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- Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the
- consequences of using this software, or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in
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- redistribute this source code, for commercial or non-commercial
- purposes, with the following restrictions: (1) the origin of this
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* ptra.c
* Ptra creation and destruction
* L_PTRA *ptraCreate()
* void *ptraDestroy()
* Add/insert/remove/replace generic ptr object
* l_int32 ptraAdd()
* l_int32 ptraExtendArray()
* l_int32 ptraInsert()
* void *ptraGetHandle()
* void *ptraRemove()
* void *ptraRemoveLast()
* void *ptraReplace()
* l_int32 ptraSwap()
* l_int32 ptraCompactArray()
* Other array operations
* l_int32 ptraReverse()
* l_int32 ptraJoin()
* Simple Ptra accessors
* l_int32 ptraGetMaxIndex()
* l_int32 ptraGetActualCount()
* void *ptraGetPtrToItem()
* Ptraa creation and destruction
* L_PTRAA *ptraaCreate()
* void *ptraaDestroy()
* Ptraa accessors
* l_int32 ptraaGetSize()
* l_int32 ptraaInsertPtra()
* L_PTRA *ptraaGetPtra()
* Ptraa conversion
* L_PTRA *ptraaFlattenToPtra()
* Functions using L_PTRA
* NUMA *numaGetBinSortIndex()
* Notes on the Ptra:
* (1) The Ptra is a struct, not an array. Always use the accessors
* in this file, never the fields directly.
* (2) Items can be placed anywhere in the allocated ptr array,
* including one index beyond the last ptr (in which case the
* ptr array is realloc'd).
* (3) Thus, the items on the ptr array need not be compacted. In
* general there will be null pointers in the ptr array.
* (4) A compacted array will remain compacted on removal if
* arbitrary items are removed with compaction, or if items
* are removed from the end of the array.
* (5) For addition to and removal from the end of the array, this
* functions exactly like a stack, and with the same O(1) cost.
* (6) This differs from the generic stack in that we allow
* random access for insertion, removal and replacement.
* Removal can be done without compacting the array.
* Insertion into a null ptr in the array has no effect on
* the other pointers, but insertion into a location already
* occupied by an item has a cost proportional to the
* distance to the next null ptr in the array.
* (7) Null ptrs are valid input args for both insertion and
* replacement; this allows arbitrary swapping.
* (8) The item in the array with the largest index is at pa->imax.
* This can be any value from -1 (initialized; all array ptrs
* are null) up to pa->nalloc - 1 (the last ptr in the array).
* (9) In referring to the array: the first ptr is the "top" or
* "beginning"; the last pointer is the "bottom" or "end";
* items are shifted "up" towards the top when compaction occurs;
* and items are shifted "down" towards the bottom when forced to
* move due to an insertion.
* (10) It should be emphasized that insertion, removal and replacement
* are general:
* * You can insert an item into any ptr location in the
* allocated ptr array, as well as into the next ptr address
* beyond the allocated array (in which case a realloc will occur).
* * You can remove or replace an item from any ptr location
* in the allocated ptr array.
* * When inserting into an occupied location, you have
* three options for downshifting.
* * When removing, you can either leave the ptr null or
* compact the array.
* Notes on the Ptraa:
* (1) The Ptraa is a fixed size ptr array for holding Ptra.
* In that respect, it is different from other pointer arrays, which
* are extensible and grow using the *Add*() functions.
* (2) In general, the Ptra ptrs in the Ptraa can be randomly occupied.
* A typical usage is to allow an O(n) horizontal sort of Pix,
* where the size of the Ptra array is the width of the image,
* and each Ptra is an array of all the Pix at a specific x location.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "allheaders.h"
static const l_int32 INITIAL_PTR_ARRAYSIZE = 20; /* n'importe quoi */
* Ptra creation and destruction *
* ptraCreate()
* Input: size of ptr array to be alloc'd (0 for default)
* Return: pa, or null on error
ptraCreate(l_int32 n)
L_PTRA *pa;
if (n <= 0)
if ((pa = (L_PTRA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_PTRA))) == NULL)
return (L_PTRA *)ERROR_PTR("pa not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pa->array = (void **)CALLOC(n, sizeof(void *))) == NULL)
return (L_PTRA *)ERROR_PTR("ptr array not made", procName, NULL);
pa->nalloc = n;
pa->imax = -1;
pa->nactual = 0;
return pa;
* ptraDestroy()
* Input: &ptra (<to be nulled>)
* freeflag (TRUE to free each remaining item in the array)
* warnflag (TRUE to warn if any remaining items are not destroyed)
* Return: void
* Notes:
* (1) If @freeflag == TRUE, frees each item in the array.
