blob: dca700469f3331270116e7e1409a7ca90168e12f [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C-*-
* File: permdawg.c (Formerly permdawg.c)
* Description: Scale word choices by a dictionary
* Author: Mark Seaman, OCR Technology
* Created: Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987
* Modified: Tue Jul 9 15:43:18 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
* Language: C
* Package: N/A
* Status: Reusable Software Component
* (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
I n c l u d e s
#include "permdawg.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "hyphen.h"
#include "permute.h"
#include "tordvars.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "stopper.h"
#include "freelist.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#include "cutil.h"
#include "dawg.h"
#include "ndminx.h"
#include "varable.h"
#include "conversion.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dict.h"
#include "image.h"
T y p e s
#define FREQ_WERD 1.0
#define GOOD_WERD 1.1
#define OK_WERD 1.3125
#define MAX_FREQ_EDGES 1500
#define NO_RATING -1
V a r i a b l e s
static EDGE_ARRAY frequent_words;
static float rating_margin;
static float rating_pad = 5.0;
BOOL_VAR(segment_dawg_debug, 0, "Debug mode for word segmentation");
double_VAR(segment_penalty_dict_punc_bad, OK_WERD,
"Default score multiplier for word matches, which may have case or "
"punctuation issues (lower is better).");
double_VAR(segment_penalty_dict_punc_ok, GOOD_WERD,
"Score multiplier for word matches that have good case "
"(lower is better).");
double_VAR(segment_penalty_dict_frequent_word, FREQ_WERD,
"Score multiplier for word matches which have good case and are "
"frequent in the given language (lower is better).");
F u n c t i o n s
* adjust_word
* Assign an adjusted value to a string that is a word. The value
* that this word choice has is based on case and punctuation rules.
namespace tesseract {
void Dict::adjust_word(A_CHOICE *best_choice, float *certainty_array) {
char *this_word;
int punct_status;
float adjust_factor;
if (segment_adjust_debug)
tprintf ("Word: %s %4.2f ",
class_string (best_choice), class_rating (best_choice));
this_word = class_string (best_choice);
punct_status = punctuation_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice));
class_rating (best_choice) += RATING_PAD;
if (case_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice))
&& punct_status != -1) {
if (punct_status < 1 && word_in_dawg (frequent_words, this_word)) {
class_rating (best_choice) *= segment_penalty_dict_frequent_word;
class_permuter (best_choice) = FREQ_DAWG_PERM;
adjust_factor = segment_penalty_dict_frequent_word;
if (segment_adjust_debug)
tprintf(", F, %4.2f ", (double)segment_penalty_dict_frequent_word);
else {
class_rating (best_choice) *= segment_penalty_dict_punc_ok;
adjust_factor = segment_penalty_dict_punc_ok;
if (segment_adjust_debug)
tprintf(", %4.2f ", (double)segment_penalty_dict_punc_ok);
else {
class_rating (best_choice) *= segment_penalty_dict_punc_bad;
adjust_factor = segment_penalty_dict_punc_bad;
if (segment_adjust_debug) {
if (!case_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice)))
tprintf(", C");
if (punctuation_ok (this_word, class_lengths (best_choice)) == -1)
tprintf(", P");
tprintf(", %4.2f ", (double)segment_penalty_dict_punc_bad);
class_rating (best_choice) -= RATING_PAD;
LogNewWordChoice(best_choice, adjust_factor,
certainty_array, getUnicharset());
if (segment_adjust_debug)
tprintf(" --> %4.2f\n", class_rating (best_choice));
* append_next_choice
* Check to see whether or not the next choice is worth appending to
* the string being generated. If so then keep going deeper into the
* word.
