blob: 5c8d31ecfd10b59cba2c020698bb302881c8c7be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// Local includes
#include "debugging.h"
#include "sobeledgedetector.h"
// C includes
#include <math.h>
using namespace helium;
: EdgeDetector(3) {
// Runs Sobel edge detection on the given image using two kernels:
// Vertical Edge Horizontal Edge
// 1 2 1 1 0 -1
// 0 0 0 2 0 -2
// -1 -2 -1 1 0 -1
// This implementation does not actually make use of the superclass's
// ApplyKernel(...) method, as we would like to reuse as many old values as
// possible. This means that for any given pixel, that is not on an
// edge of the image, the following situation for the vertical kernel holds:
// r1 r2 r3
// s1 s2 s3
// y1 y2 y3,
// where the weighted sums (r1 + 2*r2 + r3) and (s1 + 2*s2 + s3) have been
// calculated already. Only y1, y2, and y3 need to be fetched from memory.
// Likewise for the horizontal kernel, the situation is as follows:
// c1 d1 x1
// c2 d2 x2
// c3 d3 x3,
// where all values, except x1, x2 and x3 have been calculated already. This
// means that per pixel we need to fetch six values from memory (opposed to
// 12 or even 18 in a non-optimized version).
// Once we have calculated the required horizontal and vertical sums, all we
// need to do is subtract the bottom sum from the top, the right sum from the
// left, and combine the results to obtain the edge value.
// Special cases apply for the edges, which are not discussed here, as they
// can be easily deduced from the standard case.
GrayMap SobelEdgeDetector::DetectEdges(const Image& image) {
// Create destination map
GrayMap dest(image.width(), image.height());
bool left = false;
bool top = false;
uint8* dest_ptr = dest.Access(kernel_half_, kernel_half_);
Color* image_ptr = image.Access(kernel_half_, kernel_half_);
Color top_row = 0;
Color left_col = 0;
Color bottom_row = 0;
Color right_col = 0;
const unsigned row = image.width();
Color rows[2][row];
Color cols[2];
// First pixel
top_row = Sum3(image_ptr - row - 1,
image_ptr - row,
image_ptr - row + 1);
rows[0][0] = Sum3(image_ptr - 1,
image_ptr + 1);
rows[1][0] = Sum3(image_ptr + row - 1,
image_ptr + row,
image_ptr + row + 1);
left_col = Sum3(image_ptr - row - 1,
image_ptr - 1,
image_ptr + row - 1);
cols[0] = Sum3(image_ptr - row,
image_ptr + row);
cols[1] = Sum3(image_ptr - row + 1,
image_ptr + 1,
image_ptr + row + 1);
*dest_ptr = EdgeValue(left_col, cols[1], top_row, rows[1][0]);
// First row
for (unsigned x = 1; x < image.width() - 2; ++x) {
// Add new row and column
top_row = Sum3(image_ptr - row - 1,
image_ptr - row,
image_ptr - row + 1);
rows[0][x] = Sum3(image_ptr - 1,
image_ptr + 1);
rows[1][x] = Sum3(image_ptr + row - 1,
image_ptr + row,
image_ptr + row + 1);
right_col = Sum3(image_ptr - row + 1,
image_ptr + 1,
image_ptr + row + 1);
// Calculate edge value
*dest_ptr = EdgeValue(cols[left], right_col, top_row, rows[1][x]);
cols[left] = right_col;
left = !left;
image_ptr += 2;
dest_ptr += 2;
for (unsigned y = 2; y < image.height() - 1; ++y) {
// First pixel of row
rows[!top][0] = Sum3(image_ptr + row - 1,
image_ptr + row,
image_ptr + row + 1);
left_col = Sum3(image_ptr - row - 1,
image_ptr - 1,
image_ptr + row - 1);
cols[0] = Sum3(image_ptr - row,
image_ptr + row);
cols[1] = Sum3(image_ptr - row + 1,
image_ptr + 1,
image_ptr + row + 1);
*dest_ptr = EdgeValue(left_col, cols[1], rows[top][0], rows[!top][0]);
rows[top][0] = top_row;
left = false;
for(unsigned x = 1; x < image.width() - 2; ++x) {
// Add new row and column
bottom_row = Sum3(image_ptr + row - 1,
image_ptr + row,
image_ptr + row + 1);
right_col = Sum3(image_ptr - row + 1,
image_ptr + 1,
image_ptr + row + 1);
// Calculate edge value
*dest_ptr = EdgeValue(cols[left], right_col, rows[top][x], bottom_row);
rows[top][x] = bottom_row;
cols[left] = right_col;
// Move on
left = !left;
image_ptr += 2;
dest_ptr += 2;
top = !top;
return dest;
// Calculates the weighted sum (a + 2*b + c), which is either one row or column
// of the kernel.
Color SobelEdgeDetector::Sum3(const Color* a, const Color* b, const Color* c) {
int sum_red = Red(*a) + 2 * Red(*b) + Red(*c);
int sum_green = Green(*a) + 2 * Green(*b) + Green(*c);
int sum_blue = Blue(*a) + 2 * Blue(*b) + Blue(*c);
return MakeColor(sum_red / 4, sum_green / 4, sum_blue / 4);
// Calculates the edge value given the weighted column sums x1, x2 and the
// weighted row sums y1, y2. The value is calculated as follows:
// |x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2|
// The color channels are then summed up and scaled down to produce the
// output value.
uint8 SobelEdgeDetector::EdgeValue(const Color& x1,
const Color& x2,
const Color& y1,
const Color& y2) {
Color diff_x = ColorDifference(x1, x2);
Color diff_y = ColorDifference(y1, y2);
int value = ((Red(diff_x) + Red(diff_y))
+ (Green(diff_x) + Green(diff_y))
+ (Blue(diff_x) + Blue(diff_y))) / 4;
return (value > 255) ? 255 : static_cast<uint8>(value);