blob: 887db9d5c097c7ae94451c91b402300f975b8ad6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// The utility to write checkpoints for google brain tensor ops and v3
// checkpoints for dist_belief.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_slice.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/map_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/saved_tensor_slice.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/saved_tensor_slice_util.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace checkpoint {
class TensorSliceWriter {
// Abstract interface that TensorSliceWriter uses for building
class Builder {
virtual ~Builder() {}
virtual void Add(StringPiece key, StringPiece value) = 0;
virtual Status Finish(int64_t* file_size) = 0;
typedef std::function<Status(const string&, Builder**)> CreateBuilderFunction;
TensorSliceWriter(const string& filename,
CreateBuilderFunction create_builder);
virtual ~TensorSliceWriter() {}
// Adds a slice. We support float and int32 for now.
// TODO(yangke): add more supports
template <typename T>
Status Add(const string& name, const TensorShape& shape,
const TensorSlice& slice, const T* data);
Status Finish();
// Allocate "num_elements" elements in "ss" and save the data in "data"
// there.
template <typename T>
static Status SaveData(const T* data, int64_t num_elements, SavedSlice* ss);
static size_t MaxBytesPerElement(DataType dt);
static size_t MaxBytesPerElementOrZero(DataType dt);
static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageBytes = 1LL << 31;
// Filling in the TensorProto in a SavedSlice will add the following
// header bytes, in addition to the data:
// - 1 byte: TensorProto tag and wire format
// - <= 5 bytes: TensorProto length
// - 1 byte: Repeated *_val tag and wire format
// - <= 5 bytes: *_val length
// However, we add 1KB of slack, to be conservative and guard
// against other additions to the TensorProto.
static constexpr size_t kTensorProtoHeaderBytes = 1 << 10;
const string filename_;
const CreateBuilderFunction create_builder_;
string data_filename_;
bool use_temp_file_;
// A mapping from the tensor names to their index in meta_.saved_slice_meta()
std::unordered_map<string, int> name_to_index_;
// The metadata that holds all the saved tensor slices.
SavedTensorSlices sts_;
// The data to be written to the builder
std::map<string, string> data_;
// Total number of slices written
int slices_;
template <typename T>
Status TensorSliceWriter::Add(const string& name, const TensorShape& shape,
const TensorSlice& slice, const T* data) {
// The tensor and the slice have to be compatible
if (shape.dims() != slice.dims()) {
return errors::Internal("Incompatible tensor shape and slice: ", "shape = ",
", slice = ", slice.DebugString());
DataType dt = DataTypeToEnum<T>::value;
// We need to add an entry for "name" if there isn't an entry already.
int index = gtl::FindWithDefault(name_to_index_, name, -1);
if (index >= 0) {
// The same tensor has been registered -- we verify that the shapes and the
// type agree.
const SavedSliceMeta& ssm = sts_.meta().tensor(index);
CHECK_EQ(name, << ssm.ShortDebugString();
TensorShape ssm_shape(ssm.shape());
if (!shape.IsSameSize(ssm_shape)) {
return errors::Internal(
"Mismatching shapes: existing tensor = ", ssm_shape.DebugString(),
", trying to add name ", name, ", shape = ", shape.DebugString());
if (dt != ssm.type()) {
return errors::Internal(
"Mismatching types: existing type = ", DataTypeString(ssm.type()),
", trying to add name ", name, ", type = ", DataTypeString(dt));
} else {
// Insert the new tensor name with the shape information
index = sts_.meta().tensor_size();
name_to_index_.insert(std::make_pair(name, index));
SavedSliceMeta* ssm = sts_.mutable_meta()->add_tensor();
// Now we need to add the slice info the list of slices.
SavedSliceMeta* ssm = sts_.mutable_meta()->mutable_tensor(index);
// Now we need to add the real data.
SavedTensorSlices sts;
SavedSlice* ss = sts.mutable_data();
TensorShape saved_shape(ssm->shape());
TensorShape sliced_shape;
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(slice.SliceTensorShape(saved_shape, &sliced_shape));
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(SaveData(data, sliced_shape.num_elements(), ss));
string key = EncodeTensorNameSlice(name, slice);
// TODO(yangke): consider doing a two-pass thing where the first pass just
// list the tensor slices we want to save and then another pass to actually
// set the data. Need to figure out if the interface works well.
std::pair<string, string> key_value(key, "");
if (!sts.AppendToString(&key_value.second)) {
return errors::Internal("Error writing Tensor. Possible size overflow.");
return OkStatus();
template <typename T>
Status TensorSliceWriter::SaveData(const T* data, int64_t num_elements,
SavedSlice* ss) {
size_t max_bytes_per_element =
if (max_bytes_per_element == 0) {
return errors::InvalidArgument(
"Tensor slice serialization not implemented for dtype ",
size_t size_bound = ss->ByteSize() + kTensorProtoHeaderBytes +
(max_bytes_per_element * num_elements);
if (size_bound > kMaxMessageBytes) {
return errors::InvalidArgument(
"Tensor slice is too large to serialize (conservative estimate: ",
size_bound, " bytes)");
Fill(data, num_elements, ss->mutable_data());
DCHECK_GE(ss->ByteSize(), 0);
DCHECK_LE(ss->ByteSize(), size_bound);
return OkStatus();
template <>
Status TensorSliceWriter::SaveData(const tstring* data, int64_t num_elements,
SavedSlice* ss);
// Create a table builder that will write to "filename" in
// tensorflow::io::Table format. If successful, return OK
// and set "*builder" to the allocated builder. Otherwise, return a
// non-OK status.
Status CreateTableTensorSliceBuilder(const string& filename,
TensorSliceWriter::Builder** builder);
} // namespace checkpoint
} // namespace tensorflow