blob: 74c3e23a29820dc4adcda7c876dd4eb028cce1e6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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// Transform pass for LSTMs.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/FakeQuantSupport.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/QuantOps.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/QuantTypes.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/ir/tfl_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/quantization/quantization_config.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/quantization/quantization_traits.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/quantization/quantization_utils.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/tools/optimize/operator_property.h"
// The prepare-quantize Pass for LSTM.
namespace mlir {
namespace TFL {
constexpr double power_of_two_scale = 32768.0;
// Same with the ordering of //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/ir/
constexpr const char* intermediate_attributes[] = {
"input_to_input_intermediate", "input_to_forget_intermediate",
"input_to_cell_intermediate", "input_to_output_intermediate",
// Calculates the minimum power of two that is not less than the value.
inline double PowerOfTwoBound(double value) {
return std::pow(2, std::ceil(std::log2(value)));
// Returns the element type of LSTM's intermediate tensor designated by the
// index.
template <typename LstmOp>
inline QuantizedType GetIntermediateElementType(LstmOp op, int tensor_index) {
if (tensor_index < 0 || tensor_index > 4) return nullptr;
TypeAttr attr = op->template getAttrOfType<TypeAttr>(
if (!attr) {
return nullptr;
return QuantizedType::getQuantizedElementType(attr.getValue());
namespace operator_property = ::tflite::optimize::operator_property;
using Q = quant::QuantizeCastOp;
using DQ = quant::DequantizeCastOp;
template <typename LstmOp>
LogicalResult GetLstmProperty(
LstmOp op, operator_property::OpVariant* lstm_variant,
operator_property::OperatorProperty* op_property) {
if (llvm::isa<TFL::LSTMOp>(op.getOperation())) {
lstm_variant->op_code = tflite::BuiltinOperator_LSTM;
} else if (llvm::isa<TFL::UnidirectionalSequenceLSTMOp>(op.getOperation())) {
lstm_variant->op_code =
} else {
op.emitError("ConvertLstmStatsToQDQs pass only supports LSTMs.");
return failure();
lstm_variant->use_projection =
!op.projection_weights().getType().template isa<NoneType>();
lstm_variant->use_peephole =
!op.cell_to_output_weights().getType().template isa<NoneType>();
lstm_variant->use_peephole =
!op.cell_to_output_weights().getType().template isa<NoneType>();
lstm_variant->use_layer_norm =
!op.forget_layer_norm_coefficients().getType().template isa<NoneType>();
*op_property = operator_property::GetOperatorProperty(*lstm_variant);
// TODO(b/176258587) move this to if this is needed in
// other components, too.
bool use_cifg =
op.input_to_input_weights().getType().template isa<NoneType>();
if (use_cifg) {
const absl::flat_hash_set<int> cifg_non_inputs = {1, 5, 9, 12, 20};
const int cifg_non_intermediate = 0;
op_property->inputs.begin(), op_property->inputs.end(),
[&](std::pair<int, operator_property::TensorProperty> input) {
return cifg_non_inputs.find(input.first) != cifg_non_inputs.end();
[&](std::pair<int, operator_property::TensorProperty>
intermediate) {
return intermediate.first == cifg_non_intermediate;
return success();
template <typename SourceOp>
struct PrepareLstmOutputScale : public OpRewritePattern<SourceOp> {
explicit PrepareLstmOutputScale(MLIRContext* context)
: OpRewritePattern<SourceOp>(context) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SourceOp op,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const override {
operator_property::OpVariant lstm_variant;
operator_property::OperatorProperty lstm_property;
if (failed(GetLstmProperty(op, &lstm_variant, &lstm_property))) {
return failure();
if (lstm_property.restrict_scale.size() != 1) {
op.emitError() << "The LSTM's operator property expects exactly one "
<< "restrict scale requirement. Got "
<< lstm_property.restrict_scale.size()
<< " restrict scale requirements.";
return failure();
// Use same scale for input and output specified in restrict_scale.
const std::vector<int>& tensors = lstm_property.restrict_scale[0];
if (tensors.size() != 2) {
"Unexpected restricted_scale from operator property."
