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# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================
"""`LinearOperator` coming from a [[nested] block] circulant matrix."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import util as distribution_util
from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linalg_impl as linalg
from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator
from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linear_operator_util
from tensorflow.python.ops.signal import fft_ops
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
__all__ = [
# Different FFT Ops will be used for different block depths.
_FFT_OP = {1: fft_ops.fft, 2: fft_ops.fft2d, 3: fft_ops.fft3d}
_IFFT_OP = {1: fft_ops.ifft, 2: fft_ops.ifft2d, 3: fft_ops.ifft3d}
# TODO(langmore) Add transformations that create common spectrums, e.g.
# starting with the convolution kernel
# start with half a spectrum, and create a Hermitian one.
# common filters.
# TODO(langmore) Support rectangular Toeplitz matrices.
class _BaseLinearOperatorCirculant(linear_operator.LinearOperator):
"""Base class for circulant operators. Not user facing.
`LinearOperator` acting like a [batch] [[nested] block] circulant matrix.
def __init__(self,
r"""Initialize an `_BaseLinearOperatorCirculant`.
spectrum: Shape `[B1,...,Bb, N]` `Tensor`. Allowed dtypes: `float16`,
`float32`, `float64`, `complex64`, `complex128`. Type can be different
than `input_output_dtype`
block_depth: Python integer, either 1, 2, or 3. Will be 1 for circulant,
2 for block circulant, and 3 for nested block circulant.
input_output_dtype: `dtype` for input/output.
is_non_singular: Expect that this operator is non-singular.
is_self_adjoint: Expect that this operator is equal to its hermitian
transpose. If `spectrum` is real, this will always be true.
is_positive_definite: Expect that this operator is positive definite,
meaning the quadratic form `x^H A x` has positive real part for all
nonzero `x`. Note that we do not require the operator to be
self-adjoint to be positive-definite. See:\
is_square: Expect that this operator acts like square [batch] matrices.
name: A name to prepend to all ops created by this class.
ValueError: If `block_depth` is not an allowed value.
TypeError: If `spectrum` is not an allowed type.
allowed_block_depths = [1, 2, 3]
self._name = name
if block_depth not in allowed_block_depths:
raise ValueError("Expected block_depth to be in %s. Found: %s." %
(allowed_block_depths, block_depth))
self._block_depth = block_depth
with ops.name_scope(name, values=[spectrum]):
self._spectrum = self._check_spectrum_and_return_tensor(spectrum)
# Check and auto-set hints.
if not self.spectrum.dtype.is_complex:
if is_self_adjoint is False:
raise ValueError(
"A real spectrum always corresponds to a self-adjoint operator.")
is_self_adjoint = True
if is_square is False:
raise ValueError(
"A [[nested] block] circulant operator is always square.")
is_square = True
super(_BaseLinearOperatorCirculant, self).__init__(
def _check_spectrum_and_return_tensor(self, spectrum):
"""Static check of spectrum. Then return `Tensor` version."""
spectrum = linear_operator_util.convert_nonref_to_tensor(spectrum,
if spectrum.shape.ndims is not None:
if spectrum.shape.ndims < self.block_depth:
raise ValueError(
"Argument spectrum must have at least %d dimensions. Found: %s" %
(self.block_depth, spectrum))
return spectrum
def block_depth(self):
"""Depth of recursively defined circulant blocks defining this `Operator`.
With `A` the dense representation of this `Operator`,
`block_depth = 1` means `A` is symmetric circulant. For example,
A = |w z y x|
|x w z y|
|y x w z|
|z y x w|
`block_depth = 2` means `A` is block symmetric circulant with symemtric
circulant blocks. For example, with `W`, `X`, `Y`, `Z` symmetric circulant,
A = |W Z Y X|
|X W Z Y|
|Y X W Z|
|Z Y X W|
`block_depth = 3` means `A` is block symmetric circulant with block
symmetric circulant blocks.
Python `integer`.
return self._block_depth
def block_shape_tensor(self):
"""Shape of the block dimensions of `self.spectrum`."""
# If spectrum.shape = [s0, s1, s2], and block_depth = 2,
# block_shape = [s1, s2]
return self._block_shape_tensor()
def _block_shape_tensor(self, spectrum_shape=None):
if self.block_shape.is_fully_defined():
return linear_operator_util.shape_tensor(
self.block_shape.as_list(), name="block_shape")
spectrum_shape = (
if spectrum_shape is None else spectrum_shape)
return spectrum_shape[-self.block_depth:]
def block_shape(self):
return self.spectrum.shape[-self.block_depth:]
def spectrum(self):
return self._spectrum
def _vectorize_then_blockify(self, matrix):
"""Shape batch matrix to batch vector, then blockify trailing dimensions."""