void Dict::append_next_choice( /*previous option */
NODE_REF node,
char permuter,
char *word,
char unichar_lengths[],
int unichar_offsets[],
int char_choice_index,
int word_index,
A_CHOICE *this_choice,
const char *prevchar,
float *limit,
float rating,
float certainty,
float *rating_array,
float *certainty_array,
int word_ending,
int last_word,
const CHAR_FRAGMENT_INFO *prev_char_frag_info,
char fragment_lengths[],
CHOICES *result) {
A_CHOICE *better_choice;
CHAR_FRAGMENT_INFO char_frag_info;
const char *ch = NULL;
/* Deal with fragments */
if (!fragment_state_okay(
class_rating(this_choice), class_certainty(this_choice),
(segment_dawg_debug && (fragments_debug > 1)) ? "dawg_debug" : NULL,
word_ending, &char_frag_info)) {
return; // this_choice must be an invalid fragment
if (char_frag_info.unichar_id != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) {
ch = getUnicharset().id_to_unichar(char_frag_info.unichar_id);
if (ch == NULL) { // this character is a fragment
JOIN_ON(*result, // so search the next letter
dawg_permute(dawg, node, permuter, choices,
char_choice_index + 1, word_index,
limit, word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets,
rating, certainty, rating_array, certainty_array,
last_word, &char_frag_info, fragment_lengths));
/* Add new character */
strcpy(word + unichar_offsets[word_index], ch);
unichar_lengths[word_index] = strlen(ch);
unichar_lengths[word_index + 1] = 0;
fragment_lengths[word_index] = char_frag_info.num_fragments;
fragment_lengths[word_index + 1] = 0;
unichar_offsets[word_index + 1] =
unichar_offsets[word_index] + unichar_lengths[word_index];
if (word[unichar_offsets[word_index]] == '\0') {
word[unichar_offsets[word_index]] = ' ';
word[unichar_offsets[word_index] + 1] = '\0';
unichar_lengths[word_index] = 1;
unichar_lengths[word_index + 1] = 0;
fragment_lengths[word_index] = 1;
fragment_lengths[word_index + 1] = 0;
unichar_offsets[word_index + 1] = unichar_offsets[word_index] +
certainty_array[word_index] = char_frag_info.certainty;
rating += char_frag_info.rating;
certainty = MIN (char_frag_info.certainty, certainty);
/* Prune bad subwords */
if (rating_array[char_choice_index] == NO_RATING) {
rating_array[char_choice_index] = rating;
} else {
if (rating_array[word_index] * rating_margin + rating_pad < rating) {
if (segment_dawg_debug) {
tprintf("early pruned word rating=%4.2f, limit=%4.2f", rating, *limit);
/* Deal with hyphens */
if (word_ending && last_word && word[unichar_offsets[word_index]] == '-' &&
word_index > 0) {
*limit = rating;
if (segment_dawg_debug)
tprintf("new hyphen choice = %s\n", word);
better_choice = new_choice (word, unichar_lengths, rating, certainty,
-1, NULL, permuter, false, fragment_lengths);
adjust_word(better_choice, certainty_array);
push_on(*result, better_choice);
set_hyphen_word(word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets,
rating, node, char_choice_index, fragment_lengths);
/* Look up char in DAWG */
else {
int sub_offset = 0;
NODE_REF node_saved = node;
while (sub_offset < unichar_lengths[word_index] &&
(this->*letter_is_okay_)(dawg, &node,
unichar_offsets[word_index] + sub_offset,
*prevchar, word, word_ending &&
sub_offset ==
unichar_lengths[word_index] - 1)) {
if (sub_offset == unichar_lengths[word_index]) {
/* Add a new word choice */
if (word_ending) {
if (segment_dawg_debug == 1)
tprintf("new choice = %s\n", word);
*limit = rating;
better_choice =
new_choice (hyphen_tail (word), unichar_lengths + hyphen_base_size(),
rating, certainty, -1, NULL, permuter, false,
fragment_lengths + hyphen_base_size());
adjust_word (better_choice, &certainty_array[hyphen_base_size()]);
push_on(*result, better_choice);
else {
/* Search the next letter */
JOIN_ON (*result,
dawg_permute (dawg, node, permuter, choices,
char_choice_index + 1, word_index + 1, limit,
word, unichar_lengths, unichar_offsets, rating,
certainty, rating_array, certainty_array,
last_word, &char_frag_info, fragment_lengths));
} else {
if (segment_dawg_debug == 1) {
tprintf("letter not OK at char %d, index %d + sub index %d/%d\n",
word_index, unichar_offsets[word_index],
sub_offset, unichar_lengths[word_index]);
tprintf("\nRejected tail");
print_word_string(word + unichar_offsets[word_index]);
if (node != 0)
node = node_saved;
* dawg_permute
* Permute all the valid words that can be created with this starting
* point. The node (in the DAWG) and the word string define a base
* from which to start adding the remaining character choices.
