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- Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
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* convolve.c
* Top level grayscale or color block convolution
* PIX *pixBlockconv()
* Grayscale block convolution
* PIX *pixBlockconvGray()
* Accumulator for 1, 8 and 32 bpp convolution
* PIX *pixBlockconvAccum()
* Un-normalized grayscale block convolution
* PIX *pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized()
* Tiled grayscale or color block convolution
* PIX *pixBlockconvTiled()
* PIX *pixBlockconvGrayTile()
* Convolution for average in specified window
* PIX *pixWindowedMean()
* Convolution for average square value in specified window
* PIX *pixWindowedMeanSquare()
* DPIX *pixMeanSquareAccum()
* Binary block sum and rank filter
* PIX *pixBlockrank()
* PIX *pixBlocksum()
* Woodfill transform
* PIX *pixWoodfillTransform()
* Generic convolution (with Pix)
* PIX *pixConvolve()
* PIX *pixConvolveSep()
* Generic convolution (with float arrays)
* FPIX *fpixConvolve()
* FPIX *fpixConvolveSep()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "allheaders.h"
* Top-level grayscale or color block convolution *
* pixBlockconv()
* Input: pix (8 or 32 bpp; or 2, 4 or 8 bpp with colormap)
* wc, hc (half width/height of convolution kernel)
* Return: pixd, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
* (2) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0
* (3) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
pixBlockconv(PIX *pix,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc)
l_int32 w, h, d;
PIX *pixs, *pixd, *pixr, *pixrc, *pixg, *pixgc, *pixb, *pixbc;
if (!pix)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix not defined", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, &d);
if (w < 2 * wc + 1 || h < 2 * hc + 1) {
wc = L_MIN(wc, (w - 1) / 2);
hc = L_MIN(hc, (h - 1) / 2);
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0) /* no-op */
return pixCopy(NULL, pix);
/* Remove colormap if necessary */
if ((d == 2 || d == 4 || d == 8) && pixGetColormap(pix)) {
L_WARNING("pix has colormap; removing", procName);
pixs = pixRemoveColormap(pix, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
pixs = pixClone(pix);
if (d != 8 && d != 32) {
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("depth not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (d == 8)
pixd = pixBlockconvGray(pixs, NULL, wc, hc);
else { /* d == 32 */
pixr = pixGetRGBComponent(pixs, COLOR_RED);
pixrc = pixBlockconvGray(pixr, NULL, wc, hc);
pixg = pixGetRGBComponent(pixs, COLOR_GREEN);
pixgc = pixBlockconvGray(pixg, NULL, wc, hc);
pixb = pixGetRGBComponent(pixs, COLOR_BLUE);
pixbc = pixBlockconvGray(pixb, NULL, wc, hc);
pixd = pixCreateRGBImage(pixrc, pixgc, pixbc);
return pixd;
* Grayscale block convolution *
* pixBlockconvGray()
* Input: pix (8 bpp)
* accum pix (32 bpp; can be null)
* wc, hc (half width/height of convolution kernel)
* Return: pix (8 bpp), or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) If accum pix is null, make one and destroy it before
* returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix.
* (2) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1).
* (3) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0.
* (4) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
pixBlockconvGray(PIX *pixs,
PIX *pixacc,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc)
l_int32 w, h, d, wpl, wpla;
l_uint32 *datad, *dataa;
PIX *pixd, *pixt;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
if (w < 2 * wc + 1 || h < 2 * hc + 1) {
wc = L_MIN(wc, (w - 1) / 2);
hc = L_MIN(hc, (h - 1) / 2);
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0) /* no-op */
return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
if (pixacc) {
if (pixGetDepth(pixacc) == 32)
pixt = pixClone(pixacc);
else {
L_WARNING("pixacc not 32 bpp; making new one", procName);
if ((pixt = pixBlockconvAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
else {
if ((pixt = pixBlockconvAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
wpl = pixGetWpl(pixs);
wpla = pixGetWpl(pixt);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
dataa = pixGetData(pixt);
blockconvLow(datad, w, h, wpl, dataa, wpla, wc, hc);
return pixd;
* Accumulator for 1, 8 and 32 bpp convolution *
* pixBlockconvAccum()
* Input: pixs (1, 8 or 32 bpp)
* Return: accum pix (32 bpp), or null on error.
