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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Statistical test assertions calibrated for their error rates.
Statistical tests have an inescapable probability of error: a correct
sampler can still fail a test by chance, and an incorrect sampler can
still pass a test by chance. This library is about bounding both of
those error rates. This requires admitting a task-specific notion of
"discrepancy": Correct code will fail rarely, code that misbehaves by
more than the discrepancy will pass rarely, and nothing reliable can
be said about code that misbehaves, but misbehaves by less than the
# Example
Consider testing that the mean of a scalar probability distribution P
is some expected constant. Suppose the support of P is the interval
`[0, 1]`. Then you might do this:
tfd = tf.contrib.distributions
expected_mean = ...
num_samples = 5000
samples = ... draw 5000 samples from P
# Check that the mean looks right
check1 = tfd.assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm(
samples, low=0., high=1., expected=expected_mean,
# Check that the difference in means detectable with 5000 samples is
# small enough
check2 = tf.assert_less(
num_samples, low=0., high=1.0,
false_fail_rate=1e-6, false_pass_rate=1e-6),
# Be sure to execute both assertion ops[check1, check2])
The second assertion is an instance of experiment design. It's a
deterministic computation (independent of the code under test) that
checks that `5000` samples is enough to reliably resolve mean
differences of `0.01` or more. Here "reliably" means that if the code
under test is correct, the probability of drawing an unlucky sample
that causes this test to fail is at most 1e-6; and if the code under
test is incorrect enough that its true mean is 0.01 more or less than
expected, then the probability of drawing a "lucky" sample that causes
the test to false-pass is also at most 1e-6.
# Overview
Every function in this library can be characterized in terms of:
- The property being tested, such as the full density of the
distribution under test, or just its true mean, or a single
Bernoulli probability, etc.
- The relation being asserted, e.g., whether the mean is less, more,
or equal to the given expected value.
- The stochastic bound being relied upon, such as the
[Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
or the CDF of the binomial distribution (for assertions about
Bernoulli probabilities).
- The number of sample sets in the statistical test. For example,
testing equality of means has a one-sample variant, where the
expected mean is given exactly, and a two-sample variant, where the
expected mean is itself given by a set of samples (e.g., from an
alternative algorithm).
- What operation(s) of the test are to be performed. Each test has
three of these:
1. `assert` executes the test. Specifically, it creates a TF op that
produces an error if it has enough evidence to prove that the
property under test is violated. These functions depend on the
desired false failure rate, because that determines the sizes of
appropriate confidence intervals, etc.
2. `min_discrepancy` computes the smallest difference reliably
detectable by that test, given the sample count and error rates.
What it's a difference of is test-specific. For example, a test
for equality of means would make detection guarantees about the
difference the true means.
3. `min_num_samples` computes the minimum number of samples needed
to reliably detect a given discrepancy with given error rates.
The latter two are for experimental design, and are meant to be
usable either interactively or inline in the overall test method.
This library follows a naming convention, to make room for every
combination of the above. A name mentions the operation first, then
the property, then the relation, then the bound, then, if the test
takes more than one set of samples, a token indicating this. For
example, `assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm` (which is implicitly
one-sample). Each name is a grammatically sound noun phrase (or verb
phrase, for the asserts).
# Asymptotic properties
The number of samples needed tends to scale as `O(1/discrepancy**2)` and
as `O(log(1/error_rate))`.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import clip_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops
__all__ = [
def _batch_sort_vector(x, ascending=True, name=None):
with ops.name_scope(name, "_batch_sort_vector", [x]):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
n = array_ops.shape(x)[-1]
if ascending:
y, _ = nn_ops.top_k(-x, k=n, sorted=True)
y = -y
y, _ = nn_ops.top_k(x, k=n, sorted=True)
return y
def _do_maximum_mean(samples, envelope, high, name=None):
"""Common code between maximum_mean and minimum_mean."""
