blob: 62ff3b09308e21a5cda9ab913525cf526522c5b2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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// TFLite legalization patterns
include "mlir/IR/"
include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/"
include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/ir/"
include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/ir/"
def NonOpaqueElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<
"non-opaque constant tensor">;
def F32ElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<
CPred<"$_self.cast<ElementsAttr>().getType().getElementType().isF32()">, "float constant tensor">;
def Int64ElementsAttr : ElementsAttrBase<
CPred<"$_self.cast<ElementsAttr>().getType().getElementType().isInteger(64)">, "Int 64 constant tensor">;
// Extract the ith int element from an ArrayAttr $0 as an 32-bit IntegerAttr
// with builder.
class ExtractI32At<int i> : NativeCodeCall<
"$_builder.getI32IntegerAttr($_self.cast<ArrayAttr>().getValue()[" # i #
// Use the tensor type information from $0 and convert min $1, max $2 and
// numBits $3 and narrowRange $4 to a QuantizedType.
def ConvertToQuantTypeFromAttrs : NativeCodeCall<
"quant::GetQuantizedTypeAttr($_builder, $0.getType(), $1, $2, -1, $3, $4, /*is_signed=*/false)">;
// Converts an integer attribute $0 to 32-bit with builder.
def convertIntAttrTo32Bit : NativeCodeCall<
// Extracts the single integer element from $_self.
def ExtractSingleElementAsInteger : NativeCodeCall<
// Extracts the single int32 element from $_self.
def ExtractSingleElementAsInt32 : NativeCodeCall<
// Converts tensor with int64 to int32.
def CreateTFCastToInt32Op : NativeCodeCall<
"CreateCastToInt32($0, $_loc, $_builder)">;
// Checks whether the given operation has static shapes and same shapes of all inputs.
def HasSameStaticShapesPred : CPred<"HasSameStaticShapes($0.getDefiningOp())">;
def HasSameStaticShapes : Constraint<HasSameStaticShapesPred, "op must have static same input shapes">;
def HasNotSameStaticShapes : Constraint<Neg<HasSameStaticShapesPred>, "op must have not static same input shapes">;
def CreateNoneValue : NativeCodeCall<
"$_builder.create<mlir::ConstantOp>($0.getLoc(), $_builder.getNoneType(), $_builder.getUnitAttr())">;
// Nullary ops patterns.
def LegalizeTFConstToTFLConst: Pat<(TF_ConstOp ElementsAttr:$value),
(TFL_ConstOp $value)>;
// Convert to std constant for statically shaped, non-opaque constants.
def ConvertTfConstToStdConst : Pat<
(TF_ConstOp:$res NonOpaqueElementsAttr:$value),
(ConstantOp $value),
[(AnyStaticShapeTensor $res)], (addBenefit 10)>;
// Unary ops patterns.
def IsDataFormatNHWC : ConstantAttr<TF_ConvnetDataFormatAttr, "NHWC">;
// Constraint that Attr has values [1, X, Y, 1]
def IsIntList1XY1 : AttrConstraint<CPred<"TFIntListIs1XY1($_self)">>;
// Constraint that values in list attribute are all ones.
