blob: 6b1728829abdeb5c4e20534675801a437341d732 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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limitations under the License.
// Exposes the family of FFT routines as pre-canned high performance calls for
// use in conjunction with the StreamExecutor abstraction.
// Note that this interface is optionally supported by platforms; see
// StreamExecutor::SupportsFft() for details.
// This abstraction makes it simple to entrain FFT operations on GPU data into
// a Stream -- users typically will not use this API directly, but will use the
// Stream builder methods to entrain these operations "under the hood". For
// example:
// DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> x =
// stream_exec->AllocateArray<std::complex<float>>(1024);
// DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> y =
// stream_exec->AllocateArray<std::complex<float>>(1024);
// // ... populate x and y ...
// Stream stream{stream_exec};
// std::unique_ptr<Plan> plan =
// stream_exec.AsFft()->Create1dPlan(&stream, 1024, Type::kC2CForward);
// stream
// .Init()
// .ThenFft(plan.get(), x, &y);
// SE_CHECK_OK(stream.BlockHostUntilDone());
// By using stream operations in this manner the user can easily intermix custom
// kernel launches (via StreamExecutor::ThenLaunch()) with these pre-canned FFT
// routines.
#include <complex>
#include <memory>
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/port.h"
namespace perftools {
namespace gputools {
class Stream;
template <typename ElemT>
class DeviceMemory;
class ScratchAllocator;
namespace fft {
// Specifies FFT input and output types, and the direction.
// R, D, C, and Z stand for SP real, DP real, SP complex, and DP complex.
enum class Type {
// FFT plan class. Each FFT implementation should define a plan class that is
// derived from this class. It does not provide any interface but serves
// as a common type that is used to execute the plan.
class Plan {
virtual ~Plan() {}
// FFT support interface -- this can be derived from a GPU executor when the
// underlying platform has an FFT library implementation available. See
// StreamExecutor::AsFft().
// This support interface is not generally thread-safe; it is only thread-safe
// for the CUDA platform (cuFFT) usage; host side FFT support is known
// thread-compatible, but not thread-safe.
class FftSupport {
virtual ~FftSupport() {}
// Creates a 1d FFT plan.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> Create1dPlan(Stream *stream, uint64 num_x,
Type type, bool in_place_fft) = 0;
// Creates a 2d FFT plan.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> Create2dPlan(Stream *stream, uint64 num_x,
uint64 num_y, Type type,
bool in_place_fft) = 0;
// Creates a 3d FFT plan.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> Create3dPlan(Stream *stream, uint64 num_x,
uint64 num_y, uint64 num_z,
Type type, bool in_place_fft) = 0;
// Creates a 1d FFT plan with scratch allocator.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> Create1dPlanWithScratchAllocator(
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, Type type, bool in_place_fft,
ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) = 0;
// Creates a 2d FFT plan with scratch allocator.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> Create2dPlanWithScratchAllocator(
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, uint64 num_y, Type type, bool in_place_fft,
ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) = 0;
// Creates a 3d FFT plan with scratch allocator.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> Create3dPlanWithScratchAllocator(
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, uint64 num_y, uint64 num_z, Type type,
bool in_place_fft, ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) = 0;
// Creates a batched FFT plan.
// stream: The GPU stream in which the FFT runs.
// rank: Dimensionality of the transform (1, 2, or 3).
// elem_count: Array of size rank, describing the size of each dimension.
// input_embed, output_embed:
// Pointer of size rank that indicates the storage dimensions
// of the input/output data in memory. If set to null_ptr all
// other advanced data layout parameters are ignored.
// input_stride: Indicates the distance (number of elements; same below)
// between two successive input elements.
// input_distance: Indicates the distance between the first element of two
// consecutive signals in a batch of the input data.
// output_stride: Indicates the distance between two successive output
// elements.
// output_distance: Indicates the distance between the first element of two
// consecutive signals in a batch of the output data.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> CreateBatchedPlan(
Stream *stream, int rank, uint64 *elem_count, uint64 *input_embed,
uint64 input_stride, uint64 input_distance, uint64 *output_embed,
uint64 output_stride, uint64 output_distance, Type type,
bool in_place_fft, int batch_count) = 0;
// Creates a batched FFT plan with scratch allocator.
// stream: The GPU stream in which the FFT runs.
// rank: Dimensionality of the transform (1, 2, or 3).
// elem_count: Array of size rank, describing the size of each dimension.