* Notes:
* (1) The general recursion relation is
* a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j) + a(i, j-1) - a(i-1, j-1)
* For the first line, this reduces to the special case
* a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i, j-1)
* For the first column, the special case is
* a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j)
pixBlockconvAccum(PIX *pixs)
l_int32 w, h, d, wpls, wpld;
l_uint32 *datas, *datad;
PIX *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 32)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
datas = pixGetData(pixs);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
blockconvAccumLow(datad, w, h, wpld, datas, d, wpls);
return pixd;
* Un-normalized grayscale block convolution *
* pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp)
* wc, hc (half width/height of convolution kernel)
* Return: pix (32 bpp; containing the convolution without normalizing
* for the window size), or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1).
* (2) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
* (3) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0.
* (3) Adds mirrored border to avoid treating the boundary pixels
* specially. Note that we add wc + 1 pixels to the left
* and wc to the right. The added width is 2 * wc + 1 pixels,
* and the particular choice simplifies the indexing in the loop.
* Likewise, add hc + 1 pixels to the top and hc to the bottom.
* (4) To get the normalized result, divide by the area of the
* convolution kernel: (2 * wc + 1) * (2 * hc + 1)
* Specifically, do this:
* pixc = pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized(pixs, wc, hc);
* fract = 1. / ((2 * wc + 1) * (2 * hc + 1));
* pixMultConstantGray(pixc, fract);
* pixd = pixGetRGBComponent(pixc, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL);
* (5) Unlike pixBlockconvGray(), this always computes the accumulation
* pix because its size is tied to wc and hc.
* (6) Compare this implementation with pixBlockconvGray(), where
* most of the code in blockconvLow() is special casing for
* efficiently handling the boundary. Here, the use of
* mirrored borders and destination indexing makes the
* implementation very simple.
pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, d, wpla, wpld, jmax;
l_uint32 *linemina, *linemaxa, *lined, *dataa, *datad;
PIX *pixsb, *pixacc, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
if (w < 2 * wc + 1 || h < 2 * hc + 1) {
wc = L_MIN(wc, (w - 1) / 2);
hc = L_MIN(hc, (h - 1) / 2);
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0) /* no-op */
return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
if ((pixsb = pixAddMirroredBorder(pixs, wc + 1, wc, hc + 1, hc)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixsb not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pixacc = pixBlockconvAccum(pixsb)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixacc not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 32)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
wpla = pixGetWpl(pixacc);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
dataa = pixGetData(pixacc);
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
lined = datad + i * wpld;
linemina = dataa + i * wpla;
linemaxa = dataa + (i + 2 * hc + 1) * wpla;
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
jmax = j + 2 * wc + 1;
lined[j] = linemaxa[jmax] - linemaxa[j] -
linemina[jmax] + linemina[j];
return pixd;
* Tiled grayscale or color block convolution *
* pixBlockconvTiled()
* Input: pix (8 or 32 bpp; or 2, 4 or 8 bpp with colormap)
* wc, hc (half width/height of convolution kernel)
* nx, ny (subdivision into tiles)
* Return: pixd, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
* (2) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0
* (3) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
* (4) For nx == ny == 1, this defaults to pixBlockconv(), which
* is typically about twice as fast, and gives nearly
* identical results as pixBlockconvGrayTile().
* (5) If the tiles are too small, nx and/or ny are reduced
* a minimum amount so that the tiles are expanded to the
* smallest workable size in the problematic direction(s).
* (6) Why a tiled version? Three reasons:
* (a) Because the accumulator is a uint32, overflow can occur
* for an image with more than 16M pixels.
* (b) The accumulator array for 16M pixels is 64 MB; using
* tiles reduces the size of this array.
