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//===- UniformSupport.h - Support utilities for uniform quant ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
#include "mlir/Dialect/QuantOps/QuantTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace quant {
/// Performs type conversion from an arbitrary input type to a type
/// that is expressed by a QuantizedType.
/// This handles cases where the inputType is a supported primitive type
/// (i.e. f32, bf16, etc) or a vector/tensor type based on a supported
/// elemental type.
/// Since conversion often involves introspecting some attributes of the
/// input type in order to determine how to represent it, this is a two step
/// process.
struct ExpressedToQuantizedConverter {
/// Creates a converter for the given input type.
static const ExpressedToQuantizedConverter forInputType(Type inputType);
/// Converts the inputType to be based on the given elemental type,
/// returning the new type (or nullptr and emit an error on failure).
Type convert(QuantizedType elementalType) const;
/// Whether the conversion is legal.
explicit operator bool() const { return (bool)expressedType; }
/// The input type that is being converted from.
/// This may be an elemental or composite type.
const Type inputType;
/// Supported, elemental expressed type (i.e. f32).
/// Will be nullptr if conversion is not supported.
const Type expressedType;
/// Reference implementation of converting between real numbers and values
/// represented by a UniformQuantizedType.
/// Note that this is not expected to be speedy and may be superceded eventually
/// by a more optimal implementation.
/// Also, the interface assumes that quantization is done per-layer and will
/// need to be wider for various per-channel schemes. As such, this is a
/// placeholder.
class UniformQuantizedValueConverter {
explicit UniformQuantizedValueConverter(UniformQuantizedType uniformType)
: UniformQuantizedValueConverter(
uniformType.getStorageTypeIntegralWidth(), uniformType.isSigned()) {
UniformQuantizedValueConverter(double scale, double zeroPoint,
double clampMin, double clampMax,
uint32_t storageBitWidth, bool isSigned)
: scale(scale), zeroPoint(zeroPoint), clampMin(clampMin),
clampMax(clampMax), scaleDouble(scale), zeroPointDouble(zeroPoint),
clampMinDouble(clampMin), clampMaxDouble(clampMax),
storageBitWidth(storageBitWidth), isSigned(isSigned),
roundMode(llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToAway) {}
UniformQuantizedValueConverter(double scale, double zeroPoint,
APFloat clampMin, APFloat clampMax,
uint32_t storageBitWidth, bool isSigned)
: scale(scale), zeroPoint(zeroPoint), clampMin(clampMin),
clampMax(clampMax), scaleDouble(scale), zeroPointDouble(zeroPoint),
storageBitWidth(storageBitWidth), isSigned(isSigned),
roundMode(llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToAway) {}
virtual APInt quantizeFloatToInt(APFloat expressedValue) const {
// This function is a performance critical code path in quantization
// since it runs for each single float parameter value.
// Specalize f32->u8/i8 case to optimize performance.
if (&expressedValue.getSemantics() == &APFloat::IEEEsingle() &&
storageBitWidth == 8 &&
roundMode == llvm::APFloatBase::rmNearestTiesToAway) {
return quantizeF32ToInt8(expressedValue);
bool lossy;
expressedValue.convert(scale.getSemantics(), roundMode, &lossy);
// fixedpoint = clamp(clampMin, clampMax, (
// roundHalfToEven(expressed / scale) + zeroPoint))
APFloat scaled = (expressedValue / scale);
scaled.add(zeroPoint, roundMode);
APFloat fixedpoint = llvm::minimum(scaled, clampMax);
fixedpoint = llvm::maximum(fixedpoint, clampMin);
llvm::APSInt result(storageBitWidth, !isSigned);
fixedpoint.convertToInteger(result, roundMode, &lossy);
return std::move(result);
int64_t quantizeFloatToInt64(APFloat expressedValue) const {
APInt qValue = quantizeFloatToInt(expressedValue);
return isSigned ? qValue.getSExtValue() : qValue.getZExtValue();
virtual ~UniformQuantizedValueConverter() {}
// An optimized implementation to quantize f32 to i8/u8 with C++ native
// arithmetic.
virtual APInt quantizeF32ToInt8(APFloat expressedValue) const {
assert(&expressedValue.getSemantics() == &APFloat::IEEEsingle());
assert(storageBitWidth == 8);
assert(roundMode == llvm::APFloatBase::rmNearestTiesToAway);
const float realValue = expressedValue.convertToFloat();
const double scaled = realValue / scaleDouble + zeroPointDouble;
// Round to nearest integer with halfway cases rounded away from zero.
const double scaledRounded = std::round(scaled);
const double clamped =
std::min(std::max(scaledRounded, clampMinDouble), clampMaxDouble);
uint64_t signlessResult;
if (isSigned) {
int64_t clampedInt = static_cast<int8_t>(clamped);
memcpy(&signlessResult, &clampedInt, sizeof(clampedInt));
} else {
signlessResult = static_cast<uint8_t>(clamped);
llvm::APInt result(storageBitWidth, signlessResult);
return result;
// Keep both APFloat and double versions of the quantization parameters
// around since they will be used in generic and specialized arithmetic,
// respectively.
const APFloat scale;
const APFloat zeroPoint;
const APFloat clampMin;
const APFloat clampMax;
const double scaleDouble;
const double zeroPointDouble;
const double clampMinDouble;
const double clampMaxDouble;
const uint32_t storageBitWidth;
const bool isSigned;
const llvm::APFloat::roundingMode roundMode;
/// An utility class to quantize an attribute by the per-axis quantization
/// parameters. The size of the quantization dim in the converted elements
/// attribute should matche the size of of scales/zeroPoints vectors in the
/// quantization parameters.
class UniformQuantizedPerAxisValueConverter {
explicit UniformQuantizedPerAxisValueConverter(
UniformQuantizedPerAxisType uniformType)
: scales(uniformType.getScales()),
quantizationDim(uniformType.getQuantizedDimension()) {
assert(scales.size() == zeroPoints.size());
/// Quantize an Attribute by the quantization parameters. Return nullptr if
/// the conversion fails or the input array isn't an ElementsAttr.
ElementsAttr convert(Attribute realValue);
/// Quantize an DenseFPElementsAttr by the quantization parameters.
DenseElementsAttr convert(DenseFPElementsAttr attr);
/// Get a uniform converter for the index-th chunk along the quantizationDim.
/// All the elements in this chunk is quantized by the returned converter.
UniformQuantizedValueConverter getPerChunkConverter(int index) const {
UniformQuantizedValueConverter converter(scales[index], zeroPoints[index],
clampMin, clampMax,
storageBitWidth, isSigned);
return converter;
const ArrayRef<double> scales;
const ArrayRef<int64_t> zeroPoints;
const APFloat clampMin;
const APFloat clampMax;
const uint32_t storageBitWidth;
const bool isSigned;
int32_t quantizationDim;
} // namespace quant
} // namespace mlir