blob: 2b1248bc2a8a01c0131ba89a0397e985fbbe0e7b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SPIRVOps.cpp - MLIR SPIR-V operations ------------------------------===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines the operations in the SPIR-V dialect.
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/SPIRVTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Support/StringExtras.h"
using namespace mlir;
// TODO(antiagainst): generate these strings using ODS.
static constexpr const char kAlignmentAttrName[] = "alignment";
static constexpr const char kBranchWeightAttrName[] = "branch_weights";
static constexpr const char kDefaultValueAttrName[] = "default_value";
static constexpr const char kFnNameAttrName[] = "fn";
static constexpr const char kIndicesAttrName[] = "indices";
static constexpr const char kInitializerAttrName[] = "initializer";
static constexpr const char kInterfaceAttrName[] = "interface";
static constexpr const char kSpecConstAttrName[] = "spec_const";
static constexpr const char kTypeAttrName[] = "type";
static constexpr const char kValueAttrName[] = "value";
static constexpr const char kValuesAttrName[] = "values";
static constexpr const char kVariableAttrName[] = "variable";
// Common utility functions
template <typename Dst, typename Src>
inline Dst bitwiseCast(Src source) noexcept {
Dst dest;
static_assert(sizeof(source) == sizeof(dest),
"bitwiseCast requires same source and destination bitwidth");
std::memcpy(&dest, &source, sizeof(dest));
return dest;
static LogicalResult extractValueFromConstOp(Operation *op,
int32_t &indexValue) {
auto constOp = dyn_cast<spirv::ConstantOp>(op);
if (!constOp) {
return failure();
auto valueAttr = constOp.value();
auto integerValueAttr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>();
if (!integerValueAttr) {
return failure();
indexValue = integerValueAttr.getInt();
return success();
static ParseResult parseBinaryLogicalOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *result) {
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 2> ops;
Type type;
if (parser->parseOperandList(ops, 2) || parser->parseColonType(type) ||
parser->resolveOperands(ops, type, result->operands)) {
return failure();
// Result must be a scalar or vector of boolean type.
Type resultType = parser->getBuilder().getIntegerType(1);
if (auto opsType = type.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
resultType = VectorType::get(opsType.getNumElements(), resultType);
return success();
template <typename EnumClass>
static ParseResult parseEnumAttribute(EnumClass &value, OpAsmParser *parser) {
Attribute attrVal;
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 1> attr;
auto loc = parser->getCurrentLocation();
if (parser->parseAttribute(attrVal, parser->getBuilder().getNoneType(),
spirv::attributeName<EnumClass>(), attr)) {
return failure();
if (!attrVal.isa<StringAttr>()) {
return parser->emitError(loc, "expected ")
<< spirv::attributeName<EnumClass>()
<< " attribute specified as string";
auto attrOptional =
if (!attrOptional) {
return parser->emitError(loc, "invalid ")
<< spirv::attributeName<EnumClass>()
<< " attribute specification: " << attrVal;
value = attrOptional.getValue();
return success();
template <typename EnumClass>
static ParseResult parseEnumAttribute(EnumClass &value, OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
if (parseEnumAttribute(value, parser)) {
return failure();
return success();
static ParseResult parseMemoryAccessAttributes(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
// Parse an optional list of attributes staring with '['
if (parser->parseOptionalLSquare()) {
// Nothing to do
return success();
spirv::MemoryAccess memoryAccessAttr;
if (parseEnumAttribute(memoryAccessAttr, parser, state)) {
return failure();
if (memoryAccessAttr == spirv::MemoryAccess::Aligned) {
// Parse integer attribute for alignment.
Attribute alignmentAttr;
Type i32Type = parser->getBuilder().getIntegerType(32);
if (parser->parseComma() ||
parser->parseAttribute(alignmentAttr, i32Type, kAlignmentAttrName,
state->attributes)) {
return failure();
return parser->parseRSquare();
// Parses an op that has no inputs and no outputs.
static ParseResult parseNoIOOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
if (parser->parseOptionalAttributeDict(state->attributes))
return failure();
return success();
static void printBinaryLogicalOp(Operation *logicalOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << logicalOp->getName() << ' ' << *logicalOp->getOperand(0) << ", "
<< *logicalOp->getOperand(1);
*printer << " : " << logicalOp->getOperand(0)->getType();
template <typename LoadStoreOpTy>
static void
printMemoryAccessAttribute(LoadStoreOpTy loadStoreOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &elidedAttrs) {
// Print optional memory access attribute.
if (auto memAccess = loadStoreOp.memory_access()) {
*printer << " [\"" << stringifyMemoryAccess(*memAccess) << "\"";
// Print integer alignment attribute.
if (auto alignment = loadStoreOp.alignment()) {
*printer << ", " << alignment;
*printer << "]";
template <typename LoadStoreOpTy>
static LogicalResult verifyMemoryAccessAttribute(LoadStoreOpTy loadStoreOp) {
// ODS checks for attributes values. Just need to verify that if the
// memory-access attribute is Aligned, then the alignment attribute must be
// present.