def IsAllOnes : AttrConstraint<CPred<"TFIntListIsAllOnes($_self)">>;
// Constraint that attribute is string with value either "SAME" or "VALID"
def IsSameOrValid : AttrConstraint<
CPred<"$_self.cast<StringAttr>().getValue() == \"SAME\" || " #
"$_self.cast<StringAttr>().getValue() == \"VALID\"">,
"'SAME' or 'VALID' paddings">;
def LegalizeAbs : Pat<(TF_AbsOp $arg), (TFL_AbsOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeAddN : Pat<(TF_AddNOp $inputs), (TFL_AddNOp $inputs)>;
def LegalizeAveragePool : Pat<(TF_AvgPoolOp $value,
(TFL_AveragePool2DOp $value,
def LegalizeArgMax : Pat<(TF_ArgMaxOp $input, $dim),
(TFL_ArgMaxOp $input, $dim)>;
def LegalizeArgMin : Pat<(TF_ArgMinOp $input, $dim),
(TFL_ArgMinOp $input, $dim)>;
def LegalizeBroadcastTo : Pat<(TF_BroadcastToOp $input, $dim),
(TFL_BroadcastToOp $input, $dim)>;
def LegalizeCeil : Pat<(TF_CeilOp $arg), (TFL_CeilOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeCos : Pat<(TF_CosOp $arg), (TFL_CosOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeElu : Pat<(TF_EluOp $arg), (TFL_EluOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeExpandDims : Pat<(TF_ExpandDimsOp $input, $dim),
(TFL_ExpandDimsOp $input, $dim)>;
def LegalizeFakeQuantToDequantizeQuantize : Pat<
(TF_FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsOp $inputs, $min, $max, $num_bits, $narrow_range),
(TFL_QuantizeOp $inputs,
(ConvertToQuantTypeFromAttrs $inputs, $min, $max,
$num_bits, $narrow_range)))>;
def LegalizeFill : Pat<(TF_FillOp $arg, $value), (TFL_FillOp $arg, $value)>;
def LegalizeFloor : Pat<(TF_FloorOp $arg), (TFL_FloorOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeLeakyRelu : Pat<(TF_LeakyReluOp $arg, F32Attr:$a),
(TFL_LeakyReluOp $arg, $a)>;
def LegalizeLog : Pat<(TF_LogOp $arg), (TFL_LogOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeLog1p : Pat<
(TF_Log1pOp F32Tensor:$arg),
(TFL_LogOp (TFL_AddOp $arg,
(ConstantOp ConstantAttr<RankedF32ElementsAttr<[]>, "1.0f">),
def LegalizeNot : Pat<(TF_LogicalNotOp $arg), (TFL_LogicalNotOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeLogSoftmax : Pat<(TF_LogSoftmaxOp $arg), (TFL_LogSoftmaxOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeMaxPool2D : Pat<
(TF_MaxPoolOp $value,
(TFL_MaxPool2DOp $value,
def LegalizeMaximum : Pat<(TF_MaximumOp $arg1, $arg2),
(TFL_MaximumOp $arg1, $arg2)>;
def LegalizeMinimum : Pat<(TF_MinimumOp $arg1, $arg2),
(TFL_MinimumOp $arg1, $arg2)>;
def LegalizeNeg : Pat<(TF_NegOp $arg), (TFL_NegOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeOneHot : Pat<
(TF_OneHotOp $indices, $depth, $on_value, $off_value, $axis),
(TFL_OneHotOp $indices, $depth, $on_value, $off_value,
(convertIntAttrTo32Bit $axis))>;
def LegalizePow : Pat<(TF_PowOp $x, $y), (TFL_PowOp $x, $y)>;
def LegalizeRange : Pat<(TF_RangeOp $start, $limit, $delta),
(TFL_RangeOp $start, $limit, $delta)>;
def LegalizeRelu6 : Pat<(TF_Relu6Op $arg), (TFL_Relu6Op $arg)>;
def LegalizeRelu : Pat<(TF_ReluOp $arg), (TFL_ReluOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeReverseSequence : Pat<
(TF_ReverseSequenceOp $input, $seq_lengths, $seq_dim, $batch_dim),
(TFL_ReverseSequenceOp $input, $seq_lengths,
(convertIntAttrTo32Bit $seq_dim), (convertIntAttrTo32Bit $batch_dim))>;
def LegalizeRound : Pat<(TF_RoundOp $arg), (TFL_RoundOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeRsqrt : Pat<(TF_RsqrtOp $arg), (TFL_RsqrtOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeSqrt : Pat<(TF_SqrtOp $arg), (TFL_SqrtOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeSquare : Pat<(TF_SquareOp $arg), (TFL_SquareOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeSegmentSum : Pat<(TF_SegmentSumOp $data, $segment_ids),
(TFL_SegmentSumOp $data, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $segment_ids))>;
def LegalizeSelect : Pat<(TF_SelectOp $cond, $x, $y),
(TFL_SelectOp $cond, $x, $y)>;