* (c) Each tile can be processed independently, in parallel,
* on a multicore processor.
pixBlockconvTiled(PIX *pix,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc,
l_int32 nx,
l_int32 ny)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, d, xrat, yrat;
PIX *pixs, *pixd, *pixc, *pixt;
PIX *pixr, *pixrc, *pixg, *pixgc, *pixb, *pixbc;
if (!pix)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix not defined", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, &d);
if (w < 2 * wc + 3 || h < 2 * hc + 3) {
wc = L_MAX(0, L_MIN(wc, (w - 3) / 2));
hc = L_MAX(0, L_MIN(hc, (h - 3) / 2));
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0) /* no-op */
return pixCopy(NULL, pix);
if (nx <= 1 && ny <= 1)
return pixBlockconv(pix, wc, hc);
/* Test to see if the tiles are too small. The required
* condition is that the tile dimensions must be at least
* (wc + 2) x (hc + 2). */
xrat = w / nx;
yrat = h / ny;
if (xrat < wc + 2) {
nx = w / (wc + 2);
L_WARNING_INT("tile width too small; nx reduced to %d", procName, nx);
if (yrat < hc + 2) {
ny = h / (hc + 2);
L_WARNING_INT("tile height too small; ny reduced to %d", procName, ny);
/* Remove colormap if necessary */
if ((d == 2 || d == 4 || d == 8) && pixGetColormap(pix)) {
L_WARNING("pix has colormap; removing", procName);
pixs = pixRemoveColormap(pix, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
pixs = pixClone(pix);
if (d != 8 && d != 32) {
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("depth not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
/* Note that the overlaps in the width and height that
* are added to the tile are (wc + 2) and (hc + 2).
* These overlaps are removed by pixTilingPaintTile().
* They are larger than the extent of the filter because
* although the filter is symmetric with respect to its origin,
* the implementation is asymmetric -- see the implementation in
* pixBlockconvGrayTile(). */
pixd = pixCreateTemplateNoInit(pixs);
pt = pixTilingCreate(pixs, nx, ny, 0, 0, wc + 2, hc + 2);
for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
pixt = pixTilingGetTile(pt, i, j);
/* Convolve over the tile */
if (d == 8)
pixc = pixBlockconvGrayTile(pixt, NULL, wc, hc);
else { /* d == 32 */
pixr = pixGetRGBComponent(pixt, COLOR_RED);
pixrc = pixBlockconvGrayTile(pixr, NULL, wc, hc);
pixg = pixGetRGBComponent(pixt, COLOR_GREEN);
pixgc = pixBlockconvGrayTile(pixg, NULL, wc, hc);
pixb = pixGetRGBComponent(pixt, COLOR_BLUE);
pixbc = pixBlockconvGrayTile(pixb, NULL, wc, hc);
pixc = pixCreateRGBImage(pixrc, pixgc, pixbc);
pixTilingPaintTile(pixd, i, j, pixc, pt);
return pixd;
* pixBlockconvGrayTile()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp gray)
* pixacc (32 bpp accum pix)
* wc, hc (half width/height of convolution kernel)
* Return: pixd, or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
* (2) Assumes that the input pixs is padded with (wc + 1) pixels on
* left and right, and with (hc + 1) pixels on top and bottom.
* The returned pix has these stripped off; they are only used
* for computation.
* (3) Returns a copy if both wc and hc are 0
* (4) Require that w > 2 * wc + 1 and h > 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
pixBlockconvGrayTile(PIX *pixs,
PIX *pixacc,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc)
l_int32 w, h, d, wd, hd, i, j, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, wplt, wpld;
l_float32 norm;
l_uint32 val;
l_uint32 *datat, *datad, *lined, *linemint, *linemaxt;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
if (w < 2 * wc + 3 || h < 2 * hc + 3) {
wc = L_MAX(0, L_MIN(wc, (w - 3) / 2));
hc = L_MAX(0, L_MIN(hc, (h - 3) / 2));
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0)
return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
wd = w - 2 * wc;
hd = h - 2 * hc;
if (pixacc) {
if (pixGetDepth(pixacc) == 32)
pixt = pixClone(pixacc);
else {
L_WARNING("pixacc not 32 bpp; making new one", procName);
if ((pixt = pixBlockconvAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
else {
if ((pixt = pixBlockconvAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
if ((pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
datat = pixGetData(pixt);
wplt = pixGetWpl(pixt);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
norm = 1. / (l_float32)((2 * wc + 1) * (2 * hc + 1));
/* Do the convolution over the subregion of size (wd - 2, hd - 2),
* which exactly corresponds to the size of the subregion that
* will be extracted by pixTilingPaintTile(). Note that the
* region in which points are computed is not symmetric about
* the center of the images; instead the computation in
* the accumulator image is shifted up and to the left by 1,
* relative to the center, because the 4 accumulator sampling
* points are taken at the LL corner of the filter and at 3 other
* points that are shifted -wc and -hc to the left and above. */
for (i = hc; i < hc + hd - 2; i++) {
imin = L_MAX(i - hc - 1, 0);
imax = L_MIN(i + hc, h - 1);
lined = datad + i * wpld;
linemint = datat + imin * wplt;
linemaxt = datat + imax * wplt;
for (j = wc; j < wc + wd - 2; j++) {
jmin = L_MAX(j - wc - 1, 0);
jmax = L_MIN(j + wc, w - 1);
val = linemaxt[jmax] - linemaxt[jmin]
+ linemint[jmin] - linemint[jmax];
val = (l_uint8)(norm * val + 0.5);
SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
return pixd;
* Convolution for average in specified window *
* pixWindowedMean()
* Input: pixs (8 or 32 bpp grayscale)
* wc, hc (half width/height of convolution kernel)
* normflag (1 for normalization to get average in window;
* 0 for the sum in the window (un-normalized))
* Return: pixd (8 or 32 bpp, average over kernel window)
* Notes:
* (1) The input and output depths are the same.