# Suppose
# matrix.shape = [m0, m1, m2, m3],
# and matrix is a matrix because the final two dimensions are matrix dims.
# self.block_depth = 2,
# self.block_shape = [b0, b1] (note b0 * b1 = m2).
# We will reshape matrix to
# [m3, m0, m1, b0, b1].
# Vectorize: Reshape to batch vector.
# [m0, m1, m2, m3] --> [m3, m0, m1, m2]
# This is called "vectorize" because we have taken the final two matrix dims
# and turned this into a size m3 batch of vectors.
vec = distribution_util.rotate_transpose(matrix, shift=1)
# Blockify: Blockfy trailing dimensions.
# [m3, m0, m1, m2] --> [m3, m0, m1, b0, b1]
if (vec.shape.is_fully_defined() and
# vec_leading_shape = [m3, m0, m1],
# the parts of vec that will not be blockified.
vec_leading_shape = vec.shape[:-1]
final_shape = vec_leading_shape.concatenate(self.block_shape)
vec_leading_shape = array_ops.shape(vec)[:-1]
final_shape = array_ops.concat(
(vec_leading_shape, self.block_shape_tensor()), 0)
return array_ops.reshape(vec, final_shape)
def _unblockify_then_matricize(self, vec):
"""Flatten the block dimensions then reshape to a batch matrix."""
# Suppose
# vec.shape = [v0, v1, v2, v3],
# self.block_depth = 2.
# Then
# leading shape = [v0, v1]
# block shape = [v2, v3].
# We will reshape vec to
# [v1, v2*v3, v0].
# Un-blockify: Flatten block dimensions. Reshape
# [v0, v1, v2, v3] --> [v0, v1, v2*v3].
if vec.shape.is_fully_defined():
# vec_shape = [v0, v1, v2, v3]
vec_shape = vec.shape.as_list()
# vec_leading_shape = [v0, v1]
vec_leading_shape = vec_shape[:-self.block_depth]
# vec_block_shape = [v2, v3]
vec_block_shape = vec_shape[-self.block_depth:]
# flat_shape = [v0, v1, v2*v3]
flat_shape = vec_leading_shape + []
vec_shape = array_ops.shape(vec)
vec_leading_shape = vec_shape[:-self.block_depth]
vec_block_shape = vec_shape[-self.block_depth:]
flat_shape = array_ops.concat(
(vec_leading_shape, [math_ops.reduce_prod(vec_block_shape)]), 0)
vec_flat = array_ops.reshape(vec, flat_shape)
# Matricize: Reshape to batch matrix.
# [v0, v1, v2*v3] --> [v1, v2*v3, v0],
# representing a shape [v1] batch of [v2*v3, v0] matrices.
matrix = distribution_util.rotate_transpose(vec_flat, shift=-1)
return matrix
def _fft(self, x):
"""FFT along the last self.block_depth dimensions of x.
x: `Tensor` with floating or complex `dtype`.
Should be in the form returned by self._vectorize_then_blockify.
`Tensor` with `dtype` `complex64`.
x_complex = _to_complex(x)
return _FFT_OP[self.block_depth](x_complex)
def _ifft(self, x):
"""IFFT along the last self.block_depth dimensions of x.
x: `Tensor` with floating or complex dtype. Should be in the form
returned by self._vectorize_then_blockify.
`Tensor` with `dtype` `complex64`.
x_complex = _to_complex(x)
return _IFFT_OP[self.block_depth](x_complex)
def convolution_kernel(self, name="convolution_kernel"):
"""Convolution kernel corresponding to `self.spectrum`.
The `D` dimensional DFT of this kernel is the frequency domain spectrum of
this operator.
name: A name to give this `Op`.
