blob: e44c4f8c0efba7470f40989e2f96651663c2aa16 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""SequenceQueueingStateSaver and wrappers.
Please see the reading data how-to for context.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import numbers
import six
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import string_ops
from tensorflow.python.summary import summary
from import queue_runner
# pylint: disable=protected-access
_restore_sparse = sparse_ops._take_many_sparse_from_tensors_map
_store_sparse = sparse_ops._add_many_sparse_to_tensors_map
# pylint: enable=protected-access
class _SequenceInputWrapper(object):
"""A wrapper object for storing sequence-related input.
The SequenceInputWapper accepts four objects:
length: A scalar int containing the length of the input sequence.
key: A scalar string containing the unique key of the input sequence.
sequences: A dict mapping labels, like `input`, to tensors
whose initial index dimension is at least size `length`.
context: A dict mapping labels, like `global_target`, to tensors
that represent data across the entire example.
def __init__(self, length, key, sequences, context):
length = ops.convert_to_tensor(length, name="length")
key = ops.convert_to_tensor(key, name="key")
if not isinstance(sequences, dict):
raise TypeError("sequences must be a dict")
if not isinstance(context, dict):
raise TypeError("context must be a dict")
if not sequences:
raise ValueError("must have at least one sequence tensor")
for k in sequences.keys():
if not isinstance(k, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("sequence key must be string: %s" % k)
if ":" in k:
raise ValueError("sequence key may not have a colon: '%s'" % k)
for k in context.keys():
if not isinstance(k, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("context key must be string: %s" % k)
if ":" in k:
raise ValueError("context key may not have a colon: '%s'" % k)
sequences = dict((k, ops.convert_to_tensor(
v, name="sequence_%s" % k)) for k, v in sequences.items())
context = dict((k, ops.convert_to_tensor(
v, name="context_%s" % k)) for k, v in context.items())
self._length = length
self._key = key
self._sequences = sequences
self._context = context
def length(self):
return self._length
def key(self):
return self._key
def sequences(self):
return self._sequences
def context(self):
return self._context
def _check_multiple_of(value, multiple_of):
"""Checks that value `value` is a non-zero multiple of `multiple_of`.
value: an int32 scalar Tensor.
multiple_of: an int or int32 scalar Tensor.
new_value: an int32 scalar Tensor matching `value`, but which includes an
assertion that `value` is a multiple of `multiple_of`.
assert isinstance(value, ops.Tensor)
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.equal(math_ops.mod(value, multiple_of), 0),
math_ops.not_equal(value, 0)), [
"Tensor %s should be a multiple of: " %,
string_ops.as_string(multiple_of), ", but saw value: ",
". Consider setting pad=True."
new_value = array_ops.identity(value, name="multiple_of_checked")
return new_value
def _check_rank(value, expected_rank):
"""Check the rank of Tensor `value`, via shape inference and assertions.
value: A Tensor, possibly with shape associated shape information.
expected_rank: int32 scalar (optionally a `Tensor`).
new_value: A Tensor matching `value`. Accessing this tensor tests
assertions on its rank. If expected_rank is not a `Tensor`, then
new_value's shape's rank has been set.
ValueError: if `expected_rank` is not a `Tensor` and the rank of `value`
is known and is not equal to `expected_rank`.
assert isinstance(value, ops.Tensor)
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.equal(expected_rank, array_ops.rank(value)), [
"Rank of tensor %s should be: " %,
string_ops.as_string(expected_rank), ", shape received:"
]), array_ops.shape(value)
new_value = array_ops.identity(value, name="rank_checked")
if isinstance(expected_rank, ops.Tensor):
expected_rank_value = tensor_util.constant_value(expected_rank)
if expected_rank_value is not None:
expected_rank = int(expected_rank_value)
if not isinstance(expected_rank, ops.Tensor):
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("Rank check failed for %s: %s" % (, str(e)))
return new_value
def _check_shape(value, expected_shape):
"""Check the shape of Tensor `value`, via shape inference and assertions.
value: A Tensor, possibly with shape associated shape information.
expected_shape: a `TensorShape`, list of `int32`, or a vector `Tensor`.
new_value: A Tensor matching `value`. Accessing this tensor tests
assertions on its shape. If expected_shape is not a `Tensor`, then
new_value's shape has been set.
ValueError: if `expected_shape` is not a `Tensor` and the shape of `value`
is known and is not equal to `expected_shape`.
assert isinstance(value, ops.Tensor)
if isinstance(expected_shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape):
expected_shape = expected_shape.as_list()
if isinstance(expected_shape, ops.Tensor):
expected_shape_value = tensor_util.constant_value(expected_shape)
if expected_shape_value is not None:
expected_shape = [int(d) for d in expected_shape_value]
if isinstance(expected_shape, ops.Tensor):
value = _check_rank(value, array_ops.size(expected_shape))
value = _check_rank(value, len(expected_shape))
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.equal(expected_shape, array_ops.shape(value))), [
"Shape of tensor %s should be: " %,
", shape received: ",
new_value = array_ops.identity(value, name="shape_checked")
if not isinstance(expected_shape, ops.Tensor):
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("Shape check failed for %s: %s" % (, str(e)))
return new_value
def _check_dimensions(value, dimensions, expected_sizes, debug_prefix):
"""Check the dimensions of Tensor `value`, via shape inference and assertions.
value: A Tensor, with optional / partial shape associated shape information.
dimensions: An int list, the dimensions to check.
expected_sizes: list of mixed ints and int32 scalar tensors.
Optionally also a vector `Tensor`.
debug_prefix: A string, used for naming ops and printing debugging messages.
new_value: A Tensor matching `value`. Accessing this tensor tests
assertions on its shape. If expected_sizes is not a `Tensor`, then
new_value's shape has been set for all `dimensions[i]` where
`expected_sizes[i]` is not a `Tensor`.
TypeError: if any of the input contains invalid types:
if `value` is not a `Tensor`.
if `dimensions` is not a `list` or `tuple`.
ValueError: if input has incorrect sizes or inferred shapes do not match:
if `dimensions` contains repeated dimensions.
if `expected_sizes` is not a `Tensor` and its length does not match that
if `value`'s shape has a well-defined rank, and one of the values in
`dimensions` is equal to or above this rank.
if `value`'s shape is well defined for some `dimensions[i]`, and
`expected_sizes[i]` is not a `Tensor`, and these two values do
not match.
if not isinstance(dimensions, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError("dimensions must be a list or tuple")
if len(set(dimensions)) != len(dimensions):
raise ValueError("dimensions are not unique: %s" % dimensions)
if not isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
raise TypeError("value is not a Tensor: %s" % value)
value_shape = value.get_shape()
if not isinstance(expected_sizes, ops.Tensor):
if len(dimensions) != len(expected_sizes):
raise ValueError("len(dimensions) != len(expected_sizes): %d vs. %d" %
(len(dimensions), len(expected_sizes)))
if value_shape.ndims is not None:
if value_shape.ndims <= max(dimensions):
raise ValueError(
"%s: rank of input is not greater than max(dimensions): "
"%d vs. %d" % (debug_prefix, value.get_shape().ndims,
value_dims = value_shape.as_list()
for d, s in zip(dimensions, expected_sizes):
if not isinstance(s, ops.Tensor):
value_dims[d] = s
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("Dimensions check failed for %s: %s" %
(debug_prefix, str(e)))
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.equal(expected_size, array_ops.shape(value)[dimension]), [
"Dimension %d of tensor labeled %s should be: " %
(dimension, debug_prefix),
string_ops.as_string(expected_size), ", shape received: ",
]) for (dimension, expected_size) in zip(dimensions, expected_sizes)
new_value = array_ops.identity(value, name="dims_checked_%s" % debug_prefix)
return new_value
def _prepare_sequence_inputs(inputs, states):
"""Convert input to tensors and validate shape information.
inputs: A `_SequenceInputWrapper` instance.
states: A dictionary mapping state names to input constants or tensors.