with ops.name_scope(name, "do_maximum_mean", [samples, envelope, high]):
n = array_ops.rank(samples)
# Move the batch dimension of `samples` to the rightmost position,
# where the _batch_sort_vector function wants it.
perm = array_ops.concat([math_ops.range(1, n), [0]], axis=0)
samples = array_ops.transpose(samples, perm)
samples = _batch_sort_vector(samples)
# The maximum mean is given by taking `envelope`-worth of
# probability from the smallest samples and moving it to the
# maximum value. This amounts to:
# - ignoring the smallest k samples, where `k/n < envelope`
# - taking a `1/n - (envelope - k/n)` part of the index k sample
# - taking all the other samples
# - and adding `envelope * high` at the end.
# The following is a vectorized and batched way of computing this.
# `max_mean_contrib` is a mask implementing the previous.
batch_size = array_ops.shape(samples)[-1]
batch_size = math_ops.cast(batch_size, dtype=samples.dtype.base_dtype)
step = 1. / batch_size
cum_steps = step * math_ops.range(
1, batch_size + 1, dtype=samples.dtype.base_dtype)
max_mean_contrib = clip_ops.clip_by_value(
cum_steps - envelope[..., array_ops.newaxis],
return math_ops.reduce_sum(
samples * max_mean_contrib, axis=-1) + envelope * high
def _maximum_mean(samples, envelope, high, name=None):
"""Returns a stochastic upper bound on the mean of a scalar distribution.
The idea is that if the true CDF is within an `eps`-envelope of the
empirical CDF of the samples, and the support is bounded above, then
the mean is bounded above as well. In symbols,
sup_x(|F_n(x) - F(x)|) < eps
The 0th dimension of `samples` is interpreted as independent and
identically distributed samples. The remaining dimensions are
broadcast together with `envelope` and `high`, and operated on
samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
of interest. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
The other dimensions must broadcast with `envelope` and `high`.
envelope: Floating-point `Tensor` of sizes of admissible CDF
envelopes (i.e., the `eps` above).
high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
supports. `samples <= high`.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
bound: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the true means.
InvalidArgumentError: If some `sample` is found to be larger than
the corresponding `high`.
with ops.name_scope(name, "maximum_mean", [samples, envelope, high]):
samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
envelope = ops.convert_to_tensor(envelope, name="envelope")
high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
xmax = math_ops.reduce_max(samples, axis=[0])
msg = "Given sample maximum value exceeds expectations"
check_op = check_ops.assert_less_equal(xmax, high, message=msg)
with ops.control_dependencies([check_op]):
return array_ops.identity(_do_maximum_mean(samples, envelope, high))
def _minimum_mean(samples, envelope, low, name=None):
"""Returns a stochastic lower bound on the mean of a scalar distribution.
The idea is that if the true CDF is within an `eps`-envelope of the
empirical CDF of the samples, and the support is bounded below, then
the mean is bounded below as well. In symbols,
sup_x(|F_n(x) - F(x)|) < eps
The 0th dimension of `samples` is interpreted as independent and
identically distributed samples. The remaining dimensions are
broadcast together with `envelope` and `low`, and operated on
samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
of interest. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
The other dimensions must broadcast with `envelope` and `low`.
envelope: Floating-point `Tensor` of sizes of admissible CDF
envelopes (i.e., the `eps` above).
low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
supports. `samples >= low`.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
bound: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the true means.
InvalidArgumentError: If some `sample` is found to be smaller than
the corresponding `low`.
with ops.name_scope(name, "minimum_mean", [samples, envelope, low]):
samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
envelope = ops.convert_to_tensor(envelope, name="envelope")
low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
xmin = math_ops.reduce_min(samples, axis=[0])
msg = "Given sample minimum value falls below expectations"
check_op = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(xmin, low, message=msg)
with ops.control_dependencies([check_op]):
return - _do_maximum_mean(-samples, envelope, -low)
def _dkwm_cdf_envelope(n, error_rate, name=None):
"""Computes the CDF envelope that the DKWM inequality licenses.
