blob: 39d5083862f270583e12359d3943ed6ac78ad226 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "wordfst.h"
class PatternFst {
public :
bool AddPattern();
void Output(const string& filename);
bool PatternMatches();
bool WordMatches();
int GetPatternId(const String& p);
bool IdMatchString(int, const String& p);
bool AddWord();
bool SubMatches(unsigned int state,
unsigned int vector_pos);
bool SubWMatches(unsigned int state,
unsigned int vector_pos);
void Simplify(int threshold);
void SetCurrentWord(const String& w, const String& p);
void Update(WordFst* old, WordFst* update);
void Matched(list<String>* results, String prefix, int current_node);
void SubOutput(const string& filename, int state);
void UnderLoad(const string& filename, int current_node);
void LoadFromFile(const string& filename);
private :
// the id that will be assigned to the next state that will be added
unsigned int next_node_id_;
// the fst that contains the patterns
nlp_fst::StdVectorFst fst_;
// a map to store the patterns only once each, and assign an id to
// each of them
map<String, int> patterns_ids_;
// number of unique patterns (used to assign an id to the next
// pattern to add
unsigned int patterns_number_;
// a map that contains pointers to the WordFsts associated to the id
// of the corresponding state into the pattern fst.
map<int, WordFst*> words_fst_;
// The different parts of the current pattern
// Example : if the current pattern is aaa.aa, then the vector
// contains <aaa> <.> <aa> <,>
vector<String> patterns_parts_;
// Same as patterns_parts_ but will the real letters
vector<String> words_parts_;
// The current pattern
String pattern_;
// The current word
String word_;
// All the states id from the patterns fst that matches the current
// pattern
vector<int> path_;
string ConvertStringToStdString(const String& s);
String ConvertStdStringToString(const string& word);