blob: 663a205261ffe18f6e02808c860f1b6db800bc70 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_compilation_cache.h"
#include <numeric>
#include "absl/base/call_once.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_activity.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_activity_listener.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/shape_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/type_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_context.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/client_library.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/function.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/graph_optimizer.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/metrics.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/attr_value_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/node_builder.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/hash/hash.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/public/version.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/dump_graph.h"
namespace tensorflow {
constexpr int64 XlaCompilationCache::kDefaultCompilationThreshold;
XlaCompilationCache::XlaCompilationCache(xla::LocalClient* client,
DeviceType device_type)
: client_(client), device_type_(std::move(device_type)) {}
XlaCompilationCache::~XlaCompilationCache() {
// Ensure any use of our programs have completed by waiting for all stream
// executors to complete.
for (auto* executor : client_->backend().stream_executors()) {
bool ok = executor->SynchronizeAllActivity();
if (!ok) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error synchronizing activity while waiting for all "
"programs to complete";
// TODO(b/110813685): Think about the program ownership model. Programs are
// currently owned by the compilation cache which means we must wait for
// program completion in the destructor. There are multiple compilation caches
// around, which complicates things a little. Perhaps having programs be
// shared_ptrs (an invasive change) would make the model easier to reason
// about?
string XlaCompilationCache::DebugString() const {
return "XLA JIT compilation cache";
// Compute a string signature which encodes the shapes of the
// arguments in the supplied list.
string XlaCompilationCache::Signature::HumanString() const {
string result = name;
for (const auto& a : arg_shapes) {
absl::StrAppend(&result, ",", DataTypeString(a.first));
absl::StrAppend(&result, " [", absl::StrJoin(a.second, ","), "]");
for (const auto& v : arg_values) {
absl::StrAppend(&result, "; ", v.DebugString());
return result;
bool XlaCompilationCache::Signature::operator==(const Signature& other) const {
if (name != return false;
if (arg_shapes != other.arg_shapes) return false;
if (arg_values.size() != other.arg_values.size()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < arg_values.size(); ++i) {
if (arg_values[i].dtype() != other.arg_values[i].dtype() ||
arg_values[i].shape() != other.arg_values[i].shape() ||
arg_values[i].tensor_data() != other.arg_values[i].tensor_data()) {
return false;
return true;
uint64 XlaCompilationCache::Signature::Hash::operator()(
const XlaCompilationCache::Signature& signature) const {
uint64 h = std::hash<string>()(;
for (const auto& arg : signature.arg_shapes) {
h = Hash64Combine(h, std::hash<int>()(static_cast<int>(arg.first)));
h = Hash64Combine(h, std::hash<int>()(arg.second.size()));
for (int dim : arg.second) {
h = Hash64Combine(h, std::hash<int>()(dim));
for (const auto& arg : signature.arg_values) {
h = Hash64Combine(
h, Hash64(arg.tensor_data().data(), arg.tensor_data().size()));
return h;
const NameAttrList& function,
absl::Span<const XlaCompiler::Argument> args) {
Signature signature; = Canonicalize(, AttrSlice(&function.attr()));
for (const XlaCompiler::Argument& arg : args) {
switch (arg.kind) {
case XlaCompiler::Argument::kConstant:
case XlaCompiler::Argument::kParameter:
case XlaCompiler::Argument::kResource:
signature.arg_shapes.emplace_back(arg.type, arg.DimensionSizes());
return errors::InvalidArgument(
"Unhandled argument kind in XlaCompilationCache: ",
return std::move(signature);
Status XlaCompilationCache::BuildExecutable(
const XlaCompiler::Options& options,