The [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
gives a stochastic bound on the distance between the true cumulative
distribution function (CDF) of any distribution and its empirical
CDF. To wit, for `n` iid samples from any distribution with CDF F,
P(sup_x |F_n(x) - F(x)| > eps) < 2exp(-2n eps^2)
This function computes the envelope size `eps` as a function of the
number of samples `n` and the desired limit on the left-hand
probability above.
n: `Tensor` of numbers of samples drawn.
error_rate: Floating-point `Tensor` of admissible rates of mistakes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
eps: `Tensor` of maximum distances the true CDF can be from the
empirical CDF. This scales as `O(sqrt(-log(error_rate)))` and
as `O(1 / sqrt(n))`. The shape is the broadcast of `n` and
with ops.name_scope(name, "dkwm_cdf_envelope", [n, error_rate]):
n = math_ops.cast(n, dtype=error_rate.dtype)
return math_ops.sqrt(-gen_math_ops.log(error_rate / 2.) / (2. * n))
def _check_shape_dominates(samples, parameters):
"""Check that broadcasting `samples` against `parameters` does not expand it.
Why? Because I want to be very sure that the samples tensor is not
accidentally enlarged by broadcasting against tensors that are
supposed to be describing the distribution(s) sampled from, lest the
sample counts end up inflated.
samples: A `Tensor` whose shape is to be protected against broadcasting.
parameters: A list of `Tensor`s who are parameters for the statistical test.
samples: Return original `samples` with control dependencies attached
to ensure no broadcasting.
def check(t):
samples_batch_shape = array_ops.shape(samples)[1:]
broadcasted_batch_shape = array_ops.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
samples_batch_shape, array_ops.shape(t))
# This rank check ensures that I don't get a wrong answer from the
# _shapes_ broadcasting against each other.
samples_batch_ndims = array_ops.size(samples_batch_shape)
ge = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
samples_batch_ndims, array_ops.rank(t))
eq = check_ops.assert_equal(samples_batch_shape, broadcasted_batch_shape)
return ge, eq
checks = list(itertools.chain(*[check(t) for t in parameters]))
with ops.control_dependencies(checks):
return array_ops.identity(samples)
def true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
samples, low, high, error_rate=1e-6, name=None):
"""Computes a confidence interval for the mean of a scalar distribution.
In batch mode, computes confidence intervals for all distributions
in the batch (which need not be identically distributed).
Relies on the [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
The probability (over the randomness of drawing the given samples)
that any true mean is outside the corresponding returned interval is
no more than the given `error_rate`. The size of the intervals
scale as
`O(1 / sqrt(#samples))`, as `O(high - low)`, and as `O(-log(error_rate))`.
Note that `error_rate` is a total error rate for all the confidence
intervals in the batch. As such, if the batch is nontrivial, the
error rate is not broadcast but divided (evenly) among the batch
samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
of interest. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
The other dimensions must broadcast with `low` and `high`.
The support is bounded: `low <= samples <= high`.
low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
error_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total rate
of mistakes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
low: A floating-point `Tensor` of stochastic lower bounds on the
true means.
high: A floating-point `Tensor` of stochastic upper bounds on the
true means.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm",
[samples, low, high, error_rate]):
samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
error_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(error_rate, name="error_rate")
samples = _check_shape_dominates(samples, [low, high])
check_ops.assert_scalar(error_rate) # Static shape
error_rate = _itemwise_error_rate(error_rate, [low, high], samples)
n = array_ops.shape(samples)[0]
envelope = _dkwm_cdf_envelope(n, error_rate)
min_mean = _minimum_mean(samples, envelope, low)
max_mean = _maximum_mean(samples, envelope, high)
return min_mean, max_mean
def _itemwise_error_rate(
total_error_rate, param_tensors, sample_tensor=None, name=None):
with ops.name_scope(
name, "itemwise_error_rate",
[total_error_rate, param_tensors, sample_tensor]):
result_shape = [1]
for p_tensor in param_tensors:
result_shape = array_ops.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
array_ops.shape(p_tensor), result_shape)
if sample_tensor is not None:
result_shape = array_ops.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
array_ops.shape(sample_tensor)[1:], result_shape)
num_items = math_ops.reduce_prod(result_shape)
return total_error_rate / math_ops.cast(
num_items, dtype=total_error_rate.dtype)
def assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm(
samples, low, high, expected, false_fail_rate=1e-6, name=None):
"""Asserts the mean of the given distribution is as expected.
