Delete private most_specific_compatible_type helper

PiperOrigin-RevId: 435706841
diff --git a/tensorflow/python/framework/ b/tensorflow/python/framework/
index 8ae980d..192dadc 100644
--- a/tensorflow/python/framework/
+++ b/tensorflow/python/framework/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 """Type specifications for TensorFlow APIs."""
 import abc
-import collections
 import functools
 import re
 from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Any
@@ -566,101 +565,6 @@
       return a.is_compatible_with(b)
     return a == b
-  # TODO(b/221459366): Remove after usages are removed.
-  @staticmethod
-  def __most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a, b):
-    """Helper for most_specific_compatible_type.
-    Combines two type serializations as follows:
-    * If they are both tuples of the same length, then recursively combine
-      the respective tuple elements.
-    * If they are both dicts with the same keys, then recursively combine
-      the respective dict elements.
-    * If they are both TypeSpecs, then combine using
-      TypeSpec.most_specific_compatible_type.
-    * If they are both TensorShapes, then combine using
-      TensorShape.most_specific_compatible_shape.
-    * If they are both TensorSpecs with the same dtype, then combine using
-      TensorShape.most_specific_compatible_shape to combine shapes.
-    * If they are equal, then return a.
-    * If none of the above, then raise a ValueError.
-    Args:
-      a: A serialized TypeSpec or nested component from a serialized TypeSpec.
-      b: A serialized TypeSpec or nested component from a serialized TypeSpec.
-    Returns:
-      A value with the same type and structure as `a` and `b`.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError: If `a` and `b` are incompatible.
-    """
-    if not TypeSpec.__same_types(a, b):
-      raise ValueError(
-          f"Encountered incompatible types while determining the most specific "
-          f"compatible type. "
-          f"The Python type structures of `a` and `b` are different. "
-          f"`a` : {a!r} `b` : {b!r}")
-    if nest.is_namedtuple(a):
-      assert a._fields == b._fields  # Implied by __same_types(a, b).
-      return type(a)(*[
-          TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(x, y)
-          for (x, y) in zip(a, b)
-      ])
-    if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
-      if len(a) != len(b):
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"Encountered incompatible types while determining the most specific "
-            f"compatible type. "
-            f"Type spec structure `a` has a length of {len(a)} and "
-            f"type spec structure `b` has a different length of {len(b)}."
-            f"`a` : {a!r} `b` : {b!r}")
-      return tuple(
-          TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(x, y)
-          for (x, y) in zip(a, b))
-    if isinstance(a, collections.OrderedDict):
-      a_keys, b_keys = a.keys(), b.keys()
-      if len(a) != len(b) or a_keys != b_keys:
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"Encountered incompatible types while determining the most specific "
-            f"compatible type. "
-            f"Type spec structure `a` has keys {a_keys} and "
-            f"type spec structure `b` has different keys {b_keys}."
-            f"`a` : {a!r} `b` : {b!r}")
-      return collections.OrderedDict([
-          (k,
-           TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a[k], b[k]))
-          for k in a_keys
-      ])
-    if isinstance(a, dict):
-      a_keys, b_keys = sorted(a.keys()), sorted(b.keys())
-      if len(a) != len(b) or a_keys != b_keys:
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"Encountered incompatible types while determining the most specific "
-            f"compatible type. "
-            f"Type spec structure `a` has keys {a_keys} and "
-            f"type spec structure `b` has different keys {b_keys}."
-            f"`a` : {a!r} `b` : {b!r}")
-      return {
-          k: TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a[k], b[k])
-          for k in a_keys
-      }
-    if isinstance(a, tensor_shape.TensorShape):
-      return a.most_specific_compatible_shape(b)
-    if isinstance(a, list):
-      raise AssertionError(
-          f"{type(a).__name__}._serialize() should not return list values.")
-    if isinstance(a, TypeSpec):
-      return a.most_specific_compatible_type(b)
-    if a != b:
-      raise ValueError(
-          f"Encountered incompatible types while determining the most specific "
-          f"compatible type. "
-          f"Type spec structure `a` and `b` are different. "
-          f"`a` : {a!r} `b` : {b!r}")
-    return a
 class TypeSpecBatchEncoder(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
   """Class used to encode and decode composite tensor values for batching.