`Tensor` with `dtype` `self.dtype`.
with self._name_scope(name):
h = self._ifft(_to_complex(self.spectrum))
return math_ops.cast(h, self.dtype)
def _shape(self):
s_shape = self._spectrum.shape
# Suppose spectrum.shape = [a, b, c, d]
# block_depth = 2
# Then:
# batch_shape = [a, b]
# N = c*d
# and we want to return
# [a, b, c*d, c*d]
batch_shape = s_shape[:-self.block_depth]
# trailing_dims = [c, d]
trailing_dims = s_shape[-self.block_depth:]
if trailing_dims.is_fully_defined():
n =
n = None
n_x_n = tensor_shape.TensorShape([n, n])
return batch_shape.concatenate(n_x_n)
def _shape_tensor(self, spectrum=None):
spectrum = self.spectrum if spectrum is None else spectrum
# See self.shape for explanation of steps
s_shape = array_ops.shape(spectrum)
batch_shape = s_shape[:-self.block_depth]
trailing_dims = s_shape[-self.block_depth:]
n = math_ops.reduce_prod(trailing_dims)
n_x_n = [n, n]
return array_ops.concat((batch_shape, n_x_n), 0)
def assert_hermitian_spectrum(self, name="assert_hermitian_spectrum"):
"""Returns an `Op` that asserts this operator has Hermitian spectrum.
This operator corresponds to a real-valued matrix if and only if its
spectrum is Hermitian.
name: A name to give this `Op`.
An `Op` that asserts this operator has Hermitian spectrum.
eps = np.finfo(self.dtype.real_dtype.as_numpy_dtype).eps
with self._name_scope(name):
# Assume linear accumulation of error.
max_err = eps * self.domain_dimension_tensor()
imag_convolution_kernel = math_ops.imag(self.convolution_kernel())
return check_ops.assert_less(
message="Spectrum was not Hermitian")
def _assert_non_singular(self):
return linear_operator_util.assert_no_entries_with_modulus_zero(
message="Singular operator: Spectrum contained zero values.")
def _assert_positive_definite(self):
# This operator has the action Ax = F^H D F x,
# where D is the diagonal matrix with self.spectrum on the diag. Therefore,
# <x, Ax> = <Fx, DFx>,
# Since F is bijective, the condition for positive definite is the same as
# for a diagonal matrix, i.e. real part of spectrum is positive.
message = (
"Not positive definite: Real part of spectrum was not all positive.")
return check_ops.assert_positive(
math_ops.real(self.spectrum), message=message)
def _assert_self_adjoint(self):
# Recall correspondence between symmetry and real transforms. See docstring
return linear_operator_util.assert_zero_imag_part(
"Not self-adjoint: The spectrum contained non-zero imaginary part."
def _broadcast_batch_dims(self, x, spectrum):
"""Broadcast batch dims of batch matrix `x` and spectrum."""
spectrum = ops.convert_to_tensor(spectrum, name="spectrum")
# spectrum.shape = batch_shape + block_shape
# First make spectrum a batch matrix with
# spectrum.shape = batch_shape + [prod(block_shape), 1]
batch_shape = self._batch_shape_tensor(
spec_mat = array_ops.reshape(
spectrum, array_ops.concat((batch_shape, [-1, 1]), axis=0))
# Second, broadcast, possibly requiring an addition of array of zeros.
x, spec_mat = linear_operator_util.broadcast_matrix_batch_dims((x,
# Third, put the block shape back into spectrum.
x_batch_shape = array_ops.shape(x)[:-2]
spectrum_shape = array_ops.shape(spectrum)
spectrum = array_ops.reshape(
return x, spectrum
def _matmul(self, x, adjoint=False, adjoint_arg=False):
x = linalg.adjoint(x) if adjoint_arg else x
# With F the matrix of a DFT, and F^{-1}, F^H the inverse and Hermitian
# transpose, one can show that F^{-1} = F^{H} is the IDFT matrix. Therefore
# matmul(x) = F^{-1} diag(spectrum) F x,
# = F^{H} diag(spectrum) F x,
# so that
# matmul(x, adjoint=True) = F^{H} diag(conj(spectrum)) F x.
spectrum = _to_complex(self.spectrum)
if adjoint:
spectrum = math_ops.conj(spectrum)
x = math_ops.cast(x, spectrum.dtype)
x, spectrum = self._broadcast_batch_dims(x, spectrum)
x_vb = self._vectorize_then_blockify(x)
fft_x_vb = self._fft(x_vb)
block_vector_result = self._ifft(spectrum * fft_x_vb)
y = self._unblockify_then_matricize(block_vector_result)
return math_ops.cast(y, self.dtype)
def _determinant(self):
axis = [-(i + 1) for i in range(self.block_depth)]
det = math_ops.reduce_prod(self.spectrum, axis=axis)
return math_ops.cast(det, self.dtype)
def _log_abs_determinant(self):
axis = [-(i + 1) for i in range(self.block_depth)]
lad = math_ops.reduce_sum(
math_ops.log(math_ops.abs(self.spectrum)), axis=axis)
return math_ops.cast(lad, self.dtype)
def _solve(self, rhs, adjoint=False, adjoint_arg=False):
rhs = linalg.adjoint(rhs) if adjoint_arg else rhs
spectrum = _to_complex(self.spectrum)
if adjoint:
spectrum = math_ops.conj(spectrum)
rhs, spectrum = self._broadcast_batch_dims(rhs, spectrum)
rhs_vb = self._vectorize_then_blockify(rhs)
fft_rhs_vb = self._fft(rhs_vb)
solution_vb = self._ifft(fft_rhs_vb / spectrum)
x = self._unblockify_then_matricize(solution_vb)
return math_ops.cast(x, self.dtype)
def _diag_part(self):