The tuple (length, key, sorted_states, sorted_sequences, sorted_context),
where each value has been checked for valid shape, and the sorted_* dicts
are instances of OrderedDict; with key-value pairs sorted by key.
ValueError: if the shapes of inputs.context.values(), states.values(),
or inputs.sequences.values() are not fully defined (with the exception
of the dimension of any `Tensor` in inputs.sequences.values()).
TypeError: if the dtype of length is not int32.
# Convert state initial values to tensors
states = dict((k, ops.convert_to_tensor(
v, name="state_%s" % k)) for k, v in states.items())
def _assert_fully_defined(label, dict_, ignore_first_dimension=False):
start_dimension = 1 if ignore_first_dimension else 0
for k, v in dict_.items():
if not v.get_shape()[start_dimension:].is_fully_defined():
raise ValueError("Shape for %s %s is not fully defined %s: %s" %
(label, k, "(ignoring first dimension)" if
ignore_first_dimension else "", v.get_shape()))
_assert_fully_defined("state", states)
_assert_fully_defined("context", inputs.context)
# Sequences' first dimension (time) may be variable
"sequence", inputs.sequences, ignore_first_dimension=True)
# Get dictionaries' dtypes ordered by name - ordering is important
# when switching between dicts and tuples for passing to Barrier.
def _sort_by_name(d):
return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda k_v: k_v[0]))
sorted_sequences = _sort_by_name(inputs.sequences)
sorted_context = _sort_by_name(inputs.context)
sorted_states = _sort_by_name(states)
length = _check_rank(inputs.length, 0)
key = _check_rank(inputs.key, 0)
if length.dtype != dtypes.int32:
raise TypeError("length dtype must be int32, but received: %s" %
if key.dtype != dtypes.string:
raise TypeError("key dtype must be string, but received: %s" % key.dtype)
return (length, key, sorted_states, sorted_sequences, sorted_context)
# NextQueuedSequenceBatch works closely with
# SequenceQueueingStateSaver and requires access to its private properties
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class NextQueuedSequenceBatch(object):
"""NextQueuedSequenceBatch stores deferred SequenceQueueingStateSaver data.
This class is instantiated by `SequenceQueueingStateSaver` and is accessible
via its `next_batch` property.
def __init__(self, state_saver):
self._state_saver = state_saver
def total_length(self):
"""The lengths of the original (non-truncated) unrolled examples.
An integer vector of length `batch_size`, the total lengths.
return self._state_saver._received_total_length
def length(self):
"""The lengths of the given truncated unrolled examples.
For initial iterations, for which `sequence * num_unroll < length`,
this number is `num_unroll`. For the remainder,
this number is between `0` and `num_unroll`.
An integer vector of length `batch_size`, the lengths.
return self._state_saver._received_length
def batch_size(self):
"""The batch_size of the given batch.
Usually, this is the batch_size requested when initializing the SQSS, but
if allow_small_batch=True this will become smaller when inputs are
A scalar integer tensor, the batch_size
return self._state_saver._received_batch_size
def insertion_index(self):
"""The insertion indices of the examples (when they were first added).
These indices start with the value -2**63 and increase with every
call to the prefetch op. Each whole example gets its own insertion
index, and this is used to prioritize the example so that its truncated
segments appear in adjacent iterations, even if new examples are inserted
by the prefetch op between iterations.
An int64 vector of length `batch_size`, the insertion indices.
return self._state_saver._received_indices
def key(self):
"""The key names of the given truncated unrolled examples.
The format of the key is:
"%05d_of_%05d:%s" % (sequence, sequence_count, original_key)
where `original_key` is the unique key read in by the prefetcher.
A string vector of length `batch_size`, the keys.
return self._state_saver._received_keys
def next_key(self):
"""The key names of the next (in iteration) truncated unrolled examples.
The format of the key is:
"%05d_of_%05d:%s" % (sequence + 1, sequence_count, original_key)
if `sequence + 1 < sequence_count`, otherwise:
"STOP:%s" % original_key
where `original_key` is the unique key read in by the prefetcher.
A string vector of length `batch_size`, the keys.
return self._state_saver._received_next_key
def sequence(self):
"""An int32 vector, length `batch_size`: the sequence index of each entry.
When an input is split up, the sequence values
0, 1, ..., sequence_count - 1
are assigned to each split.
An int32 vector `Tensor`.
return self._state_saver._received_sequence
def sequence_count(self):
"""An int32 vector, length `batch_size`: the sequence count of each entry.
When an input is split up, the number of splits is equal to:
`padded_length / num_unroll`. This is the sequence_count.
An int32 vector `Tensor`.
return self._state_saver._received_sequence_count
def context(self):
"""A dict mapping keys of `input_context` to batched context.
A dict mapping keys of `input_context` to tensors.
If we had at input:
context["name"].get_shape() == [d1, d2, ...]
then for this property:
context["name"].get_shape() == [batch_size, d1, d2, ...]
return self._state_saver._received_context
def sequences(self):
"""A dict mapping keys of `input_sequences` to split and rebatched data.
A dict mapping keys of `input_sequences` to tensors.
If we had at input:
sequences["name"].get_shape() == [None, d1, d2, ...]
where `None` meant the sequence time was dynamic, then for this property:
sequences["name"].get_shape() == [batch_size, num_unroll, d1, d2, ...].
return self._state_saver._received_sequences
def state(self, state_name):
"""Returns batched state tensors.
state_name: string, matches a key provided in `initial_states`.
A `Tensor`: a batched set of states, either initial states (if this is
the first run of the given example), or a value as stored during
a previous iteration via `save_state` control flow.
Its type is the same as `initial_states["state_name"].dtype`.
If we had at input:
initial_states[state_name].get_shape() == [d1, d2, ...],
state(state_name).get_shape() == [batch_size, d1, d2, ...]
KeyError: if `state_name` does not match any of the initial states
declared in `initial_states`.
return self._state_saver._received_states[state_name]
def save_state(self, state_name, value, name=None):
"""Returns an op to save the current batch of state `state_name`.
state_name: string, matches a key provided in `initial_states`.
value: A `Tensor`.
Its type must match that of `initial_states[state_name].dtype`.
If we had at input:
initial_states[state_name].get_shape() == [d1, d2, ...]
then the shape of `value` must match:
tf.shape(value) == [batch_size, d1, d2, ...]
name: string (optional). The name scope for newly created ops.
A control flow op that stores the new state of each entry into
the state saver. This op must be run for every iteration that
accesses data from the state saver (otherwise the state saver
will never progress through its states and run out of capacity).
