blob: 56a21cb723910d90dcc3b785279ef4bc66ee3622 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/cl/kernels/convolution_transposed_3x3_thin.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/cl/kernels/util.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/cl/kernels/work_group_picking.h"
namespace tflite {
namespace gpu {
namespace cl {
namespace {
std::string GenerateConvolutionTransposedCode(const OperationDef& op_def,
int src_depth, int dst_depth,
const CLDevice& device,
Arguments* args) {
auto src_desc = absl::make_unique<TensorDescriptor>(op_def.src_tensors[0]);
args->AddObjectRef("src_tensor", AccessType::READ, std::move(src_desc));
"dst_tensor", AccessType::WRITE,
const auto src_tensor_type = op_def.src_tensors[0].storage_type;
std::string c = GetCommonDefines(op_def.precision);
switch (op_def.precision) {
case CalculationsPrecision::F32:
case CalculationsPrecision::F16:
c += "#define CONV(R, SRC, F, i) \\\n";
c += " R += SRC.x * F[i + 0]; \\\n";
c += " R += SRC.y * F[i + 1]; \\\n";
c += " R += SRC.z * F[i + 2]; \\\n";
c += " R += SRC.w * F[i + 3]; \n";
case CalculationsPrecision::F32_F16:
c += "#define CONV(R, SRC, F, i) \\\n";
c += " R += convert_float4(SRC.x * F[i + 0] + SRC.y * F[i + 1]";
c += "+ SRC.z * F[i + 2] + SRC.w * F[i + 3]);\n";
c += "__kernel void main_function(\n";
c += "$0) {\n";
if (op_def.IsBatchSupported()) {
c += " int linear_id = get_global_id(0);\n";
c += " int X = linear_id / args.dst_tensor.Batch();\n";
c += " int B = linear_id % args.dst_tensor.Batch();\n";
c += " args.dst_tensor.SetBatchRef(B);\n";
c += " args.src_tensor.SetBatchRef(B);\n";
} else {
c += " int X = get_global_id(0);\n";
c += " int Y = get_global_id(1);\n";
c += " if (X >= args.src_tensor.Width() || Y >= args.src_tensor.Height()) "
for (int d = 0; d < dst_depth; ++d) {
const std::string layer = std::to_string(d);
c += " ACCUM_FLT4 r" + layer + "[2][2];\n";
c += " r" + layer + "[0][0] = (ACCUM_FLT4)(0.0f);\n";
c += " r" + layer + "[0][1] = (ACCUM_FLT4)(0.0f);\n";
c += " r" + layer + "[1][0] = (ACCUM_FLT4)(0.0f);\n";
c += " r" + layer + "[1][1] = (ACCUM_FLT4)(0.0f);\n";
int filters_index = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < src_depth; ++s) {
const std::string z = std::to_string(s);
c += " {\n";
if (src_tensor_type == TensorStorageType::BUFFER) {
c += " bool x_in = X + 1 < args.src_tensor.Width();\n";
c += " bool y_in = Y + 1 < args.src_tensor.Height();\n";
c += " FLT4 src0 = args.src_tensor.Read(X, Y, " + z + ");\n";
c += " FLT4 src1 = (FLT4)(0.0);\n";
c += " FLT4 src2 = (FLT4)(0.0);\n";
c += " FLT4 src3 = (FLT4)(0.0);\n";
c += " if (x_in) {\n";
c += " src1 = args.src_tensor.Read(X + 1, Y, " + z + ");\n";
c += " }\n";
c += " if (y_in) {\n";
c += " src2 = args.src_tensor.Read(X, Y + 1, " + z + ");\n";
c += " }\n";
c += " if (x_in && y_in) {\n";
c += " src3 = args.src_tensor.Read(X + 1, Y + 1, " + z + ");\n";
c += " }\n";
} else if (src_tensor_type == TensorStorageType::IMAGE_BUFFER) {
c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(c0, X, Y, " + z + ");\n";
c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(c1, X + 1, Y, " + z + ");\n";
c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(c2, X, Y + 1, " + z + ");\n";
c += " args.src_tensor.GetAddress(c3, X + 1, Y + 1, " + z + ");\n";
c += " bool x_in = X + 1 < args.src_tensor.Width();\n";
c += " bool y_in = Y + 1 < args.src_tensor.Height();\n";
c += " c1 = select(-1, c1, x_in);\n";
c += " c2 = select(-1, c2, y_in);\n";
c += " c3 = select(-1, c3, x_in && y_in);\n";
c += " FLT4 src0 = args.src_tensor.Read(c0);\n";
c += " FLT4 src1 = args.src_tensor.Read(c1);\n";
c += " FLT4 src2 = args.src_tensor.Read(c2);\n";
c += " FLT4 src3 = args.src_tensor.Read(c3);\n";
} else {
c += " FLT4 src0 = args.src_tensor.Read(X, Y, " + z + ");\n";
c += " FLT4 src1 = args.src_tensor.Read(X + 1, Y, " + z + ");\n";
c += " FLT4 src2 = args.src_tensor.Read(X, Y + 1, " + z + ");\n";
c += " FLT4 src3 = args.src_tensor.Read(X + 1, Y + 1, " + z + ");\n";
for (int d = 0; d < dst_depth; ++d) {
const std::string layer = std::to_string(d);
const std::string f_offset = std::to_string(filters_index);
c += " {\n";
c += " __constant FLT4* L0 = args.weights.GetPtr() + 36 * " + f_offset +