" Should only have a pair of indices.");
return failure();
return processRestrictScale(op, tensors[0], tensors[1], rewriter);
// For LSTM's recurrent input activation and output, they are quantized with
// the collective range of both tensors, because theoretically the input
// activation value for the very first inference is not reflected in the
// output and the input activation is not captured.
LogicalResult processRestrictScale(SourceOp op, int input_index,
int output_index,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
assert(output_index == 0);
if (!op.getResult().hasOneUse()) {
<< "output " << output_index
<< " should have only one use, which should be quant.stats.";
return failure();
llvm::SmallVector<quant::StatisticsOp, 2> stats_ops = {
if (!stats_ops[0] || !stats_ops[1]) {
return failure(); // Already converted to Q-DQ pair.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::APFloat, 4> min_max_values;
for (auto& stats_op : stats_ops) {
auto values = stats_op.layerStats()
min_max_values.insert(min_max_values.end(), values.begin(), values.end());
// min and max values of two stats are already the same.
if (min_max_values[0] == min_max_values[2] &&
min_max_values[1] == min_max_values[3]) {
return failure();
mlir::ElementsAttr layer_stats = mlir::DenseFPElementsAttr::get(
mlir::RankedTensorType::get({2}, rewriter.getF32Type()),
{llvm::minimum(min_max_values[0], min_max_values[2]),
llvm::maximum(min_max_values[1], min_max_values[3])});
mlir::ElementsAttr axis_stats;
mlir::IntegerAttr axis;
for (auto& stats_op : stats_ops) {
stats_op, stats_op.arg(), layer_stats, axis_stats, axis);
return success();
// Quantize LSTM according to its quantization recipe.
template <typename SourceOp>
struct ConvertLstmStatsToQDQs : public OpRewritePattern<SourceOp> {
ConvertLstmStatsToQDQs(MLIRContext* context,
const QuantizationSpecs& quant_specs)
: OpRewritePattern<SourceOp>(context, /*benefit=*/2),
quant_specs(quant_specs) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SourceOp op,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const override {
operator_property::OpVariant lstm_variant;
operator_property::OperatorProperty lstm_property;
if (failed(GetLstmProperty(op, &lstm_variant, &lstm_property))) {
return failure();
if (failed(processIntermediates(op, lstm_variant, lstm_property)) ||
failed(processInputs(op, lstm_variant, lstm_property, rewriter))) {
return failure();
return success();
QuantizationSpecs quant_specs;
LogicalResult processIntermediates(
SourceOp op, const operator_property::OpVariant& lstm_variant,
const operator_property::OperatorProperty& lstm_property) const {
for (auto& enumerated_intermediates : lstm_property.intermediates) {
int index = enumerated_intermediates.first;
auto& tensor_property = enumerated_intermediates.second;
// intermediate tensors 0, 1, 2, 3 are only used with layer normalization.
if (!lstm_variant.use_layer_norm && index != 4) {
TypeAttr attr =
op->template getAttrOfType<TypeAttr>(intermediate_attributes[index]);
auto quant_type = GetIntermediateElementType<SourceOp>(op, index);
if (!quant_type) {
// intermediate tensor 4 is optional, unless the LSTM uses projection.
if (index == 4 && !lstm_variant.use_projection) {
return success();
op.emitError() << intermediate_attributes[index]
<< " is not quantized.";
return failure();
auto calibrated_type =
quant_type.template dyn_cast<quant::CalibratedQuantizedType>();
if (!calibrated_type) {
int num_storage_bits = quant_type.getStorageTypeIntegralWidth();
if (tensor_property.number_of_bits != num_storage_bits) {
op.emitError() << intermediate_attributes[index]
<< " is expected to be quantized with "
<< tensor_property.number_of_bits << " bits, but got "
<< num_storage_bits << " bits instead.";
return failure();
continue; // skip if it is already quantized.