* (2) If @freeflag == FALSE and warnflag == TRUE, and there are
* items on the array, this gives a warning and destroys the array.
* If these items are not owned elsewhere, this will cause
* a memory leak of all the items that were on the array.
* So if the items are not owned elsewhere and require their
* own destroy function, they must be destroyed before the ptra.
* (3) If warnflag == FALSE, no warnings will be issued. This is
* useful if the items are owned elsewhere, such as a
* PixMemoryStore().
* (4) To destroy the ptra, we destroy the ptr array, then
* the ptra, and then null the contents of the input ptr.
ptraDestroy(L_PTRA **ppa,
l_int32 freeflag,
l_int32 warnflag)
l_int32 i, nactual;
void *item;
L_PTRA *pa;
if (ppa == NULL) {
L_WARNING("ptr address is NULL", procName);
if ((pa = *ppa) == NULL)
ptraGetActualCount(pa, &nactual);
if (nactual > 0) {
if (freeflag) {
for (i = 0; i <= pa->imax; i++) {
if ((item = ptraRemove(pa, i, L_NO_COMPACTION)) != NULL)
else if (warnflag)
L_WARNING_INT("potential memory leak of %d items in ptra",
procName, nactual);
*ppa = NULL;
* Add/insert/remove/replace generic ptr object *
* ptraAdd()
* Input: ptra
* item (generic ptr to a struct)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) This adds the element to the next location beyond imax,
* which is the largest occupied ptr in the array. This is
* what you expect from a stack, where all ptrs up to and
* including imax are occupied, but here the occuption of
* items in the array is entirely arbitrary.
ptraAdd(L_PTRA *pa,
void *item)
l_int32 imax;
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!item)
return ERROR_INT("item not defined", procName, 1);
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
if (imax >= pa->nalloc - 1 && ptraExtendArray(pa))
return ERROR_INT("extension failure", procName, 1);
pa->array[imax + 1] = (void *)item;
return 0;
* ptraExtendArray()
* Input: ptra
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
ptraExtendArray(L_PTRA *pa)
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
if ((pa->array = (void **)reallocNew((void **)&pa->array,
sizeof(void *) * pa->nalloc,
2 * sizeof(void *) * pa->nalloc)) == NULL)
return ERROR_INT("new ptr array not returned", procName, 1);
pa->nalloc *= 2;
return 0;
* ptraInsert()
* Input: ptra
* index (location in ptra to insert new value)
* item (generic ptr to a struct; can be null)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) This checks first to see if the location is valid, and
* then if there is presently an item there. If there is not,
* it is simply inserted into that location.
* (2) If there is an item at the insert location, items must be
* moved down to make room for the insert. In the downward
* shift there are three options, given by @shiftflag.
* - If @shiftflag == L_AUTO_DOWNSHIFT, a decision is made
* whether, in a cascade of items, to downshift a minimum
* amount or for all items above @index. The decision is
* based on the expectation of finding holes (null ptrs)
* between @index and the bottom of the array.
* Assuming the holes are distributed uniformly, if 2 or more
* holes are expected, we do a minimum shift.
* - If @shiftflag == L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT, the downward shifting
* cascade of items progresses a minimum amount, until
* the first empty slot is reached. This mode requires
* some computation before the actual shifting is done.
* - If @shiftflag == L_FULL_DOWNSHIFT, a shifting cascade is
* performed where pa[i] --> pa[i + 1] for all i >= index.
* Then, the item is inserted at pa[index].
* (3) If you are not using L_AUTO_DOWNSHIFT, the rule of thumb is
* to use L_FULL_DOWNSHIFT if the array is compacted (each
* element points to an item), and to use L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT
* if there are a significant number of null pointers.
