blob: b76c8138f1f3d9bc4d5c4c4b14aa38f1667b7735 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the Histogram class, which is used to store histogram
// information of color images. Internally Histogram uses three separate
// histograms: one for each color channel.
#include "color.h"
#include "debugging.h"
namespace helium {
class Image;
// The histogram class contains 3 x 256 "bins", one for each value of each
// channel red, green, and blue. It is updated by adding a color to the
// histogram via AddColor(Color), or an entire image via
// AddImage(const Image&). After having added all the colors, a call to
// Done() calculates the expected color value, and the variance of each channel.
// Done() also deallocates the three internal histograms, so it is important
// that it is called exactly once. Obviously, you cannot add colors to the
// histogram, once Done() has been called.
// Histograms may be copied, as long as Done() is called only once. (An
// assertion will fail, if it is called more than once).
class Histogram {
// Update the values in the histogram to reflect an addition of the
// specified color. You must not call this method after calling Done()!
inline void AddColor(Color color) {
ASSERT(histogram_red_ && histogram_green_ && histogram_blue_);
// Update the valeus in the histogram to reflect an addition of every
// color in the specified image. You must not call this method after
// calling Done()!
void AddImage(const Image& image);
// Call this when no more colors will be added to the histogram. This
// method then calculates the expected color and variance, and deallocates
// the histogram data for the color channels. Done() must be called exactly
// once for each Histogram!
void Done();
// Returns true if Done() was called already, and the expected color and
// variance are valid. This is done by checking if the internal histograms
// have been deallocated already.
inline bool IsDone() const {
return (!histogram_red_ && !histogram_green_ && !histogram_blue_);
// Returns the expected color of the histogram. You must have called Done()
// before calling this.
inline Color Expected() const {
return expected_;
// Returns the variance of the histogram. You must have called Done()
// before calling this.
inline Color Variance() const {
return variance_;
// Returns the number of color values that have contributed to the
// histogram.
inline unsigned size() const {
return size_;
// Subtract another histogram from the receiver. This only produces
// meaningful results, if the colors that made up the other histogram, are
// a subset of the colors that made up the receiver. This is used for
// processing holes in traces.
bool Subtract(const Histogram& other);
// For each color channel, this method calculates the value that is greater
// than )or equal to) the specified percentage of values in that channel.
// The three values are combined to a color, and returned. percentile
// must be between 0 and 100.
Color Percentile(uint8 percentile) const;
// The number of values that have contributed to this histogram
unsigned size_;
// Three histograms, one for each color channel.
uint32* histogram_red_;
uint32* histogram_green_;
uint32* histogram_blue_;
// The expected color and the variance of each channel.
Color expected_, variance_;
// Calculates the expected value, and stores it in expected_. Returns the
// exact values in the three arguments exp_red, exp_green, exp_blue. These
// are required for calculating the variance.
void CalculateExpected(float& exp_red, float& exp_green, float& exp_blue);
// Calculates the variance, and stores it in variance_. The exact values
// of the expected color are passed in exp_red, exp_green, exp_blue.
void CalculateVariance(float exp_red, float exp_green, float exp_blue);
// Returns the value that is greater than (or equal to) the specified
// percentage of values in the specified channel.
uint32 ChannelPercentile(uint32* channel, uint8 percentile) const;
} // namespace