Add a parallel mean shader for Vulkan 1.1.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 356727275
Change-Id: I527a36b2982e400857343f91ad0ad26476ed151c
diff --git a/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/gpu_info.h b/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/gpu_info.h
index 5413021..77162e3 100644
--- a/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/gpu_info.h
+++ b/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/gpu_info.h
@@ -235,6 +235,9 @@
   uint32_t max_image_dimension_2d;
   uint32_t max_image_array_layers;
+  uint32_t subgroup_size = 0;
+  bool supports_subgroup_arithmetic = false;
   std::vector<std::string> extensions;
   int max_compute_work_group_size_x;
   int max_compute_work_group_size_y;
diff --git a/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/BUILD b/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/BUILD
index 197887d..7bbb0ac 100644
--- a/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/BUILD
@@ -323,8 +323,10 @@
+        "//tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common:util",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/status",
diff --git a/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/ b/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/
index c66ff55..cf88fc3 100644
--- a/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/
+++ b/tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/gl/kernels/
@@ -22,14 +22,155 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/status/status.h"
 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/status.h"
 #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/common/util.h"
 namespace tflite {
 namespace gpu {
 namespace gl {
 namespace {
+bool UseSubgroupBasedImpl(const GpuInfo& gpu_info) {
+  return gpu_info.IsApiVulkan() &&
+         (gpu_info.vulkan_info.api_version_major > 1 ||
+          gpu_info.vulkan_info.api_version_minor >= 1) &&
+         gpu_info.vulkan_info.subgroup_size >= 32 &&
+         gpu_info.vulkan_info.supports_subgroup_arithmetic;
+// An implementation of Mean for desktop GPUs and some phones with recent
+// Vulkan drivers. It is more parallel than the trivial Mean operation, but
+// still limited to using a single work group.
+void GenerateSubgroupBasedMean(const NodeShader::GenerationContext& ctx,
+                               GeneratedCode* generated_code) {
+  int height = ctx.input_shapes[0][1];
+  int width = ctx.input_shapes[0][2];
+  int depth = ctx.input_shapes[0][3];
+  std::vector<Variable> parameters = {
+      {"input_data_0_h", height},
+      {"input_data_0_w", width},
+      {"output_data_0_h", 1},
+      {"output_data_0_w", 1},
+  };
+  std::string source = R"(
+  // Round columns and rows per invocation up, to ensure that we read the
+  // entire input.
+  const uint columns_per_invocation =
+      ($input_data_0_w$ + (gl_WorkGroupSize.x - 1))/gl_WorkGroupSize.x;
+  const uint rows_per_invocation =
+      ($input_data_0_h$ + (gl_WorkGroupSize.y - 1))/gl_WorkGroupSize.y;
+  const uint first_row = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y*rows_per_invocation;
+  const uint first_col = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x*columns_per_invocation;
+  const uint last_row_exclusive =
+      min(first_row+rows_per_invocation, $input_data_0_h$);
+  const uint last_column_exclusive =
+      min(first_col+columns_per_invocation, $input_data_0_w$);
+  vec4 value = vec4(0);
+  for (uint h = first_row; h < last_row_exclusive; ++h) {
+    for (uint w = first_col; w < last_column_exclusive; ++w) {
+      value += $input_data_0[w, h, gid.z]$;
+    }
+  }
+  highp vec4 subgroup_sum = subgroupAdd(value);
+  if(subgroupElect()) {
+    subgroup_sums[gl_SubgroupID] = subgroup_sum;
+  }
+  memoryBarrierShared();
+  barrier();
+  // Do the final reduction in the first subgroup.
+  if(gl_SubgroupID == 0) {
+    highp vec4 subtotal = vec4(0);
+    if (gl_SubgroupInvocationID < gl_NumSubgroups) {
+      subtotal = subgroup_sums[gl_SubgroupInvocationID];
+    }
+    highp vec4 grand_total = subgroupAdd(subtotal);
+    if(subgroupElect()) {
+      highp vec4 result = grand_total / $input_data_0_w$ / $input_data_0_h$;
+      $output_data_0[0, 0, gid.z] = result$;
+    }
+  }
+  )";
+  const uint32_t subgroup_size = ctx.gpu_info->vulkan_info.subgroup_size;
+  const uint32_t max_wg_size_x = ctx.gpu_info->GetMaxWorkGroupSizeForX();
+  const uint32_t max_wg_size_y = ctx.gpu_info->GetMaxWorkGroupSizeForY();
+  // Due to the design of the shader, at most subgroup_size subgroups can be
+  // launched. This may limit the maximal workgroup size.
+  const uint32_t max_wg_size =
+      std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(ctx.gpu_info->GetMaxWorkGroupTotalSize()),
+               subgroup_size * subgroup_size);
+  const uint32_t max_number_of_subgroups = max_wg_size / subgroup_size;
+  uint32_t wg_size_x = 0;
+  uint32_t wg_size_y = 0;
+  if (width * height <= max_wg_size && width <= max_wg_size_x &&
+      height <= max_wg_size_y) {
+    wg_size_x = width;
+    wg_size_y = height;
+  } else {
+    // Approximately square workgroup. Also make sure to limit by driver limit
+    // and input size.