More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
[Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
that the true mean of some distribution from which the given samples are
drawn is _not_ the given expected mean with statistical significance
`false_fail_rate` or stronger, otherwise passes. If you also want to
check that you are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not
spurious, see `min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test` and
Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
the assertions in the batch. As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.
samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
of interest. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
The other dimensions must broadcast with `low` and `high`.
The support is bounded: `low <= samples <= high`.
low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
expected: Floating-point `Tensor` of expected true means.
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of mistakes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any expected mean is
outside the corresponding confidence interval.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm",
[samples, low, high, expected, false_fail_rate]):
return assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm(
samples, low, high, expected, expected, false_fail_rate)
def min_discrepancy_of_true_means_detectable_by_dkwm(
n, low, high, false_fail_rate, false_pass_rate, name=None):
"""Returns the minimum mean discrepancy that a DKWM-based test can detect.
DKWM is the [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
the tests in the batch. As such, if the batch is nontrivial, each
member will demand more samples. The `false_pass_rate` is also
interpreted as a total, but is treated asymmetrically: If each test
in the batch detects its corresponding discrepancy with probability
at least `1 - false_pass_rate`, then running all those tests and
failing if any one fails will jointly detect all those discrepancies
with the same `false_pass_rate`.
n: `Tensor` of numbers of samples to be drawn from the distributions
of interest.
low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of false failures.
false_pass_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible rate
of false passes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
discr: `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distances between true
means detectable by a DKWM-based test.
For each batch member `i`, of `K` total, drawing `n[i]` samples from
some scalar distribution supported on `[low[i], high[i]]` is enough
to detect a difference in means of size `discr[i]` or more.
Specifically, we guarantee that (a) if the true mean is the expected
mean (resp. in the expected interval), then `assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm`
(resp. `assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm`) will fail with
probability at most `false_fail_rate / K` (which amounts to
`false_fail_rate` if applied to the whole batch at once), and (b) if
the true mean differs from the expected mean (resp. falls outside
the expected interval) by at least `discr[i]`,
(resp. `assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm`) will pass with
probability at most `false_pass_rate`.
The detectable discrepancy scales as
- `O(high[i] - low[i])`,
- `O(1 / sqrt(n[i]))`,
- `O(-log(false_fail_rate/K))`, and
- `O(-log(false_pass_rate))`.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "min_discrepancy_of_true_means_detectable_by_dkwm",
[n, low, high, false_fail_rate, false_pass_rate]):
n = ops.convert_to_tensor(n, name="n")
low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
false_pass_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_pass_rate, name="false_pass_rate")
# Algorithm: Assume a true CDF F. The DKWM inequality gives a
# stochastic bound on how far the observed empirical CDF F_n can be.
# Then, using the DKWM inequality again gives a stochastic bound on
# the farthest candidate true CDF F' that
# true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm might consider. At worst, these
# errors may go in the same direction, so the distance between F and
# F' is bounded by the sum.
# On batching: false fail rates sum, so I need to reduce
# the input to account for the batching. False pass rates
# max, so I don't.
sampling_envelope = _dkwm_cdf_envelope(n, false_pass_rate)
false_fail_rate = _itemwise_error_rate(false_fail_rate, [n, low, high])
analysis_envelope = _dkwm_cdf_envelope(n, false_fail_rate)
return (high - low) * (sampling_envelope + analysis_envelope)
def min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test(
discrepancy, low, high,
false_fail_rate=1e-6, false_pass_rate=1e-6, name=None):
"""Returns how many samples suffice for a one-sample DKWM mean test.