* There is no penalty to using L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT for a
* compacted array, however, because the full shift is required
* and we don't do the O(n) computation to look for holes.
* (4) This should not be used repeatedly on large arrays,
* because the function is generally O(n).
* (5) However, it can be used repeatedly if we start with an empty
* ptr array and insert only once at each location. For example,
* you can support an array of Numa, where at each ptr location
* you store either 0 or 1 Numa, and the Numa can be added
* randomly to the ptr array.
ptraInsert(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 index,
void *item,
l_int32 shiftflag)
l_int32 i, ihole, imax;
l_float32 nexpected;
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
if (index < 0 || index > pa->nalloc)
return ERROR_INT("index not in [0 ... nalloc]", procName, 1);
if (shiftflag != L_AUTO_DOWNSHIFT && shiftflag != L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT &&
shiftflag != L_FULL_DOWNSHIFT)
return ERROR_INT("invalid shiftflag", procName, 1);
if (item) pa->nactual++;
if (index == pa->nalloc) { /* can happen when index == n */
if (ptraExtendArray(pa))
return ERROR_INT("extension failure", procName, 1);
/* We are inserting into a hole or adding to the end of the array.
* No existing items are moved. */
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
if (pa->array[index] == NULL) {
pa->array[index] = item;
if (item && index > imax) /* new item put beyond max so far */
pa->imax = index;
return 0;
/* We are inserting at the location of an existing item,
* forcing the existing item and those below to shift down.
* First, extend the array automatically if the last element
* (nalloc - 1) is occupied (imax). This may not be necessary
* in every situation, but only an anomalous sequence of insertions
* into the array would cause extra ptr allocation. */
if (imax >= pa->nalloc - 1 && ptraExtendArray(pa))
return ERROR_INT("extension failure", procName, 1);
/* If there are no holes, do a full downshift.
* Otherwise, if L_AUTO_DOWNSHIFT, use the expected number
* of holes between index and n to determine the shift mode */
if (imax + 1 == pa->nactual)
shiftflag = L_FULL_DOWNSHIFT;
else if (L_AUTO_DOWNSHIFT) {
if (imax < 10)
shiftflag = L_FULL_DOWNSHIFT; /* no big deal */
else {
nexpected = (l_float32)(imax - pa->nactual) *
(l_float32)((imax - index) / imax);
shiftflag = (nexpected > 2.0) ? L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT : L_FULL_DOWNSHIFT;
if (shiftflag == L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT) { /* run down looking for a hole */
for (ihole = index + 1; ihole <= imax; ihole++) {
if (pa->array[ihole] == NULL)
ihole = imax + 1;
for (i = ihole; i > index; i--)
pa->array[i] = pa->array[i - 1];
pa->array[index] = (void *)item;
if (ihole == imax + 1) /* the last item was shifted down */
return 0;
* ptraGetHandle()
* Input: ptra
* index (element to be removed)
* Return: item, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This returns a ptr to the item. You must cast it to
* the type of item. Do not destroy it; the item belongs
* to the Ptra.
* (2) This can access all possible items on the ptr array.
* If an item doesn't exist, it returns null.
void *
ptraGetHandle(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 index)
if (!pa)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("pa not defined", procName, NULL);
if (index < 0 || index >= pa->nalloc)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("index not in [0 ... nalloc-1]",
procName, NULL);
return pa->array[index];
* ptraRemove()
* Input: ptra
* index (element to be removed)
* Return: item, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) If flag == L_NO_COMPACTION, this removes the item and
* nulls the ptr on the array. If it takes the last item
* in the array, pa->n is reduced to the next item.
* (2) If flag == L_COMPACTION, this compacts the array for
* for all i >= index. It should not be used repeatedly on
* large arrays, because compaction is O(n).
