blob: fff15b455c1269a5ba2ce601e26de2981ea631aa [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/compiler/object_accessor.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/data_type.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/types.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace gpu {
namespace gl {
namespace object_accessor_internal {
// Splits name[index1, index2...] into 'name' and {'index1', 'index2'...}.
IndexedElement ParseElement(absl::string_view input) {
auto i = input.find('[');
if (i == std::string::npos || input.back() != ']') {
return {};
return {input.substr(0, i),
absl::StrSplit(input.substr(i + 1, input.size() - i - 2), ',',
} // namespace object_accessor_internal
namespace {
void MaybeConvertToHalf(DataType data_type, absl::string_view value,
std::string* output) {
if (data_type == DataType::FLOAT16) {
absl::StrAppend(output, "Vec4ToHalf(", value, ")");
} else {
absl::StrAppend(output, value);
void MaybeConvertFromHalf(DataType data_type, absl::string_view value,
std::string* output) {
if (data_type == DataType::FLOAT16) {
absl::StrAppend(output, "Vec4FromHalf(", value, ")");
} else {
absl::StrAppend(output, value);
struct ReadFromTextureGenerator {
RewriteStatus operator()(uint32_t) const {
if (element.indices.size() != 1) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
// 1D textures are emulated as 2D textures
if (sampler_textures) {
absl::StrAppend(result, "texelFetch(", element.object_name, ", ivec2(",
element.indices[0], ", 0), 0)");
} else {
absl::StrAppend(result, "imageLoad(", element.object_name, ", ivec2(",
element.indices[0], ", 0))");
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
template <typename Shape>
RewriteStatus operator()(const Shape&) const {
if (element.indices.size() != Shape::size()) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
if (sampler_textures) {
absl::StrAppend(result, "texelFetch(", element.object_name, ", ivec",
Shape::size(), "(", absl::StrJoin(element.indices, ", "),
"), 0)");
} else {
absl::StrAppend(result, "imageLoad(", element.object_name, ", ivec",
Shape::size(), "(", absl::StrJoin(element.indices, ", "),
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
const object_accessor_internal::IndexedElement& element;
const bool sampler_textures;
std::string* result;
struct ReadFromBufferGenerator {
RewriteStatus operator()(uint32_t) const {
if (element.indices.size() != 1) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrCat(element.object_name, ".data[", element.indices[0], "]"),
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
RewriteStatus operator()(const uint2& size) const {
if (element.indices.size() == 1) {
// access by linear index. Use method above to generate accessor.
return (*this)(1U);
if (element.indices.size() != 2) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrCat(element.object_name, ".data[", element.indices[0], " + $",
element.object_name, "_w$ * (", element.indices[1], ")]"),
*requires_sizes = true;
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
RewriteStatus operator()(const uint3& size) const {
if (element.indices.size() == 1) {
// access by linear index. Use method above to generate accessor.
return (*this)(1U);
if (element.indices.size() != 3) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrCat(element.object_name, ".data[", element.indices[0], " + $",
element.object_name, "_w$ * (", element.indices[1], " + $",
element.object_name, "_h$ * (", element.indices[2], "))]"),
*requires_sizes = true;
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
DataType data_type;
const object_accessor_internal::IndexedElement& element;
std::string* result;
// indicates that generated code accessed _w and/or _h index variables.
bool* requires_sizes;
// Generates code for reading an element from an object.
RewriteStatus GenerateReadAccessor(
const Object& object,
const object_accessor_internal::IndexedElement& element,
bool sampler_textures, std::string* result, bool* requires_sizes) {
switch (object.object_type) {
case ObjectType::BUFFER:
return absl::visit(ReadFromBufferGenerator{object.data_type, element,
result, requires_sizes},
case ObjectType::TEXTURE:
return absl::visit(
ReadFromTextureGenerator{element, sampler_textures, result},
case ObjectType::UNKNOWN:
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
struct WriteToBufferGenerator {
RewriteStatus operator()(uint32_t) const {
if (element.indices.size() != 1) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrAppend(result, element.object_name, ".data[", element.indices[0],
"] = ");
MaybeConvertToHalf(data_type, value, result);
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
RewriteStatus operator()(const uint2& size) const {
if (element.indices.size() == 1) {
// access by linear index. Use method above to generate accessor.
return (*this)(1U);
if (element.indices.size() != 2) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrAppend(result, element.object_name, ".data[", element.indices[0],
" + $", element.object_name, "_w$ * (", element.indices[1],
")] = ");
MaybeConvertToHalf(data_type, value, result);
*requires_sizes = true;
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
RewriteStatus operator()(const uint3& size) const {
if (element.indices.size() == 1) {
// access by linear index. Use method above to generate accessor.
return (*this)(1U);
if (element.indices.size() != 3) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrAppend(result, element.object_name, ".data[", element.indices[0],
" + $", element.object_name, "_w$ * (", element.indices[1],
" + $", element.object_name, "_h$ * (", element.indices[2],
"))] = ");
MaybeConvertToHalf(data_type, value, result);
*requires_sizes = true;
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
DataType data_type;
const object_accessor_internal::IndexedElement& element;
absl::string_view value;
std::string* result;
// indicates that generated code accessed _w and/or _h index variables.
