blob: 4bd65eafba1e313e69590583c9d23cf9e44ddcab [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
# pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Utilities related to layer/model functionality.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils.conv_utils import convert_kernel
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export
def get_source_inputs(tensor, layer=None, node_index=None):
"""Returns the list of input tensors necessary to compute `tensor`.
Output will always be a list of tensors
(potentially with 1 element).
tensor: The tensor to start from.
layer: Origin layer of the tensor. Will be
determined via tensor._keras_history if not provided.
node_index: Origin node index of the tensor.
List of input tensors.
if not hasattr(tensor, '_keras_history'):
return tensor
if layer is None or node_index:
layer, node_index, _ = tensor._keras_history
if not layer._inbound_nodes:
return [tensor]
node = layer._inbound_nodes[node_index]
if not node.inbound_layers:
# Reached an Input layer, stop recursion.
return nest.flatten(node.input_tensors)
source_tensors = []
for layer, node_index, _, tensor in node.iterate_inbound():
previous_sources = get_source_inputs(tensor, layer, node_index)
# Avoid input redundancy.
for x in previous_sources:
if x not in source_tensors:
return source_tensors
def count_params(weights):
"""Count the total number of scalars composing the weights.
weights: An iterable containing the weights on which to compute params
The total number of scalars composing the weights
return int(sum( for p in set(weights)))
def print_summary(model, line_length=None, positions=None, print_fn=None):
"""Prints a summary of a model.
model: Keras model instance.
line_length: Total length of printed lines
(e.g. set this to adapt the display to different
terminal window sizes).
positions: Relative or absolute positions of log elements in each line.
If not provided, defaults to `[.33, .55, .67, 1.]`.
print_fn: Print function to use.
It will be called on each line of the summary.
You can set it to a custom function
in order to capture the string summary.
It defaults to `print` (prints to stdout).
if print_fn is None:
print_fn = print
if model.__class__.__name__ == 'Sequential':
sequential_like = True
elif not model._is_graph_network:
# We treat subclassed models as a simple sequence of layers, for logging
# purposes.
sequential_like = True
sequential_like = True
nodes_by_depth = model._nodes_by_depth.values()
nodes = []
for v in nodes_by_depth:
if (len(v) > 1) or (len(v) == 1 and
len(nest.flatten(v[0].inbound_layers)) > 1):
# if the model has multiple nodes
# or if the nodes have multiple inbound_layers
# the model is no longer sequential
sequential_like = False
nodes += v
if sequential_like:
# search for shared layers
for layer in model.layers:
flag = False
for node in layer._inbound_nodes:
if node in nodes:
if flag:
sequential_like = False
flag = True
if not sequential_like:
if sequential_like:
line_length = line_length or 65
positions = positions or [.45, .85, 1.]
if positions[-1] <= 1:
positions = [int(line_length * p) for p in positions]
# header names for the different log elements
to_display = ['Layer (type)', 'Output Shape', 'Param #']
line_length = line_length or 98
positions = positions or [.33, .55, .67, 1.]
if positions[-1] <= 1:
positions = [int(line_length * p) for p in positions]
# header names for the different log elements
to_display = ['Layer (type)', 'Output Shape', 'Param #', 'Connected to']
relevant_nodes = []
for v in model._nodes_by_depth.values():
relevant_nodes += v
def print_row(fields, positions):
line = ''
for i in range(len(fields)):
if i > 0:
line = line[:-1] + ' '
line += str(fields[i])
line = line[:positions[i]]
line += ' ' * (positions[i] - len(line))
print_fn('Model: "{}"'.format(
print_fn('_' * line_length)
print_row(to_display, positions)
print_fn('=' * line_length)
def print_layer_summary(layer):
"""Prints a summary for a single layer.
layer: target layer.
output_shape = layer.output_shape
except AttributeError:
output_shape = 'multiple'
except RuntimeError: # output_shape unknown in Eager mode.
output_shape = '?'
name =
cls_name = layer.__class__.__name__
fields = [name + ' (' + cls_name + ')', output_shape, layer.count_params()]
print_row(fields, positions)
def print_layer_summary_with_connections(layer):
"""Prints a summary for a single layer (including topological connections).
layer: target layer.