To wit, returns an upper bound on the number of samples necessary to
guarantee detecting a mean difference of at least the given
`discrepancy`, with the given `false_fail_rate` and `false_pass_rate`,
using the [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
on a scalar distribution supported on `[low, high]`.
discrepancy: Floating-point `Tensor` of desired upper limits on mean
differences that may go undetected with probability higher than
`1 - false_pass_rate`.
low: `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions' support.
high: `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions' support.
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of false failures.
false_pass_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible rate
of false passes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
n: `Tensor` of numbers of samples to be drawn from the distributions
of interest.
The `discrepancy`, `low`, and `high` tensors must have
broadcast-compatible shapes.
For each batch member `i`, of `K` total, drawing `n[i]` samples from
some scalar distribution supported on `[low[i], high[i]]` is enough
to detect a difference in means of size `discrepancy[i]` or more.
Specifically, we guarantee that (a) if the true mean is the expected
mean (resp. in the expected interval), then `assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm`
(resp. `assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm`) will fail with
probability at most `false_fail_rate / K` (which amounts to
`false_fail_rate` if applied to the whole batch at once), and (b) if
the true mean differs from the expected mean (resp. falls outside
the expected interval) by at least `discrepancy[i]`,
(resp. `assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm`) will pass with
probability at most `false_pass_rate`.
The required number of samples scales
as `O((high[i] - low[i])**2)`, `O(-log(false_fail_rate/K))`,
`O(-log(false_pass_rate))`, and `O(1 / discrepancy[i]**2)`.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test",
[low, high, false_fail_rate, false_pass_rate, discrepancy]):
discrepancy = ops.convert_to_tensor(
discrepancy, name="discrepancy")
low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
false_pass_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_pass_rate, name="false_pass_rate")
# Could choose to cleverly allocate envelopes, but this is sound.
envelope1 = discrepancy / (2. * (high - low))
envelope2 = envelope1
false_fail_rate = _itemwise_error_rate(
false_fail_rate, [low, high, discrepancy])
n1 = -math_ops.log(false_fail_rate / 2.) / (2. * envelope1**2)
n2 = -math_ops.log(false_pass_rate / 2.) / (2. * envelope2**2)
return math_ops.maximum(n1, n2)
def assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm(
samples, low, high, expected_low, expected_high,
false_fail_rate=1e-6, name=None):
"""Asserts the mean of the given distribution is in the given interval.
More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
[Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
that the mean of the distribution from which the given samples are
drawn is _outside_ the given interval with statistical significance
`false_fail_rate` or stronger, otherwise passes. If you also want
to check that you are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not
spurious, see `min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test` and
Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
the assertions in the batch. As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.
samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
of interest. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
The other dimensions must broadcast with `low` and `high`.
The support is bounded: `low <= samples <= high`.
low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
expected_low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the
expected true means.
expected_high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the
expected true means.
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of mistakes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any expected mean
interval does not overlap with the corresponding confidence
with ops.name_scope(
name, "assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm",
[samples, low, high, expected_low, expected_high, false_fail_rate]):
samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
expected_low = ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_low, name="expected_low")
expected_high = ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_high, name="expected_high")
false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
samples = _check_shape_dominates(
samples, [low, high, expected_low, expected_high])
min_mean, max_mean = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
samples, low, high, false_fail_rate)
# Assert that the interval [min_mean, max_mean] intersects the
# interval [expected_low, expected_high]. This is true if
# max_mean >= expected_low and min_mean <= expected_high.
# By DeMorgan's law, that's also equivalent to
# not (max_mean < expected_low or min_mean > expected_high),
# which is a way of saying the two intervals are not disjoint.
check_confidence_interval_can_intersect = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
max_mean, expected_low, message="Confidence interval does not "
"intersect: true mean smaller than expected")
with ops.control_dependencies([check_confidence_interval_can_intersect]):
return check_ops.assert_less_equal(
min_mean, expected_high, message="Confidence interval does not "
"intersect: true mean greater than expected")
def assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample(
samples1, low1, high1, samples2, low2, high2,
false_fail_rate=1e-6, name=None):
"""Asserts the means of the given distributions are equal.