# Get ones in shape of diag, which is [B1,...,Bb, N]
# Also get the size of the diag, "N".
if self.shape.is_fully_defined():
diag_shape = self.shape[:-1]
diag_size = self.domain_dimension.value
diag_shape = self.shape_tensor()[:-1]
diag_size = self.domain_dimension_tensor()
ones_diag = array_ops.ones(diag_shape, dtype=self.dtype)
# As proved in comments in self._trace, the value on the diag is constant,
# repeated N times. This value is the trace divided by N.
# The handling of self.shape = (0, 0) is tricky, and is the reason we choose
# to compute trace and use that to compute diag_part, rather than computing
# the value on the diagonal ("diag_value") directly. Both result in a 0/0,
# but in different places, and the current method gives the right result in
# the end.
# Here, if self.shape = (0, 0), then self.trace() = 0., and then
# diag_value = 0. / 0. = NaN.
diag_value = self.trace() / math_ops.cast(diag_size, self.dtype)
# If self.shape = (0, 0), then ones_diag = [] (empty tensor), and then
# the following line is NaN * [] = [], as needed.
return diag_value[..., array_ops.newaxis] * ones_diag
def _trace(self):
# The diagonal of the [[nested] block] circulant operator is the mean of
# the spectrum.
# Proof: For the [0,...,0] element, this follows from the IDFT formula.
# Then the result follows since all diagonal elements are the same.
# Therefore, the trace is the sum of the spectrum.
# Get shape of diag along with the axis over which to reduce the spectrum.
# We will reduce the spectrum over all block indices.
if self.spectrum.shape.is_fully_defined():
spec_rank = self.spectrum.shape.ndims
axis = np.arange(spec_rank - self.block_depth, spec_rank, dtype=np.int32)
spec_rank = array_ops.rank(self.spectrum)
axis = math_ops.range(spec_rank - self.block_depth, spec_rank)
# Real diag part "re_d".
# Suppose spectrum.shape = [B1,...,Bb, N1, N2]
# self.shape = [B1,...,Bb, N, N], with N1 * N2 = N.
# re_d_value.shape = [B1,...,Bb]
re_d_value = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.real(self.spectrum), axis=axis)
if not self.dtype.is_complex:
return math_ops.cast(re_d_value, self.dtype)
# Imaginary part, "im_d".
if self.is_self_adjoint:
im_d_value = array_ops.zeros_like(re_d_value)
im_d_value = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.imag(self.spectrum), axis=axis)
return math_ops.cast(math_ops.complex(re_d_value, im_d_value), self.dtype)
class LinearOperatorCirculant(_BaseLinearOperatorCirculant):
"""`LinearOperator` acting like a circulant matrix.
This operator acts like a circulant matrix `A` with
shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` for some `b >= 0`. The first `b` indices index a
batch member. For every batch index `(i1,...,ib)`, `A[i1,...,ib, : :]` is
an `N x N` matrix. This matrix `A` is not materialized, but for
purposes of broadcasting this shape will be relevant.
#### Description in terms of circulant matrices
Circulant means the entries of `A` are generated by a single vector, the
convolution kernel `h`: `A_{mn} := h_{m-n mod N}`. With `h = [w, x, y, z]`,
A = |w z y x|
|x w z y|
|y x w z|
|z y x w|
This means that the result of matrix multiplication `v = Au` has `Lth` column
given circular convolution between `h` with the `Lth` column of `u`.
#### Description in terms of the frequency spectrum
There is an equivalent description in terms of the [batch] spectrum `H` and
Fourier transforms. Here we consider `A.shape = [N, N]` and ignore batch
dimensions. Define the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse by
DFT[ h[n] ] = H[k] := sum_{n = 0}^{N - 1} h_n e^{-i 2pi k n / N}
IDFT[ H[k] ] = h[n] = N^{-1} sum_{k = 0}^{N - 1} H_k e^{i 2pi k n / N}
From these definitions, we see that
H[0] = sum_{n = 0}^{N - 1} h_n
H[1] = "the first positive frequency"
H[N - 1] = "the first negative frequency"
Loosely speaking, with `*` element-wise multiplication, matrix multiplication
is equal to the action of a Fourier multiplier: `A u = IDFT[ H * DFT[u] ]`.
