blob: d53f7899852112a28da551cc1b41c46b57a1a31f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the abstract base class Tracer, which provides the common
// interface to all tracer types. It is mainly used by the ContourDetector,
// which requires such a Tracer object at initialization.
// Local includes
#include "color.h"
#include "point.h"
namespace helium {
class Trace;
// The abstract base class Tracer provides a common interface to all tracer
// types. The only functionality it has to the outside is initialization.
// Everything else is done by the ContourDetector: It passes the scrap image
// to the tracer, asks whether the Tracer can start tracing at specific
// coordinates, and initiates the trace, if it returns true. Subclasses must
// implement atleast the two pure virtual methods, but will most likely
// require methods for further initialization, such as setting the map to trace
// onto.
class Tracer {
virtual ~Tracer() {
// Set the GrayMap to trace. This must be set before beginning the trace
// process!
inline void set_trace_map(const GrayMap* trace_map) {
trace_map_ = trace_map;
// The following methods should only be accessible to subclasses and
// the ContourDetector!
friend class ContourDetector;
// Sets the scrap image of the tracer. The tracer is allowed to store any
// 8 bit information in the alpha channel of the scrap image. This method
// is called by the ContourDetector before starting the first trace.
void SetScrap(Image* scrap);
// This method allows the Tracer to intervene before a trace is started.
// Subclass implementations should return false, if they do not wish to
// start a trace at the given point. The activation map is provided by
// the ContourDetector as well.
virtual bool CanBeginTraceAt(const Point& p, const GrayMap& activation) = 0;
// Method to begin tracing at the specified point with the specified Trace
// object and trace ID. Traces can use this id to identify themselves in
// the scrap image. Implementations should return true, if the trace found
// is a valid and closed, false otherwise.
virtual bool TraceEdgeAt(const Point& start,
Trace& trace,
uint8 traceid) = 0;
// This method plots the given trace into the alpha channel beginning at
// the given scrap pointer with the special ID of 1. This is used to signal
// that a trace has been accepted and is now permanent. Future traces can
// then detect when they run into a previous completed trace, and the
// ContourDetector does not start a trace at coordinates with that ID.
void Engrave(const Trace& trace, Color* scrap_ptr) const;
Image* scrap_; // The scrap image
const GrayMap* trace_map_; // The map to trace
int neighbor_[8]; // The offsets to move around in the image
} // namespace
#endif // HELIUM_TRACER_H__