More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
[Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
that the means of the distributions from which the given samples are
drawn are _not_ equal with statistical significance `false_fail_rate`
or stronger, otherwise passes. If you also want to check that you
are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not spurious, see
`min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_two_sample_test` and
Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
the assertions in the batch. As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.
samples1: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the
distribution(s) A. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th
dimension. The other dimensions must broadcast with `low1`,
`high1`, `low2`, and `high2`.
The support is bounded: `low1 <= samples1 <= high1`.
low1: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the supports of the
distributions A.
high1: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the supports of
the distributions A.
samples2: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the
distribution(s) B. Entries are assumed IID across the 0th
dimension. The other dimensions must broadcast with `low1`,
`high1`, `low2`, and `high2`.
The support is bounded: `low2 <= samples2 <= high2`.
low2: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the supports of the
distributions B.
high2: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the supports of
the distributions B.
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of mistakes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any pair of confidence
intervals true for corresponding true means do not overlap.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample",
[samples1, low1, high1, samples2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate]):
samples1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples1, name="samples1")
low1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low1, name="low1")
high1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high1, name="high1")
samples2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples2, name="samples2")
low2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low2, name="low2")
high2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high2, name="high2")
false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
samples1 = _check_shape_dominates(samples1, [low1, high1])
samples2 = _check_shape_dominates(samples2, [low2, high2])
compatible_samples = check_ops.assert_equal(
array_ops.shape(samples1)[1:], array_ops.shape(samples2)[1:])
with ops.control_dependencies([compatible_samples]):
# Could in principle play games with cleverly allocating
# significance instead of the even split below. It may be possible
# to get tighter intervals, in order to obtain a higher power test.
# Any allocation strategy that depends only on the support bounds
# and sample counts should be valid; however, because the intervals
# scale as O(-log(false_fail_rate)), there doesn't seem to be much
# room to win.
min_mean_2, max_mean_2 = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
samples2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate / 2.)
return assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm(
samples1, low1, high1, min_mean_2, max_mean_2, false_fail_rate / 2.)
def min_discrepancy_of_true_means_detectable_by_dkwm_two_sample(
n1, low1, high1, n2, low2, high2,
false_fail_rate, false_pass_rate, name=None):
"""Returns the minimum mean discrepancy for a two-sample DKWM-based test.
DKWM is the [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
the tests in the batch. As such, if the batch is nontrivial, each
member will demand more samples. The `false_pass_rate` is also
interpreted as a total, but is treated asymmetrically: If each test
in the batch detects its corresponding discrepancy with probability
at least `1 - false_pass_rate`, then running all those tests and
failing if any one fails will jointly detect all those discrepancies
with the same `false_pass_rate`.
n1: `Tensor` of numbers of samples to be drawn from the distributions A.
low1: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the supports of the
distributions A.
high1: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the supports of
the distributions A.
n2: `Tensor` of numbers of samples to be drawn from the distributions B.
low2: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the supports of the
distributions B.
high2: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the supports of
the distributions B.
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of false failures.
false_pass_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible rate
of false passes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
discr: `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distances between true means
detectable by a two-sample DKWM-based test.