Precisely speaking, given `[N, R]` matrix `u`, let `DFT[u]` be the `[N, R]`
matrix with `rth` column equal to the DFT of the `rth` column of `u`.
Define the `IDFT` similarly.
Matrix multiplication may be expressed columnwise:
```(A u)_r = IDFT[ H * (DFT[u])_r ]```
#### Operator properties deduced from the spectrum.
Letting `U` be the `kth` Euclidean basis vector, and `U = IDFT[u]`.
The above formulas show that`A U = H_k * U`. We conclude that the elements
of `H` are the eigenvalues of this operator. Therefore
* This operator is positive definite if and only if `Real{H} > 0`.
A general property of Fourier transforms is the correspondence between
Hermitian functions and real valued transforms.
Suppose `H.shape = [B1,...,Bb, N]`. We say that `H` is a Hermitian spectrum
if, with `%` meaning modulus division,
```H[..., n % N] = ComplexConjugate[ H[..., (-n) % N] ]```
* This operator corresponds to a real matrix if and only if `H` is Hermitian.
* This operator is self-adjoint if and only if `H` is real.
See e.g. "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Oppenheim and Schafer.
#### Example of a self-adjoint positive definite operator
# spectrum is real ==> operator is self-adjoint
# spectrum is positive ==> operator is positive definite
spectrum = [6., 4, 2]
operator = LinearOperatorCirculant(spectrum)
# IFFT[spectrum]
==> [4 + 0j, 1 + 0.58j, 1 - 0.58j]
==> [[4 + 0.0j, 1 - 0.6j, 1 + 0.6j],
[1 + 0.6j, 4 + 0.0j, 1 - 0.6j],
[1 - 0.6j, 1 + 0.6j, 4 + 0.0j]]
#### Example of defining in terms of a real convolution kernel
# convolution_kernel is real ==> spectrum is Hermitian.
convolution_kernel = [1., 2., 1.]]
spectrum = tf.signal.fft(tf.cast(convolution_kernel, tf.complex64))
# spectrum is Hermitian ==> operator is real.
# spectrum is shape [3] ==> operator is shape [3, 3]
# We force the input/output type to be real, which allows this to operate
# like a real matrix.
operator = LinearOperatorCirculant(spectrum, input_output_dtype=tf.float32)
==> [[ 1, 1, 2],
[ 2, 1, 1],
[ 1, 2, 1]]
#### Example of Hermitian spectrum
# spectrum is shape [3] ==> operator is shape [3, 3]
# spectrum is Hermitian ==> operator is real.
spectrum = [1, 1j, -1j]
operator = LinearOperatorCirculant(spectrum)
==> [[ 0.33 + 0j, 0.91 + 0j, -0.24 + 0j],
[-0.24 + 0j, 0.33 + 0j, 0.91 + 0j],
[ 0.91 + 0j, -0.24 + 0j, 0.33 + 0j]
#### Example of forcing real `dtype` when spectrum is Hermitian
# spectrum is shape [4] ==> operator is shape [4, 4]
# spectrum is real ==> operator is self-adjoint
# spectrum is Hermitian ==> operator is real
# spectrum has positive real part ==> operator is positive-definite.
spectrum = [6., 4, 2, 4]
# Force the input dtype to be float32.
# Cast the output to float32. This is fine because the operator will be
# real due to Hermitian spectrum.
operator = LinearOperatorCirculant(spectrum, input_output_dtype=tf.float32)
==> [4, 4]
==> [[4, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 4, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 4, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 4]]
# convolution_kernel = tf.signal.ifft(spectrum)
==> [4, 1, 0, 1]
#### Performance
Suppose `operator` is a `LinearOperatorCirculant` of shape `[N, N]`,
and `x.shape = [N, R]`. Then
* `operator.matmul(x)` is `O(R*N*Log[N])`
* `operator.solve(x)` is `O(R*N*Log[N])`
* `operator.determinant()` involves a size `N` `reduce_prod`.
If instead `operator` and `x` have shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` and
`[B1,...,Bb, N, R]`, every operation increases in complexity by `B1*...*Bb`.
#### Matrix property hints
This `LinearOperator` is initialized with boolean flags of the form `is_X`,
for `X = non_singular, self_adjoint, positive_definite, square`.