* (2) A set of border pixels of width (wc + 1) on left and right,
* and of height (hc + 1) on top and bottom, is included in pixs.
* The output pixd (after convolution) has this border removed.
* (3) Typically, @normflag == 1. However, if you want the sum
* within the window, rather than a normalized convolution,
* use @normflag == 0.
* (4) This builds a block accumulator pix, uses it here, and
* destroys it.
pixWindowedMean(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc,
l_int32 normflag)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, d, wd, hd, wplc, wpld, wincr, hincr;
l_uint32 val;
l_uint32 *datac, *datad, *linec1, *linec2, *lined;
l_float32 norm;
PIX *pixc, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8 && d != 32)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 2 || hc < 2)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("wc and hc not >= 2", procName, NULL);
/* Strip off wc + 1 border pixels from each side and
* hc + 1 border pixels from top and bottom. */
wd = w - 2 * (wc + 1);
hd = h - 2 * (hc + 1);
if (wd < 2 || hd < 2)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("w or h too small for kernel", procName, NULL);
if ((pixd = pixCreate(wd, hd, d)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
/* Make the accumulator pix */
if ((pixc = pixBlockconvAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixc not made", procName, NULL);
wplc = pixGetWpl(pixc);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
datac = pixGetData(pixc);
wincr = 2 * wc + 1;
hincr = 2 * hc + 1;
norm = 1.0; /* use this for sum-in-window */
if (normflag)
norm = 1.0 / (wincr * hincr);
for (i = 0; i < hd; i++) {
linec1 = datac + i * wplc;
linec2 = datac + (i + hincr) * wplc;
lined = datad + i * wpld;
for (j = 0; j < wd; j++) {
val = linec2[j + wincr] - linec2[j] - linec1[j + wincr] + linec1[j];
if (d == 8) {
val = (l_uint8)(norm * val);
SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
} else { /* d == 32 */
val = (l_uint32)(norm * val);
lined[j] = val;
return pixd;
* Convolution for average square value in specified window *
* pixWindowedMeanSquare()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp grayscale)
* size (halfwidth of convolution kernel)
* Return: pixd (32 bpp, average over window of size (2 * size + 1))
* Notes:
* (1) A set of border pixels of width (size + 1) is included
* in pixs. The output pixd (after convolution) has this
* border removed.
* (2) The advantage is that we are unaffected by the boundary, and
* it is not necessary to treat pixels within @size of the
* border differently. This is because processing for pixd
* only takes place for pixels in pixs for which the
* kernel is entirely contained in pixs.
* (3) Why do we have an added border of width (@size + 1), when
* we only need @size pixels to satisfy this condition?
