blob: 317914ff246aef2fb241efa3185a392cb5891a0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import Foundation
import TensorFlowLiteC
/// An input or output tensor in a TensorFlow Lite graph.
public struct Tensor {
/// Name of the tensor.
public let name: String
/// Data type of the tensor.
public let dataType: TensorDataType
/// Shape of the tensor.
public let shape: TensorShape
/// Data in the input or output tensor.
public let data: Data
/// Quantization parameters for the tensor if using a quantized model.
public let quantizationParameters: QuantizationParameters?
/// Creates a new input or output tensor instance.
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: Name of the tensor.
/// - dataType: Data type of the tensor.
/// - data: Data in the input tensor.
/// - quantizationParameters Quantization parameters for the tensor if using a quantized model.
/// The default is `nil`.
name: String,
dataType: TensorDataType,
shape: TensorShape,
data: Data,
quantizationParameters: QuantizationParameters? = nil
) { = name
self.dataType = dataType
self.shape = shape = data
self.quantizationParameters = quantizationParameters
/// Supported TensorFlow Lite tensor data types.
public enum TensorDataType: Equatable {
/// Boolean.
case bool
/// 8-bit unsigned integer.
case uInt8
/// 16-bit signed integer.
case int16
/// 32-bit signed integer.
case int32
/// 64-bit signed integer.
case int64
/// 16-bit half precision floating point.
case float16
/// 32-bit single precision floating point.
case float32
/// Creates a new tensor data type from the given `TFL_Type` or `nil` if the data type is
/// unsupported or could not be determined because there was an error.
/// - Parameter type: A data type supported by a tensor.
init?(type: TFL_Type) {
switch type {
case kTfLiteBool:
self = .bool
case kTfLiteUInt8:
self = .uInt8
case kTfLiteInt16:
self = .int16
case kTfLiteInt32:
self = .int32
case kTfLiteInt64:
self = .int64
case kTfLiteFloat16:
self = .float16
case kTfLiteFloat32:
self = .float32
case kTfLiteNoType:
return nil
/// The shape of a TensorFlow Lite tensor.
public struct TensorShape {
/// The number of dimensions of the tensor.
public let rank: Int
/// Array of dimensions for the tensor.
public let dimensions: [Int]
/// Array of `Int32` dimensions for the tensor.
var int32Dimensions: [Int32] { return }
/// Creates a new tensor shape instance with the given array of dimensions.
/// - Parameters:
/// - dimensions: Dimensions for the tensor.
public init(_ dimensions: [Int]) {
self.rank = dimensions.count
self.dimensions = dimensions
/// Creates a new tensor shape instance with the given elements representing the dimensions.
/// - Parameters:
/// - elements: Dimensions for the tensor.
public init(_ elements: Int...) {
extension TensorShape: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
/// Creates a new tensor shape instance with the given array literal representing the dimensions.
/// - Parameters:
/// - arrayLiteral: Dimensions for the tensor.
public init(arrayLiteral: Int...) {