These have the following meaning:
* If `is_X == True`, callers should expect the operator to have the
property `X`. This is a promise that should be fulfilled, but is *not* a
runtime assert. For example, finite floating point precision may result
in these promises being violated.
* If `is_X == False`, callers should expect the operator to not have `X`.
* If `is_X == None` (the default), callers should have no expectation either
def __init__(self,
r"""Initialize an `LinearOperatorCirculant`.
This `LinearOperator` is initialized to have shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]`
by providing `spectrum`, a `[B1,...,Bb, N]` `Tensor`.
If `input_output_dtype = DTYPE`:
* Arguments to methods such as `matmul` or `solve` must be `DTYPE`.
* Values returned by all methods, such as `matmul` or `determinant` will be
cast to `DTYPE`.
Note that if the spectrum is not Hermitian, then this operator corresponds
to a complex matrix with non-zero imaginary part. In this case, setting
`input_output_dtype` to a real type will forcibly cast the output to be
real, resulting in incorrect results!
If on the other hand the spectrum is Hermitian, then this operator
corresponds to a real-valued matrix, and setting `input_output_dtype` to
a real type is fine.
spectrum: Shape `[B1,...,Bb, N]` `Tensor`. Allowed dtypes: `float16`,
`float32`, `float64`, `complex64`, `complex128`. Type can be different
than `input_output_dtype`
input_output_dtype: `dtype` for input/output.
is_non_singular: Expect that this operator is non-singular.
is_self_adjoint: Expect that this operator is equal to its hermitian
transpose. If `spectrum` is real, this will always be true.
is_positive_definite: Expect that this operator is positive definite,
meaning the quadratic form `x^H A x` has positive real part for all
nonzero `x`. Note that we do not require the operator to be
self-adjoint to be positive-definite. See:\
is_square: Expect that this operator acts like square [batch] matrices.
name: A name to prepend to all ops created by this class.
super(LinearOperatorCirculant, self).__init__(
class LinearOperatorCirculant2D(_BaseLinearOperatorCirculant):
"""`LinearOperator` acting like a block circulant matrix.
This operator acts like a block circulant matrix `A` with
shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` for some `b >= 0`. The first `b` indices index a
batch member. For every batch index `(i1,...,ib)`, `A[i1,...,ib, : :]` is
an `N x N` matrix. This matrix `A` is not materialized, but for
purposes of broadcasting this shape will be relevant.
#### Description in terms of block circulant matrices
If `A` is block circulant, with block sizes `N0, N1` (`N0 * N1 = N`):
`A` has a block circulant structure, composed of `N0 x N0` blocks, with each
block an `N1 x N1` circulant matrix.
For example, with `W`, `X`, `Y`, `Z` each circulant,
A = |W Z Y X|
|X W Z Y|
|Y X W Z|
|Z Y X W|
Note that `A` itself will not in general be circulant.
#### Description in terms of the frequency spectrum
There is an equivalent description in terms of the [batch] spectrum `H` and
Fourier transforms. Here we consider `A.shape = [N, N]` and ignore batch
If `H.shape = [N0, N1]`, (`N0 * N1 = N`):
Loosely speaking, matrix multiplication is equal to the action of a
Fourier multiplier: `A u = IDFT2[ H DFT2[u] ]`.
Precisely speaking, given `[N, R]` matrix `u`, let `DFT2[u]` be the
`[N0, N1, R]` `Tensor` defined by re-shaping `u` to `[N0, N1, R]` and taking
a two dimensional DFT across the first two dimensions. Let `IDFT2` be the
inverse of `DFT2`. Matrix multiplication may be expressed columnwise:
```(A u)_r = IDFT2[ H * (DFT2[u])_r ]```
#### Operator properties deduced from the spectrum.
* This operator is positive definite if and only if `Real{H} > 0`.
A general property of Fourier transforms is the correspondence between
Hermitian functions and real valued transforms.
Suppose `H.shape = [B1,...,Bb, N0, N1]`, we say that `H` is a Hermitian
spectrum if, with `%` indicating modulus division,
H[..., n0 % N0, n1 % N1] = ComplexConjugate[ H[..., (-n0) % N0, (-n1) % N1 ].
* This operator corresponds to a real matrix if and only if `H` is Hermitian.
* This operator is self-adjoint if and only if `H` is real.
See e.g. "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Oppenheim and Schafer.