def LegalizeSelectV2SameStaticShape : Pat<(TF_SelectV2Op:$src_op $cond, $x, $y),
(TFL_SelectOp $cond, $x, $y),
[(HasSameStaticShapes $src_op)]>;
def LegalizeSelectV2NotSameStaticShape : Pat<
(TF_SelectV2Op:$src_op $cond, $x, $y),
(TFL_SelectV2Op $cond, $x, $y),
[(HasNotSameStaticShapes $src_op)]>;
def LegalizeShape : Pat<(TF_ShapeOp $arg), (TFL_ShapeOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeSigmoid : Pat<(TF_SigmoidOp $arg), (TFL_LogisticOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeSin : Pat<(TF_SinOp F32Tensor:$arg), (TFL_SinOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeSlice : Pat<(TF_SliceOp $input, $begin, $size),
(TFL_SliceOp $input, $begin, $size)>;
def LegalizeSoftmax : Pat<(TF_SoftmaxOp $arg),
(TFL_SoftmaxOp $arg, ConstF32Attr<"1.0">)>;
def LegalizeSoftPlus : Pat<(TF_SoftplusOp F32Tensor:$arg0),
(TFL_LogOp (TFL_AddOp (TFL_ExpOp $arg0),
(ConstantOp ConstantAttr<RankedF32ElementsAttr<[]>, "1.0f">),
def LegalizeSqueeze : Pat<(TF_SqueezeOp $arg, $squeeze_dims),
(TFL_SqueezeOp $arg, $squeeze_dims)>;
def LegalizeTanh : Pat<(TF_TanhOp $arg), (TFL_TanhOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeTranspose : Pat<(TF_TransposeOp $arg, $perm),
(TFL_TransposeOp $arg,
(CreateTFCastToInt32Op $perm))>;
def LegalizeWhere : Pat<(TF_WhereOp $arg), (TFL_WhereOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeZerosLike : Pat<(TF_ZerosLikeOp $arg), (TFL_ZerosLikeOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeBroadcastArgs : Pat<(TF_BroadcastArgsOp $s0, $s1),
(TFL_BroadcastArgsOp $s0, $s1)>;
// Binary ops patterns.
def LegalizeLess : Pat<(TF_LessOp $l, $r), (TFL_LessOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeGreater : Pat<(TF_GreaterOp $l, $r), (TFL_GreaterOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeLessEqual : Pat<(TF_LessEqualOp $l, $r), (TFL_LessEqualOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeGreaterEqual : Pat<(TF_GreaterEqualOp $l, $r),
(TFL_GreaterEqualOp $l, $r)>;
// Gather in TF -> Gather in TFL with axis=0
// The 'validate_indices' attribute is deprecated.
def LegalizeGather: Pat<
(TF_GatherOp $params, $indices, $ignored_validate_indices),
(TFL_GatherOp $params, $indices, ConstantAttr<I32Attr, "0">,
ConstantAttr<I32Attr, "0">)>;
def LegalizeGatherNd : Pat<(TF_GatherNdOp $params, $indices),
(TFL_GatherNdOp $params, $indices)>;
def LegalizeGatherV2 : Pat<
(TF_GatherV2Op $params, $indices, (ConstantOp ElementsAttr:$axis), $batch_dims),
(TFL_GatherOp $params, $indices, ExtractSingleElementAsInt32:$axis,
(convertIntAttrTo32Bit $batch_dims))>;
def LegalizeFloorDiv : Pat<(TF_FloorDivOp $l, $r), (TFL_FloorDivOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeNotEqual : Pat<
(TF_NotEqualOp $l, $r, /*incompatible_shape_error=*/ConstBoolAttrTrue),
(TFL_NotEqualOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeLogicalAnd : Pat<(TF_LogicalAndOp $l, $r),
(TFL_LogicalAndOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeLogicalOr : Pat<(TF_LogicalOrOp $l, $r), (TFL_LogicalOrOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeAdd : Pat<(TF_AddOp $lhs, $rhs),
(TFL_AddOp $lhs, $rhs, TFL_AF_None)>;
def LegalizeAddv2 : Pat<(TF_AddV2Op $lhs, $rhs),
(TFL_AddOp $lhs, $rhs, TFL_AF_None)>;
def LegalizeBiasAdd : Pat<
(TF_BiasAddOp F32Tensor:$l, F32Tensor:$r, IsDataFormatNHWC:$data_format),
(TF_AddV2Op $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeSub : Pat<(TF_SubOp $lhs, $rhs),
(TFL_SubOp $lhs, $rhs, TFL_AF_None)>;
def LegalizeMul : Pat<(TF_MulOp $lhs, $rhs),
(TFL_MulOp $lhs, $rhs, TFL_AF_None)>;
def LegalizeRealDiv : Pat<(TF_RealDivOp $lhs, $rhs),
(TFL_DivOp $lhs, $rhs, TFL_AF_None)>;
def LegalizeDiv : Pat<(TF_DivOp $lhs, $rhs),
(TFL_DivOp $lhs, $rhs, TFL_AF_None)>;
// When batch size is known, TF BatchMatMul gets unfolded to TFL FullyConnected
// with additional ops. In the case of unknown batch size, the match will
// fall through to here and convert to TF Lite BatchMatMul.