KeyError: if `state_name` does not match any of the initial states
declared in `initial_states`.
if state_name not in self._state_saver._received_states.keys():
raise KeyError("state was not declared: %s" % state_name)
default_name = "InputQueueingStateSaver_SaveState"
with ops.name_scope(name, default_name, values=[value]):
# Place all operations on the CPU. Barriers and queues are only
# implemented for CPU, but all the other book-keeping operations
# (reshape, shape, range, ...) would be placed on GPUs if available,
# unless we explicitly tie them to CPU.
with ops.colocate_with(self._state_saver._capacity_queue.queue_ref):
indices_where_not_done = array_ops.reshape(
keeping_next_key = array_ops.gather(
self._state_saver._received_next_key, indices_where_not_done)
value = _check_shape(
value, name="convert_%s" % state_name),
keeping_state = array_ops.gather(value, indices_where_not_done)
return self._state_saver._barrier.insert_many(
self._state_saver._get_barrier_index("state", state_name),
name="BarrierInsertState_%s" % state_name)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
class SequenceQueueingStateSaver(object):
"""SequenceQueueingStateSaver provides access to stateful values from input.
This class is meant to be used instead of, e.g., a `Queue`, for splitting
variable-length sequence inputs into segments of sequences with fixed length
and batching them into mini-batches. It maintains contexts and state for a
sequence across the segments. It can be used in conjunction with a
`QueueRunner` (see the example below).
The `SequenceQueueingStateSaver` (SQSS) accepts one example at a time via the
inputs `input_length`, `input_key`, `input_sequences` (a dict),
`input_context` (a dict), and `initial_states` (a dict).
The sequences, values in `input_sequences`, may have variable first dimension
(the `padded_length`), though this dimension must always be a multiple of
`num_unroll`. All other dimensions must be fixed and accessible via
`get_shape` calls. The length prior to padding can be recorded in
`input_length`. The context values in `input_context` must all have fixed and
well defined dimensions. The initial state values must all have fixed and
well defined dimensions.
The SQSS splits the sequences of an input example into segments of length
`num_unroll`. Across examples minibatches of size `batch_size` are formed.
These minibatches contain a segment of the sequences, copy the context values,
and maintain state, length, and key information of the original input
examples. In the first segment of an example the state is still the initial
state. It can then be updated; and updated state values are accessible in
subsequent segments of the same example. After each segment
`batch.save_state()` must be called which is done by the state_saving_rnn.
Without this call, the dequeue op associated with the SQSS will not run.
Internally, SQSS has a queue for the input examples. Its `capacity` is
configurable. If set smaller than `batch_size` then the dequeue op will block
indefinitely. A small multiple of `batch_size` is a good rule of thumb to
prevent that queue from becoming a bottleneck and slowing down training.
If set too large (and note that it defaults to unbounded) memory consumption
goes up. Moreover, when iterating over the same input examples multiple times
reusing the same `key` the `capacity` must be smaller than the number of
The prefetcher, which reads one unrolled, variable-length input sequence at
a time, is accessible via `prefetch_op`. The underlying `Barrier` object
is accessible via `barrier`. Processed minibatches, as well as
state read and write capabilities are accessible via `next_batch`.
Specifically, `next_batch` provides access to all of the minibatched
data, including the following, see `NextQueuedSequenceBatch` for details:
* `total_length`, `length`, `insertion_index`, `key`, `next_key`,
* `sequence` (the index each minibatch entry's time segment index),
* `sequence_count` (the total time segment count for each minibatch entry),
* `context` (a dict of the copied minibatched context values),
* `sequences` (a dict of the split minibatched variable-length sequences),
* `state` (to access the states of the current segments of these entries)
* `save_state` (to save the states for the next segments of these entries)
Example usage:
batch_size = 32
num_unroll = 20
lstm_size = 8
cell = tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=lstm_size)
initial_state_values = tf.zeros(cell.state_size, dtype=tf.float32)
raw_data = get_single_input_from_input_reader()
length, key, sequences, context = my_parser(raw_data)
assert "input" in sequences.keys()
assert "label" in context.keys()
initial_states = {"lstm_state": initial_state_value}
stateful_reader = tf.SequenceQueueingStateSaver(
batch_size, num_unroll,
length=length, input_key=key, input_sequences=sequences,
input_context=context, initial_states=initial_states,
batch = stateful_reader.next_batch
inputs = batch.sequences["input"]
context_label = batch.context["label"]
inputs_by_time = tf.split(value=inputs, num_or_size_splits=num_unroll, axis=1)
assert len(inputs_by_time) == num_unroll
lstm_output, _ = tf.contrib.rnn.static_state_saving_rnn(
# Start a prefetcher in the background
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
num_threads = 3
queue_runner = tf.compat.v1.train.QueueRunner(
stateful_reader, [stateful_reader.prefetch_op] * num_threads)
while True:
# Step through batches, perform training or inference...[lstm_output])
**Note**: Usually the barrier is given to a QueueRunner as in the
examples above. The QueueRunner will close the barrier if the prefetch_op
receives an OutOfRange Error from upstream input queues (i.e., reaches
the end of the input). If the barrier is closed no further new examples
are added to the SQSS. The underlying barrier might, however, still
contain further unroll-steps of examples that have not undergone all
iterations. To gracefully finish all examples, the flag
`allow_small_batch` must be set to true, which causes the SQSS to issue
progressively smaller mini-batches with the remaining examples.
def __init__(self,
"""Creates the SequenceQueueingStateSaver.
batch_size: int or int32 scalar `Tensor`, how large minibatches should
be when accessing the `state()` method and `context`, `sequences`, etc,
num_unroll: Python integer, how many time steps to unroll at a time.
The input sequences of length `k` are then split into `k / num_unroll`
many segments.
input_length: An int32 scalar `Tensor`, the length of the sequence prior
to padding. This value may be at most `padded_length` for any given
input (see below for the definition of `padded_length`).
Batched and total lengths of the current iteration are made accessible
via the `length` and `total_length` properties. The shape of
input_length (scalar) must be fully specified.
input_key: A string scalar `Tensor`, the **unique** key for the given
input. This is used to keep track of the split minibatch elements
of this input. Batched keys of the current iteration are made
accessible via the `key` property. The shape of `input_key` (scalar)
must be fully specified.
input_sequences: A dict mapping string names to `Tensor` values. The
values must all have matching first dimension, called `padded_length`.
The `SequenceQueueingStateSaver` will split these tensors along
this first dimension into minibatch elements of dimension
`num_unroll`. Batched and segmented sequences of the current iteration
are made accessible via the `sequences` property.
**Note**: `padded_length` may be dynamic, and may vary from input
to input, but must always be a multiple of `num_unroll`. The remainder
of the shape (other than the first dimension) must be fully specified.
input_context: A dict mapping string names to `Tensor` values. The values
are treated as "global" across all time splits of the given input,
and will be copied across for all minibatch elements accordingly.
Batched and copied context of the current iteration are made
accessible via the `context` property.
**Note**: All input_context values must have fully defined shapes.
initial_states: A dict mapping string state names to multi-dimensional
values (e.g. constants or tensors). This input defines the set of
states that will be kept track of during computing iterations, and
which can be accessed via the `state` and `save_state` methods.