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[0][0], src0, L0, 0);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[0][1], src0, L0, 4);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[0][1], src1, L0, 8);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[1][0], src0, L0, 12);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[1][0], src2, L0, 16);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[1][1], src0, L0, 20);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[1][1], src1, L0, 24);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[1][1], src2, L0, 28);\n";
c += " CONV(r" + layer + "[1][1], src3, L0, 32);\n";
c += " }\n";
c += " }\n";
c += " X *= 2;\n";
c += " Y *= 2;\n";
for (int d = 0; d < dst_depth; ++d) {
const std::string layer = std::to_string(d);
c += " {\n";
c += " FLT4 bias_val = args.weights.Read(" +
std::to_string(36 * filters_index + d) + ");\n";
for (int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
const std::string x_coord = "X + " + std::to_string(x);
const std::string y_coord = "Y + " + std::to_string(y);
c += " {\n";
c += " FLT4 result = TO_FLT4(r" + layer + "[" + std::to_string(y) +
"][" + std::to_string(x) + "]) + bias_val;\n";
c += " args.dst_tensor.Write(result, " + x_coord + ", " + y_coord +
", " + layer + ");\n";
c += " }\n";
c += " }\n";
c += "}\n";
return c;
} // namespace
const OperationDef& definition, const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes& attr)
: GPUOperation(definition),
dst_channels_(attr.weights.shape.o) {}
ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin&& operation)
: GPUOperation(std::move(operation)),
dst_channels_(operation.dst_channels_) {}
ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin& ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin::operator=(
ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin&& operation) {
if (this != &operation) {
std::swap(src_channels_, operation.src_channels_);
std::swap(dst_channels_, operation.dst_channels_);
return *this;
absl::Status ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin::Compile(
const CreationContext& creation_context) {
std::string code = GenerateConvolutionTransposedCode(
definition_, DivideRoundUp(src_channels_, 4),
DivideRoundUp(dst_channels_, 4), *creation_context.device, &args_);
std::string element_wise_code;
MergeOperations(linked_operations_, &args_, &element_wise_code));
{{"dst_tensor", element_wise_code}},
return creation_context.cache->GetOrCreateCLKernel(
code, "main_function", *creation_context.context,
*creation_context.device, &kernel_);
absl::Status ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin::BindArguments() {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(args_.SetObjectRef("src_tensor", src_[0]));
return args_.SetObjectRef("dst_tensor", dst_[0]);
int3 ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin::GetGridSize() const {
const int grid_x = src_[0]->Width() * dst_[0]->Batch();
const int grid_y = src_[0]->Height();
const int grid_z = 1;
return int3(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z);
bool IsConvolutionTransposed3x3ThinSupported(
const CLDevice& device, const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes& attr) {
return attr.weights.shape.o <= 8 && attr.weights.shape.w == 3 &&
attr.weights.shape.h == 3 && attr.stride.w == 2 &&
attr.stride.h == 2 && attr.padding.prepended.w == 1 &&
attr.padding.prepended.h == 1 && attr.padding.appended.w == 1 &&
attr.padding.appended.h == 1;
absl::Status CreateConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin(
const CreationContext& creation_context, const OperationDef& definition,
const ConvolutionTransposedAttributes& attr,
ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin* result) {
if (!IsConvolutionTransposed3x3ThinSupported(*creation_context.device,
attr)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin doesn't support this attributes");
*result = ConvolutionTransposed3x3Thin(definition, attr);
result->UploadData(attr.weights, attr.bias, creation_context.context));
return absl::OkStatus();
} // namespace cl
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace tflite