def LegalizeBatchMatMulV3UnknownBatch : Pat<
(TF_BatchMatMulV3Op $lhs, $rhs, $adj_x, $adj_y),
(TFL_BatchMatMulOp $lhs, $rhs, $adj_x, $adj_y)>;
def LegalizeBatchMatMulV2UnknownBatch : Pat<
(TF_BatchMatMulV2Op $lhs, $rhs, $adj_x, $adj_y),
(TFL_BatchMatMulOp $lhs, $rhs, $adj_x, $adj_y)>;
def LegalizeBatchMatMulUnknownBatch : Pat<
(TF_BatchMatMulOp $lhs, $rhs, $adj_x, $adj_y),
(TFL_BatchMatMulOp $lhs, $rhs, $adj_x, $adj_y)>;
def LegalizeFakeQuantWithMinMaxVars: Pat<
(TF_FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsOp $inputs, (ConstantOp F32ElementsAttr:$min),
(ConstantOp F32ElementsAttr:$max), $num_bits, $narrow_range),
(TFL_QuantizeOp $inputs, (ConvertToQuantTypeFromAttrs $inputs, $min, $max,
$num_bits, $narrow_range)))>;
// TODO(rocky): Not all of the attributes are handled correctly. Make this
// more general if there is a need.
def LegalizeQuantizeAndDequantizeV4 : Pat<
(TF_QuantizeAndDequantizeV4Op $inputs, (ConstantOp F32ElementsAttr:$min),
(ConstantOp F32ElementsAttr:$max),
$signed_input, $num_bits, $range_given, $round_mode, $narrow_range, $axis),
(TFL_QuantizeOp $inputs, (ConvertToQuantTypeFromAttrs $inputs, $min, $max,
$num_bits, $narrow_range)))>;
def LegalizeRank : Pat<(TF_RankOp $input), (TFL_RankOp $input)>;
def LegalizeSquaredDifference : Pat<(TF_SquaredDifferenceOp $l, $r),
(TFL_SquaredDifferenceOp $l, $r)>;
def LegalizeReverseV2 : Pat<
(TF_ReverseV2Op $arg0, $axis),
(TFL_ReverseV2Op $arg0, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $axis))>;
def LegalizeEqual : Pat<(TF_EqualOp $arg0, $arg1,
(TFL_EqualOp $arg0, $arg1)>;
def LegalizePad : Pat<(TF_PadOp $arg0, $arg1), (TFL_PadOp $arg0, $arg1)>;
def LegalizeTile : Pat<(TF_TileOp $arg0, $arg1), (TFL_TileOp $arg0, $arg1)>;
def LegalizePadV2 : Pat<(TF_PadV2Op $arg0, $arg1, $cst),
(TFL_PadV2Op $arg0, $arg1, $cst)>;
def LegalizeMean : Pat<(TF_MeanOp $arg0, $arg1, BoolAttr:$arg2),
(TFL_MeanOp $arg0, $arg1, $arg2)>;
def LegalizeSum : Pat<(TF_SumOp $arg, $axes, BoolAttr:$arg2),
(TFL_SumOp $arg, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $axes), $arg2)>;
// TopK in TFL is always sorted so we ignore that attribute here.
