blob: 3e30f84a97dbde4df24e6ac1615764b7d08c7e6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the Array class, used to store a dynamic number of values
// of any type.
#ifndef HELIUM_ARRAY_H__
#define HELIUM_ARRAY_H__
// Local includes
#include "debugging.h"
// C includes
#include <string.h>
namespace helium {
// The template class Array provides a safe and dynamic way to store numerous
// values. Internally it uses a C-Array, that is reallocated once the number
// of values exceeds its size. Copying does not occur via memcpy(...), but
// by assigning the values one by one. This has the advantage that C++ objects
// behave correctly in an Array, making it possible to properly store reference
// counted objects in Arrays.
template<typename T>
class Array {
// Initialize an Array with the given capacity.
explicit Array(unsigned initial_capacity);
// Initialize an Array with the specified data and size. Note that Array
// owns the data!
Array(T* data, unsigned size);
// Deconstructor deletes the internal array.
// Add a value to the array. If the increased size exceeds the capacity,
// a new array will be allocated with twice the capacity of the old one,
// and the values copied to the new array.
void Add(T value);
// Get const access to the value at the specified index. Bounds are
// checked in debug mode.
inline const T& ValueAt(unsigned index) const {
ASSERT_IN_DEBUG_MODE(index < size_);
return values_[index];
// Get non-const access to the value at the specified index. Bounds are
// checked in debug mode.
inline T& ValueAt(unsigned index) {
ASSERT_IN_DEBUG_MODE(index < size_);
return values_[index];
// Returns the size of the array.
inline unsigned size() const {
return size_;
// Returns a pointer to the values. Keep in mind that the data is owned
// by the Array.
inline T* values() const {
return values_;
// Returns the amount of memory the internal array is using, in bytes.
// Used for debugging and memory management purposes.
inline unsigned MemoryUsage() const {
return capacity_ * sizeof(T);
// Returns an Array object that has a copy of the receiver's internal
// array. This method is expensive, and should be called only when
// absolutely necessary.
Array* Copy() const;
// Resizes the array to the new size. This will always copy the elements
// to a new array of the given size, so use this method wisely!
void Resize(unsigned new_size);
// Remove the specified number of elements from the end of the Array. This
// method does not actually shrink the allocated array, so this is not a
// way to save memory. Bounds are checked in debug mode.
inline void RemoveLast(unsigned elements) {
ASSERT_IN_DEBUG_MODE(elements <= size_);
size_ -= elements;
// Clears the array by setting the size to 0. This method does not perform
// any sort of deallocation. Use DeleteValues() for this.
inline void Clear() {
size_ = 0;
// Delete the internal array of values. The size of the Array will be 0
// after this call. Adding elements to an Array that has been deallocated
// with DeleteValues() is allowed, but will allocate a new internal array.
void DeleteValues();
unsigned size_;
unsigned capacity_;
T* values_;
// This protected copy constructor is available for subclasses that want
// to implement their own Copy() function.
explicit Array(const Array& other);
// Assignment of Arrays is not allowed!
void operator=(const Array& other);
// This function is called internally when adding an element to the Array.
// It checks whether the Array needs resizing, and if yes, allocates a new
// internal array, and copies the values from the old one.
void ResizeIfNecessary();
// Template implementations ----------------------------------------------------
template<typename T>
: size_(0), capacity_(0), values_(NULL) {
template<typename T>
Array<T>::Array(unsigned initial_capacity)
: size_(0), capacity_(initial_capacity), values_(NULL) {
if (initial_capacity > 0) values_ = new T[initial_capacity];
template<typename T>
Array<T>::Array(T* data, unsigned size)
: size_(size), capacity_(size), values_(data) {
template<typename T>
void Array<T>::Add(T value) {
values_[size_] = value;
template<typename T>
Array<T>::~Array() {
template<typename T>
void Array<T>::DeleteValues() {
delete[] values_;
values_ = NULL;
size_ = 0;
capacity_ = 0;
template<typename T>
Array<T>* Array<T>::Copy() const {
return new Array<T>(*this);
template<typename T>
void Array<T>::Resize(unsigned new_size) {
T* new_values = new T[new_size + 1];
unsigned min_size = (size_ < new_size) ? size_ : new_size;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < min_size; i++) new_values[i] = values_[i];
delete[] values_;
values_ = new_values;
capacity_ = size_ = new_size;
template<typename T>
Array<T>::Array(const Array<T>& other)
: size_(other.size_), capacity_(other.size_), values_(new T[other.size_]) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size_; i++) values_[i] = other.values_[i];
template<typename T>
void Array<T>::ResizeIfNecessary() {
if (size_ >= capacity_) {
if (capacity_ == 0) capacity_ = 1;
T* new_values = new T[capacity_ * 2];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size_; i++) new_values[i] = values_[i];
delete[] values_;
values_ = new_values;
capacity_ *= 2;
} // namespace
#endif // HELIUM_ARRAY_H__