blob: 726acf2441a33c413260094488732e9cab391d3e [file] [log] [blame]
# This is forked from `tensorflow/lite/build_def.bzl`.
# TODO(b/136499575): Merge this back to TFLite codebase when open sourcing.
def mlir_generated_test_denylisted_models():
return [
# TODO(b/150647400): This test passes in TF2 with tf.compat.v1 but
# fails in TF1 with tf.compat.v1. Due to the testing environments
# changing on 3/3, this will only be disabled temporarily.
# Test cases which only work with MLIR-based conversion now.
def mlir_only_generated_test_models():
return [
# TODO(b/186563810): Enable after resolving tensorflow_addons dep issue
# that causes test failures in the exported codebase.
# copybara:uncomment_begin
# "dense_image_warp",
# copybara:uncomment_end
# Test cases which only work internally now.
def no_oss_generated_test_models():
return [
# List of models that fail generated tests for the conversion mode.
# If you have to disable a test, please add here with a link to the appropriate
# bug or issue.
def generated_test_models_failing(conversion_mode):
return []
def mlir_generated_test_models():
"""Returns a list of models to be tested with MLIR-based conversion."""
models = []
denylisted_models = mlir_generated_test_denylisted_models()
for model in generated_test_models() + mlir_only_generated_test_models():
if model not in denylisted_models:
return models
def generated_test_conversion_modes():
"""Returns a list of conversion modes."""
return ["forward-compat", "", "mlir-quant"]
def generated_test_models_all():
"""Generates a list of all tests with the different converters.
List of tuples representing:
(conversion mode, name of test, test tags, test args).
conversion_modes = generated_test_conversion_modes()
no_oss_tests = no_oss_generated_test_models()
options = []
for conversion_mode in conversion_modes:
failing_tests = generated_test_models_failing(conversion_mode)
for test in mlir_generated_test_models():
tags = []
args = []
# TODO(b/187992093): Exclude tests that are failing in OSS for now.
if test in no_oss_tests:
# Forward-compat coverage testing is largely redundant, and
# contributes to coverage test bloat.
if conversion_mode == "forward-compat":
if test in failing_tests:
if conversion_mode:
test += "_%s" % conversion_mode
options.append((conversion_mode, test, tags, args))
return options
def gen_zip_test(name, test_name, conversion_mode, **kwargs):
"""Generate a zipped-example test and its dependent zip files.
name: str. Resulting cc_test target name
test_name: str. Test targets this model. Comes from the list above.
conversion_mode: str. Which conversion mode to run with. Comes from the
list above.
**kwargs: tf_cc_test kwargs
flags = ""
if conversion_mode == "forward-compat":
flags += " --make_forward_compat_test"
elif conversion_mode == "mlir-quant":
flags += " --mlir_quantizer"
name = "zip_%s" % test_name,
file = "" % test_name,
flags = flags,
tf_cc_test(name, **kwargs)
def gen_zipped_test_file(name, file, flags = ""):
"""Generate a zip file of tests by using :generate_examples.
name: str. Name of output. We will produce "`file`.files" as a target.
file: str. The name of one of the generated_examples targets, e.g. "transpose"
flags: str. Any additional flags to include
name = file + ".files",
cmd = (("$(locations :generate_examples) " +
" --zip_to_output {0} {1} $(@D)").format(file, flags)),
outs = [file],
# `exec_tools` is required for PY3 compatibility in place of `tools`.
exec_tools = [
name = name,
srcs = [file],