blob: 0e2939980880e859a847f9cb94a776c748893302 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.testng.remote;
import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
import org.testng.CommandLineArgs;
import org.testng.IInvokedMethodListener;
import org.testng.ISuite;
import org.testng.ISuiteListener;
import org.testng.ITestRunnerFactory;
import org.testng.TestNG;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.TestRunner;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.GenericMessage;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.IMessageSender;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.MessageHelper;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.MessageHub;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.RemoteTestListener;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.SerializedMessageSender;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.StringMessageSender;
import org.testng.remote.strprotocol.SuiteMessage;
import org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Extension of TestNG registering a remote TestListener.
* @author Cedric Beust <>
public class RemoteTestNG extends TestNG {
private static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost";
// The following constants are referenced by the Eclipse plug-in, make sure you
// modify the plug-in as well if you change any of them.
public static final String DEBUG_PORT = "12345";
public static final String DEBUG_SUITE_FILE = "testng-customsuite.xml";
public static final String DEBUG_SUITE_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("");
public static final String PROPERTY_DEBUG = "testng.eclipse.debug";
public static final String PROPERTY_VERBOSE = "testng.eclipse.verbose";
// End of Eclipse constants.
private ITestRunnerFactory m_customTestRunnerFactory;
private String m_host;
/** Port used for the string protocol */
private Integer m_port = null;
/** Port used for the serialized protocol */
private static Integer m_serPort = null;
private static boolean m_debug;
private static boolean m_dontExit;
public void setHost(String host) {
if((null == host) || "".equals(host)) {
m_host= LOCALHOST;
else {
m_host= host;
private void calculateAllSuites(List<XmlSuite> suites, List<XmlSuite> outSuites) {
for (XmlSuite s : suites) {
calculateAllSuites(s.getChildSuites(), outSuites);
public void run() {
IMessageSender sender = m_serPort != null
? new SerializedMessageSender(m_host, m_serPort)
: new StringMessageSender(m_host, m_port);
final MessageHub msh = new MessageHub(sender);
try {
// We couldn't do this until now in debug mode since the .xml file didn't exist yet.
// Now that we have connected with the Eclipse client, we know that it created the .xml
// file so we can proceed with the initialization
List<XmlSuite> suites = Lists.newArrayList();
calculateAllSuites(m_suites, suites);
if(suites.size() > 0) {
int testCount= 0;
for(int i= 0; i < suites.size(); i++) {
testCount+= (suites.get(i)).getTests().size();
GenericMessage gm= new GenericMessage(MessageHelper.GENERIC_SUITE_COUNT);
addListener(new RemoteSuiteListener(msh));
setTestRunnerFactory(new DelegatingTestRunnerFactory(buildTestRunnerFactory(), msh));;
else {
System.err.println("No test suite found. Nothing to run");
catch(Throwable cause) {
finally {
if (! m_debug && ! m_dontExit) {
* Override by the plugin if you need to configure differently the <code>TestRunner</code>
* (usually this is needed if different listeners/reporters are needed).
* <b>Note</b>: you don't need to worry about the wiring listener, because it is added
* automatically.
protected ITestRunnerFactory buildTestRunnerFactory() {
if(null == m_customTestRunnerFactory) {
m_customTestRunnerFactory= new ITestRunnerFactory() {
public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest xmlTest,
List<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners) {
TestRunner runner =
new TestRunner(getConfiguration(), suite, xmlTest,
false /*skipFailedInvocationCounts */,
if (m_useDefaultListeners) {
runner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter());
runner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter());
return runner;
return m_customTestRunnerFactory;
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParameterException {
System.out.println("RemoteTestNG starting");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
CommandLineArgs cla = new CommandLineArgs();
RemoteArgs ra = new RemoteArgs();
new JCommander(Arrays.asList(cla, ra), args);
m_dontExit = ra.dontExit;
if (cla.port != null && ra.serPort != null) {
throw new TestNGException("Can only specify one of " + CommandLineArgs.PORT
+ " and " + RemoteArgs.PORT);
m_debug = cla.debug;
if (m_debug) {
// while (true) {
initAndRun(args, cla, ra);
// }
else {
initAndRun(args, cla, ra);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("RemoteTesTNG ending:" + ((end - start) / 1000) + " seconds");
private static void initAndRun(String[] args, CommandLineArgs cla, RemoteArgs ra) {
RemoteTestNG remoteTestNg = new RemoteTestNG();
if (m_debug) {
// In debug mode, override the port and the XML file to a fixed location
cla.port = Integer.parseInt(DEBUG_PORT);
ra.serPort = cla.port;
cla.suiteFiles = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
m_serPort = ra.serPort;
remoteTestNg.m_port = cla.port;
if (isVerbose()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Invoked with ");
for (String s : args) {
sb.append(s).append(" ");
} else {
// if (m_debug) {
// // Run in a loop if in debug mode so it is possible to run several launches
// // without having to relauch RemoteTestNG.
// while (true) {
// remoteTestNg.configure(cla);
// }
// } else {
// }
private static void p(String s) {
if (isVerbose()) {
System.out.println("[RemoteTestNG] " + s);
public static boolean isVerbose() {
boolean result = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_VERBOSE) != null || isDebug();
return result;
public static boolean isDebug() {
return m_debug || System.getProperty(PROPERTY_DEBUG) != null;
private String getHost() {
return m_host;
private int getPort() {
return m_port;
/** A ISuiteListener wiring the results using the internal string-based protocol. */
private static class RemoteSuiteListener implements ISuiteListener {
private final MessageHub m_messageSender;
RemoteSuiteListener(MessageHub smsh) {
m_messageSender= smsh;
public void onFinish(ISuite suite) {
m_messageSender.sendMessage(new SuiteMessage(suite, false /*start*/));
public void onStart(ISuite suite) {
m_messageSender.sendMessage(new SuiteMessage(suite, true /*start*/));
private static class DelegatingTestRunnerFactory implements ITestRunnerFactory {
private final ITestRunnerFactory m_delegateFactory;
private final MessageHub m_messageSender;
DelegatingTestRunnerFactory(ITestRunnerFactory trf, MessageHub smsh) {
m_delegateFactory= trf;
m_messageSender= smsh;
public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest test,
List<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners) {
TestRunner tr = m_delegateFactory.newTestRunner(suite, test, listeners);
tr.addListener(new RemoteTestListener(suite, test, m_messageSender));
return tr;