter&gt;</tt> element is an alternative way to inject a
custom report listener allowing the user to set custom properties in order to fine-tune
the behavior of the reporter at run-time.
The element has one <tt>classname</tt> attribute which is mandatory, indicating
the class of the custom listener. In order to set the properties of the reporter, the
<tt>&lt;reporter&gt;</tt> element can contain several nested <tt>&lt;property&gt;</tt>
elements which will provide the <tt>name</tt> and <tt>value</tt> attributes as seen below:
<pre class="brush: xml">
&lt;testng ...&gt;
&lt;reporter classname="com.test.MyReporter"&gt;
&lt;property name="methodFilter" value="*insert*"/&gt;
&lt;property name="enableFiltering" value="true"/&gt;
<pre class="brush: java">
public class MyReporter {
public String getMethodFilter() {...}
public void setMethodFilter(String methodFilter) {...}
public boolean isEnableFiltering() {...}
public void setEnableFiltering(boolean enableFiltering) {...}
You have to consider though that for the moment only a limited set of property types are supported:
<tt>String, int, boolean, byte, char, double, float, long, short</tt>.
<p>It is possible to specify environment variables to pass to the TestNG forked
virtual machine via nested <tt>&lt;env&gt;</tt> elements. For a description of the <tt>
&lt;env&gt;</tt> element's attributes, see the description in the <em>
<a href="">exec</a></em> task.</p>
<h4>Suite xml</h4>
<pre class="brush: text">
&lt;testng classpathref="run.cp"
&lt;xmlfileset dir="${test14.dir}" includes="testng.xml"/&gt;
<h4>Class FileSet</h4>
<pre class="brush: xml">
&lt;testng classpathref="run.cp"
haltOnFailure="true"M verbose="2"&gt;
&lt;classfileset dir="${}" includes="**/*.class" /&gt;
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