### Example of a self-adjoint positive definite operator
# spectrum is real ==> operator is self-adjoint
# spectrum is positive ==> operator is positive definite
spectrum = [[1., 2., 3.],
[4., 5., 6.],
[7., 8., 9.]]
operator = LinearOperatorCirculant2D(spectrum)
# IFFT[spectrum]
==> [[5.0+0.0j, -0.5-.3j, -0.5+.3j],
[-1.5-.9j, 0, 0],
[-1.5+.9j, 0, 0]]
==> Complex self adjoint 9 x 9 matrix.
#### Example of defining in terms of a real convolution kernel,
# convolution_kernel is real ==> spectrum is Hermitian.
convolution_kernel = [[1., 2., 1.], [5., -1., 1.]]
spectrum = tf.signal.fft2d(tf.cast(convolution_kernel, tf.complex64))
# spectrum is shape [2, 3] ==> operator is shape [6, 6]
# spectrum is Hermitian ==> operator is real.
operator = LinearOperatorCirculant2D(spectrum, input_output_dtype=tf.float32)
#### Performance
Suppose `operator` is a `LinearOperatorCirculant` of shape `[N, N]`,
and `x.shape = [N, R]`. Then
* `operator.matmul(x)` is `O(R*N*Log[N])`
* `operator.solve(x)` is `O(R*N*Log[N])`
* `operator.determinant()` involves a size `N` `reduce_prod`.
If instead `operator` and `x` have shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` and
`[B1,...,Bb, N, R]`, every operation increases in complexity by `B1*...*Bb`.
#### Matrix property hints
This `LinearOperator` is initialized with boolean flags of the form `is_X`,
for `X = non_singular, self_adjoint, positive_definite, square`.
These have the following meaning
* If `is_X == True`, callers should expect the operator to have the
property `X`. This is a promise that should be fulfilled, but is *not* a
runtime assert. For example, finite floating point precision may result
in these promises being violated.
* If `is_X == False`, callers should expect the operator to not have `X`.
* If `is_X == None` (the default), callers should have no expectation either
def __init__(self,
r"""Initialize an `LinearOperatorCirculant2D`.
This `LinearOperator` is initialized to have shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]`
by providing `spectrum`, a `[B1,...,Bb, N0, N1]` `Tensor` with `N0*N1 = N`.
If `input_output_dtype = DTYPE`:
* Arguments to methods such as `matmul` or `solve` must be `DTYPE`.
* Values returned by all methods, such as `matmul` or `determinant` will be
cast to `DTYPE`.
Note that if the spectrum is not Hermitian, then this operator corresponds
to a complex matrix with non-zero imaginary part. In this case, setting
`input_output_dtype` to a real type will forcibly cast the output to be
real, resulting in incorrect results!
If on the other hand the spectrum is Hermitian, then this operator
corresponds to a real-valued matrix, and setting `input_output_dtype` to
a real type is fine.
spectrum: Shape `[B1,...,Bb, N]` `Tensor`. Allowed dtypes: `float16`,
`float32`, `float64`, `complex64`, `complex128`. Type can be different
than `input_output_dtype`
input_output_dtype: `dtype` for input/output.
is_non_singular: Expect that this operator is non-singular.
is_self_adjoint: Expect that this operator is equal to its hermitian
transpose. If `spectrum` is real, this will always be true.
is_positive_definite: Expect that this operator is positive definite,
meaning the quadratic form `x^H A x` has positive real part for all
nonzero `x`. Note that we do not require the operator to be
self-adjoint to be positive-definite. See:\
is_square: Expect that this operator acts like square [batch] matrices.
name: A name to prepend to all ops created by this class.
super(LinearOperatorCirculant2D, self).__init__(
class LinearOperatorCirculant3D(_BaseLinearOperatorCirculant):
"""`LinearOperator` acting like a nested block circulant matrix.
This operator acts like a block circulant matrix `A` with
shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` for some `b >= 0`. The first `b` indices index a
batch member. For every batch index `(i1,...,ib)`, `A[i1,...,ib, : :]` is
an `N x N` matrix. This matrix `A` is not materialized, but for
purposes of broadcasting this shape will be relevant.
#### Description in terms of block circulant matrices
If `A` is nested block circulant, with block sizes `N0, N1, N2`
(`N0 * N1 * N2 = N`):
`A` has a block structure, composed of `N0 x N0` blocks, with each
block an `N1 x N1` block circulant matrix.
For example, with `W`, `X`, `Y`, `Z` each block circulant,
A = |W Z Y X|
|X W Z Y|
|Y X W Z|
|Z Y X W|
Note that `A` itself will not in general be circulant.
