blob: 3b7114ef067c0aaede23fff04c40d1dc6e830f1c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""The Mixture distribution class."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import distribution_util as distribution_utils
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import categorical
from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import distribution
from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import util as distribution_util
from tensorflow.python.util import deprecation
class Mixture(distribution.Distribution):
"""Mixture distribution.
The `Mixture` object implements batched mixture distributions.
The mixture model is defined by a `Categorical` distribution (the mixture)
and a python list of `Distribution` objects.
Methods supported include `log_prob`, `prob`, `mean`, `sample`, and
#### Examples
# Create a mixture of two Gaussians:
tfd = tf.contrib.distributions
mix = 0.3
bimix_gauss = tfd.Mixture(
cat=tfd.Categorical(probs=[mix, 1.-mix]),
tfd.Normal(loc=-1., scale=0.1),
tfd.Normal(loc=+1., scale=0.5),
# Plot the PDF.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = tf.linspace(-2., 3., int(1e4)).eval()
plt.plot(x, bimix_gauss.prob(x).eval());
"The TensorFlow Distributions library has moved to "
"TensorFlow Probability "
"( You "
"should update all references to use `tfp.distributions` "
"instead of `tf.contrib.distributions`.",
def __init__(self,
"""Initialize a Mixture distribution.
A `Mixture` is defined by a `Categorical` (`cat`, representing the
mixture probabilities) and a list of `Distribution` objects
all having matching dtype, batch shape, event shape, and continuity
properties (the components).
The `num_classes` of `cat` must be possible to infer at graph construction
time and match `len(components)`.
cat: A `Categorical` distribution instance, representing the probabilities
of `distributions`.
components: A list or tuple of `Distribution` instances.
Each instance must have the same type, be defined on the same domain,
and have matching `event_shape` and `batch_shape`.
validate_args: Python `bool`, default `False`. If `True`, raise a runtime
error if batch or event ranks are inconsistent between cat and any of
the distributions. This is only checked if the ranks cannot be
determined statically at graph construction time.
allow_nan_stats: Boolean, default `True`. If `False`, raise an
exception if a statistic (e.g. mean/mode/etc...) is undefined for any
batch member. If `True`, batch members with valid parameters leading to
undefined statistics will return NaN for this statistic.
use_static_graph: Calls to `sample` will not rely on dynamic tensor
indexing, allowing for some static graph compilation optimizations, but
at the expense of sampling all underlying distributions in the mixture.
(Possibly useful when running on TPUs).
Default value: `False` (i.e., use dynamic indexing).
name: A name for this distribution (optional).
TypeError: If cat is not a `Categorical`, or `components` is not
a list or tuple, or the elements of `components` are not
instances of `Distribution`, or do not have matching `dtype`.
ValueError: If `components` is an empty list or tuple, or its
elements do not have a statically known event rank.
If `cat.num_classes` cannot be inferred at graph creation time,
or the constant value of `cat.num_classes` is not equal to
`len(components)`, or all `components` and `cat` do not have
matching static batch shapes, or all components do not
have matching static event shapes.
parameters = dict(locals())
if not isinstance(cat, categorical.Categorical):
raise TypeError("cat must be a Categorical distribution, but saw: %s" %
if not components:
raise ValueError("components must be a non-empty list or tuple")
if not isinstance(components, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError("components must be a list or tuple, but saw: %s" %
if not all(isinstance(c, distribution.Distribution) for c in components):
raise TypeError(
"all entries in components must be Distribution instances"
" but saw: %s" % components)
dtype = components[0].dtype
if not all(d.dtype == dtype for d in components):
raise TypeError("All components must have the same dtype, but saw "
"dtypes: %s" % [(, d.dtype) for d in components])
static_event_shape = components[0].event_shape
static_batch_shape = cat.batch_shape
for d in components:
static_event_shape = static_event_shape.merge_with(d.event_shape)
static_batch_shape = static_batch_shape.merge_with(d.batch_shape)
if static_event_shape.ndims is None:
raise ValueError(
"Expected to know rank(event_shape) from components, but "
"none of the components provide a static number of ndims")
# Ensure that all batch and event ndims are consistent.
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[cat.logits]) as name:
num_components = cat.event_size
static_num_components = tensor_util.constant_value(num_components)
if static_num_components is None:
raise ValueError(
"Could not infer number of classes from cat and unable "
"to compare this value to the number of components passed in.")
