blob: 14ef127375fd88914f32f1c3cd7f0d134203ad74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Author: <> (Marius Renn)
// This file contains the Cluster class, which combines a series of Shapes to
// a larger unit.
// In a text detection scenario, Shapes would represent the characters, and
// Clusters would represent the words.
#include "box.h"
namespace helium {
class Shape;
// The Cluster class is very simple, as it contains only a pointer to the
// first Shape of the cluster it represents. Further Shapes are linked to
// by the Shape itself (left_neighbor and right_neighbor members), making the
// Cluster class similar to a doubly-linked list.
class Cluster {
// Constructor for a Cluster that begins at the specified Shape (the
// specified Shape is the left-most Shape of the cluster). Sets the
// needs_clustering flags of all the linked Shapes to false.
Cluster(Shape* shape);
// Returns the first Shape of the cluster.
inline Shape* first() const {
return first_;
// Calculates the bounds of the Cluster by going through all the Shapes
// and returning the minimum enclosing box.
Box CalculateBounds() const;
Shape* first_; // Pointer to the first (left-most) Shape of the Cluster.
} // namespace
#endif // HELIUM_CLUSTER_H__