quant::UniformQuantizedType qtype;
if (tensor_property.number_of_bits == 8) {
qtype = quant::fakeQuantAttrsToType(
op.getLoc(), tensor_property.number_of_bits,
calibrated_type.getMin(), calibrated_type.getMax(),
/*narrowRange=*/false, calibrated_type.getExpressedType(),
} else if (tensor_property.number_of_bits == 16) {
double max = std::max(std::abs(calibrated_type.getMin()),
qtype = quant::fakeQuantAttrsToType(
op.getLoc(), tensor_property.number_of_bits, -max, max,
/*narrowRange=*/true, calibrated_type.getExpressedType(),
} else {
op.emitError() << "Unsupported quantization bits: "
<< tensor_property.number_of_bits;
return failure();
return success();
LogicalResult processInputs(
SourceOp op, const operator_property::OpVariant& lstm_variant,
const operator_property::OperatorProperty& lstm_property,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
for (auto& enumerated_inputs : lstm_property.inputs) {
int index = enumerated_inputs.first;
auto& tensor_property = enumerated_inputs.second;
Value input = op.getOperand(index);
if (input.getDefiningOp() == nullptr) continue;
// TODO(b/172517537): make this work with non-PTQ case.
if (llvm::isa<ConstantOp, TFL::ConstOp>(input.getDefiningOp())) {
// Tensors with derived scale are biases, and handled in propagation.
if (tensor_property.use_derived_scale) continue;
if (failed(processConstantOp(op, input.getDefiningOp(), index,
tensor_property, rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else {
if (auto stats_op =
llvm::dyn_cast<quant::StatisticsOp>(input.getDefiningOp())) {
if (failed(replaceStatsOp(op, stats_op, index, tensor_property,
rewriter))) {
return failure();
} else if (!llvm::isa<DQ>(input.getDefiningOp()) &&
!llvm::isa<SameScalesOpInterface>(input.getDefiningOp())) {
// Continue if StatisticsOp is already converted to Q-DQ pair, or
// stats op is not immediately available to the input because it's
// connected to ops with same scale requirements.
// TODO(b/172517537): make this work with non-PTQ case.
op.emitError() << "Input " << index
<< " should be from DequantizeCast, Statistics, "
<< ", or ops with same scale requirement.";
return failure();
return success();
// For weights, use quantization scale directly inferred from the values.
// input 1~4: input to gate weights
// input 5~8: recurrent to gate weights
// input 9~11: peephole weights, input 16: projection weight
// input 20~23: normalization weights
LogicalResult processConstantOp(
SourceOp op, Operation* const_op, int input_index,
const operator_property::TensorProperty& tensor_property,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
// Non-float tensors are neither weights nor require quantization.
auto type = const_op->getResult(0).getType().dyn_cast<ShapedType>();
if (!type || !type.getElementType().isa<FloatType>()) return success();
DenseFPElementsAttr attr;
if (!matchPattern(const_op->getResult(0), m_Constant(&attr))) {
const_op->emitError("Not a constant op.");
return failure();
UniformQuantizedType quant_type =
attr, /*symmetric=*/true,
/*num_bits=*/tensor_property.number_of_bits, /*is_signed=*/true,
.template dyn_cast<quant::UniformQuantizedType>();
if (!quant_type) {
const_op->emitError("Failed to get quantized type");
return failure();
// TODO(b/172517537): duplicate the constant when the bias is shared.