**Note**: All initial_state values must have fully defined shapes.
capacity: The max capacity of the SQSS in number of examples. Needs to be
at least `batch_size`. Defaults to unbounded.
allow_small_batch: If true, the SQSS will return smaller batches when
there aren't enough input examples to fill a whole batch and the end of
the input has been reached (i.e., the underlying barrier has been
name: An op name string (optional).
TypeError: if any of the inputs is not an expected type.
ValueError: if any of the input values is inconsistent, e.g. if
not enough shape information is available from inputs to build
the state saver.
if capacity is not None and isinstance(batch_size, ops.Tensor):
with ops.control_dependencies([check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
math_ops.cast(capacity, dtype=dtypes.int64),
math_ops.cast(batch_size, dtype=dtypes.int64),
message="capacity needs to be >= batch_size.")]):
input_key = array_ops.identity(input_key)
elif capacity is not None and capacity < batch_size:
raise ValueError("capacity %d needs to be >= batch_size %d" % (
capacity, batch_size))
# The barrier is ignorant of the number of actual examples, since a long
# example that requires many iterations produces more elements in the
# barrier than a short example. Furthermore, we don't have an upper bound
# on the length of examples, and hence have to keep the capacity of the
# barrier at infinite to avoid dead-lock. Instead we have to keep track of
# the number of active examples in this class, and block the prefetch_op
# when capacity is reached. To this end, we employ a FIFOQueue in which we
# store one token (its value doesn't matter) for each input example, and
# dequeue a token for each completed example. Since the capacity of this
# queue is limited the enqueue operation will block if capacity is reached.
self._capacity_queue = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue(
capacity=capacity, dtypes=[dtypes.int32], shapes=[[]])
# Place all operations on the CPU. Barriers and queues are only implemented
# for CPU, but all the other book-keeping operations
# (reshape, shape, range, ...) would be placed on GPUs if available,
# unless we explicitly tie them to CPU.
with ops.colocate_with(self._capacity_queue.queue_ref):
if not isinstance(initial_states, dict):
raise TypeError("initial_states must be a dictionary")
if not initial_states:
raise ValueError(
"initial_states may not be empty: at least one state variable is "
"required to properly enqueue split sequences to run in separate "
for k in initial_states:
if not isinstance(k, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("state name must be a string: %s" % k)
if ":" in k:
raise ValueError("state name may not have a colon: '%s'" % k)
op_vars = ([input_length, input_key] + list(input_sequences.values()) +
with ops.name_scope(name, "InputQueueingStateSaver", op_vars) as scope:
inputs = _SequenceInputWrapper(input_length, input_key, input_sequences,
self._batch_size = batch_size
self._num_unroll = num_unroll
self._name = scope
# This step makes sure all shapes are well defined. We can now
# use get_shape() on any tensor in the output of this function
# and get a fully-defined shape.
(self._length, self._key, self._sorted_states, self._sorted_sequences,
self._sorted_context) = _prepare_sequence_inputs(inputs,
self._padded_length = array_ops.identity(
name="padded_length") # The name is useful for debugging
self._padded_length = _check_multiple_of(self._padded_length,
# sequences should have length == all matching
self._sorted_sequences = collections.OrderedDict(
(k, _check_dimensions(
v, [0], [self._padded_length],
debug_prefix="sorted_sequences_%s" % k))
for k, v in self._sorted_sequences.items())
self._uninitialized_states = self._sorted_states
# Once this is set, self._get_barrier_*_index are available for use.
self._store_index_maps(self._sorted_sequences, self._sorted_context,
# Make sure that the length is <= the padded_length
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.less_equal(self._length, self._padded_length), [
"Input length should be <= than length from sequences:",
self._length, " vs. ", self._padded_length
self._length = array_ops.identity(self._length)
# Only create barrier; enqueue and dequeue operations happen when you
# access prefetch_op and next_batch.
self._scope = scope
self._allow_small_batch = allow_small_batch
self._prefetch_op = None
self._next_batch = None
def name(self):
return self._name
def barrier(self):
return self._barrier
def batch_size(self):
return self._batch_size
def num_unroll(self):
return self._num_unroll
def prefetch_op(self):
"""The op used to prefetch new data into the state saver.
Running it once enqueues one new input example into the state saver.
The first time this gets called, it additionally creates the prefetch_op.
Subsequent calls simply return the previously created `prefetch_op`.
It should be run in a separate thread via e.g. a `QueueRunner`.
An `Operation` that performs prefetching.
if not self._prefetch_op:
with ops.name_scope(None), ops.name_scope(
self._scope, values=[self._barrier.barrier_ref]):
return self._prefetch_op
def next_batch(self):
"""The `NextQueuedSequenceBatch` providing access to batched output data.
Also provides access to the `state` and `save_state` methods.
The first time this gets called, it additionally prepares barrier reads
and creates `NextQueuedSequenceBatch` / next_batch objects. Subsequent
calls simply return the previously created `next_batch`.
In order to access data in `next_batch` without blocking, the `prefetch_op`
must have been run at least `batch_size` times (ideally in a separate
thread, or launched via a `QueueRunner`). After processing a segment in
`next_batch()`, `batch.save_state()` must be called which is done by the
state_saving_rnn. Without this call, the dequeue op associated with the SQSS
will not run.
A cached `NextQueuedSequenceBatch` instance.
# This is needed to prevent errors if next_batch is called before
# prefetch_op is created.
if not self._prefetch_op:
with ops.name_scope(None), ops.name_scope(
self._scope, values=[self._barrier.barrier_ref]):
if not self._next_batch:
with ops.name_scope(None), ops.name_scope(
self._scope, values=[self._barrier.barrier_ref]):
return self._next_batch
def close(self, cancel_pending_enqueues=False, name=None):
"""Closes the barrier and the FIFOQueue.
This operation signals that no more segments of new sequences will be
enqueued. New segments of already inserted sequences may still be enqueued
and dequeued if there is a sufficient number filling a batch or
allow_small_batch is true. Otherwise dequeue operations will fail
cancel_pending_enqueues: (Optional.) A boolean, defaulting to
`False`. If `True`, all pending enqueues to the underlying queues will
be cancelled, and completing already started sequences is not possible.
name: Optional name for the op.
The operation that closes the barrier and the FIFOQueue.
with ops.name_scope(name, "SQSSClose", [self._prefetch_op]) as name:
barrier_close = self.barrier.close(cancel_pending_enqueues,
fifo_queue_close = self._capacity_queue.close(cancel_pending_enqueues,
return, fifo_queue_close, name=name)
def _store_index_maps(self, sequences, context, states):
"""Prepares the internal dictionaries _name_to_index and _index_to_name.