auto *op = loadStoreOp.getOperation();
auto memAccessAttr = op->getAttr(spirv::attributeName<spirv::MemoryAccess>());
if (!memAccessAttr) {
// Alignment attribute shouldn't be present if memory access attribute is
// not present.
if (op->getAttr(kAlignmentAttrName)) {
return loadStoreOp.emitOpError(
"invalid alignment specification without aligned memory access "
return success();
auto memAccessVal = memAccessAttr.template cast<IntegerAttr>();
auto memAccess = spirv::symbolizeMemoryAccess(memAccessVal.getInt());
if (!memAccess) {
return loadStoreOp.emitOpError("invalid memory access specifier: ")
<< memAccessVal;
if (*memAccess == spirv::MemoryAccess::Aligned) {
if (!op->getAttr(kAlignmentAttrName)) {
return loadStoreOp.emitOpError("missing alignment value");
} else {
if (op->getAttr(kAlignmentAttrName)) {
return loadStoreOp.emitOpError(
"invalid alignment specification with non-aligned memory access "
return success();
template <typename LoadStoreOpTy>
static LogicalResult verifyLoadStorePtrAndValTypes(LoadStoreOpTy op, Value *ptr,
Value *val) {
// ODS already checks ptr is spirv::PointerType. Just check that the pointee
// type of the pointer and the type of the value are the same
// TODO(ravishankarm): Check that the value type satisfies restrictions of
// SPIR-V OpLoad/OpStore operations
if (val->getType() !=
ptr->getType().cast<spirv::PointerType>().getPointeeType()) {
return op.emitOpError("mismatch in result type and pointer type");
return success();
// Prints an op that has no inputs and no outputs.
static void printNoIOOp(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << op->getName();
static ParseResult parseVariableDecorations(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
auto builtInName =
if (succeeded(parser->parseOptionalKeyword("bind"))) {
Attribute set, binding;
// Parse optional descriptor binding
auto descriptorSetName = convertToSnakeCase(
auto bindingName =
Type i32Type = parser->getBuilder().getIntegerType(32);
if (parser->parseLParen() ||
parser->parseAttribute(set, i32Type, descriptorSetName,
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseComma() ||
parser->parseAttribute(binding, i32Type, bindingName,
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseRParen()) {
return failure();
} else if (succeeded(parser->parseOptionalKeyword(builtInName.c_str()))) {
StringAttr builtIn;
if (parser->parseLParen() ||
parser->parseAttribute(builtIn, Type(), builtInName,
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseRParen()) {
return failure();
// Parse other attributes
if (parser->parseOptionalAttributeDict(state->attributes))
return failure();
return success();
static void printVariableDecorations(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter *printer,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &elidedAttrs) {
// Print optional descriptor binding
auto descriptorSetName =
auto bindingName =
auto descriptorSet = op->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>(descriptorSetName);
auto binding = op->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>(bindingName);
if (descriptorSet && binding) {
*printer << " bind(" << descriptorSet.getInt() << ", " << binding.getInt()
<< ")";
// Print BuiltIn attribute if present
auto builtInName =
if (auto builtin = op->getAttrOfType<StringAttr>(builtInName)) {
*printer << " " << builtInName << "(\"" << builtin.getValue() << "\")";
printer->printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), elidedAttrs);
// spv.AccessChainOp
static Type getElementPtrType(Type type, ArrayRef<Value *> indices,
Location baseLoc) {
if (indices.empty()) {
emitError(baseLoc, "'spv.AccessChain' op expected at least "
"one index ");
return nullptr;
auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>();
if (!ptrType) {
emitError(baseLoc, "'spv.AccessChain' op expected a pointer "
"to composite type, but provided ")
<< type;
return nullptr;
auto resultType = ptrType.getPointeeType();
auto resultStorageClass = ptrType.getStorageClass();
int32_t index = 0;
for (auto indexSSA : indices) {
auto cType = resultType.dyn_cast<spirv::CompositeType>();
if (!cType) {
"'spv.AccessChain' op cannot extract from non-composite type ")
<< resultType << " with index " << index;
return nullptr;
index = 0;
if (resultType.isa<spirv::StructType>()) {
Operation *op = indexSSA->getDefiningOp();
if (!op) {
emitError(baseLoc, "'spv.AccessChain' op index must be an "
"integer spv.constant to access "
"element of spv.struct");
return nullptr;
// TODO(denis0x0D): this should be relaxed to allow
// integer literals of other bitwidths.
if (failed(extractValueFromConstOp(op, index))) {
"'spv.AccessChain' index must be an integer spv.constant to "
"access element of spv.struct, but provided ")
<< op->getName();
return nullptr;
if (index < 0 || static_cast<uint64_t>(index) >= cType.getNumElements()) {
emitError(baseLoc, "'spv.AccessChain' op index ")
<< index << " out of bounds for " << resultType;
return nullptr;
resultType = cType.getElementType(index);
return spirv::PointerType::get(resultType, resultStorageClass);
void spirv::AccessChainOp::build(Builder *builder, OperationState *state,
Value *basePtr, ArrayRef<Value *> indices) {
auto type = getElementPtrType(basePtr->getType(), indices, state->location);
assert(type && "Unable to deduce return type based on basePtr and indices");
build(builder, state, type, basePtr, indices);
static ParseResult parseAccessChainOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
OpAsmParser::OperandType ptrInfo;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> indicesInfo;
Type type;
// TODO(denis0x0D): regarding to the spec an index must be any integer type,
// figure out how to use resolveOperand with a range of types and do not
// fail on first attempt.
