blob: d5f0ed3e8b2dc16cd9ae6ff346992f3c141cbba2 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.testng;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
* This class defines a test context which contains all the information
* for a given test run. An instance of this context is passed to the
* test listeners so they can query information about their
* environment.
* @author Cedric Beust, Aug 6, 2004
* @author <a href=''>Alexandru Popescu</a>
public interface ITestContext extends IAttributes {
* The name of this test.
public String getName();
* When this test started running.
public Date getStartDate();
* When this test stopped running.
public Date getEndDate();
* @return A list of all the tests that run successfully.
public IResultMap getPassedTests();
* @return A list of all the tests that were skipped
public IResultMap getSkippedTests();
* @return A list of all the tests that failed but are being ignored because
* annotated with a successPercentage.
public IResultMap getFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTests();
* @return A map of all the tests that passed, indexed by
* their ITextMethor.
* @see org.testng.ITestNGMethod
public IResultMap getFailedTests();
* @return All the groups that are included for this test run.
public String[] getIncludedGroups();
* @return All the groups that are excluded for this test run.
public String[] getExcludedGroups();
* @return Where the reports will be generated.
public String getOutputDirectory();
* @return The Suite object that was passed to the runner
* at start-up.
public ISuite getSuite();
* @return All the test methods that were run.
public ITestNGMethod[] getAllTestMethods();
* @return The host where this test was run, or null if it was run locally. The
* returned string has the form: host:port
public String getHost();
* @return All the methods that were not included in this test run.
public Collection<ITestNGMethod> getExcludedMethods();
* Retrieves information about the successful configuration method invocations.
public IResultMap getPassedConfigurations();
* Retrieves information about the skipped configuration method invocations.
public IResultMap getSkippedConfigurations();
* Retrieves information about the failed configuration method invocations.
public IResultMap getFailedConfigurations();
* @return the current XmlTest.
public XmlTest getCurrentXmlTest();