* Answer: the accumulators are asymmetric, requiring an
* extra row and column of pixels at top and left to work
* accurately.
pixWindowedMeanSquare(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 size)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, wd, hd, wpl, wpld, incr;
l_uint32 ival;
l_uint32 *datad, *lined;
l_float64 norm;
l_float64 val;
l_float64 *data, *line1, *line2;
DPIX *dpix;
PIX *pixd;
if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8))
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
if (size < 2)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("size not >= 2", procName, NULL);
if ((dpix = pixMeanSquareAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("dpix not made", procName, NULL);
wpl = dpixGetWpl(dpix);
data = dpixGetData(dpix);
/* Strip off 2 * (size + 1) border pixels */
wd = w - 2 * (size + 1);
hd = h - 2 * (size + 1);
if ((pixd = pixCreate(wd, hd, 32)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
incr = 2 * size + 1;
norm = 1.0 / (incr * incr);
for (i = 0; i < hd; i++) {
line1 = data + i * wpl;
line2 = data + (i + incr) * wpl;
lined = datad + i * wpld;
for (j = 0; j < wd; j++) {
val = line2[j + incr] - line2[j] - line1[j + incr] + line1[j];
ival = (l_uint32)(norm * val);
lined[j] = ival;
return pixd;
* pixMeanSquareAccum()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp grayscale)
* Return: dpix (64 bit array), or null on error
* Notes:
* (1) Similar to pixBlockconvAccum(), this computes the
* sum of the squares of the pixel values in such a way
* that the value at (i,j) is the sum of all squares in
* the rectangle from the origin to (i,j).
* (2) The general recursion relation (v are squared pixel values) is
* a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j) + a(i, j-1) - a(i-1, j-1)
* For the first line, this reduces to the special case
* a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i, j-1)
* For the first column, the special case is
* a(i,j) = v(i,j) + a(i-1, j)
pixMeanSquareAccum(PIX *pixs)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, wpl, wpls, val;
l_uint32 *datas, *lines;
l_float64 *data, *line, *linep;
DPIX *dpix;
if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8))
return (DPIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
if ((dpix = dpixCreate(w, h)) == NULL)
return (DPIX *)ERROR_PTR("dpix not made", procName, NULL);
datas = pixGetData(pixs);
wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
data = dpixGetData(dpix);
wpl = dpixGetWpl(dpix);
lines = datas;
line = data;
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { /* first line */
val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j);
if (j == 0)
line[0] = val * val;
line[j] = line[j - 1] + val * val;
/* Do the other lines */
for (i = 1; i < h; i++) {
lines = datas + i * wpls;
line = data + i * wpl; /* current dest line */
linep = line - wpl;; /* prev dest line */
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j);
if (j == 0)
line[0] = linep[0] + val * val;
line[j] = line[j - 1] + linep[j] - linep[j - 1] + val * val;
return dpix;
* Binary block sum/rank *
* pixBlockrank()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* accum pix (<optional> 32 bpp)
* wc, hc (half width/height of block sum/rank kernel)
* rank (between 0.0 and 1.0; 0.5 is median filter)
* Return: pixd (1 bpp)
* Notes:
* (1) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
* (2) This returns a pixd where each pixel is a 1 if the
* neighborhood (2 * wc + 1) x (2 * hc + 1)) pixels
* contains the rank fraction of 1 pixels. Otherwise,
* the returned pixel is 0. Note that the special case
* of rank = 0.0 is always satisfied, so the returned
* pixd has all pixels with value 1.
* (3) If accum pix is null, make one, use it, and destroy it
* before returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix
* (4) If both wc and hc are 0, returns a copy unless rank == 0.0,
* in which case this returns an all-ones image.
* (5) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
pixBlockrank(PIX *pixs,
PIX *pixacc,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc,
l_float32 rank)
l_int32 w, h, d, thresh;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (rank < 0.0 || rank > 1.0)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("rank must be in [0.0, 1.0]", procName, NULL);
if (rank == 0.0) {
pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
if (w < 2 * wc + 1 || h < 2 * hc + 1) {
wc = L_MIN(wc, (w - 1) / 2);
hc = L_MIN(hc, (h - 1) / 2);
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0)
return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
if ((pixt = pixBlocksum(pixs, pixacc, wc, hc)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
/* 1 bpp block rank filter output.
* Must invert because threshold gives 1 for values < thresh,
* but we need a 1 if the value is >= thresh. */
thresh = (l_int32)(255. * rank);
pixd = pixThresholdToBinary(pixt, thresh);
pixInvert(pixd, pixd);
return pixd;
* pixBlocksum()
* Input: pixs (1 bpp)
* accum pix (<optional> 32 bpp)
* wc, hc (half width/height of block sum/rank kernel)
* Return: pixd (8 bpp)
* Notes:
* (1) If accum pix is null, make one and destroy it before
* returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix
* (2) The full width and height of the convolution kernel
* are (2 * wc + 1) and (2 * hc + 1)
* (3) Use of wc = hc = 1, followed by pixInvert() on the
* 8 bpp result, gives a nice anti-aliased, and somewhat
* darkened, result on text.