Type indicesType = parser->getBuilder().getIntegerType(32);
if (parser->parseOperand(ptrInfo) ||
parser->parseOperandList(indicesInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
parser->parseColonType(type) ||
parser->resolveOperand(ptrInfo, type, state->operands) ||
parser->resolveOperands(indicesInfo, indicesType, state->operands)) {
return failure();
auto resultType = getElementPtrType(
type, llvm::makeArrayRef(state->operands).drop_front(), state->location);
if (!resultType) {
return failure();
return success();
static void print(spirv::AccessChainOp op, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::AccessChainOp::getOperationName() << ' ' << *op.base_ptr()
<< '[';
*printer << "] : " << op.base_ptr()->getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::AccessChainOp accessChainOp) {
SmallVector<Value *, 4> indices(accessChainOp.indices().begin(),
auto resultType = getElementPtrType(accessChainOp.base_ptr()->getType(),
indices, accessChainOp.getLoc());
if (!resultType) {
return failure();
auto providedResultType =
if (!providedResultType) {
return accessChainOp.emitOpError(
"result type must be a pointer, but provided")
<< providedResultType;
if (resultType != providedResultType) {
return accessChainOp.emitOpError("invalid result type: expected ")
<< resultType << ", but provided " << providedResultType;
return success();
// spv._address_of
static ParseResult parseAddressOfOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
SymbolRefAttr varRefAttr;
Type type;
if (parser->parseAttribute(varRefAttr, Type(), kVariableAttrName,
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseColonType(type)) {
return failure();
auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>();
if (!ptrType) {
return parser->emitError(parser->getCurrentLocation(),
"expected spv.ptr type");
return success();
static void print(spirv::AddressOfOp addressOfOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs;
*printer << spirv::AddressOfOp::getOperationName();
// Print symbol name.
*printer << " @" << addressOfOp.variable();
// Print the type.
*printer << " : " << addressOfOp.pointer()->getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::AddressOfOp addressOfOp) {
auto moduleOp = addressOfOp.getParentOfType<spirv::ModuleOp>();
auto varOp =
if (!varOp) {
return addressOfOp.emitOpError("expected spv.globalVariable symbol");
if (addressOfOp.pointer()->getType() != varOp.type()) {
return addressOfOp.emitOpError(
"result type mismatch with the referenced global variable's type");
return success();
// spv.BranchOp
static ParseResult parseBranchOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
Block *dest;
SmallVector<Value *, 4> destOperands;
if (parser->parseSuccessorAndUseList(dest, destOperands))
return failure();
state->addSuccessor(dest, destOperands);
return success();
static void print(spirv::BranchOp branchOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::BranchOp::getOperationName() << ' ';
printer->printSuccessorAndUseList(branchOp.getOperation(), /*index=*/0);
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::BranchOp branchOp) {
auto *op = branchOp.getOperation();
if (op->getNumSuccessors() != 1)
branchOp.emitOpError("must have exactly one successor");
return success();
// spv.BranchConditionalOp
static ParseResult parseBranchConditionalOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
auto &builder = parser->getBuilder();
OpAsmParser::OperandType condInfo;
Block *dest;
SmallVector<Value *, 4> destOperands;
// Parse the condition.
Type boolTy = builder.getI1Type();
if (parser->parseOperand(condInfo) ||
parser->resolveOperand(condInfo, boolTy, state->operands))
return failure();
// Parse the optional branch weights.
if (succeeded(parser->parseOptionalLSquare())) {
IntegerAttr trueWeight, falseWeight;
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 2> weights;
auto i32Type = builder.getIntegerType(32);
if (parser->parseAttribute(trueWeight, i32Type, "weight", weights) ||
parser->parseComma() ||
parser->parseAttribute(falseWeight, i32Type, "weight", weights) ||
return failure();
builder.getArrayAttr({trueWeight, falseWeight}));
// Parse the true branch.
if (parser->parseComma() ||
parser->parseSuccessorAndUseList(dest, destOperands))
return failure();
state->addSuccessor(dest, destOperands);
// Parse the false branch.