bool* requires_sizes;
struct WriteToTextureGenerator {
RewriteStatus operator()(uint32_t) const {
if (element.indices.size() != 1) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
// 1D textures are emulated as 2D textures
absl::StrAppend(result, "imageStore(", element.object_name, ", ivec2(",
element.indices[0], ", 0), ", value, ")");
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
template <typename Shape>
RewriteStatus operator()(const Shape&) const {
if (element.indices.size() != Shape::size()) {
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
absl::StrAppend(result, "imageStore(", element.object_name, ", ivec",
Shape::size(), "(", absl::StrJoin(element.indices, ", "),
"), ", value, ")");
return RewriteStatus::SUCCESS;
const object_accessor_internal::IndexedElement& element;
absl::string_view value;
std::string* result;
// Generates code for writing value an element in an object.
RewriteStatus GenerateWriteAccessor(
const Object& object,
const object_accessor_internal::IndexedElement& element,
absl::string_view value, std::string* result, bool* requires_sizes) {
switch (object.object_type) {
case ObjectType::BUFFER:
return absl::visit(WriteToBufferGenerator{object.data_type, element,
value, result, requires_sizes},
case ObjectType::TEXTURE:
return absl::visit(WriteToTextureGenerator{element, value, result},
case ObjectType::UNKNOWN:
return RewriteStatus::ERROR;
std::string ToAccessModifier(AccessType access, bool use_readonly_modifier) {
switch (access) {
case AccessType::READ:
return use_readonly_modifier ? " readonly" : "";
case AccessType::WRITE:
return " writeonly";
case AccessType::READ_WRITE:
return " restrict";
return " unknown_access";
std::string ToBufferType(DataType data_type) {
switch (data_type) {
case DataType::UINT8:
case DataType::UINT16:
case DataType::UINT32:
return "uvec4";
case DataType::INT8:
case DataType::INT16:
case DataType::INT32:
return "ivec4";
case DataType::FLOAT16:
return "uvec2";
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "vec4";
return "unknown";
struct TextureImageTypeGetter {
std::string operator()(uint32_t) const {
// 1D textures are emulated as 2D textures
return (*this)(uint2());
std::string operator()(const uint2&) const {
switch (type) {
case DataType::UINT16:
case DataType::UINT32:
return "uimage2D";
case DataType::INT16:
case DataType::INT32:
return "iimage2D";
case DataType::FLOAT16:
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "image2D";
return "unknown";
std::string operator()(const uint3&) const {
switch (type) {
case DataType::UINT16:
case DataType::UINT32:
return "uimage2DArray";
case DataType::INT16:
case DataType::INT32:
return "iimage2DArray";
case DataType::FLOAT16:
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "image2DArray";
return "unknown";
DataType type;
struct TextureSamplerTypeGetter {
std::string operator()(uint32_t) const {
// 1D textures are emulated as 2D textures
return (*this)(uint2());
std::string operator()(const uint2&) const {
switch (type) {
case DataType::FLOAT16:
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "sampler2D";
case DataType::INT32:
case DataType::INT16:
return "isampler2D";
case DataType::UINT32:
case DataType::UINT16:
return "usampler2D";
return "unknown_sampler2D";
std::string operator()(const uint3&) const {
switch (type) {
case DataType::FLOAT16:
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "sampler2DArray";
case DataType::INT32:
case DataType::INT16:
return "isampler2DArray";
case DataType::UINT32:
case DataType::UINT16:
return "usampler2DArray";
return "unknown_sampler2DArray";
DataType type;
std::string ToImageType(const Object& object, bool sampler_textures) {
if (sampler_textures && (object.access == AccessType::READ)) {
return absl::visit(TextureSamplerTypeGetter{object.data_type}, object.size);
} else {
return absl::visit(TextureImageTypeGetter{object.data_type}, object.size);
std::string ToImageLayoutQualifier(DataType type) {
switch (type) {
case DataType::UINT16:
return "rgba16ui";
case DataType::UINT32:
return "rgba32ui";
case DataType::INT16:
return "rgba16i";
case DataType::INT32:
return "rgba32i";
case DataType::FLOAT16:
return "rgba16f";
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "rgba32f";
return "unknown";
std::string ToImagePrecision(DataType type) {
switch (type) {
case DataType::UINT16:
case DataType::INT16:
case DataType::FLOAT16:
return "mediump";
case DataType::UINT32:
case DataType::INT32:
case DataType::FLOAT32:
return "highp";
return "unknown";
struct SizeParametersAdder {
void operator()(uint32_t) const {}
void operator()(const uint2& size) const {
{absl::StrCat(object_name, "_w"), static_cast<int32_t>(size.x)});
// p1 and p2 are padding. For some reason buffer does not map correctly
// without it.
void operator()(const uint3& size) const {
{absl::StrCat(object_name, "_w"), static_cast<int32_t>(size.x)});
{absl::StrCat(object_name, "_h"), static_cast<int32_t>(size.y)});
absl::string_view object_name;
ParameterAccessor* parameters;
// Adds necessary parameters to parameter accessor that represent object size
// needed for indexed access.