# Possibly convert from numpy 0-D array.
static_num_components = int(static_num_components)
if static_num_components != len(components):
raise ValueError("cat.num_classes != len(components): %d vs. %d" %
(static_num_components, len(components)))
cat_batch_shape = cat.batch_shape_tensor()
cat_batch_rank = array_ops.size(cat_batch_shape)
if validate_args:
batch_shapes = [d.batch_shape_tensor() for d in components]
batch_ranks = [array_ops.size(bs) for bs in batch_shapes]
check_message = ("components[%d] batch shape must match cat "
"batch shape")
self._assertions = [
cat_batch_rank, batch_ranks[di], message=check_message % di)
for di in range(len(components))
self._assertions += [
cat_batch_shape, batch_shapes[di], message=check_message % di)
for di in range(len(components))
self._assertions = []
self._cat = cat
self._components = list(components)
self._num_components = static_num_components
self._static_event_shape = static_event_shape
self._static_batch_shape = static_batch_shape
self._use_static_graph = use_static_graph
if use_static_graph and static_num_components is None:
raise ValueError("Number of categories must be known statically when "
# We let the Mixture distribution access _graph_parents since its arguably
# more like a baseclass.
graph_parents = self._cat._graph_parents # pylint: disable=protected-access
for c in self._components:
graph_parents += c._graph_parents # pylint: disable=protected-access
super(Mixture, self).__init__(
def cat(self):
return self._cat
def components(self):
return self._components
def num_components(self):
return self._num_components
def _batch_shape_tensor(self):
return self._cat.batch_shape_tensor()
def _batch_shape(self):
return self._static_batch_shape
def _event_shape_tensor(self):
return self._components[0].event_shape_tensor()
def _event_shape(self):
return self._static_event_shape
def _expand_to_event_rank(self, x):
"""Expand the rank of x up to static_event_rank times for broadcasting.
The static event rank was checked to not be None at construction time.
x: A tensor to expand.
The expanded tensor.
expanded_x = x
for _ in range(self.event_shape.ndims):
expanded_x = array_ops.expand_dims(expanded_x, -1)
return expanded_x
def _mean(self):
with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
distribution_means = [d.mean() for d in self.components]
cat_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=False)
cat_probs = [self._expand_to_event_rank(c_p) for c_p in cat_probs]
partial_means = [
c_p * m for (c_p, m) in zip(cat_probs, distribution_means)
# These should all be the same shape by virtue of matching
# batch_shape and event_shape.
return math_ops.add_n(partial_means)
def _stddev(self):
with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
distribution_means = [d.mean() for d in self.components]
distribution_devs = [d.stddev() for d in self.components]
cat_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=False)
stacked_means = array_ops.stack(distribution_means, axis=-1)
stacked_devs = array_ops.stack(distribution_devs, axis=-1)
cat_probs = [self._expand_to_event_rank(c_p) for c_p in cat_probs]
broadcasted_cat_probs = (array_ops.stack(cat_probs, axis=-1) *
batched_dev = distribution_utils.mixture_stddev(
array_ops.reshape(broadcasted_cat_probs, [-1, len(self.components)]),
array_ops.reshape(stacked_means, [-1, len(self.components)]),
array_ops.reshape(stacked_devs, [-1, len(self.components)]))
# I.e. re-shape to list(batch_shape) + list(event_shape).
return array_ops.reshape(batched_dev,
def _log_prob(self, x):
with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
distribution_log_probs = [d.log_prob(x) for d in self.components]
cat_log_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=True)
final_log_probs = [
cat_lp + d_lp
for (cat_lp, d_lp) in zip(cat_log_probs, distribution_log_probs)
concat_log_probs = array_ops.stack(final_log_probs, 0)
log_sum_exp = math_ops.reduce_logsumexp(concat_log_probs, [0])
return log_sum_exp
def _log_cdf(self, x):
with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
distribution_log_cdfs = [d.log_cdf(x) for d in self.components]
cat_log_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=True)
final_log_cdfs = [
cat_lp + d_lcdf
for (cat_lp, d_lcdf) in zip(cat_log_probs, distribution_log_cdfs)
concatted_log_cdfs = array_ops.stack(final_log_cdfs, axis=0)
mixture_log_cdf = math_ops.reduce_logsumexp(concatted_log_cdfs, [0])
return mixture_log_cdf
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
if self._use_static_graph:
# This sampling approach is almost the same as the approach used by
# `MixtureSameFamily`. The differences are due to having a list of
# `Distribution` objects rather than a single object, and maintaining
# random seed management that is consistent with the non-static code path.
samples = []
cat_samples =, seed=seed)
for c in range(self.num_components):
seed = distribution_util.gen_new_seed(seed, "mixture")
samples.append(self.components[c].sample(n, seed=seed))
x = array_ops.stack(
samples, -self._static_event_shape.ndims - 1) # [n, B, k, E]
npdt = x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype
mask = array_ops.one_hot(
indices=cat_samples, # [n, B]
depth=self._num_components, # == k
on_value=np.ones([], dtype=npdt),
off_value=np.zeros([], dtype=npdt)) # [n, B, k]
mask = distribution_utils.pad_mixture_dimensions(
mask, self, self._cat,
self._static_event_shape.ndims) # [n, B, k, [1]*e]
return math_ops.reduce_sum(
x * mask,
axis=-1 - self._static_event_shape.ndims) # [n, B, E]
with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
n = ops.convert_to_tensor(n, name="n")
static_n = tensor_util.constant_value(n)
n = int(static_n) if static_n is not None else n
cat_samples =, seed=seed)
static_samples_shape = cat_samples.get_shape()
if static_samples_shape.is_fully_defined():
samples_shape = static_samples_shape.as_list()
samples_size = static_samples_shape.num_elements()
samples_shape = array_ops.shape(cat_samples)
samples_size = array_ops.size(cat_samples)
static_batch_shape = self.batch_shape
if static_batch_shape.is_fully_defined():
batch_shape = static_batch_shape.as_list()
batch_size = static_batch_shape.num_elements()
batch_shape = self.batch_shape_tensor()
batch_size = math_ops.reduce_prod(batch_shape)
static_event_shape = self.event_shape
if static_event_shape.is_fully_defined():
event_shape = np.array(static_event_shape.as_list(), dtype=np.int32)
event_shape = self.event_shape_tensor()