if (parser->parseComma() ||
parser->parseSuccessorAndUseList(dest, destOperands))
return failure();
state->addSuccessor(dest, destOperands);
return success();
static void print(spirv::BranchConditionalOp branchOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::BranchConditionalOp::getOperationName() << ' ';
if (auto weights = branchOp.branch_weights()) {
*printer << " [";
weights->getValue(), printer->getStream(),
[&](Attribute a) { *printer << a.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt(); });
*printer << "]";
*printer << ", ";
*printer << ", ";
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::BranchConditionalOp branchOp) {
auto *op = branchOp.getOperation();
if (op->getNumSuccessors() != 2)
return branchOp.emitOpError("must have exactly two successors");
if (auto weights = branchOp.branch_weights()) {
if (weights->getValue().size() != 2) {
return branchOp.emitOpError("must have exactly two branch weights");
if (llvm::all_of(*weights, [](Attribute attr) {
return attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getValue().isNullValue();
return branchOp.emitOpError("branch weights cannot both be zero");
return success();
// spv.CompositeExtractOp
static ParseResult parseCompositeExtractOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
OpAsmParser::OperandType compositeInfo;
Attribute indicesAttr;
Type compositeType;
llvm::SMLoc attrLocation;
int32_t index;
if (parser->parseOperand(compositeInfo) ||
parser->getCurrentLocation(&attrLocation) ||
parser->parseAttribute(indicesAttr, kIndicesAttrName,
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseColonType(compositeType) ||
parser->resolveOperand(compositeInfo, compositeType, state->operands)) {
return failure();
auto indicesArrayAttr = indicesAttr.dyn_cast<ArrayAttr>();
if (!indicesArrayAttr) {
return parser->emitError(
"expected an 32-bit integer array attribute for 'indices'");
if (!indicesArrayAttr.size()) {
return parser->emitError(
attrLocation, "expected at least one index for spv.CompositeExtract");
Type resultType = compositeType;
for (auto indexAttr : indicesArrayAttr) {
if (auto indexIntAttr = indexAttr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>()) {
index = indexIntAttr.getInt();
} else {
return parser->emitError(
"expexted an 32-bit integer for index, but found '")
<< indexAttr << "'";
if (auto cType = resultType.dyn_cast<spirv::CompositeType>()) {
if (index < 0 || static_cast<uint64_t>(index) >= cType.getNumElements()) {
return parser->emitError(attrLocation, "index ")
<< index << " out of bounds for " << resultType;
resultType = cType.getElementType(index);
} else {
return parser->emitError(attrLocation,
"cannot extract from non-composite type ")
<< resultType << " with index " << index;
return success();
static void print(spirv::CompositeExtractOp compositeExtractOp,
OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::CompositeExtractOp::getOperationName() << ' '
<< *compositeExtractOp.composite() << compositeExtractOp.indices()
<< " : " << compositeExtractOp.composite()->getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::CompositeExtractOp compExOp) {
auto resultType = compExOp.composite()->getType();
auto indicesArrayAttr = compExOp.indices().dyn_cast<ArrayAttr>();
if (!indicesArrayAttr.size()) {
return compExOp.emitOpError(
"expexted at least one index for spv.CompositeExtractOp");
int32_t index;
for (auto indexAttr : indicesArrayAttr) {
index = indexAttr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
if (auto cType = resultType.dyn_cast<spirv::CompositeType>()) {
if (index < 0 || static_cast<uint64_t>(index) >= cType.getNumElements()) {
return compExOp.emitOpError("index ")
<< index << " out of bounds for " << resultType;
resultType = cType.getElementType(index);
} else {
return compExOp.emitError("cannot extract from non-composite type ")
<< resultType << " with index " << index;
if (resultType != compExOp.getType()) {
return compExOp.emitOpError("invalid result type: expected ")
<< resultType << " but provided " << compExOp.getType();
return success();
// spv.constant
static ParseResult parseConstantOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
Attribute value;
if (parser->parseAttribute(value, kValueAttrName, state->attributes))
return failure();
Type type;
if (value.getType().isa<NoneType>()) {
if (parser->parseColonType(type))
return failure();
} else {
type = value.getType();
return parser->addTypeToList(type, state->types);
static void print(spirv::ConstantOp constOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::ConstantOp::getOperationName() << ' ' << constOp.value();
if (constOp.getType().isa<spirv::ArrayType>()) {
*printer << " : " << constOp.getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::ConstantOp constOp) {
auto opType = constOp.getType();
auto value = constOp.value();
auto valueType = value.getType();
// ODS already generates checks to make sure the result type is valid. We just
// need to additionally check that the value's attribute type is consistent
// with the result type.