* (3) The ability to remove without automatic compaction allows
* removal with cost O(1).
void *
ptraRemove(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 index,
l_int32 flag)
l_int32 i, imax, fromend, icurrent;
void *item;
if (!pa)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("pa not defined", procName, NULL);
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
if (index < 0 || index > imax)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("index not in [0 ... imax]", procName, NULL);
item = pa->array[index];
if (item)
pa->array[index] = NULL;
/* If we took the last item, need to reduce pa->n */
fromend = (index == imax);
if (fromend) {
for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (pa->array[i])
pa->imax = i;
imax = i + 1;
/* Compact from index to the end of the array */
if (!fromend && flag == L_COMPACTION) {
for (icurrent = index, i = index + 1; i <= imax; i++) {
if (pa->array[i])
pa->array[icurrent++] = pa->array[i];
pa->imax = icurrent - 1;
return item;
* ptraRemoveLast()
* Input: ptra
* Return: item, or null on error or if the array is empty
void *
ptraRemoveLast(L_PTRA *pa)
l_int32 imax;
if (!pa)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("pa not defined", procName, NULL);
/* Remove the last item in the array. No compaction is required. */
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
if (imax >= 0)
return ptraRemove(pa, imax, L_NO_COMPACTION);
else /* empty */
return NULL;
* ptraReplace()
* Input: ptra
* index (element to be replaced)
* item (new generic ptr to a struct; can be null)
* freeflag (TRUE to free old item; FALSE to return it)
* Return: item (old item, if it exists and is not freed),
* or null on error
void *
ptraReplace(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 index,
void *item,
l_int32 freeflag)
l_int32 imax;
void *olditem;
if (!pa)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("pa not defined", procName, NULL);
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
if (index < 0 || index > imax)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("index not in [0 ... imax]", procName, NULL);
olditem = pa->array[index];
pa->array[index] = item;
if (!item && olditem)
else if (item && !olditem)
if (freeflag == FALSE)
return olditem;
if (olditem)
return NULL;
* ptraSwap()
* Input: ptra
* index1
* index2
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
ptraSwap(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 index1,
l_int32 index2)
l_int32 imax;
void *item;
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
if (index1 == index2)
return 0;
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
if (index1 < 0 || index1 > imax || index2 < 0 || index2 > imax)
return ERROR_INT("invalid index: not in [0 ... imax]", procName, 1);
item = ptraRemove(pa, index1, L_NO_COMPACTION);
item = ptraReplace(pa, index2, item, FALSE);
ptraInsert(pa, index1, item, L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT);
return 0;
* ptraCompactArray()
* Input: ptra
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) This compacts the items on the array, filling any empty ptrs.
* (2) This does not change the size of the array of ptrs.
ptraCompactArray(L_PTRA *pa)
l_int32 i, imax, nactual, index;
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
ptraGetActualCount(pa, &nactual);
if (imax + 1 == nactual) return 0;
/* Compact the array */
for (i = 0, index = 0; i <= imax; i++) {
if (pa->array[i])
pa->array[index++] = pa->array[i];
pa->imax = index - 1;
if (nactual != index)
L_ERROR_INT("index = %d; != nactual", procName, index);
return 0;
* Other array operations *
* ptraReverse()
* Input: ptra
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
ptraReverse(L_PTRA *pa)
l_int32 i, imax;
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa, &imax);
for (i = 0; i < (imax + 1) / 2; i++)
ptraSwap(pa, i, imax - i);
return 0;
* ptraJoin()
* Input: ptra1 (add to this one)
* ptra2 (appended to ptra1, and emptied of items; can be null)
* Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
ptraJoin(L_PTRA *pa1,
L_PTRA *pa2)
l_int32 i, imax;
void *item;
if (!pa1)
return ERROR_INT("pa1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pa2)
return 0;
ptraGetMaxIndex(pa2, &imax);
for (i = 0; i <= imax; i++) {
item = ptraRemove(pa2, i, L_NO_COMPACTION);
ptraAdd(pa1, item);
return 0;
* Simple ptra accessors *
* ptraGetMaxIndex()
* Input: ptra
* &maxindex (<return> index of last item in the array);
* Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) The largest index to an item in the array is @maxindex.
* @maxindex is one less than the number of items that would be
* in the array if there were no null pointers between 0
* and @maxindex - 1. However, because the internal ptr array
* need not be compacted, there may be null pointers at
* indices below @maxindex; for example, if items have
* been removed.
* (2) When an item is added to the end of the array, it goes
* into pa->array[maxindex + 1], and maxindex is then
* incremented by 1.