* (4) Require that w >= 2 * wc + 1 and h >= 2 * hc + 1,
* where (w,h) are the dimensions of pixs.
* (5) Returns in each dest pixel the sum of all src pixels
* that are within a block of size of the kernel, centered
* on the dest pixel. This sum is the number of src ON
* pixels in the block at each location, normalized to 255
* for a block containing all ON pixels. For pixels near
* the boundary, where the block is not entirely contained
* within the image, we then multiply by a second normalization
* factor that is greater than one, so that all results
* are normalized by the number of participating pixels
* within the block.
pixBlocksum(PIX *pixs,
PIX *pixacc,
l_int32 wc,
l_int32 hc)
l_int32 w, h, d, wplt, wpld;
l_uint32 *datat, *datad;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (wc < 0) wc = 0;
if (hc < 0) hc = 0;
if (w < 2 * wc + 1 || h < 2 * hc + 1) {
wc = L_MIN(wc, (w - 1) / 2);
hc = L_MIN(hc, (h - 1) / 2);
L_WARNING("kernel too large; reducing!", procName);
L_INFO_INT2("wc = %d, hc = %d", procName, wc, hc);
if (wc == 0 && hc == 0)
return pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
if (pixacc) {
if (pixGetDepth(pixacc) != 32)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixacc not 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
pixt = pixClone(pixacc);
else {
if ((pixt = pixBlockconvAccum(pixs)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
/* 8 bpp block sum output */
if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 8)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
wplt = pixGetWpl(pixt);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
datat = pixGetData(pixt);
blocksumLow(datad, w, h, wpld, datat, wplt, wc, hc);
return pixd;
* Woodfill transform *
* pixWoodfillTransform()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp)
* halfsize (of square over which neighbors are averaged)
* accum pix (<optional> 32 bpp)
* Return: pixd (1 bpp)
* Notes:
* (1) The Woodfill transform compares each pixel against
* the average of its neighbors (in a square of odd
* dimension centered on the pixel). If the pixel is
* greater than the average of its neighbors, the output
* pixel value is 1; otherwise it is 0.
* (2) This can be used as an encoding for an image that is
* fairly robust against slow illumination changes, with
* applications in image comparison and mosaicing.
* (3) The size of the convolution kernel is (2 * halfsize + 1)
* on a side. The halfsize parameter must be >= 1.
* (4) If accum pix is null, make one, use it, and destroy it
* before returning; otherwise, just use the input accum pix
pixWoodfillTransform(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 halfsize,
PIX *pixacc)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, wpls, wplv, wpld;
l_int32 vals, valv;
l_uint32 *datas, *datav, *datad, *lines, *linev, *lined;
PIX *pixav, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (halfsize < 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("halfsize must be >= 1", procName, NULL);
/* Get the average of each pixel with its neighbors */
if ((pixav = pixBlockconvGray(pixs, pixacc, halfsize, halfsize))
== NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixav not made", procName, NULL);
/* Subtract the pixel from the average, and then compare
* the pixel value with the remaining average */
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 1)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
datas = pixGetData(pixs);
datav = pixGetData(pixav);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
wplv = pixGetWpl(pixav);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
lines = datas + i * wpls;
linev = datav + i * wplv;
lined = datad + i * wpld;
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
vals = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, j);
valv = GET_DATA_BYTE(linev, j);
if (vals > valv)
SET_DATA_BIT(lined, j);
return pixd;
* Generic convolution *
* pixConvolve()
* Input: pixs (8, 16, 32 bpp; no colormap)
* kernel
* outdepth (of pixd: 8, 16 or 32)
* normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
* Return: pixd (8, 16 or 32 bpp)
* Notes:
* (1) This gives a convolution with an arbitrary kernel.
* (2) The parameter @outdepth determines the depth of the result.
* (3) If normflag == 1, the result is normalized by scaling
* all kernel values for a unit sum. Do not normalize if
* the kernel has null sum, such as a DoG.