const XlaCompiler::CompilationResult& result,
std::unique_ptr<xla::LocalExecutable>* executable) {
VLOG(2) << "Compiling to local executable";
std::vector<const xla::Shape*> argument_layouts(
for (int i = 0; i < result.xla_input_shapes.size(); ++i) {
argument_layouts[i] = &result.xla_input_shapes[i];
xla::ExecutableBuildOptions build_options;
build_options.set_device_ordinal(options.device_ordinal != -1
? options.device_ordinal
: client_->default_device_ordinal());
auto compile_result =
client_->Compile(*result.computation, argument_layouts, build_options);
if (!compile_result.ok()) {
return compile_result.status();
*executable = std::move(compile_result.ValueOrDie());
return Status::OK();
Status XlaCompilationCache::Compile(
const XlaCompiler::Options& options, const NameAttrList& function,
absl::Span<const XlaCompiler::Argument> args,
const XlaCompiler::CompileOptions& compile_options,
CompileMode compile_mode,
const XlaCompiler::CompilationResult** out_compilation_result,
xla::LocalExecutable** out_executable) {
absl::optional<int64> compile_threshold;
if (compile_mode == CompileMode::kLazy) {
compile_threshold = kDefaultCompilationThreshold;
auto compile_fn = [&](XlaCompiler* compiler,
XlaCompiler::CompilationResult* result) {
return compiler->CompileFunction(compile_options, function, args, result);
return CompileImpl(options, function, args, compile_fn,
out_compilation_result, out_executable);
static bool ShouldBeMegamorphic(int64 compile_count, int64 execution_count) {
const int64 kCompileThreshold = 10;
const int64 kMinExecutionsPerCompile = 50;
// This heuristic is trying to capture the following property: have we sunk a
// certain minimum amount of compile time into the cluster that didn't quite
// "pay off"?
return compile_count > kCompileThreshold &&
execution_count < kMinExecutionsPerCompile * compile_count;
Status XlaCompilationCache::CompileSingleOp(
const XlaCompiler::Options& options,
absl::Span<const XlaCompiler::Argument> args, OpKernelContext* ctx,
const XlaCompiler::CompileOptions& compile_options,
const XlaCompiler::CompilationResult** out_compilation_result,
xla::LocalExecutable** out_executable) {
const NodeDef& def = ctx->op_kernel().def();
NameAttrList name;
*name.mutable_attr() = def.attr();
// Remove the "_class" attribute from the attribute set used to create the
// compilation cache key. This attribute is information for the colocator
// and causes false uniqueness between nodes.
auto compile_op = [&](XlaCompiler* compiler,
XlaCompiler::CompilationResult* result) {
std::vector<DataType> result_dtypes(ctx->num_outputs());
for (int i = 0; i < result_dtypes.size(); ++i) {
result_dtypes[i] = ctx->expected_output_dtype(i);
return compiler->CompileSingleOp(compile_options, ctx->op_kernel().def(),
args, result_dtypes, result);
return CompileImpl(options, name, args, compile_op,
out_compilation_result, out_executable);
namespace {
// Print something that users can search for to definitively ascertain that XLA
// was used for their TF model.
// Prints only once to avoid spamming LOG(INFO).
void LogOnceXlaCompiledFirstCluster() {
static absl::once_flag log_once;
absl::call_once(log_once, [] {
LOG(INFO) << "Compiled cluster using XLA! This line is logged at most "
"once for the lifetime of the process.";
} // namespace
Status XlaCompilationCache::CompileImpl(
const XlaCompiler::Options& options, const NameAttrList& function,
absl::Span<const XlaCompiler::Argument> args,
const std::function<Status(XlaCompiler* compiler,
XlaCompiler::CompilationResult*)>& compile_fn,
absl::optional<int64> compile_threshold,
const XlaCompiler::CompilationResult** out_compilation_result,
xla::LocalExecutable** out_executable) {
DCHECK_NE(out_executable, nullptr);
VLOG(2) << "XlaCompilationCache::Compile " << DebugString();
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
VLOG(2) << "num_inputs=" << args.size();
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
VLOG(2) << i << ": " << args[i].HumanString();
TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Signature signature, BuildSignature(function, args));
VLOG(2) << "Signature: " << signature.HumanString();
// The outer lock protects the existence of the cache entry. It does not
// protect the contents of the cache entry.