CHOICES Dict::dawg_permute(EDGE_ARRAY dawg,
NODE_REF node,
char permuter,
int char_choice_index,
int word_index,
float *limit,
char *word,
char unichar_lengths[],
int unichar_offsets[],
float rating,
float certainty,
float *rating_array,
float *certainty_array,
int last_word,
const CHAR_FRAGMENT_INFO *prev_char_frag_info,
char fragment_lengths[]) {
CHOICES result = NIL;
char *prevchar;
int word_ending = FALSE;
if (segment_dawg_debug) {
tprintf("dawg_permute (node=" REFFORMAT ", char_choice_index=%d,"
" word_index=%d, limit=%f, word=",
node, char_choice_index, word_index, *limit);
tprintf(", rating=%4.2f, certainty=%4.2f)\n", rating, certainty);
/* Check for EOW */
if (1 + char_choice_index == array_count (choices) + hyphen_char_choice_size()) {
word_ending = TRUE;
if (char_choice_index < array_count (choices) + hyphen_char_choice_size()) {
prevchar = NULL;
iterate_list (c, (CHOICES) array_index (choices,
char_choice_index - hyphen_char_choice_size())) {
append_next_choice (dawg, node, permuter, word, unichar_lengths,
unichar_offsets, choices, char_choice_index,
word_index, (A_CHOICE *) first_node (c),
prevchar != NULL ? prevchar : "", limit,
rating, certainty, rating_array, certainty_array,
word_ending, last_word, prev_char_frag_info,
fragment_lengths, &result);
prevchar = best_string (c);
if (result && (segment_dawg_debug == 1))
print_choices ("dawg_permute", result);
return (result);
* dawg_permute_and_select
* Use a DAWG type data structure to enumerate all the valid strings
* in some gramar. Compare each of the choices against the best choice
* so far. Update the best choice if needed.
void Dict::dawg_permute_and_select(const char *string,
char permuter,
CHOICES_LIST character_choices,
A_CHOICE *best_choice,
inT16 system_words) {
CHOICES result = NIL;
char unichar_lengths[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1];
int unichar_offsets[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1];
float certainty_array[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1];
float rating_array[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1];
char fragment_lengths[MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1]; // num fragments from which
// each char was constructed
float rating;
int char_choice_index = 0;
int word_index = 0;
NODE_REF dawg_node = 0;
/* Pruning margin ratio */
rating_margin = segment_penalty_dict_punc_bad / segment_penalty_dict_punc_ok;
word[0] = '\0';
unichar_lengths[0] = 0;
fragment_lengths[0] = 0;
unichar_offsets[0] = 0;
rating = class_rating (best_choice);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WERD_LENGTH + 1; ++i) {
rating_array[i] = NO_RATING;
if (!is_last_word () && hyphen_string) {
strcpy(word, hyphen_string);
strcpy(unichar_lengths, hyphen_unichar_lengths);
strcpy(fragment_lengths, hyphen_fragment_lengths);
memcpy(unichar_offsets, hyphen_unichar_offsets,
(hyphen_base_size()) * sizeof (int));
unichar_offsets[hyphen_base_size()] =
unichar_offsets[hyphen_base_size() - 1] +
unichar_lengths[hyphen_base_size() - 1];
char_choice_index = hyphen_char_choice_size();
word_index = strlen (hyphen_unichar_lengths);
if (system_words)
dawg_node = hyphen_state;
result = dawg_permute (dawg, dawg_node, permuter, character_choices,
char_choice_index, word_index, &rating, word, unichar_lengths,
unichar_offsets, 0.0, 0.0, rating_array, certainty_array,
is_last_word(), NULL, fragment_lengths);
if (display_ratings && result) {
print_choices(string, result);
while (result != NIL) {
if (best_rating (result) < class_rating (best_choice)) {
clone_choice (best_choice, (A_CHOICE *) first_node (result));
free_choice (first_node (result));
* init_permdawg
* Initialize the variables needed by this file.
void Dict::init_permdawg() {
STRING name;
name = getImage()->getCCUtil()->language_data_path_prefix;
name += "freq-dawg";
frequent_words = read_squished_dawg(name.string());
void Dict::end_permdawg() {
frequent_words = NULL;
* test_freq_words()
* Tests a word against the frequent word dawg
int Dict::test_freq_words(const char *word) {
return (word_in_dawg (frequent_words, word));
} // namespace tesseract