def LegalizeTopKV2 : Pat<(TF_TopKV2Op $input, $k, $ignored_sorted),
(TFL_TopKV2Op $input, $k)>;
def LegalizeMin : Pat<
(TF_MinOp $arg0, $axes, BoolAttr:$arg2),
(TFL_ReduceMinOp $arg0, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $axes), $arg2)>;
def LegalizeMax : Pat<
(TF_MaxOp $arg0, $axes, BoolAttr:$arg2),
(TFL_ReduceMaxOp $arg0, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $axes), $arg2)>;
def LegalizeProd : Pat<
(TF_ProdOp $arg0, $axes, BoolAttr:$arg2),
(TFL_ReduceProdOp $arg0, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $axes), $arg2)>;
def LegalizeAny : Pat<
(TF_AnyOp $input, $reduction_indices, $keep_dims),
(TFL_ReduceAnyOp $input, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $reduction_indices),
def LegalizeAll : Pat<
(TF_AllOp $input, $reduction_indices, $keep_dims),
(TFL_ReduceAllOp $input, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $reduction_indices),
def LegalizeCast : Pat<(TF_CastOp $arg0, BoolAttr:$arg1), (TFL_CastOp $arg0)>;
def LegalizeBatchToSpaceND : Pat<
(TF_BatchToSpaceNDOp $input, $block_shape, $crops),
(TFL_BatchToSpaceNdOp $input, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $block_shape),
(CreateTFCastToInt32Op $crops))>;
def LegalizeSpaceToBatchND : Pat<
(TF_SpaceToBatchNDOp $input, $block_shape, $paddings),
(TFL_SpaceToBatchNdOp $input, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $block_shape),
(CreateTFCastToInt32Op $paddings))>;
def LegalizeSpaceToDepth : Pat<
(TF_SpaceToDepthOp $input, $block_size, IsDataFormatNHWC:$data_format),
(TFL_SpaceToDepthOp $input, (convertIntAttrTo32Bit $block_size))>;
def LegalizeDepthToSpace : Pat<
(TF_DepthToSpaceOp $input, $block_size, IsDataFormatNHWC:$data_format),
(TFL_DepthToSpaceOp $input, (convertIntAttrTo32Bit $block_size))>;
def LegalizeResizeBilinear : Pat<
(TF_ResizeBilinearOp $images, $size, $align_corners, $half_pixel_centers),
(TFL_ResizeBilinearOp $images, $size, $align_corners, $half_pixel_centers)>;
def LegalizeResizeNearestNeighbor : Pat<
(TF_ResizeNearestNeighborOp $images, $size, $align_corners,
(TFL_ResizeNearestNeighborOp $images, $size, $align_corners,
def LegalizeMirrorPad : Pat<(TF_MirrorPadOp $arg0, $arg1, $cst),
(TFL_MirrorPadOp $arg0, $arg1, $cst)>;
def LegalizeSparseToDense : Pat<
(TF_SparseToDenseOp $sparse_indices, $output_shape, $sparse_values,
$default_value, $validate_indices),
(TFL_SparseToDenseOp $sparse_indices, $output_shape, $sparse_values,
def LegalizeUnique : Pat<(TF_UniqueOp $arg0),(TFL_UniqueOp $arg0)>;
def LegalizeFloorMod : Pat<(TF_FloorModOp $arg0, $arg1),
(TFL_FloorModOp $arg0, $arg1)>;
def LegalizeExp : Pat<(TF_ExpOp $arg0), (TFL_ExpOp $arg0)>;
def LegalizeLRN : Pat<
(TF_LRNOp $arg0, $radius, F32Attr:$bias, F32Attr:$alpha, F32Attr:$beta),
(TFL_LocalResponseNormalizationOp $arg0, (convertIntAttrTo32Bit $radius),
$bias, $alpha, $beta)>;
def LegalizeNonMaxSuppressionV4 : Pat<
(TF_NonMaxSuppressionV4Op $boxes, $scores, $max_output_size, $iou_threshold,
$score_threshold, $pad_to_max_output_size),
(TFL_NonMaxSuppressionV4Op $boxes, $scores, $max_output_size, $iou_threshold,
def LegalizeNonMaxSuppressionV5 : Pat<
(TF_NonMaxSuppressionV5Op $boxes, $scores, $max_output_size, $iou_threshold,