Type expressed_type = const_op->getResult(0).getType();
Type cast_type = quant_type.castFromExpressedType(expressed_type);
auto q = rewriter.create<Q>(const_op->getLoc(), cast_type,
auto dq = rewriter.create<DQ>(const_op->getLoc(), expressed_type, q);
op.setOperand(input_index, dq.getResult());
return success();
LogicalResult replaceStatsOp(
SourceOp op, quant::StatisticsOp stats_op, int input_index,
const operator_property::TensorProperty& tensor_property,
PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
if (tensor_property.state_tensor && !stats_op.getResult().hasOneUse()) {
// TODO(b/172517537): check if other tensors should go through this
// check too.
op.emitError() << "Input tensor [" << input_index
<< "] is a state tensor, but has more than one use.";
return failure();
auto stats = stats_op.layerStats().dyn_cast<DenseFPElementsAttr>();
if (!stats || stats.getNumElements() != 2) {
stats_op.emitError("Stats should have 2 values.");
return failure();
quant::QuantizedType quant_type;
double min = FloatAttr::getValueAsDouble(stats.getValue<APFloat>({0}));
double max = FloatAttr::getValueAsDouble(stats.getValue<APFloat>({1}));
Type expressed = getElementTypeOrSelf(stats_op.getType());
if (tensor_property.extend_to_power_of_two) {
if (tensor_property.number_of_bits != 16) {
"extended power of 2 scale is only supported for 16-bit"
" quantization.");
return failure();
double bound = PowerOfTwoBound(std::max(std::abs(min), std::abs(max)));
// Set flags to 1 for signed type.
quant_type = UniformQuantizedType::getChecked(
rewriter.getIntegerType(tensor_property.number_of_bits), expressed,
/*scale=*/bound / -llvm::minIntN(tensor_property.number_of_bits),
/*zeroPoint=*/0, llvm::minIntN(tensor_property.number_of_bits),
llvm::maxIntN(tensor_property.number_of_bits), op.getLoc());
} else {
quant_type = quant::fakeQuantAttrsToType(
op.getLoc(), tensor_property.number_of_bits, min, max,
/*narrowRange=*/false, expressed,
Type result_type = quant_type.castFromExpressedType(stats_op.getType());
auto q = rewriter.create<Q>(stats_op.getLoc(), result_type, stats_op.arg());
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<DQ>(stats_op, stats_op.getType(), q);
return success();
// Returns a function that returns the quantized type of a bias input.
// The scale of bias is a multiplication of given scale and scales from the
// quantization type of other operands.
inline quant::AccumulatorScaleFunc GetUniformQuantizedTypeForBiasWithScale(
double scale) {
return [=](const std::vector<quant::QuantParams>& quant_params)
-> quant::QuantParams {
if (auto qtype = GetUniformQuantizedTypeForBias(quant_params)
.dyn_cast_or_null<UniformQuantizedType>()) {
return quant::UniformQuantizedType::get(
qtype.getFlags(), qtype.getStorageType(), qtype.getExpressedType(),
qtype.getScale() * scale, qtype.getZeroPoint(),
qtype.getStorageTypeMin(), qtype.getStorageTypeMax());
return {};
// Returns quantization spec for LSTMs based on their operator properties.
template <typename LstmOp>
std::unique_ptr<quant::OpQuantSpec> GetLstmOpQuantSpec(LstmOp op) {
operator_property::OpVariant lstm_variant;
operator_property::OperatorProperty lstm_property;
if (failed(GetLstmProperty(op, &lstm_variant, &lstm_property))) {
return nullptr;
auto spec = absl::make_unique<quant::OpQuantSpec>();
for (const auto& enumerated_inputs : lstm_property.inputs) {
int index = enumerated_inputs.first;
auto& tensor_property = enumerated_inputs.second;
if (tensor_property.use_derived_scale) {
double scale = 1.0;
for (int tensor_index :
tensor_property.derived_scale.intermediate_tensors) {
auto quant_type = GetIntermediateElementType<LstmOp>(op, tensor_index);
if (!quant_type ||
!quant_type.template isa<quant::UniformQuantizedType>()) {
op->emitError() << "While processing derived scale, intermediate "
<< intermediate_attributes[tensor_index]
<< " is not quantized.";
return nullptr;
scale *= quant_type.template dyn_cast<quant::UniformQuantizedType>()
for (float factor : tensor_property.derived_scale.factors) {
scale *= factor;
return spec;
} // namespace TFL
} // namespace mlir