* (4) If the kernel is normalized to unit sum, the output values
* can never exceed 255, so an output depth of 8 bpp is sufficient.
* If the kernel is not normalized, it may be necessary to use
* 16 or 32 bpp output to avoid overflow.
* (5) The kernel values can be positive or negative, but the
* result for the convolution can only be stored as a positive
* number. Consequently, if it goes negative, the choices are
* to clip to 0 or take the absolute value. We're choosing
* the former for now. Another possibility would be to output
* a second unsigned image for the negative values.
* (6) This uses a mirrored border to avoid special casing on
* the boundaries.
* (7) The function is slow, running at about 12 machine cycles for
* each pixel-op in the convolution. For example, with a 3 GHz
* cpu, a 1 Mpixel grayscale image, and a kernel with
* (sx * sy) = 25 elements, the convolution takes about 100 msec.
pixConvolve(PIX *pixs,
L_KERNEL *kel,
l_int32 outdepth,
l_int32 normflag)
l_int32 i, j, k, m, w, h, d, sx, sy, cx, cy, wplt, wpld;
l_int32 val;
l_uint32 *datat, *datad, *linet, *lined;
l_float32 sum;
L_KERNEL *keli, *keln;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs has colormap", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8 && d != 16 && d != 32)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8, 16, or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (!kel)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("kel not defined", procName, NULL);
keli = kernelInvert(kel);
kernelGetParameters(keli, &sy, &sx, &cy, &cx);
if (normflag)
keln = kernelNormalize(keli, 1.0);
keln = kernelCopy(keli);
if ((pixt = pixAddMirroredBorder(pixs, cx, sx - cx, cy, sy - cy)) == NULL)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixt not made", procName, NULL);
pixd = pixCreate(w, h, outdepth);
datat = pixGetData(pixt);
datad = pixGetData(pixd);
wplt = pixGetWpl(pixt);
wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
lined = datad + i * wpld;
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
sum = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < sy; k++) {
linet = datat + (i + k) * wplt;
if (d == 8) {
for (m = 0; m < sx; m++) {
val = GET_DATA_BYTE(linet, j + m);
sum += val * keln->data[k][m];
else if (d == 16) {
for (m = 0; m < sx; m++) {
val = GET_DATA_TWO_BYTES(linet, j + m);
sum += val * keln->data[k][m];
else { /* d == 32 */
for (m = 0; m < sx; m++) {
val = *(linet + j + m);
sum += val * keln->data[k][m];
#if 1
if (sum < 0.0) sum = -sum; /* make it non-negative */
if (outdepth == 8)
SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, (l_int32)(sum + 0.5));
else if (outdepth == 16)
SET_DATA_TWO_BYTES(lined, j, (l_int32)(sum + 0.5));
else /* outdepth == 32 */
*(lined + j) = (l_uint32)(sum + 0.5);
return pixd;
* pixConvolveSep()
* Input: pixs (8 bpp)
* kelx (x-dependent kernel)
* kely (y-dependent kernel)
* outdepth (of pixd: 8, 16 or 32)
* normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
* Return: pixd (8, 16 or 32 bpp)
* Notes:
* (1) This does a convolution with a separable kernel that is
* is a sequence of convolutions in x and y. The two
* one-dimensional kernel components must be input separately;
* the full kernel is the product of these components.
* The support for the full kernel is thus a rectangular region.
* (2) The @outdepth and @normflag parameters are used as in
* pixConvolve().
* (3) If the kernel is normalized to unit sum, the output values
* can never exceed 255, so an output depth of 8 bpp is sufficient.
* If the kernel is not normalized, it may be necessary to use
* 16 or 32 bpp output to avoid overflow.
* (4) The kernel values can be positive or negative, but the
* result for the convolution can only be stored as a positive
* number. Consequently, if it goes negative, the choices are
* to clip to 0 or take the absolute value. We're choosing
* the former for now. Another possibility would be to output
* a second unsigned image for the negative values.
