blob: 40a06e4f273e967a5592b463512dbd432f054e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: flatbuffer_translate -mlir-to-tflite-flatbuffer %s -emit-custom-ops -emit-builtin-tflite-ops=false -o - | flatbuffer_to_string - | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: {
// CHECK: version: 3,
// CHECK: operator_codes: [ {
// CHECK: deprecated_builtin_code: 32,
// CHECK: custom_code: "SomeOperation",
// CHECK: builtin_code: CUSTOM
// CHECK: } ],
// CHECK: subgraphs: [ {
// CHECK: tensors: [ {
// CHECK: shape: [ ],
// CHECK: type: INT32,
// CHECK: buffer: 1,
// CHECK: name: "tf.SomeOperation",
// CHECK: quantization: {
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: } ],
// CHECK: inputs: [ ],
// CHECK: outputs: [ 0 ],
// CHECK: operators: [ {
// CHECK: inputs: [ ],
// CHECK: outputs: [ 0 ],
// CHECK: custom_options: [ 100, 116, 121, 112, 101, 0, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 36, 1 ]
// CHECK: } ],
// CHECK: name: "main"
// CHECK: } ],
// CHECK: description: "MLIR Converted.",
// CHECK: buffers: [ {
// CHECK: }, {
// CHECK: } ]
// CHECK: }
func.func @main() -> tensor<*xi32> {
// Tests that the below type attribute is convertible into the corresponding custom option in flatbuffer.
%0 = "tf.SomeOperation"() {dtype = i32 } : () -> tensor<*xi32>
func.return %0 : tensor<*xi32>