+    wg_size_x = std::min({static_cast<uint32_t>(std::sqrt(max_wg_size)),
+                          max_wg_size_x, static_cast<uint32_t>(width)});
+    wg_size_y = std::min({max_wg_size / wg_size_x, max_wg_size_y,
+                          static_cast<uint32_t>(height)});
+  }
+  std::vector<Variable> shared_variables = {
+      {"subgroup_sums", std::vector<float4>(max_number_of_subgroups)},
+  };
+  *generated_code = {
+      /*parameters=*/std::move(parameters),
+      /*objects=*/{},
+      /*shared_variables=*/{std::move(shared_variables)},
+      // Make sure we get one dispatch of size wg_size_x*wg_size_y*1 per layer.
+      /*workload=*/
+      uint3(wg_size_x, wg_size_y, uint32_t(DivideRoundUp(depth, 4))),
+      /*workgroup=*/uint3(wg_size_x, wg_size_y, 1u),
+      /*source_code=*/std::move(source),
+      /*input=*/IOStructure::ONLY_DEFINITIONS,
+      /*output=*/IOStructure::ONLY_DEFINITIONS,
+  };
+void GenerateTrivialMean(const NodeShader::GenerationContext& ctx,
+                         GeneratedCode* generated_code) {
+  std::vector<Variable> parameters = {
+      {"input_data_0_h", static_cast<int>(ctx.input_shapes[0][1])},
+      {"input_data_0_w", static_cast<int>(ctx.input_shapes[0][2])}};
+  std::string source = R"(
+    // Shaders may be compiled with a precision hint mediump, which means that
+    // GLSL compiler may drop the size of float data type from 32 to 16 bits.
+    // If "sum" and "size" variables are 16bit floats, their values range
+    // become not enough for providing a good results accuracy. That is why
+    // their precision is forced to be 32bit by using highp qualifier.
+    highp vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
+    highp float size = float($input_data_0_w$ * $input_data_0_h$);
+    for (int w = 0; w < $input_data_0_w$; w++) {
+      for (int h = 0; h < $input_data_0_h$; h++) {
+        sum += $input_data_0[w, h, gid.z]$;
+      }
+    }
+    value_0 = sum / size;
+  )";
+  *generated_code = {
+      /*parameters=*/std::move(parameters),
+      /*objects=*/{},
+      /*shared_variables=*/{},
+      /*workload=*/uint3(),
+      /*workgroup=*/uint3(1, 1, 4),
+      /*source_code=*/std::move(source),
+      /*input=*/IOStructure::ONLY_DEFINITIONS,
+      /*output=*/IOStructure::AUTO,
+  };
 class Mean : public NodeShader {
   absl::Status GenerateCode(const GenerationContext& ctx,
@@ -40,36 +181,19 @@
           "Mean calculation is supported only for height and width.");
-    std::vector<Variable> parameters = {
-        {"input_data_0_h", static_cast<int>(ctx.input_shapes[0][1])},
-        {"input_data_0_w", static_cast<int>(ctx.input_shapes[0][2])}};
+    if (!(ctx.input_shapes.size() == 1 && ctx.output_shapes.size() == 1 &&
+          ctx.output_shapes[0][1] == 1 && ctx.output_shapes[0][2] == 1 &&
+          ctx.output_shapes[0][3] == ctx.input_shapes[0][3])) {
+      return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
+          "Mean calculation is supported for one input and one 1x1 output with "
+          "the same channel count.");
+    }
-    std::string source = R"(
-      // Shaders may be compiled with a precision hint mediump, which means that
-      // GLSL compiler may drop the size of float data type from 32 to 16 bits.
-      // If "sum" and "size" variables are 16bit floats, their values range
-      // become not enough for providing a good results accuracy. That is why
-      // their precision is forced to be 32bit by using highp qualifier.
-      highp vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);
-      highp float size = float($input_data_0_w$ * $input_data_0_h$);
-      for (int w = 0; w < $input_data_0_w$; w++) {
-        for (int h = 0; h < $input_data_0_h$; h++) {
-          sum += $input_data_0[w, h, gid.z]$;
-        }
-      }
-      value_0 = sum / size;
-    )";
-    *generated_code = {
-        /*parameters=*/std::move(parameters),
-        /*objects=*/{},
-        /*shared_variables=*/{},
-        /*workload=*/uint3(),
-        /*workgroup=*/uint3(1, 1, 4),
-        /*source_code=*/std::move(source),
-        /*input=*/IOStructure::ONLY_DEFINITIONS,
-        /*output=*/IOStructure::AUTO,
-    };
+    if (UseSubgroupBasedImpl(*ctx.gpu_info)) {
+      GenerateSubgroupBasedMean(ctx, generated_code);
+    } else {
+      GenerateTrivialMean(ctx, generated_code);
+    }
     return absl::OkStatus();