* (5) This uses mirrored borders to avoid special casing on
* the boundaries.
pixConvolveSep(PIX *pixs,
L_KERNEL *kelx,
L_KERNEL *kely,
l_int32 outdepth,
l_int32 normflag)
l_int32 w, h, d;
L_KERNEL *kelxn, *kelyn;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8 && d != 16 && d != 32)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8, 16, or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
if (!kelx)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("kelx not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!kely)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("kely not defined", procName, NULL);
if (normflag) {
kelxn = kernelNormalize(kelx, 1000.0);
kelyn = kernelNormalize(kely, 0.001);
pixt = pixConvolve(pixs, kelxn, 32, 0);
pixd = pixConvolve(pixt, kelyn, outdepth, 0);
else { /* don't normalize */
pixt = pixConvolve(pixs, kelx, 32, 0);
pixd = pixConvolve(pixt, kely, outdepth, 0);
return pixd;
* Generic convolution with float array *
* fpixConvolve()
* Input: fpixs (32 bit float array)
* kernel
* normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
* Return: fpixd (32 bit float array)
* Notes:
* (1) This gives a float convolution with an arbitrary kernel.
* (2) If normflag == 1, the result is normalized by scaling
* all kernel values for a unit sum. Do not normalize if
* the kernel has null sum, such as a DoG.
* (3) With the FPix, there are no issues about negative
* array or kernel values. The convolution is performed
* with single precision arithmetic.
* (4) This uses a mirrored border to avoid special casing on
* the boundaries.
fpixConvolve(FPIX *fpixs,
L_KERNEL *kel,
l_int32 normflag)
l_int32 i, j, k, m, w, h, sx, sy, cx, cy, wplt, wpld;
l_float32 val;
l_float32 *datat, *datad, *linet, *lined;
l_float32 sum;
L_KERNEL *keli, *keln;
FPIX *fpixt, *fpixd;
if (!fpixs)
return (FPIX *)ERROR_PTR("fpixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!kel)
return (FPIX *)ERROR_PTR("kel not defined", procName, NULL);
keli = kernelInvert(kel);
kernelGetParameters(keli, &sy, &sx, &cy, &cx);
if (normflag)
keln = kernelNormalize(keli, 1.0);
keln = kernelCopy(keli);
fpixGetDimensions(fpixs, &w, &h);
fpixt = fpixAddMirroredBorder(fpixs, cx, sx - cx, cy, sy - cy);
if (!fpixt)
return (FPIX *)ERROR_PTR("fpixt not made", procName, NULL);
fpixd = fpixCreate(w, h);
datat = fpixGetData(fpixt);
datad = fpixGetData(fpixd);
wplt = fpixGetWpl(fpixt);
wpld = fpixGetWpl(fpixd);
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
lined = datad + i * wpld;
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
sum = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < sy; k++) {
linet = datat + (i + k) * wplt;
for (m = 0; m < sx; m++) {
val = *(linet + j + m);
sum += val * keln->data[k][m];
*(lined + j) = sum;
return fpixd;
* fpixConvolveSep()
* Input: fpixs (32 bit float array)
* kelx (x-dependent kernel)
* kely (y-dependent kernel)
* normflag (1 to normalize kernel to unit sum; 0 otherwise)
* Return: fpixd (32 bit float array)
* Notes:
* (1) This does a convolution with a separable kernel that is
* is a sequence of convolutions in x and y. The two
* one-dimensional kernel components must be input separately;
* the full kernel is the product of these components.
* The support for the full kernel is thus a rectangular region.
* (2) The normflag parameter is used as in fpixConvolve().
* (3) This uses mirrored borders to avoid special casing on
* the boundaries.
fpixConvolveSep(FPIX *fpixs,
L_KERNEL *kelx,
L_KERNEL *kely,
l_int32 normflag)
L_KERNEL *kelxn, *kelyn;
FPIX *fpixt, *fpixd;
if (!fpixs)
return (FPIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!kelx)
return (FPIX *)ERROR_PTR("kelx not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!kely)
return (FPIX *)ERROR_PTR("kely not defined", procName, NULL);
if (normflag) {
kelxn = kernelNormalize(kelx, 1.0);
kelyn = kernelNormalize(kely, 1.0);
fpixt = fpixConvolve(fpixs, kelxn, 0);
fpixd = fpixConvolve(fpixt, kelyn, 0);
else { /* don't normalize */
fpixt = fpixConvolve(fpixs, kelx, 0);
fpixd = fpixConvolve(fpixt, kely, 0);
return fpixd;