* (3) If there are no items in the array, this returns @maxindex = -1.
ptraGetMaxIndex(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 *pmaxindex)
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pmaxindex)
return ERROR_INT("&maxindex not defined", procName, 1);
*pmaxindex = pa->imax;
return 0;
* ptraGetActualCount()
* Input: ptra
* &count (<return> actual number of items on the ptr array)
* Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) The actual number of items on the ptr array, pa->nactual,
* will be smaller than pa->n if the array is not compacted.
ptraGetActualCount(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 *pcount)
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pcount)
return ERROR_INT("&count not defined", procName, 1);
*pcount = pa->nactual;
return 0;
* ptraGetPtrToItem()
* Input: ptra
* index (element to fetch pointer to)
* Return: item (just a pointer to it)
* Notes:
* (1) The item remains on the Ptra and is 'owned' by it, so
* the item must not be destroyed.
void *
ptraGetPtrToItem(L_PTRA *pa,
l_int32 index)
if (!pa)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("pa not defined", procName, NULL);
if (index < 0 || index > pa->imax)
return (void *)ERROR_PTR("index not in [0 ... imax]", procName, NULL);
return pa->array[index];
* Ptraa creation and destruction *
* ptraaCreate()
* Input: size of ptr array to be alloc'd
* Return: paa, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) The ptraa is generated with a fixed size, that can not change.
* The ptra can be generated and inserted randomly into this array.
ptraaCreate(l_int32 n)
L_PTRAA *paa;
if (n <= 0)
return (L_PTRAA *)ERROR_PTR("n must be > 0", procName, NULL);
if ((paa = (L_PTRAA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_PTRAA))) == NULL)
return (L_PTRAA *)ERROR_PTR("paa not made", procName, NULL);
if ((paa->ptra = (L_PTRA **)CALLOC(n, sizeof(L_PTRA *))) == NULL)
return (L_PTRAA *)ERROR_PTR("ptr array not made", procName, NULL);
paa->nalloc = n;
return paa;
* ptraaDestroy()
* Input: &paa (<to be nulled>)
* freeflag (TRUE to free each remaining item in each ptra)
* warnflag (TRUE to warn if any remaining items are not destroyed)
* Return: void
* Notes:
* (1) See ptraDestroy() for use of @freeflag and @warnflag.
* (2) To destroy the ptraa, we destroy each ptra, then the ptr array,
* then the ptraa, and then null the contents of the input ptr.
ptraaDestroy(L_PTRAA **ppaa,
l_int32 freeflag,
l_int32 warnflag)
l_int32 i, n;
L_PTRA *pa;
L_PTRAA *paa;
if (ppaa == NULL) {
L_WARNING("ptr address is NULL", procName);
if ((paa = *ppaa) == NULL)
ptraaGetSize(paa, &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pa = ptraaGetPtra(paa, i, L_REMOVE);
ptraDestroy(&pa, freeflag, warnflag);
*ppaa = NULL;
* Ptraa accessors *
* ptraaGetSize()
* Input: ptraa
* &size (<return> size of ptr array)
* Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
ptraaGetSize(L_PTRAA *paa,
l_int32 *psize)
if (!paa)
return ERROR_INT("paa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!psize)
return ERROR_INT("&size not defined", procName, 1);
*psize = paa->nalloc;
return 0;
* ptraaInsertPtra()
* Input: ptraa
* index (location in array for insertion)
* ptra (to be inserted)
* Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
* Notes:
* (1) Caller should check return value. On success, the Ptra
* is inserted in the Ptraa and is owned by it. However,
* on error, the Ptra remains owned by the caller.
ptraaInsertPtra(L_PTRAA *paa,
l_int32 index,
L_PTRA *pa)
l_int32 n;
if (!paa)
return ERROR_INT("paa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pa)
return ERROR_INT("pa not defined", procName, 1);
ptraaGetSize(paa, &n);
if (index < 0 || index >= n)
return ERROR_INT("invalid index", procName, 1);
if (paa->ptra[index] != NULL)
return ERROR_INT("ptra alread stored at index", procName, 1);
paa->ptra[index] = pa;
return 0;
* ptraaGetPtra()
* Input: ptraa
* index (location in array)
* accessflag (L_HANDLE_ONLY, L_REMOVE)
* Return: ptra (at index location), or NULL on error or if there
* is no ptra there.