switch (value.getKind()) {
case StandardAttributes::Bool:
case StandardAttributes::Integer:
case StandardAttributes::Float:
case StandardAttributes::DenseElements:
case StandardAttributes::SparseElements: {
if (valueType != opType)
return constOp.emitOpError("result type (")
<< opType << ") does not match value type (" << valueType << ")";
return success();
} break;
case StandardAttributes::Array: {
auto arrayType = opType.dyn_cast<spirv::ArrayType>();
if (!arrayType)
return constOp.emitOpError(
"must have spv.array result type for array value");
auto elemType = arrayType.getElementType();
for (auto element : value.cast<ArrayAttr>().getValue()) {
if (element.getType() != elemType)
return constOp.emitOpError(
"has array element that are not of result array element type");
} break;
return constOp.emitOpError("cannot have value of type ") << valueType;
return success();
// spv.EntryPoint
static ParseResult parseEntryPointOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
spirv::ExecutionModel execModel;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 0> identifiers;
SmallVector<Type, 0> idTypes;
SymbolRefAttr fn;
if (parseEnumAttribute(execModel, parser, state) ||
parser->parseAttribute(fn, Type(), kFnNameAttrName, state->attributes)) {
return failure();
if (!parser->parseOptionalComma()) {
// Parse the interface variables
SmallVector<Attribute, 4> interfaceVars;
do {
// The name of the interface variable attribute isnt important
auto attrName = "var_symbol";
SymbolRefAttr var;
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 1> attrs;
if (parser->parseAttribute(var, Type(), attrName, attrs)) {
return failure();
} while (!parser->parseOptionalComma());
return success();
static void print(spirv::EntryPointOp entryPointOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::EntryPointOp::getOperationName() << " \""
<< stringifyExecutionModel(entryPointOp.execution_model()) << "\" @"
<< entryPointOp.fn();
if (auto interface = entryPointOp.interface()) {
*printer << ", ";
mlir::interleaveComma(interface.getValue().getValue(), printer->getStream(),
[&](Attribute a) { printer->printAttribute(a); });
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::EntryPointOp entryPointOp) {
// Checks for fn and interface symbol reference are done in spirv::ModuleOp
// verification.
return success();
// spv.ExecutionMode
static ParseResult parseExecutionModeOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
spirv::ExecutionMode execMode;
Attribute fn;
if (parser->parseAttribute(fn, kFnNameAttrName, state->attributes) ||
parseEnumAttribute(execMode, parser, state)) {
return failure();
SmallVector<int32_t, 4> values;
Type i32Type = parser->getBuilder().getIntegerType(32);
while (!parser->parseOptionalComma()) {
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 1> attr;
Attribute value;
if (parser->parseAttribute(value, i32Type, "value", attr)) {
return failure();
return success();
static void print(spirv::ExecutionModeOp execModeOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::ExecutionModeOp::getOperationName() << " @"
<< execModeOp.fn() << " \""
<< stringifyExecutionMode(execModeOp.execution_mode()) << "\"";
auto values = execModeOp.values();
if (!values) {
*printer << ", ";
values.getValue().cast<ArrayAttr>(), printer->getStream(),
[&](Attribute a) { *printer << a.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt(); });
// spv.globalVariable
static ParseResult parseGlobalVariableOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
// Parse variable name.
StringAttr nameAttr;
if (parser->parseSymbolName(nameAttr, SymbolTable::getSymbolAttrName(),
state->attributes)) {
return failure();
// Parse optional initializer
if (succeeded(parser->parseOptionalKeyword(kInitializerAttrName))) {
SymbolRefAttr initSymbol;
if (parser->parseLParen() ||
parser->parseAttribute(initSymbol, Type(), kInitializerAttrName,
state->attributes) ||
return failure();
if (parseVariableDecorations(parser, state)) {
return failure();
Type type;
auto loc = parser->getCurrentLocation();
if (parser->parseColonType(type)) {
return failure();
if (!type.isa<spirv::PointerType>()) {
return parser->emitError(loc, "expected spv.ptr type");
state->addAttribute(kTypeAttrName, parser->getBuilder().getTypeAttr(type));
return success();
static void print(spirv::GlobalVariableOp varOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
auto *op = varOp.getOperation();
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs{
*printer << spirv::GlobalVariableOp::getOperationName();
// Print variable name.
*printer << " @" << varOp.sym_name();
// Print optional initializer
if (auto initializer = varOp.initializer()) {
*printer << " " << kInitializerAttrName << "(@" << initializer.getValue()
<< ")";
printVariableDecorations(op, printer, elidedAttrs);
*printer << " : " << varOp.type();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::GlobalVariableOp varOp) {
// SPIR-V spec: "Storage Class is the Storage Class of the memory holding the
// object. It cannot be Generic. It must be the same as the Storage Class
// operand of the Result Type."
if (varOp.storageClass() == spirv::StorageClass::Generic)
return varOp.emitOpError("storage class cannot be 'Generic'");
if (auto init = varOp.getAttrOfType<SymbolRefAttr>(kInitializerAttrName)) {
auto moduleOp = varOp.getParentOfType<spirv::ModuleOp>();
auto *initOp = moduleOp.lookupSymbol(init.getValue());
// TODO: Currently only variable initialization with specialization
// constants and other variables is supported. They could be normal
// constants in the module scope as well.