These dictionaries are used to keep track of indices into the barrier.
sequences: `OrderedDict` of string, `Tensor` pairs.
context: `OrderedDict` of string, `Tensor` pairs.
states: `OrderedDict` of string, `Tensor` pairs.
assert isinstance(sequences, dict)
assert isinstance(context, dict)
assert isinstance(states, dict)
self._name_to_index = {
name: ix
for (ix, name) in enumerate([
"__length", "__total_length", "__next_key", "__sequence",
] + ["__sequence__%s" % k for k in sequences.keys()] + [
"__context__%s" % k for k in context.keys()
] + ["__state__%s" % k for k in states.keys()])}
self._index_to_name = [
for (name, _) in sorted(
self._name_to_index.items(), key=lambda n_ix: n_ix[1])
def _get_barrier_length_index(self):
return self._name_to_index["__length"]
def _get_barrier_total_length_index(self):
return self._name_to_index["__total_length"]
def _get_barrier_next_key_index(self):
return self._name_to_index["__next_key"]
def _get_barrier_sequence_index(self):
return self._name_to_index["__sequence"]
def _get_barrier_sequence_count_index(self):
return self._name_to_index["__sequence_count"]
def _get_barrier_index(self, index_type, name):
assert index_type in ("sequence", "context", "state")
key = "__%s__%s" % (index_type, name)
assert key in self._name_to_index, (
"Requested a name not in the value type %s: %s" % (index_type, name))
return self._name_to_index[key]
def _create_barrier(self):
"""Create the barrier.
This method initializes the Barrier object with the right types and shapes.
# Create the barrier
sequence_dtypes = [v.dtype for k, v in self._sorted_sequences.items()]
context_dtypes = [v.dtype for k, v in self._sorted_context.items()]
state_dtypes = [v.dtype for k, v in self._sorted_states.items()]
types = ([
dtypes.int32, # length
dtypes.int32, # total_length
dtypes.string, # next_keys
dtypes.int32, # sequence
] # expanded_sequence_count
+ sequence_dtypes + context_dtypes + state_dtypes)
sequence_shapes = [
[self._num_unroll] + self._sorted_sequences[k].get_shape().as_list()[1:]
for k in self._sorted_sequences.keys()
context_shapes = [
for k in self._sorted_context.keys()
state_shapes = [
for k in self._sorted_states.keys()
shapes = ([
(), # length
(), # total_length
(), # next_keys
(), # sequence
] # expanded_sequence_count
+ sequence_shapes + context_shapes + state_shapes)
self._barrier = data_flow_ops.Barrier(types=types, shapes=shapes)
def _create_prefetch_op(self):
"""Group insert_many ops and create prefetch_op.
This method implements the "meat" of the logic underlying the
`SequenceQueueingStateSaver`. It performs dynamic reshaping of
sequences, copying of context, and initial insertion of these values,
as well as the key, next_key, sequence, sequence_count, and initial
states into the barrier.
# Step 1: identify how many barrier entries to split this input
# into, store the result as a scalar
sequence_count = math_ops.div(self._padded_length, self._num_unroll)
sequence_count_vec = array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_count, 0)
# The final unrolled sequence's length is num_unroll only in
# the case that num_unroll divides it evenly.
ones = array_ops.ones(sequence_count_vec, dtype=dtypes.int32)
sequence = math_ops.range(sequence_count)
expanded_length = math_ops.maximum(
0, self._length - self._num_unroll * sequence)
expanded_length = math_ops.minimum(self._num_unroll, expanded_length)
expanded_total_length = self._length * ones
expanded_sequence_count = sequence_count * ones
current_keys = string_ops.string_join(
sequence, width=5, fill="0"), "_of_", string_ops.as_string(
sequence_count, width=5, fill="0"), ":", self._key
next_keys = array_ops.concat(
array_ops.slice(current_keys, [1], [-1]), array_ops.expand_dims(
["STOP:", self._key], name="StringJoinStop"),
reshaped_sequences = collections.OrderedDict((
# Reshape sequences to sequence_count rows
array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_count, 0),
array_ops.expand_dims(self._num_unroll, 0),
name="concat_sequences_%s" % k),
name="reshape_sequences_%s" % k),
[0, 1] + list(range(2, v.get_shape().ndims + 1)),
[sequence_count, self._num_unroll] + v.get_shape().as_list()[1:],
debug_prefix="reshaped_sequences_%s" %
k)) for k, v in self._sorted_sequences.items())
expanded_context = collections.OrderedDict(
# Copy context to be sequence_count rows
array_ops.expand_dims(v, 0),
array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_count, 0),
[1] * v.get_shape().ndims
name="concat_context_%s" % k),
name="tile_context_%s" % k),
[0] + list(range(1, v.get_shape().ndims + 1)),
[sequence_count] + v.get_shape().as_list(),
debug_prefix="expanded_context_%s" % k))
for k, v in self._sorted_context.items())
# Storing into the barrier, for each current_key:
# sequence_ix, sequence_count, next_key, length,
# context... (copied), sequences... (truncated)
# Also storing into the barrier for the first key
# states (using initial_states).
insert_sequence_op = self._barrier.insert_many(
insert_sequence_count_op = self._barrier.insert_many(
insert_next_key_op = self._barrier.insert_many(
insert_length_op = self._barrier.insert_many(
insert_total_length_op = self._barrier.insert_many(
insert_context_ops = dict((name, self._barrier.insert_many(
self._get_barrier_index("context", name),
name="BarrierInsertContext_%s" % name))
for (name, value) in expanded_context.items())
insert_sequences_ops = dict((name, self._barrier.insert_many(
self._get_barrier_index("sequence", name),
name="BarrierInsertSequences_%s" % name))
for (name, value) in reshaped_sequences.items())
# An op that blocks if we reached capacity in number of active examples.
TOKEN_WITH_IGNORED_VALUE = 21051976 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
insert_capacity_token_op = self._capacity_queue.enqueue(
# Insert just the initial state. Specifically force this to run
# the insert sequence op *first* so that the Barrier receives
# an insert with *all* the segments and the segments all get the same index.
with ops.control_dependencies(
[insert_sequence_op, insert_capacity_token_op]):
insert_initial_state_ops = dict(
(name, self._barrier.insert_many(
self._get_barrier_index("state", name),
name="BarrierInitialInsertState_%s" % name))
for (name, value) in self._uninitialized_states.items())
all_inserts = ([
insert_capacity_token_op, insert_sequence_op, insert_sequence_count_op,
insert_next_key_op, insert_length_op, insert_total_length_op
] + list(insert_initial_state_ops.values()) +
list(insert_context_ops.values()) +
self._prefetch_op =
*all_inserts, name="StateSaverPrefetchGroup")
def _prepare_barrier_reads(self):
"""Creates ops for reading the barrier, as used by properties like `length`.
# Ops for reading from the barrier. These ops must be run in a
# different thread than the prefetcher op to avoid blocking.
received = self._barrier.take_many(
self._batch_size, self._allow_small_batch, name="BarrierTakeMany")
self._received_indices = received[0]
self._received_keys = received[1]
received_values = received[2]
self._received_sequence = received_values[self._get_barrier_sequence_index(
self._received_sequence_count = received_values[
self._received_next_key = received_values[self._get_barrier_next_key_index(
self._received_length = received_values[self._get_barrier_length_index()]
self._received_total_length = received_values[
self._received_context = collections.OrderedDict(
(name, received_values[self._get_barrier_index("context", name)])
for name in self._sorted_context.keys())
self._received_sequences = collections.OrderedDict(
(name, received_values[self._get_barrier_index("sequence", name)])
for name in self._sorted_sequences.keys())
self._received_batch_size = array_ops.squeeze(
# Which examples are we done with?
self._sequence_is_done = (
self._received_sequence + 1 >= self._received_sequence_count)
# Compute the number of finished sequences and dequeue as many tokens from
# the capacity queue.
finished_sequences = (math_ops.reduce_sum(
math_ops.cast(self._sequence_is_done, dtypes.int32)))
# TODO(ebrevdo): convert to dequeue_up_to when FIFOQueue supports it.
dequeue_op = self._capacity_queue.dequeue_many(finished_sequences)
# Tie the dequeue_op to the received_state, such that it is definitely
# carried out.
with ops.control_dependencies([dequeue_op]):
self._received_states = collections.OrderedDict(
(name, array_ops.identity(received_values[self._get_barrier_index(
"state", name)])) for name in self._sorted_states.keys())
self._next_batch = NextQueuedSequenceBatch(self)
def batch_sequences_with_states(input_key,
"""Creates batches of segments of sequential input.