// - 1D : empty
// - 2D : 'int object_name_w'
// - 3D : 'int object_name_w' + 'int object_name_h'
void AddSizeParameters(absl::string_view object_name, const Object& object,
ParameterAccessor* parameters) {
absl::visit(SizeParametersAdder{object_name, parameters}, object.size);
void GenerateObjectDeclaration(absl::string_view name, const Object& object,
std::string* declaration, bool is_mali,
bool sampler_textures) {
switch (object.object_type) {
case ObjectType::BUFFER:
// readonly modifier used to fix shader compilation for Mali on Android 8,
// see b/111601761
absl::StrAppend(declaration, "layout(binding = ", object.binding, ")",
ToAccessModifier(object.access, !is_mali), " buffer B",
object.binding, " { ", ToBufferType(object.data_type),
" data[]; } ", name, ";\n");
case ObjectType::TEXTURE:
if (sampler_textures && (object.access == AccessType::READ)) {
absl::StrAppend(declaration, "layout(binding = ", object.binding,
") uniform ", ToImagePrecision(object.data_type), " ",
ToImageType(object, sampler_textures), " ", name,
} else {
declaration, "layout(", ToImageLayoutQualifier(object.data_type),
", binding = ", object.binding, ")",
ToAccessModifier(object.access, true), " uniform ",
ToImagePrecision(object.data_type), " ",
ToImageType(object, sampler_textures), " ", name, ";\n");
case ObjectType::UNKNOWN:
// do nothing.
} // namespace
RewriteStatus ObjectAccessor::Rewrite(absl::string_view input,
std::string* output) {
// Splits 'a =b' into {'a','b'}.
std::pair<absl::string_view, absl::string_view> n =
absl::StrSplit(input, absl::MaxSplits('=', 1), absl::SkipWhitespace());
if (n.first.empty()) {
return RewriteStatus::NOT_RECOGNIZED;
if (n.second.empty()) {
return RewriteRead(absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(n.first), output);
return RewriteWrite(absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(n.first),
absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(n.second), output);
RewriteStatus ObjectAccessor::RewriteRead(absl::string_view location,
std::string* output) {
auto element = object_accessor_internal::ParseElement(location);
if (element.object_name.empty()) {
return RewriteStatus::NOT_RECOGNIZED;
auto it = name_to_object_.find(
std::string(, element.object_name.size()));
if (it == name_to_object_.end()) {
return RewriteStatus::NOT_RECOGNIZED;
bool requires_sizes = false;
auto status = GenerateReadAccessor(it->second, element, sampler_textures_,
output, &requires_sizes);
if (requires_sizes) {
AddSizeParameters(it->first, it->second, parameter_accessor_);
return status;
RewriteStatus ObjectAccessor::RewriteWrite(absl::string_view location,
absl::string_view value,
std::string* output) {
// name[index1, index2...] = value
auto element = object_accessor_internal::ParseElement(location);
if (element.object_name.empty()) {
return RewriteStatus::NOT_RECOGNIZED;
auto it = name_to_object_.find(
std::string(, element.object_name.size()));
if (it == name_to_object_.end()) {
return RewriteStatus::NOT_RECOGNIZED;
bool requires_sizes = false;
auto status = GenerateWriteAccessor(it->second, element, value, output,
if (requires_sizes) {
AddSizeParameters(it->first, it->second, parameter_accessor_);
return status;
bool ObjectAccessor::AddObject(const std::string& name, Object object) {
if (object.object_type == ObjectType::UNKNOWN) {
return false;
return name_to_object_.insert({name, std::move(object)}).second;
std::string ObjectAccessor::GetObjectDeclarations() const {
std::string declarations;
for (auto& o : name_to_object_) {
GenerateObjectDeclaration(o.first, o.second, &declarations, is_mali_,
return declarations;
std::string ObjectAccessor::GetFunctionsDeclarations() const {
std::string modifier = "";
// Mali compiler does not want to compile a function without readonly
// modifier. See b/111601761 for the context.
if (is_mali_) {
modifier = "readonly ";
// If there is a single object SSBO with F16, then we need to output functions
// as well.
for (const auto& o : name_to_object_) {
if (o.second.data_type == DataType::FLOAT16 &&
o.second.object_type == ObjectType::BUFFER) {
return absl::StrCat("vec4 Vec4FromHalf(in ", modifier,
"uvec2 v) { return vec4(unpackHalf2x16(v.x), "
"unpackHalf2x16(v.y)); }\n"
"uvec2 Vec4ToHalf(in ",
"vec4 v) { return uvec2(packHalf2x16(v.xy), "
"packHalf2x16(; }\n");
return "";
std::vector<Object> ObjectAccessor::GetObjects() const {
std::vector<Object> objects;
for (auto& o : name_to_object_) {
return objects;
} // namespace gl
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace tflite