if (!initOp || !(isa<spirv::GlobalVariableOp>(initOp) ||
isa<spirv::SpecConstantOp>(initOp))) {
return varOp.emitOpError("initializer must be result of a "
"spv.specConstant or spv.globalVariable op");
return success();
// spv.LoadOp
static ParseResult parseLoadOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
// Parse the storage class specification
spirv::StorageClass storageClass;
OpAsmParser::OperandType ptrInfo;
Type elementType;
if (parseEnumAttribute(storageClass, parser) ||
parser->parseOperand(ptrInfo) ||
parseMemoryAccessAttributes(parser, state) ||
parser->parseOptionalAttributeDict(state->attributes) ||
parser->parseColon() || parser->parseType(elementType)) {
return failure();
auto ptrType = spirv::PointerType::get(elementType, storageClass);
if (parser->resolveOperand(ptrInfo, ptrType, state->operands)) {
return failure();
return success();
static void print(spirv::LoadOp loadOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
auto *op = loadOp.getOperation();
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs;
StringRef sc = stringifyStorageClass(
*printer << spirv::LoadOp::getOperationName() << " \"" << sc << "\" ";
// Print the pointer operand.
printMemoryAccessAttribute(loadOp, printer, elidedAttrs);
printer->printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), elidedAttrs);
*printer << " : " << loadOp.getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::LoadOp loadOp) {
// SPIR-V spec : "Result Type is the type of the loaded object. It must be a
// type with fixed size; i.e., it cannot be, nor include, any
// OpTypeRuntimeArray types."
if (failed(verifyLoadStorePtrAndValTypes(loadOp, loadOp.ptr(),
loadOp.value()))) {
return failure();
return verifyMemoryAccessAttribute(loadOp);
// spv.module
void spirv::ModuleOp::build(Builder *builder, OperationState *state) {
ensureTerminator(*state->addRegion(), *builder, state->location);
void spirv::ModuleOp::build(Builder *builder, OperationState *state,
IntegerAttr addressing_model,
IntegerAttr memory_model, ArrayAttr capabilities,
ArrayAttr extensions,
ArrayAttr extended_instruction_sets) {
state->addAttribute("addressing_model", addressing_model);
state->addAttribute("memory_model", memory_model);
if (capabilities)
state->addAttribute("capabilities", capabilities);
if (extensions)
state->addAttribute("extensions", extensions);
if (extended_instruction_sets)
state->addAttribute("extended_instruction_sets", extended_instruction_sets);
ensureTerminator(*state->addRegion(), *builder, state->location);
static ParseResult parseModuleOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
Region *body = state->addRegion();
// Parse attributes
spirv::AddressingModel addrModel;
spirv::MemoryModel memoryModel;
if (parseEnumAttribute(addrModel, parser, state) ||
parseEnumAttribute(memoryModel, parser, state)) {
return failure();
if (parser->parseRegion(*body, /*arguments=*/{}, /*argTypes=*/{}))
return failure();
if (succeeded(parser->parseOptionalKeyword("attributes"))) {
if (parser->parseOptionalAttributeDict(state->attributes))
return failure();
spirv::ModuleOp::ensureTerminator(*body, parser->getBuilder(),
return success();
static void print(spirv::ModuleOp moduleOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
auto *op = moduleOp.getOperation();
// Only print out addressing model and memory model in a nicer way if both
// presents. Otherwise, print them in the general form. This helps debugging
// ill-formed ModuleOp.
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> elidedAttrs;
auto addressingModelAttrName = spirv::attributeName<spirv::AddressingModel>();
auto memoryModelAttrName = spirv::attributeName<spirv::MemoryModel>();
if (op->getAttr(addressingModelAttrName) &&
op->getAttr(memoryModelAttrName)) {
*printer << spirv::ModuleOp::getOperationName() << " \""
<< spirv::stringifyAddressingModel(moduleOp.addressing_model())
<< "\" \"" << spirv::stringifyMemoryModel(moduleOp.memory_model())
<< '"';
elidedAttrs.assign({addressingModelAttrName, memoryModelAttrName});
printer->printRegion(op->getRegion(0), /*printEntryBlockArgs=*/false,
bool printAttrDict =
elidedAttrs.size() != 2 ||
llvm::any_of(op->getAttrs(), [&addressingModelAttrName,
&memoryModelAttrName](NamedAttribute attr) {
return attr.first != addressingModelAttrName &&
attr.first != memoryModelAttrName;
if (printAttrDict) {
*printer << " attributes";
printer->printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), elidedAttrs);
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::ModuleOp moduleOp) {
auto &op = *moduleOp.getOperation();
auto *dialect = op.getDialect();
auto &body = op.getRegion(0).front();
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<FuncOp, spirv::ExecutionModel>, spirv::EntryPointOp>
SymbolTable table(moduleOp);
for (auto &op : body) {
if (op.getDialect() == dialect) {
// For EntryPoint op, check that the function and execution model is not
// duplicated in EntryPointOps. Also verify that the interface specified
// comes from globalVariables here to make this check cheaper.
