blob: 0cd0c7371e7030854e9c94481bbd1ccd7488924f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// Local includes
#include "debugging.h"
#include "mask.h"
#include "perspectivedetection.h"
#include "tesseract.h"
// C includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace helium;
const char* kMaskFile = "tmp_mask.tif";
const char* kFlipFile = "tmp_flip.tif";
bool PerspectiveDetection::DetectSurface(const Mask& mask, Surface& surface) {
int base_offset, top_offset;
float base_slope, top_slope;
const float max_slope_diff = 1.0; // maximum top-base slope difference
const float max_slope_avg = 0.5; // maximum average top-base slope
// Detect baseline
if (!Tesseract::DetectBaseline(mask, top_offset, top_slope, false))
return false;
if (!Tesseract::DetectBaseline(mask, base_offset, base_slope, true))
return false;
// Limit the maximum slope differences would prevent extreme cases
// of fast divergent or convergent baselines, which creates enormous
// resulting image.
if (fabs(top_slope - base_slope) > max_slope_diff)
return false;
// Limit the maximum average slope to stop attempting to correct
// nearly vertical texts into horizontal.
if (fabs((top_slope + base_slope)/2) > max_slope_avg)
return false;
base_offset = mask.height() - base_offset;
base_slope = -base_slope;
int v_margin = static_cast<int>((base_offset - top_offset) * 0.1);
surface.set_top_left(Point(0, top_offset - v_margin));
surface.set_bottom_left(Point(0, base_offset + v_margin));
float width = mask.width();
Point top_right(
mask.width() - 1,
static_cast<int>(top_offset + top_slope * width) - v_margin);
Point bottom_right(
mask.width() - 1,
static_cast<int>(base_offset + base_slope * width) + v_margin);
return true;