blob: 7cdd362012f83f0fcb40be23c29ef98d4b27ee09 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================
"""Test configs for while_loop."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
from tensorflow.lite.testing import zip_test_utils
from tensorflow.lite.testing.zip_test_utils import make_zip_of_tests
from tensorflow.lite.testing.zip_test_utils import register_make_test_function
from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
def make_while_tests(options):
"""Make a set of tests to do while."""
# Chose a set of parameters
test_parameters = [{
"num_iterations": range(20),
"increment_value": [[1]],
"dtype": [tf.int32],
}, {
"num_iterations": range(20),
"increment_value": [["a"]],
"dtype": [tf.string],
def build_graph(parameters):
"""Build the graph for while tests."""
# MLIR TFLite converter can't handle scalar inputs. This is a workaround
# to input (1,) tensors and then reshape to scalar.
# TODO(b/129003347): Remove the workaround after scalar inputs are
# supported.
num_iterations = tf.placeholder(
dtype=tf.int32, name="num_iterations", shape=(1,))
increment_value = tf.placeholder(
dtype=parameters["dtype"], name="increment_value", shape=(1,))
num_iterations_scalar = tf.reshape(num_iterations, ())
# For intger inputs, this simple model calucates i-th number of triangular
# sequence. For string inputs, the model returns the string value, filled
# with the given increment value times the given num_iterations.
# The model also returns the counter variable and increment value in the
# outputs. The counter and increment value are passed to the result to make
# sure the necessary control depenecy of the model is generated for testing
# the dynamic tensor cases.
def cond_fn(counter, value, increment_value):
del value
del increment_value
return counter < num_iterations_scalar
def body_fn(counter, value, increment_value):
new_counter = counter + 1
if parameters["dtype"] == tf.string:
# Use fill op to create new string value with the given counter value.
del value
new_value = tf.fill([1], tf.reshape(increment_value, ()))
new_value = value + increment_value
return [new_counter, new_value, increment_value]
counter, value, result_increment_value = tf.while_loop(
cond_fn, body_fn, loop_vars=[1, increment_value, increment_value])
return [num_iterations,
increment_value], [counter, value, result_increment_value]
def build_inputs(parameters, sess, inputs, outputs):
numpy_type = zip_test_utils.TF_TYPE_INFO[parameters["dtype"]][0]
input_values = [
np.array([parameters["num_iterations"]], dtype=np.int32),
np.array(parameters["increment_value"], dtype=numpy_type)
return input_values,
outputs, feed_dict=dict(zip(inputs, input_values)))
make_zip_of_tests(options, test_parameters, build_graph, build_inputs)