if (auto entryPointOp = dyn_cast<spirv::EntryPointOp>(op)) {
auto funcOp = table.lookup<FuncOp>(entryPointOp.fn());
if (!funcOp) {
return entryPointOp.emitError("function '")
<< entryPointOp.fn() << "' not found in 'spv.module'";
if (auto interface = entryPointOp.interface()) {
for (auto varRef : interface.getValue().getValue()) {
auto varSymRef = varRef.dyn_cast<SymbolRefAttr>();
if (!varSymRef) {
return entryPointOp.emitError(
"expected symbol reference for interface "
"specification instead of '")
<< varRef;
auto variableOp =
if (!variableOp) {
return entryPointOp.emitError("expected spv.globalVariable "
"symbol reference instead of'")
<< varSymRef << "'";
auto key = std::pair<FuncOp, spirv::ExecutionModel>(
funcOp, entryPointOp.execution_model());
auto entryPtIt = entryPoints.find(key);
if (entryPtIt != entryPoints.end()) {
return entryPointOp.emitError("duplicate of a previous EntryPointOp");
entryPoints[key] = entryPointOp;
auto funcOp = dyn_cast<FuncOp>(op);
if (!funcOp)
return op.emitError("'spv.module' can only contain func and spv.* ops");
if (funcOp.isExternal())
return op.emitError("'spv.module' cannot contain external functions");
for (auto &block : funcOp)
for (auto &op : block) {
if (op.getDialect() == dialect)
if (isa<FuncOp>(op))
return op.emitError("'spv.module' cannot contain nested functions");
return op.emitError(
"functions in 'spv.module' can only contain spv.* ops");
// Verify capabilities. ODS already guarantees that we have an array of
// string attributes.
if (auto caps = moduleOp.getAttrOfType<ArrayAttr>("capabilities")) {
for (auto cap : caps.getValue()) {
auto capStr = cap.cast<StringAttr>().getValue();
if (!spirv::symbolizeCapability(capStr))
return moduleOp.emitOpError("uses unknown capability: ") << capStr;
// Verify extensions. ODS already guarantees that we have an array of
// string attributes.
if (auto exts = moduleOp.getAttrOfType<ArrayAttr>("extensions")) {
for (auto ext : exts.getValue()) {
auto extStr = ext.cast<StringAttr>().getValue();
if (!spirv::symbolizeExtension(extStr))
return moduleOp.emitOpError("uses unknown extension: ") << extStr;
return success();
// spv._reference_of
static ParseResult parseReferenceOfOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
SymbolRefAttr constRefAttr;
Type type;
if (parser->parseAttribute(constRefAttr, Type(), kSpecConstAttrName,
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseColonType(type)) {
return failure();
return parser->addTypeToList(type, state->types);
static void print(spirv::ReferenceOfOp referenceOfOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::ReferenceOfOp::getOperationName() << " @"
<< referenceOfOp.spec_const() << " : "
<< referenceOfOp.reference()->getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::ReferenceOfOp referenceOfOp) {
auto moduleOp = referenceOfOp.getParentOfType<spirv::ModuleOp>();
auto specConstOp =
if (!specConstOp) {
return referenceOfOp.emitOpError("expected spv.specConstant symbol");
if (referenceOfOp.reference()->getType() !=
specConstOp.default_value().getType()) {
return referenceOfOp.emitOpError("result type mismatch with the referenced "
"specialization constant's type");
return success();
// spv.Return
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::ReturnOp returnOp) {
auto funcOp = cast<FuncOp>(returnOp.getParentOp());
auto numOutputs = funcOp.getType().getNumResults();
if (numOutputs != 0)
return returnOp.emitOpError("cannot be used in functions returning value")
<< (numOutputs > 1 ? "s" : "");
return success();
// spv.ReturnValue
static ParseResult parseReturnValueOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
OpAsmParser::OperandType retValInfo;
Type retValType;
return failure(
parser->parseOperand(retValInfo) || parser->parseColonType(retValType) ||
parser->resolveOperand(retValInfo, retValType, state->operands));
static void print(spirv::ReturnValueOp retValOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::ReturnValueOp::getOperationName() << ' ';
*printer << " : " << retValOp.value()->getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::ReturnValueOp retValOp) {
auto funcOp = cast<FuncOp>(retValOp.getParentOp());
auto numFnResults = funcOp.getType().getNumResults();
if (numFnResults != 1)
return retValOp.emitOpError(
"returns 1 value but enclosing function requires ")
<< numFnResults << " results";
auto operandType = retValOp.value()->getType();
auto fnResultType = funcOp.getType().getResult(0);
if (operandType != fnResultType)
return retValOp.emitOpError(" return value's type (")
<< operandType << ") mismatch with function's result type ("
<< fnResultType << ")";
return success();
// spv.specConstant
static ParseResult parseSpecConstantOp(OpAsmParser *parser,
OperationState *state) {
StringAttr nameAttr;
Attribute valueAttr;
if (parser->parseSymbolName(nameAttr, SymbolTable::getSymbolAttrName(),
state->attributes) ||
parser->parseEqual() ||
parser->parseAttribute(valueAttr, kDefaultValueAttrName,
return failure();
return success();
static void print(spirv::SpecConstantOp constOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
*printer << spirv::SpecConstantOp::getOperationName() << " @"
<< constOp.sym_name() << " = ";
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::SpecConstantOp constOp) {
auto value = constOp.default_value();
switch (value.getKind()) {
case StandardAttributes::Bool:
case StandardAttributes::Integer:
case StandardAttributes::Float: {
// Make sure bitwidth is allowed.