$score_threshold, $soft_nms_sigma, $pad_to_max_output_size),
(TFL_NonMaxSuppressionV5Op $boxes, $scores, $max_output_size, $iou_threshold,
$score_threshold, $soft_nms_sigma)>;
def LegalizeMatrixDiag : Pat<(TF_MatrixDiagOp $diagonal),
(TFL_MatrixDiagOp $diagonal)>;
class I32VectorElementsAttr<int len> : ElementsAttrBase<
CPred<"$_self.isa<DenseIntElementsAttr>() &&"
"32-bit int elements attribute of shape [" # len # "]"> {
let storageType = [{ DenseIntElementsAttr }];
let returnType = [{ DenseIntElementsAttr }];
let constBuilderCall = "DenseElementsAttr::get("
"RankedTensorType::get({" # len # "}, $_builder.getIntegerType(32)), $0)";
def LegalizeConv2DBackpropInput : Pat<
(TF_Conv2DBackpropInputOp $input_sizes, $filter, $out_backprop,
(TFL_TransposeConvOp $input_sizes,
(TF_TransposeOp $filter,
(ConstantOp ConstantAttr<I32VectorElementsAttr<4>, "{2, 0, 1, 3}">)),
/*bias=*/ (CreateNoneValue $input_sizes),
/*padding=*/ $padding,
/*stride_h=*/ ExtractI32At<1>:$strides,
/*stride_w=*/ ExtractI32At<2>:$strides)>;
def IsRankZeroAttr
: CPred<"$_self.cast<DenseElementsAttr>().getType().getRank() == 0">;
def HasValueZero
: CPred<"$_self.cast<DenseElementsAttr>().getSplatValue()."
"cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>().getInt() == 0">;
// TFLite only supports MatrixSetDiag ops with scalar zero k attribute.
def IsSupportedByTFLiteMatrixSetDiag
: ElementsAttrBase<And<[ElementsAttr.predicate,
IsRankZeroAttr, HasValueZero]>,
"MatrixSetDiag attribute verification">;
// Attribute align doesn't matter when k is zero.
def LegalizeMatrixSetDiag : Pat<
(TF_MatrixSetDiagV3Op $input, $diagonal,
(ConstantLikeMatcher IsSupportedByTFLiteMatrixSetDiag:$k), $align),
(TFL_MatrixSetDiagOp $input, $diagonal)>;
def LegalizeScatterNd : Pat<
(TF_ScatterNdOp $indices, $updates, $shape),
(TFL_ScatterNdOp (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $indices), $updates,
(CreateTFCastToInt32Op $shape))>;
def LegalizeCumsum : Pat<
(TF_CumsumOp $input, $axis, $exclusive, $reverse),
(TFL_CumsumOp $input, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $axis), $exclusive, $reverse)>;
def LegalizeReshape : Pat<
(TF_ReshapeOp $input, $shape),
(TFL_ReshapeOp $input, (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $shape))>;
def ZeroIntAttr
: AttrConstraint<CPred<"$_self.cast<::mlir::IntegerAttr>().getInt() == 0">>;
def LegalizeStridedSlice : Pat<
$input, $begin, $end, $strides, $begin_mask, $end_mask,
$ellipsis_mask, $new_axis_mask, $shrink_axis_mask),
(TFL_StridedSliceOp $input,
(CreateTFCastToInt32Op $begin), (CreateTFCastToInt32Op $end),
(CreateTFCastToInt32Op $strides), (convertIntAttrTo32Bit $begin_mask),
(convertIntAttrTo32Bit $end_mask), (convertIntAttrTo32Bit $ellipsis_mask),
(convertIntAttrTo32Bit $new_axis_mask),
(convertIntAttrTo32Bit $shrink_axis_mask))>;
def LegalizeRfft2d : Pat<
(TF_RFFT2DOp $input, $fft_length),
(TFL_RFFT2dOp $input, $fft_length)>;
def LegalizeComplexAbs : Pat<(TF_ComplexAbsOp $arg), (TFL_ComplexAbsOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeReal : Pat<(TF_RealOp $arg), (TFL_RealOp $arg)>;
def LegalizeImag : Pat<(TF_ImagOp $arg), (TFL_ImagOp $arg)>;