#### Description in terms of the frequency spectrum
There is an equivalent description in terms of the [batch] spectrum `H` and
Fourier transforms. Here we consider `A.shape = [N, N]` and ignore batch
If `H.shape = [N0, N1, N2]`, (`N0 * N1 * N2 = N`):
Loosely speaking, matrix multiplication is equal to the action of a
Fourier multiplier: `A u = IDFT3[ H DFT3[u] ]`.
Precisely speaking, given `[N, R]` matrix `u`, let `DFT3[u]` be the
`[N0, N1, N2, R]` `Tensor` defined by re-shaping `u` to `[N0, N1, N2, R]` and
taking a three dimensional DFT across the first three dimensions. Let `IDFT3`
be the inverse of `DFT3`. Matrix multiplication may be expressed columnwise:
```(A u)_r = IDFT3[ H * (DFT3[u])_r ]```
#### Operator properties deduced from the spectrum.
* This operator is positive definite if and only if `Real{H} > 0`.
A general property of Fourier transforms is the correspondence between
Hermitian functions and real valued transforms.
Suppose `H.shape = [B1,...,Bb, N0, N1, N2]`, we say that `H` is a Hermitian
spectrum if, with `%` meaning modulus division,
H[..., n0 % N0, n1 % N1, n2 % N2]
= ComplexConjugate[ H[..., (-n0) % N0, (-n1) % N1, (-n2) % N2] ].
* This operator corresponds to a real matrix if and only if `H` is Hermitian.
* This operator is self-adjoint if and only if `H` is real.
See e.g. "Discrete-Time Signal Processing", Oppenheim and Schafer.
### Examples
See `LinearOperatorCirculant` and `LinearOperatorCirculant2D` for examples.
#### Performance
Suppose `operator` is a `LinearOperatorCirculant` of shape `[N, N]`,
and `x.shape = [N, R]`. Then
* `operator.matmul(x)` is `O(R*N*Log[N])`
* `operator.solve(x)` is `O(R*N*Log[N])`
* `operator.determinant()` involves a size `N` `reduce_prod`.
If instead `operator` and `x` have shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]` and
`[B1,...,Bb, N, R]`, every operation increases in complexity by `B1*...*Bb`.
#### Matrix property hints
This `LinearOperator` is initialized with boolean flags of the form `is_X`,
for `X = non_singular, self_adjoint, positive_definite, square`.
These have the following meaning
* If `is_X == True`, callers should expect the operator to have the
property `X`. This is a promise that should be fulfilled, but is *not* a
runtime assert. For example, finite floating point precision may result
in these promises being violated.
* If `is_X == False`, callers should expect the operator to not have `X`.
* If `is_X == None` (the default), callers should have no expectation either
def __init__(self,
"""Initialize an `LinearOperatorCirculant`.
This `LinearOperator` is initialized to have shape `[B1,...,Bb, N, N]`
by providing `spectrum`, a `[B1,...,Bb, N0, N1, N2]` `Tensor`
with `N0*N1*N2 = N`.
If `input_output_dtype = DTYPE`:
* Arguments to methods such as `matmul` or `solve` must be `DTYPE`.
* Values returned by all methods, such as `matmul` or `determinant` will be
cast to `DTYPE`.
Note that if the spectrum is not Hermitian, then this operator corresponds
to a complex matrix with non-zero imaginary part. In this case, setting
`input_output_dtype` to a real type will forcibly cast the output to be
real, resulting in incorrect results!
If on the other hand the spectrum is Hermitian, then this operator
corresponds to a real-valued matrix, and setting `input_output_dtype` to
a real type is fine.
spectrum: Shape `[B1,...,Bb, N]` `Tensor`. Allowed dtypes: `float16`,
`float32`, `float64`, `complex64`, `complex128`. Type can be different
than `input_output_dtype`
input_output_dtype: `dtype` for input/output.
is_non_singular: Expect that this operator is non-singular.
is_self_adjoint: Expect that this operator is equal to its hermitian
transpose. If `spectrum` is real, this will always be true.
is_positive_definite: Expect that this operator is positive definite,
meaning the real part of all eigenvalues is positive. We do not require
the operator to be self-adjoint to be positive-definite. See:
is_square: Expect that this operator acts like square [batch] matrices.
name: A name to prepend to all ops created by this class.
super(LinearOperatorCirculant3D, self).__init__(
def _to_complex(x):
if x.dtype.is_complex:
return x
dtype = dtypes.complex64
if x.dtype == dtypes.float64:
dtype = dtypes.complex128
return math_ops.cast(x, dtype)