For each batch member `i`, of `K` total, drawing `n1[i]` samples
from scalar distribution A supported on `[low1[i], high1[i]]` and `n2[i]`
samples from scalar distribution B supported on `[low2[i], high2[i]]`
is enough to detect a difference in their true means of size
`discr[i]` or more. Specifically, we guarantee that (a) if their
true means are equal, `assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample`
will fail with probability at most `false_fail_rate/K` (which
amounts to `false_fail_rate` if applied to the whole batch at once),
and (b) if their true means differ by at least `discr[i]`,
`assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample` will pass with
probability at most `false_pass_rate`.
The detectable distribution scales as
- `O(high1[i] - low1[i])`, `O(high2[i] - low2[i])`,
- `O(1 / sqrt(n1[i]))`, `O(1 / sqrt(n2[i]))`,
- `O(-log(false_fail_rate/K))`, and
- `O(-log(false_pass_rate))`.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "min_discrepancy_of_true_means_detectable_by_dkwm_two_sample",
[n1, low1, high1, n2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate, false_pass_rate]):
n1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(n1, name="n1")
low1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low1, name="low1")
high1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high1, name="high1")
n2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(n2, name="n2")
low2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low2, name="low2")
high2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high2, name="high2")
false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
false_pass_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_pass_rate, name="false_pass_rate")
det_disc1 = min_discrepancy_of_true_means_detectable_by_dkwm(
n1, low1, high1, false_fail_rate / 2., false_pass_rate / 2.)
det_disc2 = min_discrepancy_of_true_means_detectable_by_dkwm(
n2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate / 2., false_pass_rate / 2.)
return det_disc1 + det_disc2
def min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_two_sample_test(
discrepancy, low1, high1, low2, high2,
false_fail_rate=1e-6, false_pass_rate=1e-6, name=None):
"""Returns how many samples suffice for a two-sample DKWM mean test.
DKWM is the [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
discrepancy: Floating-point `Tensor` of desired upper limits on mean
differences that may go undetected with probability higher than
`1 - false_pass_rate`.
low1: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the supports of the
distributions A.
high1: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the supports of
the distributions A.
low2: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the supports of the
distributions B.
high2: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the supports of
the distributions B.
false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
rate of false failures.
false_pass_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible rate
of false passes.
name: A name for this operation (optional).
n1: `Tensor` of numbers of samples to be drawn from the distributions A.
n2: `Tensor` of numbers of samples to be drawn from the distributions B.
For each batch member `i`, of `K` total, drawing `n1[i]` samples
from scalar distribution A supported on `[low1[i], high1[i]]` and `n2[i]`
samples from scalar distribution B supported on `[low2[i], high2[i]]`
is enough to detect a difference in their true means of size
`discr[i]` or more. Specifically, we guarantee that (a) if their
true means are equal, `assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample`
will fail with probability at most `false_fail_rate/K` (which
amounts to `false_fail_rate` if applied to the whole batch at once),
and (b) if their true means differ by at least `discr[i]`,
`assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample` will pass with
probability at most `false_pass_rate`.
The required number of samples scales as
- `O((high1[i] - low1[i])**2)`, `O((high2[i] - low2[i])**2)`,
- `O(-log(false_fail_rate/K))`,
- `O(-log(false_pass_rate))`, and
- `O(1 / discrepancy[i]**2)`.
with ops.name_scope(
name, "min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_two_sample_test",
[low1, high1, low2, high2,
false_fail_rate, false_pass_rate, discrepancy]):
discrepancy = ops.convert_to_tensor(discrepancy, name="discrepancy")
low1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low1, name="low1")
high1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high1, name="high1")
low2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low2, name="low2")
high2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high2, name="high2")
false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
false_pass_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
false_pass_rate, name="false_pass_rate")
# Could choose to cleverly allocate discrepancy tolerances and
# failure probabilities, but this is sound.
n1 = min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test(
discrepancy / 2., low1, high1,
false_fail_rate / 2., false_pass_rate / 2.)
n2 = min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test(
discrepancy / 2., low2, high2,
false_fail_rate / 2., false_pass_rate / 2.)
return n1, n2