auto *dialect = static_cast<spirv::SPIRVDialect *>(constOp.getDialect());
if (!dialect->isValidSPIRVType(value.getType()))
return constOp.emitOpError("default value bitwidth disallowed");
return success();
return constOp.emitOpError(
"default value can only be a bool, integer, or float scalar");
// spv.StoreOp
static ParseResult parseStoreOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
// Parse the storage class specification
spirv::StorageClass storageClass;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 2> operandInfo;
auto loc = parser->getCurrentLocation();
Type elementType;
if (parseEnumAttribute(storageClass, parser) ||
parser->parseOperandList(operandInfo, 2) ||
parseMemoryAccessAttributes(parser, state) || parser->parseColon() ||
parser->parseType(elementType)) {
return failure();
auto ptrType = spirv::PointerType::get(elementType, storageClass);
if (parser->resolveOperands(operandInfo, {ptrType, elementType}, loc,
state->operands)) {
return failure();
return success();
static void print(spirv::StoreOp storeOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
auto *op = storeOp.getOperation();
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs;
StringRef sc = stringifyStorageClass(
*printer << spirv::StoreOp::getOperationName() << " \"" << sc << "\" ";
// Print the pointer operand
*printer << ", ";
// Print the value operand
printMemoryAccessAttribute(storeOp, printer, elidedAttrs);
*printer << " : " << storeOp.value()->getType();
printer->printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), elidedAttrs);
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::StoreOp storeOp) {
// SPIR-V spec : "Pointer is the pointer to store through. Its type must be an
// OpTypePointer whose Type operand is the same as the type of Object."
if (failed(verifyLoadStorePtrAndValTypes(storeOp, storeOp.ptr(),
storeOp.value()))) {
return failure();
return verifyMemoryAccessAttribute(storeOp);
// spv.Variable
static ParseResult parseVariableOp(OpAsmParser *parser, OperationState *state) {
// Parse optional initializer
Optional<OpAsmParser::OperandType> initInfo;
if (succeeded(parser->parseOptionalKeyword("init"))) {
initInfo = OpAsmParser::OperandType();
if (parser->parseLParen() || parser->parseOperand(*initInfo) ||
return failure();
if (parseVariableDecorations(parser, state)) {
return failure();
// Parse result pointer type
Type type;
if (parser->parseColon())
return failure();
auto loc = parser->getCurrentLocation();
if (parser->parseType(type))
return failure();
auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>();
if (!ptrType)
return parser->emitError(loc, "expected spv.ptr type");
// Resolve the initializer operand
SmallVector<Value *, 1> init;
if (initInfo) {
if (parser->resolveOperand(*initInfo, ptrType.getPointeeType(), init))
return failure();
auto attr = parser->getBuilder().getI32IntegerAttr(
state->addAttribute(spirv::attributeName<spirv::StorageClass>(), attr);
return success();
static void print(spirv::VariableOp varOp, OpAsmPrinter *printer) {
auto *op = varOp.getOperation();
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs{
*printer << spirv::VariableOp::getOperationName();
// Print optional initializer
if (op->getNumOperands() > 0) {
*printer << " init(";
*printer << ")";
printVariableDecorations(op, printer, elidedAttrs);
*printer << " : " << varOp.getType();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::VariableOp varOp) {
// SPIR-V spec: "Storage Class is the Storage Class of the memory holding the
// object. It cannot be Generic. It must be the same as the Storage Class
// operand of the Result Type."
if (varOp.storage_class() != spirv::StorageClass::Function) {
return varOp.emitOpError(
"can only be used to model function-level variables. Use "
"spv.globalVariable for module-level variables.");
auto pointerType = varOp.pointer()->getType().cast<spirv::PointerType>();
if (varOp.storage_class() != pointerType.getStorageClass())
return varOp.emitOpError(
"storage class must match result pointer's storage class");
if (varOp.getNumOperands() != 0) {
// SPIR-V spec: "Initializer must be an <id> from a constant instruction or
// a global (module scope) OpVariable instruction".
auto *initOp = varOp.getOperand(0)->getDefiningOp();
if (!initOp || !(isa<spirv::ConstantOp>(initOp) || // for normal constant
isa<spirv::ReferenceOfOp>(initOp) || // for spec constant
return varOp.emitOpError("initializer must be the result of a "
"constant or spv.globalVariable op");
// TODO(antiagainst): generate these strings using ODS.
auto *op = varOp.getOperation();
auto descriptorSetName =
auto bindingName =
auto builtInName =
for (const auto &attr : {descriptorSetName, bindingName, builtInName}) {
if (op->getAttr(attr))
return varOp.emitOpError("cannot have '")
<< attr << "' attribute (only allowed in spv.globalVariable)";
return success();
namespace mlir {
namespace spirv {
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/"
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace mlir