blob: f2d3725ff31cfe3101ac8745bc6182ba68f3be06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the LaplaceEdgeDetector class to run Laplace edge
// detection on any given color image.
// The detected edges can be used in the tracing phase, where the tracer
// attempts to follow along these edges to find closed contours.
// The result of a Laplace edge detection, which can be thought of as the
// second derivative of the input signal, is in itself not directly usable.
// However, since the points, where values cross 0, represent local maximums in
// the edge strength signal, applying a ZeroCrossing binarization produces very
// thin edges. The downside is that the result is extremely sensitive to noise.
#include "edgedetector.h"
namespace helium {
// The LaplaceEdgeDetector class runs a standard Laplace edge detection
// algorithm on a given color image. The result is returned in a GrayMap, which
// can either be binarized using a ZeroCrossing detector (found in
// binarization.h), or used directly (however, currently no algorithm in Helium
// uses the direct result of the laplace detector).
class LaplaceEdgeDetector : public EdgeDetector {
// Applies Laplace edge detection on the given image, and returns the
// obtained values for each pixel in a GrayMap. Note that these can be
// regarded as the second derivative of the input signal, so that these
// values do not represent the strength of the edges!
// Algorithm details are explained in!
GrayMap DetectEdges(const Image& image);
} // namespace