// input_embed, output_embed:
// Pointer of size rank that indicates the storage dimensions
// of the input/output data in memory. If set to null_ptr all
// other advanced data layout parameters are ignored.
// input_stride: Indicates the distance (number of elements; same below)
// between two successive input elements.
// input_distance: Indicates the distance between the first element of two
// consecutive signals in a batch of the input data.
// output_stride: Indicates the distance between two successive output
// elements.
// output_distance: Indicates the distance between the first element of two
// consecutive signals in a batch of the output data.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Plan> CreateBatchedPlanWithScratchAllocator(
Stream *stream, int rank, uint64 *elem_count, uint64 *input_embed,
uint64 input_stride, uint64 input_distance, uint64 *output_embed,
uint64 output_stride, uint64 output_distance, Type type,
bool in_place_fft, int batch_count,
ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) = 0;
// Updates the plan's work area with space allocated by a new scratch
// allocator. This facilitates plan reuse with scratch allocators.
// This requires that the plan was originally created using a scratch
// allocator, as otherwise scratch space will have been allocated internally
// by cuFFT.
virtual void UpdatePlanWithScratchAllocator(
Stream *stream, Plan *plan, ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) = 0;
// Computes complex-to-complex FFT in the transform direction as specified
// by direction parameter.
virtual bool DoFft(Stream *stream, Plan *plan,
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> &input,
DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> *output) = 0;
virtual bool DoFft(Stream *stream, Plan *plan,
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> &input,
DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> *output) = 0;
// Computes real-to-complex FFT in forward direction.
virtual bool DoFft(Stream *stream, Plan *plan,
const DeviceMemory<float> &input,
DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> *output) = 0;
virtual bool DoFft(Stream *stream, Plan *plan,
const DeviceMemory<double> &input,
DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> *output) = 0;
// Computes complex-to-real FFT in inverse direction.
virtual bool DoFft(Stream *stream, Plan *plan,
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> &input,
DeviceMemory<float> *output) = 0;
virtual bool DoFft(Stream *stream, Plan *plan,
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> &input,
DeviceMemory<double> *output) = 0;
FftSupport() {}
// Macro used to quickly declare overrides for abstract virtuals in the
// fft::FftSupport base class. Assumes that it's emitted somewhere inside the
// ::perftools::gputools namespace.
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> Create1dPlan(Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, \
fft::Type type, bool in_place_fft) \
override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> Create2dPlan(Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, \
uint64 num_y, fft::Type type, \
bool in_place_fft) override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> Create3dPlan( \
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, uint64 num_y, uint64 num_z, \
fft::Type type, bool in_place_fft) override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> Create1dPlanWithScratchAllocator( \
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, fft::Type type, bool in_place_fft, \
ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> Create2dPlanWithScratchAllocator( \
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, uint64 num_y, fft::Type type, \
bool in_place_fft, ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> Create3dPlanWithScratchAllocator( \
Stream *stream, uint64 num_x, uint64 num_y, uint64 num_z, \
fft::Type type, bool in_place_fft, ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) \
override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> CreateBatchedPlan( \
Stream *stream, int rank, uint64 *elem_count, uint64 *input_embed, \
uint64 input_stride, uint64 input_distance, uint64 *output_embed, \
uint64 output_stride, uint64 output_distance, fft::Type type, \
bool in_place_fft, int batch_count) override; \
std::unique_ptr<fft::Plan> CreateBatchedPlanWithScratchAllocator( \
Stream *stream, int rank, uint64 *elem_count, uint64 *input_embed, \
uint64 input_stride, uint64 input_distance, uint64 *output_embed, \
uint64 output_stride, uint64 output_distance, fft::Type type, \
bool in_place_fft, int batch_count, ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) \
override; \
void UpdatePlanWithScratchAllocator(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
ScratchAllocator *scratch_allocator) \
override; \
bool DoFft(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> &input, \
DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> *output) override; \
bool DoFft(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> &input, \
DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> *output) override; \
bool DoFft(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
const DeviceMemory<float> &input, \
DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> *output) override; \
bool DoFft(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
const DeviceMemory<double> &input, \
DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> *output) override; \
bool DoFft(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<float>> &input, \
DeviceMemory<float> *output) override; \
bool DoFft(Stream *stream, fft::Plan *plan, \
const DeviceMemory<std::complex<double>> &input, \
DeviceMemory<double> *output) override;
} // namespace fft
} // namespace gputools
} // namespace perftools