blob: dc88ebe5d7cf8ccd2b8cf2de2f3c185f7579ab82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// Ths file contains the Tesseract class, which provides a static interface
// to the Tesseract OCR engine. It is not only used to OCR text, but also to
// find the baseline for a given text-line, which is used for perspective
// detection.
#include "ccmain/baseapi.h"
#include "ccmain/thresholder.h"
namespace helium {
class Mask;
class MaskThresholder : public ::tesseract::ImageThresholder {
MaskThresholder(const Mask& mask,
bool flipped);
void ThresholdToIMAGE(IMAGE* image);
const Mask& mask_;
bool flipped_;
// The Tesseract class provides a simplified interface to the Tesseract OCR
// engine. It can be used to OCR text (given in a Mask), or to just detect
// the baseline, that runs through it.
class Tesseract {
// Call this method exactly once to initialize the Tesseract engine with
// the data files at the specified path (This should be the path, that
// contains the 'tessdata' folder).
static int Init(const char* datapath,
const char *lang = NULL,
const char *configfile = NULL);
// Find the baseline, specified by the offset and slope, for the given
// Mask. If flipped is true, this method will flip the image vertically
// first, to find the line that goes through the top of the letters.
static bool DetectBaseline(const Mask& mask,
int& out_offset,
float& out_slope,
bool flipped);
// OCRs the given mask, and returns the text that was recognized by
// Tesseract.
static char* RecognizeText(const Mask& mask);
// Call this to deallocate memory, that is used by Tesseract.
static void End();
// Transfers a Mask directly to Tesseract. If flipped is true, the mask
// is transferred from bottom to top, resulting in a vertically flipped
// representation.
static void ReadMask(const Mask& mask, bool flipped);
static ::tesseract::TessBaseAPI api_;
} // namespace