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- Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be
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* psiostub.c
* Stubs for psio.c functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include "allheaders.h"
/* --------------------------------------------*/
#if !USE_PSIO /* defined in environ.h */
/* --------------------------------------------*/
l_int32 convertFilesToPS(const char *dirin, const char *substr, l_int32 res, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertFilesToPS", 1);
l_int32 sarrayConvertFilesToPS(SARRAY *sa, l_int32 res, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "sarrayConvertFilesToPS", 1);
l_int32 convertFilesFittedToPS(const char *dirin, const char *substr, l_float32 xpts, l_float32 ypts, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertFilesFittedToPS", 1);
l_int32 sarrayConvertFilesFittedToPS(SARRAY *sa, l_float32 xpts, l_float32 ypts, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "sarrayConvertFilesFittedToPS", 1);
l_int32 convertToPSEmbed(const char *filein, const char *fileout, l_int32 level)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertToPSEmbed", 1);
l_int32 pixWritePSEmbed(const char *filein, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "pixWritePSEmbed", 1);
l_int32 pixWriteStreamPS(FILE *fp, PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "pixWriteStreamPS", 1);
char * pixWriteStringPS(PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale)
return (char * )ERROR_PTR("function not present", "pixWriteStringPS", NULL);
void getScaledParametersPS(BOX *box, l_int32 wpix, l_int32 hpix, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_float32 *pxpt, l_float32 *pypt, l_float32 *pwpt, l_float32 *phpt)
ERROR_VOID("function not present", "getScaledParametersPS");
void convertByteToHexAscii(l_uint8 byteval, char *pnib1, char *pnib2)
ERROR_VOID("function not present", "convertByteToHexAscii");
l_int32 convertJpegToPSEmbed(const char *filein, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertJpegToPSEmbed", 1);
l_int32 convertJpegToPS(const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *operation, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertJpegToPS", 1);
l_int32 convertJpegToPSString(const char *filein, char **poutstr, l_int32 *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertJpegToPSString", 1);
l_int32 convertTiffG4ToPSEmbed(const char *filein, const char *fileout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertTiffG4ToPSEmbed", 1);
l_int32 convertTiffG4ToPS(const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *operation, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 mask, l_int32 endpage)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertTiffG4ToPS", 1);
l_int32 convertTiffG4ToPSString(const char *filein, char **poutstr, l_int32 *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 mask, l_int32 endpage)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertTiffG4ToPSString", 1);
l_int32 convertTiffMultipageToPS(const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *tempfile, l_float32 fillfract)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertTiffMultipageToPS", 1);
l_int32 pixWriteMemPS(l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "pixWriteMemPS", 1);
l_int32 getResLetterPage(l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_float32 fillfract)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "getResLetterPage", 1);
l_int32 getResA4Page(l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_float32 fillfract)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "getResA4Page", 1);
char * encodeAscii85(l_uint8 *inarray, l_int32 insize, l_int32 *poutsize)
return (char * )ERROR_PTR("function not present", "encodeAscii85", NULL);
l_int32 convertChunkToAscii85(l_uint8 *inarray, l_int32 insize, l_int32 *pindex, char *outbuf, l_int32 *pnbout)
return ERROR_INT("function not present", "convertChunkToAscii85", 1);
l_uint8 * decodeAscii85(char *ina, l_int32 insize, l_int32 *poutsize)
return (l_uint8 * )ERROR_PTR("function not present", "decodeAscii85", NULL);
/* --------------------------------------------*/
#endif /* !USE_PSIO */
/* --------------------------------------------*/