blob: dc7cb9730becf9d8ed49c0956936ffe4b6aace52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
#include "box.h"
#include "helium_image.h"
#include "textareas.h"
#include "thresholdbinarizer.h"
using namespace helium;
// The static method BinarizeRect implicitly expects a mask to be allocated
// with 2*kMargin padding, but does not expose kMargin. It is cleaner to
// let the calling function pad the bounding box instead.
const unsigned kMargin = 0;
ThresholdBinarizer::ThresholdBinarizer(const Image& image,
const TextAreas& text_areas)
: Binarizer(image),
index_(0) {
bool ThresholdBinarizer::GetNextMask(Mask& out_mask, Box& out_bounds) {
if (index_ >= text_areas_.Size()) return false;
out_bounds = text_areas_.boxes().ValueAt(index_);
out_mask = Mask(out_bounds.width() + kMargin * 2,
out_bounds.height() + kMargin * 2);
BinarizeRect(image_, out_mask, out_bounds);
return true;
void ThresholdBinarizer::BinarizeRect(const Image& image,
Mask& mask,
const Box& bounds) {
// Get threshold
int threshold = ThresholdValue(image, bounds);
bool hi_value = (threshold < 0);
if (threshold < 0) threshold = -threshold;
// Binarize by threshold
Binarize(image, mask, bounds, threshold, hi_value);
// Taken from the Tesseract API and modified.
int ThresholdBinarizer::ThresholdValue(const Image& image, const Box& bounds) {
int histogram[256];
memset(histogram, 0, sizeof(histogram));
Color* image_ptr = image.Access(bounds.origin());
int y_step = image.width() - bounds.width();
for (int y = 0; y < bounds.height(); ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < bounds.width(); ++x) {
image_ptr += y_step;
int H = 0;
double mu_T = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
H += histogram[i];
mu_T += i * histogram[i];
// Now maximize sig_sq_B over t.
double best_sig_sq_B = 0.0;
int best_t = -1;
double best_omega_0 = 0.0;
double omega_0, omega_1, mu_0, mu_1, mu_t, sig_sq_B;
omega_0 = 0.0;
mu_t = 0.0;
for (int t = 0; t < 255; ++t) {
omega_0 += static_cast<double>(histogram[t]);
mu_t += t * static_cast<double>(histogram[t]);
if (omega_0 == 0.0)
omega_1 = H - omega_0;
mu_0 = mu_t / omega_0;
mu_1 = (mu_T - mu_t) / omega_1;
double sqdiff_0 = mu_0 - mu_T/H;
double sqdiff_1 = mu_1 - mu_T/H;
sqdiff_0 *= sqdiff_0;
sqdiff_1 *= sqdiff_1;
sig_sq_B = omega_0 * sqdiff_0 + omega_1 * sqdiff_1;
if (best_t < 0 || sig_sq_B > best_sig_sq_B) {
best_sig_sq_B = sig_sq_B;
best_t = t;
best_omega_0 = omega_0;
return best_omega_0 > H / 2.0 ? -best_t : best_t;
void ThresholdBinarizer::Binarize(const Image& image,
Mask& mask,
const Box& bounds,
int threshold,
bool hi_value) {
Color* img_ptr = image.Access(bounds.origin());
bool* mask_ptr = mask.Access(kMargin, kMargin);
int y_step_img = image.width() - bounds.width();
int y_step_mask = mask.width() - bounds.width();
for (int y = 0; y < bounds.height(); ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < bounds.width(); ++x) {
if (Average(*img_ptr) > threshold)
*(mask_ptr++) = hi_value;
*(mask_ptr++) = !hi_value;
img_ptr += y_step_img;
mask_ptr += y_step_mask;