This method creates a `SequenceQueueingStateSaver` (SQSS) and adds it to
the queuerunners. It returns a `NextQueuedSequenceBatch`.
It accepts one example at a time identified by a unique `input_key`.
`input_sequence` is a dict with values that are tensors with time as first
dimension. This time dimension must be the same across those tensors of an
example. It can vary across examples. Although it always has to be a multiple
of `num_unroll`. Hence, padding may be necessary and it is turned on by
default by `pad=True`.
`input_length` is a Tensor scalar or an int recording the time dimension prior
to padding. It should be between 0 and the time dimension. One reason we want
to keep track of it is so that we can take it into consideration when
computing the loss. If `pad=True` then `input_length` can be `None` and will
be inferred.
This methods segments `input_sequence` into segments of length `num_unroll`.
It batches input sequences from `batch_size` many examples. These mini-batches
are available through the `sequence` property of the output. Moreover, for
each entry in the batch we can access its original `input_key` in `key` and
its input length in `total_length`. `length` records within this segment how
many non-padded time steps there are.
Static features of an example that do not vary across time can be part of the
`input_context`, a dict with Tensor values. This method copies the context for
each segment and makes it available in the `context` of the output.
This method can maintain and update a state for each example. It accepts some
initial_states as a dict with Tensor values. The first mini-batch an example
is contained has initial_states as entry of the `state`. If save_state is
called then the next segment will have the updated entry of the `state`.
See `NextQueuedSequenceBatch` for a complete list of properties and methods.
Example usage:
batch_size = 32
num_unroll = 20
num_enqueue_threads = 3
lstm_size = 8
cell = tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=lstm_size)
key, sequences, context = my_parser(raw_data)
initial_state_values = tf.zeros((state_size,), dtype=tf.float32)
initial_states = {"lstm_state": initial_state_values}
batch = tf.batch_sequences_with_states(
capacity=batch_size * num_enqueue_threads * 2)
inputs = batch.sequences["input"]
context_label = batch.context["label"]
inputs_by_time = tf.split(value=inputs, num_or_size_splits=num_unroll, axis=1)
assert len(inputs_by_time) == num_unroll
lstm_output, _ = tf.contrib.rnn.static_state_saving_rnn(
# Start a prefetcher in the background
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
while True:
# Step through batches, perform training or inference...[lstm_output])
input_key: A string scalar `Tensor`, the **unique** key for the given
input example. This is used to keep track of the split minibatch elements
of this input. Batched keys of the current iteration are made
accessible via the `key` property. The shape of `input_key` (scalar) must
be fully specified. Consider setting `make_keys_unique` to True when
iterating over the same input multiple times.
**Note**: if `make_keys_unique=False` then `input_key`s must be unique.
input_sequences: A dict mapping string names to `Tensor` values. The values
must all have matching first dimension, called `value_length`. They may
vary from input to input. The remainder of the shape (other than the first
dimension) must be fully specified.
The `SequenceQueueingStateSaver` will split these tensors along
this first dimension into minibatch elements of dimension `num_unrolled`.
Batched and segmented sequences of the current iteration are made
accessible via the `sequences` property.
**Note**: if `pad=False`, then `value_length` must always be a multiple
of `num_unroll`.
input_context: A dict mapping string names to `Tensor` values. The values
are treated as "global" across all time splits of the given input example,
and will be copied across for all minibatch elements accordingly.
Batched and copied context of the current iteration are made
accessible via the `context` property.
**Note**: All input_context values must have fully defined shapes.
input_length: None or an int32 scalar `Tensor`, the length of the sequence
prior to padding. If `input_length=None` and `pad=True` then the length
will be inferred and will be equal to `value_length`. If `pad=False` then
`input_length` cannot be `None`: `input_length` must be specified. Its
shape of `input_length` (scalar) must be fully specified. Its value may be
at most `value_length` for any given input (see above for the definition
of `value_length`). Batched and total lengths of the current iteration are
made accessible via the `length` and `total_length` properties.
initial_states: A dict mapping string state names to multi-dimensional
values (e.g. constants or tensors). This input defines the set of
states that will be kept track of during computing iterations, and
which can be accessed via the `state` and `save_state` methods.
**Note**: All initial_state values must have fully defined shapes.
num_unroll: Python integer, how many time steps to unroll at a time.
The input sequences of length k are then split into k / num_unroll many
batch_size: int or int32 scalar `Tensor`, how large minibatches should
be when accessing the `state()` method and `context`, `sequences`, etc,
num_threads: The int number of threads enqueuing input examples into a
capacity: The max capacity of the queue in number of examples. Needs to be
at least `batch_size`. Defaults to 1000. When iterating over the same
input example multiple times reusing their keys the `capacity` must be
smaller than the number of examples.
allow_small_batch: If true, the queue will return smaller batches when
there aren't enough input examples to fill a whole batch and the end of
the input has been reached.
pad: If `True`, `input_sequences` will be padded to multiple of
`num_unroll`. In that case `input_length` may be `None` and is assumed to
be the length of first dimension of values in `input_sequences`
(i.e. `value_length`).
make_keys_unique: Whether to append a random integer to the `input_key` in
an effort to make it unique. The seed can be set via
make_keys_unique_seed: If `make_keys_unique=True` this fixes the seed with
which a random postfix is generated.
name: An op name string (optional).
A NextQueuedSequenceBatch with segmented and batched inputs and their
TypeError: if any of the inputs is not an expected type.