Entry* entry;
mutex_lock lock(compile_cache_mu_);
// Find or create a cache entry.
std::unique_ptr<Entry>& e = cache_[signature];
if (!e) {
e.reset(new Entry);
entry = e.get();
// We always compile a cluster the very first time it is executed. This is an
// optimistic guess that pays off for statically shaped TensorFlow graphs
// (since they get the benefit of XLA right away without waiting for warmup)
// and doesn't hurt much for dynamically shaped TensorFlow graphs (we "pay" at
// most one cluster-compilation's worth of compile time).
bool is_first_execution;
// We avoid compiling clusters that have "gone megamorphic" i.e. have an
// excessive amount of shape dynamism.
bool is_megamorphic;
mutex_lock lock(cluster_compile_stats_mu_);
auto it =
cluster_compile_stats_.emplace(, ClusterCompileStats{})
is_first_execution = it->second.execution_count++ == 0;
// The is_megamorphic bit is "sticky". We assume clusters that have been
// observed to be megamorphic once stay megamorphic forever.
if (!it->second.is_megamorphic &&
/*execution_count=*/it->second.execution_count)) {
VLOG(1) << "Marking " <<
<< " as megamorphic, compile_count=" << it->second.compile_count
<< " execution_count=" << it->second.execution_count;
it->second.is_megamorphic = true;
is_megamorphic = it->second.is_megamorphic;
// Acquire the cache entry lock and compile, if necessary.
// TODO(phawkins): this locking will need to be restructured when we implement
// cache eviction.
mutex_lock entry_lock(entry->mu);
int64 current_request_count = ++entry->request_count;
VLOG(2) << "Compilation cache entry hit: " << entry->compiled
<< " signature: " << signature.HumanString() << " with request count "
<< current_request_count << " and compile threshold "
<< compile_threshold.value_or(0);
if (!entry->compiled) {
const bool should_compile = [&] {
if (!compile_threshold.has_value()) {
// Lazy compilation is disabled.
return true;
if (is_megamorphic) {
VLOG(3) << "Not compiling cluster " <<
<< " because it is megamorphic.";
return false;
if (is_first_execution) {
return true;
bool reached_compile_threshold =
current_request_count >= *compile_threshold;
if (!reached_compile_threshold) {
<< "Not compiling cluster " <<
<< " because it has not reached compile threshold; threshold is "
<< *compile_threshold << " execution count "
<< current_request_count << ".";
return reached_compile_threshold;
if (!should_compile) {
VLOG(2) << "Not compiling for signature: " << signature.HumanString();
*out_compilation_result = nullptr;
*out_executable = nullptr;
return Status::OK();
tensorflow::Env* env = tensorflow::Env::Default();
const uint64 compile_start_us = env->NowMicros();
// Do the actual JIT compilation without holding the lock (it can take
// a long time.)
XlaCompiler compiler(options);
entry->compiled = true;
entry->compilation_status =
compile_fn(&compiler, &entry->compilation_result);
CHECK_EQ(entry->executable.get(), nullptr);
entry->compilation_status =
BuildExecutable(options, entry->compilation_result, &entry->executable);
const uint64 compile_end_us = env->NowMicros();
const uint64 compile_time_us = compile_end_us - compile_start_us;
mutex_lock lock(cluster_compile_stats_mu_);
auto it = cluster_compile_stats_.find(;
it->second.cumulative_compile_time_us += compile_time_us;
VLOG(1) << "compiled " << << " "
<< it->second.compile_count
<< " times, compile time: " << compile_time_us
<< " us, cumulative: " << it->second.cumulative_compile_time_us
<< " us ("
<< tensorflow::strings::HumanReadableElapsedTime(compile_time_us /
<< " / "
<< tensorflow::strings::HumanReadableElapsedTime(
it->second.cumulative_compile_time_us / 1.0e6)
<< ")";
XlaJitCompilationActivity jit_compilation_activity;
*out_compilation_result = &entry->compilation_result;
*out_executable = entry->executable.get();
return Status::OK();
} // namespace tensorflow