# Get indices into the raw cat sampling tensor. We will
# need these to stitch sample values back out after sampling
# within the component partitions.
samples_raw_indices = array_ops.reshape(
math_ops.range(0, samples_size), samples_shape)
# Partition the raw indices so that we can use
# dynamic_stitch later to reconstruct the samples from the
# known partitions.
partitioned_samples_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(
# Copy the batch indices n times, as we will need to know
# these to pull out the appropriate rows within the
# component partitions.
batch_raw_indices = array_ops.reshape(
array_ops.tile(math_ops.range(0, batch_size), [n]), samples_shape)
# Explanation of the dynamic partitioning below:
# batch indices are i.e., [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
# Suppose partitions are:
# [1 1 0 0 1 1]
# After partitioning, batch indices are cut as:
# [batch_indices[x] for x in 2, 3]
# [batch_indices[x] for x in 0, 1, 4, 5]
# i.e.
# [1 1] and [0 0 0 0]
# Now we sample n=2 from part 0 and n=4 from part 1.
# For part 0 we want samples from batch entries 1, 1 (samples 0, 1),
# and for part 1 we want samples from batch entries 0, 0, 0, 0
# (samples 0, 1, 2, 3).
partitioned_batch_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(
samples_class = [None for _ in range(self.num_components)]
for c in range(self.num_components):
n_class = array_ops.size(partitioned_samples_indices[c])
seed = distribution_util.gen_new_seed(seed, "mixture")
samples_class_c = self.components[c].sample(n_class, seed=seed)
# Pull out the correct batch entries from each index.
# To do this, we may have to flatten the batch shape.
# For sample s, batch element b of component c, we get the
# partitioned batch indices from
# partitioned_batch_indices[c]; and shift each element by
# the sample index. The final lookup can be thought of as
# a matrix gather along locations (s, b) in
# samples_class_c where the n_class rows correspond to
# samples within this component and the batch_size columns
# correspond to batch elements within the component.
# Thus the lookup index is
# lookup[c, i] = batch_size * s[i] + b[c, i]
# for i = 0 ... n_class[c] - 1.
lookup_partitioned_batch_indices = (
batch_size * math_ops.range(n_class) +
samples_class_c = array_ops.reshape(
array_ops.concat([[n_class * batch_size], event_shape], 0))
samples_class_c = array_ops.gather(
samples_class_c, lookup_partitioned_batch_indices,
samples_class[c] = samples_class_c
# Stitch back together the samples across the components.
lhs_flat_ret = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(
indices=partitioned_samples_indices, data=samples_class)
# Reshape back to proper sample, batch, and event shape.
ret = array_ops.reshape(lhs_flat_ret,
self.event_shape_tensor()], 0))
return ret
def entropy_lower_bound(self, name="entropy_lower_bound"):
r"""A lower bound on the entropy of this mixture model.
The bound below is not always very tight, and its usefulness depends
on the mixture probabilities and the components in use.
A lower bound is useful for ELBO when the `Mixture` is the variational
\log p(x) >= ELBO = \int q(z) \log p(x, z) dz + H[q]
where \\( p \\) is the prior distribution, \\( q \\) is the variational,
and \\( H[q] \\) is the entropy of \\( q \\). If there is a lower bound
\\( G[q] \\) such that \\( H[q] \geq G[q] \\) then it can be used in
place of \\( H[q] \\).
For a mixture of distributions \\( q(Z) = \sum_i c_i q_i(Z) \\) with
\\( \sum_i c_i = 1 \\), by the concavity of \\( f(x) = -x \log x \\), a
simple lower bound is:
H[q] & = - \int q(z) \log q(z) dz \\\
& = - \int (\sum_i c_i q_i(z)) \log(\sum_i c_i q_i(z)) dz \\\
& \geq - \sum_i c_i \int q_i(z) \log q_i(z) dz \\\
& = \sum_i c_i H[q_i]
This is the term we calculate below for \\( G[q] \\).
name: A name for this operation (optional).
A lower bound on the Mixture's entropy.
with self._name_scope(name, values=[]):
with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
distribution_entropies = [d.entropy() for d in self.components]
cat_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=False)
partial_entropies = [
c_p * m for (c_p, m) in zip(cat_probs, distribution_entropies)
# These are all the same shape by virtue of matching batch_shape
return math_ops.add_n(partial_entropies)
def _cat_probs(self, log_probs):
"""Get a list of num_components batchwise probabilities."""
which_softmax = nn_ops.log_softmax if log_probs else nn_ops.softmax
cat_probs = which_softmax(
cat_probs = array_ops.unstack(cat_probs, num=self.num_components, axis=-1)
return cat_probs