* Notes:
* (1) This returns the ptra ptr. If @accessflag == L_HANDLE_ONLY,
* the ptra is left on the ptraa. If @accessflag == L_REMOVE,
* the ptr in the ptraa is set to NULL, and the caller
* is responsible for disposing of the ptra (either putting it
* back on the ptraa, or destroying it).
* (2) This returns NULL if there is no Ptra at the index location.
ptraaGetPtra(L_PTRAA *paa,
l_int32 index,
l_int32 accessflag)
l_int32 n;
L_PTRA *pa;
if (!paa)
return (L_PTRA *)ERROR_PTR("paa not defined", procName, NULL);
ptraaGetSize(paa, &n);
if (index < 0 || index >= n)
return (L_PTRA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid index", procName, NULL);
if (accessflag != L_HANDLE_ONLY && accessflag != L_REMOVE)
return (L_PTRA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid accessflag", procName, NULL);
pa = paa->ptra[index];
if (accessflag == L_REMOVE)
paa->ptra[index] = NULL;
return pa;
* Ptraa conversion *
* ptraaFlattenToPtra()
* Input: ptraa
* Return: ptra, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This 'flattens' the ptraa to a ptra, taking the items in
* each ptra, in order, starting with the first ptra, etc.
* (2) As a side-effect, the ptra are all removed from the ptraa
* and destroyed, leaving an empty ptraa.
ptraaFlattenToPtra(L_PTRAA *paa)
l_int32 i, n;
L_PTRA *pat, *pad;
if (!paa)
return (L_PTRA *)ERROR_PTR("paa not defined", procName, NULL);
pad = ptraCreate(0);
ptraaGetSize(paa, &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pat = ptraaGetPtra(paa, i, L_REMOVE);
if (!pat) continue;
ptraJoin(pad, pat);
ptraDestroy(&pat, FALSE, FALSE); /* they're all empty */
return pad;
* Functions using L_PTRA *
* numaGetBinSortIndex()
* Input: na (of non-negative integers with a max that is typically
* less than 50,000)
* Return: na (sorted), or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) This creates an array (or lookup table) that gives the
* sorted position of the elements in the input Numa.
* (2) Because it uses a bin sort with buckets of size 1, it
* is not appropriate for sorting either small arrays or
* arrays containing very large integer values. For such
* arrays, use a standard general sort function like
* numaGetSortIndex().
numaGetBinSortIndex(NUMA *nas,
l_int32 sortorder)
l_int32 i, n, isize, ival, imax;
l_float32 size;
NUMA *na, *nai, *nad;
L_PTRA *paindex;
if (!nas)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("nas not defined", procName, NULL);
if (sortorder != L_SORT_INCREASING && sortorder != L_SORT_DECREASING)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid sort order", procName, NULL);
/* Set up a ptra holding numa at indices for which there
* are values in nas. This effectively sorts the input
* numbers. */
numaGetMax(nas, &size, NULL);
isize = (l_int32)size;
if (isize > 50000)
L_WARNING_INT("large array: %d elements", procName, isize);
paindex = ptraCreate(isize + 1);
n = numaGetCount(nas);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
numaGetIValue(nas, i, &ival);
nai = (NUMA *)ptraGetHandle(paindex, ival);
if (!nai) { /* make it; no shifting will occur */
nai = numaCreate(1);
ptraInsert(paindex, ival, nai, L_MIN_DOWNSHIFT);
numaAddNumber(nai, i);
/* Sort by pulling the numbers out of the numas, taken
* successively in requested order. */
ptraGetMaxIndex(paindex, &imax);
nad = numaCreate(0);
for (i = 0; i <= imax; i++) {
na = (NUMA *)ptraRemove(paindex, i, L_NO_COMPACTION);
numaJoin(nad, na, 0, 0);
} else { /* L_SORT_DECREASING */
for (i = imax; i >= 0; i--) {
na = (NUMA *)ptraRemove(paindex, i, L_NO_COMPACTION);
numaJoin(nad, na, 0, 0);
ptraDestroy(&paindex, FALSE, FALSE);
return nad;