output_shape = layer.output_shape
except AttributeError:
output_shape = 'multiple'
connections = []
for node in layer._inbound_nodes:
if relevant_nodes and node not in relevant_nodes:
# node is not part of the current network
for inbound_layer, node_index, tensor_index, _ in node.iterate_inbound():
connections.append('{}[{}][{}]'.format(, node_index,
name =
cls_name = layer.__class__.__name__
if not connections:
first_connection = ''
first_connection = connections[0]
fields = [
name + ' (' + cls_name + ')', output_shape,
layer.count_params(), first_connection
print_row(fields, positions)
if len(connections) > 1:
for i in range(1, len(connections)):
fields = ['', '', '', connections[i]]
print_row(fields, positions)
layers = model.layers
for i in range(len(layers)):
if sequential_like:
if i == len(layers) - 1:
print_fn('=' * line_length)
print_fn('_' * line_length)
if hasattr(model, '_collected_trainable_weights'):
trainable_count = count_params(model._collected_trainable_weights)
trainable_count = count_params(model._unique_trainable_weights)
non_trainable_count = count_params(model.non_trainable_weights)
print_fn('Total params: {:,}'.format(trainable_count + non_trainable_count))
print_fn('Trainable params: {:,}'.format(trainable_count))
print_fn('Non-trainable params: {:,}'.format(non_trainable_count))
print_fn('_' * line_length)
def gather_trainable_weights(trainable, sub_layers, extra_variables):
"""Lists the trainable weights for an object with sub-layers.
trainable: Whether the object collecting the variables is trainable.
sub_layers: A flat list of Layer objects owned by this object, to collect
variables from.
extra_variables: Any extra variables to include. Their `.trainable` property
is used to categorize them.
A list of collected trainable weights/variables.
if not trainable:
return []
weights = []
for layer in sub_layers:
weights += layer.trainable_weights
trainable_extra_variables = [
v for v in extra_variables if v.trainable]
return weights + trainable_extra_variables
def gather_non_trainable_weights(trainable, sub_layers, extra_variables):
"""Lists the non-trainable weights for an object with sub-layers.
trainable: Whether the object collecting the variables is trainable.
sub_layers: A flat list of Layer objects owned by this object, to collect
variables from.
extra_variables: Any extra variables to include. Their `.trainable` property
is used to categorize them.
A list of collected non-trainable weights/variables.
trainable_extra_variables = []
non_trainable_extra_variables = []
for v in extra_variables:
if v.trainable:
weights = []
for layer in sub_layers:
weights += layer.non_trainable_weights
if not trainable:
trainable_weights = []
for layer in sub_layers:
trainable_weights += layer.trainable_weights
return (trainable_weights + trainable_extra_variables
+ weights + non_trainable_extra_variables)
return weights + non_trainable_extra_variables
def convert_all_kernels_in_model(model):
"""Converts all convolution kernels in a model from Theano to TensorFlow.
Also works from TensorFlow to Theano.
model: target model for the conversion.
# Note: SeparableConvolution not included
# since only supported by TF.
conv_classes = {
to_assign = []
for layer in model.layers:
if layer.__class__.__name__ in conv_classes:
original_kernel = K.get_value(layer.kernel)
converted_kernel = convert_kernel(original_kernel)
to_assign.append((layer.kernel, converted_kernel))
def convert_dense_weights_data_format(dense,
"""Utility useful when changing a convnet's `data_format`.
When porting the weights of a convnet from one data format to the other,
if the convnet includes a `Flatten` layer
(applied to the last convolutional feature map)
followed by a `Dense` layer, the weights of that `Dense` layer
should be updated to reflect the new dimension ordering.
dense: The target `Dense` layer.
previous_feature_map_shape: A shape tuple of 3 integers,
e.g. `(512, 7, 7)`. The shape of the convolutional
feature map right before the `Flatten` layer that
came before the target `Dense` layer.
target_data_format: One of "channels_last", "channels_first".
Set it "channels_last"
if converting a "channels_first" model to "channels_last",
or reciprocally.
assert target_data_format in {'channels_last', 'channels_first'}
kernel, bias = dense.get_weights()
for i in range(kernel.shape[1]):
if target_data_format == 'channels_first':
c, h, w = previous_feature_map_shape
original_fm_shape = (h, w, c)
ki = kernel[:, i].reshape(original_fm_shape)
ki = np.transpose(ki, (2, 0, 1)) # last -> first
h, w, c = previous_feature_map_shape
original_fm_shape = (c, h, w)
ki = kernel[:, i].reshape(original_fm_shape)
ki = np.transpose(ki, (1, 2, 0)) # first -> last
kernel[:, i] = np.reshape(ki, (,))
dense.set_weights([kernel, bias])
def is_builtin_layer(layer):
if not getattr(layer, '_keras_api_names', None):
return False
# Subclasses of `Layer` that are not exported inherit the export name
# of the base layer class.
return (layer._keras_api_names != ('keras.layers.Layer',) and
layer._keras_api_names_v1 != ('keras.layers.Layer',))