blob: 2b55798aab0237c2a52b79c6e9f45955781e23f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the ShapeTree class, which structures the Shapes in such
// a way, that the bounding box of parent Shapes enclose the bounds of their
// child Shapes.
// ShapeTree provides a method to convert Traces to Shapes, which extracts
// color information of the Trace interior, and by examining the bounding
// boxes, sorts the resulting Shape into the Shape tree.
#include "array.h"
#include "helium_image.h"
namespace helium {
class Shape;
class Trace;
// The ShapeTree class does not actually have a typical tree structured member
// variable. Instead it contains an Array of Shapes, which internally have
// parent pointers to enclosing Shapes. The most important method,
// ConvertTraces(...), builds the Shape tree from a given set of Traces.
class ShapeTree {
// Destructor calls ClearShapes().
// Remove all Shapes from the internal list, and free up the memory. You
// may convert Traces to Shapes again after calling this.
void ClearShapes();
// Converts the given list of Traces to Shapes, and sorts them into the
// Shape tree. The input image must be specified for color analysis.
// The complexity of this function is O(n^2), n being the number of
// Traces. Details are explained in!
void ConvertTraces(const Array<Trace*>& traces, Image& image);
// Returns the Shapes in the Shape tree.
inline const Array<Shape*>& shapes() const {
return shapes_;
// Paints the Shapes of the Shape tree onto the specified Image. For
// debugging only.
void PaintShapes(Image& dest) const;
// This method sets the parents of the Shapes, by iterating through the
// bounding boxes of the traces, and finding boxes that enclose others.
void SetShapeParents();
// The Array of Shapes. Every Shape has a parent pointer, which specifies
// the Shape's position in the tree.
Array<Shape*> shapes_;
} // namespace