ValueError: if any of the input values is inconsistent, e.g. if
not enough shape information is available from inputs to build
the state saver.
tensor_list = (list(input_sequences.values()) + list(input_context.values()) +
with ops.name_scope(name, "batch_sequences_with_states", tensor_list) as name:
if pad:
length, input_sequences = _padding(input_sequences, num_unroll)
input_length = input_length if input_length is not None else length
elif input_sequences:
# Assert that value_length is a multiple of num_unroll.
checked_input_sequences = {}
for key, value in input_sequences.items():
if (isinstance(value, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor) or
isinstance(value, sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue)):
value_length = value.dense_shape[0]
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.equal(value_length % num_unroll, 0),
math_ops.not_equal(value_length, 0)),
"SparseTensor %s first dimension should be a "
"multiple of: " % key,
", but saw value: ",
". Consider setting pad=True."])])]):
checked_input_sequences[key] = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
value.indices, name="multiple_of_checked"),
value.values, name="multiple_of_checked"),
value.dense_shape, name="multiple_of_checked"))
if not isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
value = ops.convert_to_tensor(value)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError(
"Unsupported input_sequences expected Tensor or SparseTensor "
"values, got: %s for key %s" % (str(type(value)), key))
value_length = array_ops.shape(value)[0]
with ops.control_dependencies([
math_ops.equal(value_length % num_unroll, 0),
math_ops.not_equal(value_length, 0)),
"Tensor %s first dimension should be a multiple "
"of: " % key,
", but saw value: ",
". Consider setting pad=True."
checked_input_sequences[key] = array_ops.identity(
value, name="multiple_of_checked")
input_sequences = checked_input_sequences
# Move SparseTensors in context into input_sequences.
_move_sparse_tensor_out_context(input_context, input_sequences, num_unroll)
# Deconstruct SparseTensors in sequence into a dense Tensor before inputting
# to SQSS.
tensor_list) = _deconstruct_sparse_tensor_seq(input_sequences)
if make_keys_unique:
input_key = string_ops.string_join([
(), minval=0, maxval=100000000, dtype=dtypes.int32,
# setup stateful queue reader
stateful_reader = SequenceQueueingStateSaver(
barrier = stateful_reader.barrier
summary.scalar("queue/%s/ready_segment_batches_" %,
math_ops.cast(barrier.ready_size(), dtypes.float32))
q_runner = queue_runner.QueueRunner(
stateful_reader, [stateful_reader.prefetch_op] * num_threads,
batch = stateful_reader.next_batch
# Reconstruct SparseTensors in sequence.
# Move select SparseTensors back to context.
_move_sparse_tensor_in_context(batch.context, batch.sequences)
return batch
def _padding(sequences, num_unroll):
"""For a dictionary of sequences, pads tensors to a multiple of `num_unroll`.
sequences: dictionary with `Tensor` values.
num_unroll: int specifying to what multiple to pad sequences to.
length: Scalar `Tensor` of dimension 0 of all the values in sequences.
padded_sequence: Dictionary of sequences that are padded to a multiple of
ValueError: If `num_unroll` not an int or sequences not a dictionary from
string to `Tensor`.
if not isinstance(num_unroll, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError("Unsupported num_unroll expected int, got: %s" %
if not isinstance(sequences, dict):
raise TypeError("Unsupported sequences expected dict, got: %s" %
for key, value in sequences.items():
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("Unsupported sequences key expected string, got: %s" %
if not sequences:
return 0, {}
# Sort 'sequences_dict' so 'length' will have a predictable value below.
sequences_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
for key, value in sorted(sequences.items()):
if not (isinstance(value, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor) or
isinstance(value, sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue)):
sequences_dict[key] = ops.convert_to_tensor(value)
sequences_dict[key] = value
lengths = [array_ops.shape(value)[0] for value in sequences_dict.values()
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor)]
if lengths:
length = lengths[0]
all_lengths_equal = [
math_ops.equal(l, length), [string_ops.string_join(
["All sequence lengths must match, but received lengths: ",
for l in lengths]
length = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(all_lengths_equal, length)
else: # Only have SparseTensors
sparse_lengths = [value.dense_shape[0] for value in sequences_dict.values()
if isinstance(value, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor)]
length = math_ops.reduce_max(math_ops.cast(sparse_lengths, dtypes.int32))
unroll = array_ops.constant(num_unroll)
padded_length = length + ((unroll - (length % unroll)) % unroll)
padded_sequences = {}
for key, value in sequences_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
# 1. create shape of paddings
# first dimension of value will be increased by num_paddings to
# padded_length
num_paddings = [padded_length - array_ops.shape(value)[0]]
# the shape of the paddings that we concat with the original value will be
# [num_paddings, tf.shape(value)[1], tf.shape(value)[2], ...,
# tf.shape(value)[tf.rank(value) - 1])]
padding_shape = array_ops.concat(
(num_paddings, array_ops.shape(value)[1:]), 0)
# 2. fill padding shape with dummies
dummy = array_ops.constant(
"" if value.dtype == dtypes.string else 0, dtype=value.dtype)
paddings = array_ops.fill(dims=padding_shape, value=dummy)
# 3. concat values with paddings
padded_sequences[key] = array_ops.concat([value, paddings], 0)
padded_shape = array_ops.concat(
[[math_ops.cast(padded_length, dtypes.int64)], value.dense_shape[1:]],
padded_sequences[key] = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
return length, padded_sequences
_SPARSE_CONTEXT_PREFIX_KEY = "_context_in_seq_"
def _move_sparse_tensor_out_context(input_context, input_sequences, num_unroll):
"""Moves `SparseTensor`s from `input_context` into `input_sequences` as seq.
For `key, value` pairs in `input_context` with `SparseTensor` `value` removes
them from `input_context` and transforms the `value` into a sequence and
then adding `key`, transformed `value` into `input_sequences`.
The transformation is done by adding a new first dimension of `value_length`
equal to that of the other values in input_sequences` and tiling the `value`
every `num_unroll` steps.
input_context: dictionary with `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` values. To be
modified to take out `SparseTensor` values.
input_sequences: dictionary with `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` values. To be
modified to add transformed `SparseTensor` values from `input_context`.
num_unroll: int specifying to what multiple to pad sequences to.
value_length = array_ops.constant(1)
if input_sequences:
seq = list(input_sequences.values())[0]
if isinstance(seq, ops.Tensor):
with ops.control_dependencies([seq]):
value_length = array_ops.shape(seq)[0]
value_length = seq.dense_shape[0]
value_length = math_ops.cast(value_length, dtype=dtypes.int64)
def _copy_sparse_tensor(sp_tensor):
"""Operation to tile a sparse tensor along a newly added 0 dimension.
Adding a new first dimension of `value_length` and tiling the `sp_tensor`
every `num_unroll` steps.
sp_tensor: `SparseTensor`.
`SparseTensor` sequence with `sp_tensor` tiled.
n = value_length // num_unroll
n = math_ops.cast(n, dtype=dtypes.int32)
values = array_ops.tile(sp_tensor.values, array_ops.expand_dims(n, 0))
shape = array_ops.concat(
[array_ops.expand_dims(value_length, 0), sp_tensor.dense_shape], 0)
# Construct new indices by multiplying old ones and prepending [0, n).
# First multiply indices n times along a newly created 0-dimension.
multiplied_indices = array_ops.tile(
array_ops.expand_dims(sp_tensor.indices, 0),
array_ops.stack([n, 1, 1]))
