blob: 365a5a3f40220a4358bfb77612e1af02bf40387c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: tf-opt -tf-saved-model-inline-global-tensors -split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s --dump-input=fail
module attributes {tf_saved_model.semantics} {
// Test case: Simple case of inlining.
// CHECK-NOT: tf_saved_model.global_tensor
"tf_saved_model.global_tensor"() { sym_name = "c", type = tensor<f32>, value = dense<1.0> : tensor<f32> } : () -> ()
// CHECK: func @f()
func @f(%arg0: tensor<f32> {tf_saved_model.bound_input = @c})
attributes {tf_saved_model.exported_names = ["f"]} {
// CHECK: "tf.Const"() {value = dense<1.000000e+00> : tensor<f32>}
// -----
module attributes {tf_saved_model.semantics} {
// Test case: Do not inline mutable global tensors.
// CHECK: tf_saved_model.global_tensor
"tf_saved_model.global_tensor"() { is_mutable, sym_name = "v", type = tensor<f32>, value = dense<1.0> : tensor<f32> } : () -> ()
// CHECK: func @f(%arg0: tensor<!tf.resource<tensor<f32>>> {tf_saved_model.bound_input = @v})
func @f(%arg0: tensor<!tf.resource<tensor<f32>>> {tf_saved_model.bound_input = @v})
attributes {tf_saved_model.exported_names = ["f"]} {
// CHECK-NOT: tf.Const
// -----
module attributes {tf_saved_model.semantics} {
// Test case: Sanity check handling of non-bound inputs.
// The pass shouldn't do anything in this case.
// CHECK: func @f(%arg0: tensor<f32> {tf_saved_model.index_path = [0]})
func @f(%arg0: tensor<f32> {tf_saved_model.index_path = [0]})
attributes {tf_saved_model.exported_names = ["f"]} {
// CHECK-NOT: tf.Const
// TODO: have an arg that isn't a bound input.