# Construct indicator for [0, n).
# [ [ [0] [0] ... [0] ]
# [ [num_unroll] [num_unroll] ... [num_unroll] ]
# ...
# [ [num_unroll*(n-1)] [num_unroll*(n-1)] ... [num_unroll*(n-1)] ] ]
# of shape [n, shape(sp_tensor.indices)[0], 1]
# Get current dimensions of indices.
dim0 = array_ops.shape(sp_tensor.indices)[0]
dim1 = array_ops.shape(sp_tensor.indices)[1]
ind = math_ops.range(start=0, limit=value_length, delta=num_unroll)
# ind.set_shape([n])
ind = array_ops.expand_dims(ind, 1)
ind = array_ops.expand_dims(ind, 2)
ind = array_ops.tile(ind, [1, dim0, 1])
# Concatenate both and reshape.
indices = array_ops.concat([ind, multiplied_indices], 2)
indices = array_ops.reshape(indices, [dim0 * n, dim1 + 1])
return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices=indices,
sparse_tensor_keys = [
k for k in sorted(input_context.keys())
if (isinstance(input_context[k], sparse_tensor.SparseTensor) or
isinstance(input_context[k], sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue))]
for key in sparse_tensor_keys:
input_sequences[_SPARSE_CONTEXT_PREFIX_KEY + key] = _copy_sparse_tensor(
del input_context[key]
def _move_sparse_tensor_in_context(context, sequences):
sparse_tensor_keys = [
k for k in sorted(sequences) if k.startswith(_SPARSE_CONTEXT_PREFIX_KEY)]
for key in sparse_tensor_keys:
new_key = key[len(_SPARSE_CONTEXT_PREFIX_KEY):]
sp_tensor = sequences[key]
# Take out time dimension.
sp_tensor = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
sp_tensor.indices, # with only 0s at column 1 representing time.
[[sp_tensor.dense_shape[0]], # batch
[1], # time
sp_tensor.dense_shape[2:]], # SparseTensor shape prior to batching
new_shape = array_ops.concat(
[[sp_tensor.dense_shape[0]], sp_tensor.dense_shape[2:]], 0)
context[new_key] = sparse_ops.sparse_reshape(sp_tensor, new_shape)
del sequences[key]
def _deconstruct_sparse_tensor_seq(input_sequence, shared_name=None):
"""Converts `SparseTensor` values into `Tensors` of IDs and meta data.
Given a dict of keys -> `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` transforms the
`SparseTensor` values into `Tensor` values of IDs by calling `_store_sparse`.
The IDs are pointers into and underlying `SparseTensorsMap` that is being
constructed. Additional meta data is returned in order to be able to
reconstruct `SparseTensor` values after batching and segmenting the IDs
input_sequence: dictionary with `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` values.
shared_name: The shared name for the underlying `SparseTensorsMap`
(optional, defaults to the name of the newly created op).
A tuple `(sequence, sparse_tensor_keys, tensor_list)` where `sequence` is
dictionary with the same keys as `input_sequence` but only `Tensor` values,
`sparse_tensor_keys` is a list of the keys of the `SparseTensor` values that
were converted, and `tensor_list` is a list of the same length with
`Tensor` objects.
sparse_tensor_keys = [
k for k in sorted(input_sequence.keys())
if (isinstance(input_sequence[k], sparse_tensor.SparseTensor) or
isinstance(input_sequence[k], sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue))]
if not sparse_tensor_keys:
return input_sequence, None, sparse_tensor_keys
sparse_tensor_list = [input_sequence[k] for k in sparse_tensor_keys]
tensor_list = [_store_sparse(sp_tensor, shared_name=shared_name)
for sp_tensor in sparse_tensor_list]
transformed_input_seq = dict(input_sequence)
tensor_op_list = []
for i, k in enumerate(sparse_tensor_keys):
transformed_input_seq[k] = tensor_list[i]
tensor_op_list += [tensor_list[i].op]
return transformed_input_seq, sparse_tensor_keys, tensor_op_list
def _reconstruct_sparse_tensor_seq(sequence,
"""Inverse of _deconstruct_sparse_tensor_seq.
Given a dict of keys -> `Tensor` reconstructs `SparseTensor` values for keys
in `sparse_tensor_keys`. Their `Tensor` values are assumed to be IDs into the
underlying `SparseTensorsMap`. The `dense_shape` of the `SparseTensor`s is
`[batch_size, num_unroll, d_0, d_1, ..., d_n]` when the original
`SparseTensor` that got deconstructed with `_deconstruct_sparse_tensor_seq`
has a `dense_shape` of `[None, d_0, d_1, ..., d_n]`.
sequence: dictionary with only `Tensor` values that is being updated.
sparse_tensor_keys: list of the keys present in `sequence` identifying
`SparseTensor` values that should be reconstructed.
tensor_op_list: list of the same length as `sparse_tensor_keys` with
`Tensor` objects.
batch_size: int or int32 scalar `Tensor`, how large minibatches should
num_unroll: Python integer, how many time steps were unrolled at a time.
def _flatten_tensor(tensor):
"""Flattens `Tensor` of `shape [batch_size, num_unroll]` into 1D `Tensor`.
The main use of this function is to work around the limitation of
`_restore_sparse` to only accept 1D handles.
tensor: 2D `Tensor` of `shape [batch_size, num_unroll]`
1D `Tensor`.
return array_ops.reshape(tensor, [-1])
def _unflatten_sparse_tensor(sp_tensor):
"""Recreates `[batch_size, num_unroll]` dimensions in the `SparseTensor`.
Counter-part of `_flatten_tensor` which is called on the input of
`_restore_sparse` while this method is called on the output of it.
Together they work around the limitation of `_restore_sparse` to only
accept 1D handles.
The `indices` in `sp_tensor` is a 2D `Tensor` of `shape [N, ndims]`, where
`N` is the number of `values` and `ndims` is the number of dimension in its
dense counterpart. Among `ndims` the first entry corresponds to the batch
dimension `[0, num_unroll * batch_size)` from which we need to recreate the
2 dimensions `batch_size` and `num_unroll`.
The reason this reconstruction works is because the output of
`_restore_sparse` despite being a `SparseTensor` is actually dense w.r.t.
that first entry.
sp_tensor: A SparseTensor.
A SparseTensor with a +1 higher rank than the input.
idx_batch = math_ops.cast(
math_ops.floor(sp_tensor.indices[:, 0] / num_unroll), dtypes.int64)
idx_time = math_ops.mod(sp_tensor.indices[:, 0], num_unroll)
indices = array_ops.concat(
array_ops.expand_dims(idx_batch, 1),
array_ops.expand_dims(idx_time, 1), sp_tensor.indices[:, 1:]
dense_shape = array_ops.concat(
[[math_ops.cast(batch_size, dtype=dtypes.int64)],
[math_ops.cast(num_unroll, dtype=dtypes.int64)],
sp_tensor.dense_shape[1:]], axis=0)
return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
if not sparse_tensor_keys:
tensor_list = [sequence[k] for k in sparse_tensor_keys]
sp_tensors = [
# Flatten the 2D Tensor [batch_size, num_unroll] of
# handles to a 1D Tensor.
# Reconstruct the dimensions later.
# TODO(b/34247140): Remove this workaround.
sparse_handles=_flatten_tensor(s), rank=None)
for i, s in zip(tensor_op_list, tensor_list)]
num_unroll = ops.convert_to_tensor(num_unroll, dtype=dtypes.int64,
# Recreate the [batch_size, num_unroll] dimensions in the SparseTensors.
# The dense_shape will have a +1 higher rank.
# TODO(b/34247140): Remove this workaround.
sp_tensors_higher_dim = [_unflatten_sparse_tensor(s) for s in sp_tensors]
# Set values to SparseTensors for sparse_tensor_keys.
for i, key in enumerate(sparse_tensor_keys):
sequence[key] = sp_tensors_higher_dim[i]