blob: ad8e5a029c8372453b1dfc8e67b11d6b298b53aa [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_op_kernel.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_op_registry.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_helpers.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/type_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/comparators.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/constants.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/arithmetic.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_computation.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace {
// TODO: This is only a dummy kernel
class DenseBincountOp : public XlaOpKernel {
bool binary_output_;
explicit DenseBincountOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : XlaOpKernel(ctx) {
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("binary_output", &binary_output_));
void Compile(XlaOpKernelContext* ctx) override {
// Dumb implementation for the simplest test case
xla::XlaOp input = ctx->Input(0);
xla::XlaOp weights = ctx->Input(2);
StatusOr<xla::Shape> weights_shape_or = ctx->builder()->GetShape(weights);
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, weights_shape_or.status());
auto weights_shape = weights_shape_or.ValueOrDie();
auto weights_size = weights_shape.dimensions(0);
auto input_xla_type = ctx->input_xla_type(0);
xla::PrimitiveType dtype;
bool has_weight;
if (weights_size){
has_weight = true;
dtype = ctx->input_xla_type(2);
else {
has_weight = false;
dtype = input_xla_type;
int64_t output_size;
ctx->ConstantInputAsIntScalar("size", &output_size);
StatusOr<xla::Shape> input_shape_or = ctx->builder()->GetShape(input);
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, input_shape_or.status());
auto input_shape = input_shape_or.ValueOrDie();
auto size = input_shape.dimensions(0);
auto dim = 1;
auto rank = input_shape.rank();
auto counter_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::S32, {});
const xla::Shape data_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(input_xla_type, {input_shape.dimensions()});
xla::Shape output_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(dtype, {output_size});
if (rank == 2) {
output_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(dtype, {rank, output_size});
dim = input_shape.dimensions(1);
auto loop_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(
{counter_shape, data_shape, output_shape, weights_shape});
// Create a computation for the condition
xla::XlaComputation condition;
std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> builder =
auto param = xla::Parameter(builder.get(), 0, loop_shape, "param");
auto counter = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 0);
xla::Gt(xla::ConstantR0<int32_t>(builder.get(), size*dim), counter);
condition = builder->Build().ConsumeValueOrDie();
// Create a computation for the body
xla::XlaComputation body;
std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> builder =
auto param = Parameter(builder.get(), 0, loop_shape, "param");
auto counter = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 0);
auto data_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 1);
auto accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 2);
auto weights = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 3);
auto accum_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(dtype, {});
if (rank == 1) {
auto data = xla::DynamicSlice(data_stack, {counter}, {1});
auto accum = xla::DynamicSlice(accum_stack, {data}, {1});
accum = xla::Reshape(accum, {0}, {});
accum = xla::ConvertElementType(accum, dtype);
auto data_scalar = xla::Reshape(data, {0}, {});
auto condition_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(
{counter_shape, counter_shape, accum_shape, output_shape, weights_shape});
xla::XlaComputation update;
std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> true_builder =
auto param = Parameter(true_builder.get(), 0, condition_shape, "param");
auto data_scalar = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 0);
auto counter = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 1);
auto accum = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 2);
auto accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 3);
auto weights = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 4);
if (binary_output_){
accum = xla::One(true_builder.get(), dtype);
else if (! has_weight) {
accum = accum + xla::One(true_builder.get(), dtype);
else {
auto weight = xla::DynamicSlice(weights, {counter}, {1});
weight = xla::Reshape(weight, {0}, {});
accum = accum + weight;
accum_stack = xla::DynamicUpdateSlice(
accum_stack, xla::Reshape(accum, {1}), {data_scalar});
xla::Tuple(true_builder.get(), {accum, accum_stack});
update = true_builder->Build().ValueOrDie();
xla::XlaComputation no_update;
std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> false_builder =
auto param = Parameter(false_builder.get(), 0, condition_shape, "param");
auto data = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 0);
auto count = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 1);
auto accum = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 2);
auto accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 3);
xla::Tuple(false_builder.get(), {accum, accum_stack});
no_update = false_builder->Build().ValueOrDie();
auto output_size_xla = xla::ConstantR0<int32_t>(builder.get(), output_size);
auto pred = xla::Lt(data_scalar, output_size_xla);
auto tuple = xla::Tuple(builder.get(), {data_scalar, counter, accum, accum_stack, weights});
auto cond = xla::Conditional(pred, tuple, update, tuple, no_update);
accum = xla::GetTupleElement(cond, 0);
accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(cond, 1);
else {
auto condition_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(
{counter_shape, counter_shape, counter_shape, output_shape,
accum_shape, weights_shape});
auto dim_xla = xla::ConstantR0<int32_t>(builder.get(), dim);
auto idx_1 = xla::Div(counter, dim_xla);
auto idx_2 = counter % dim_xla;
auto data = xla::DynamicSlice(data_stack, {idx_1, idx_2}, {1, 1});
auto data_scalar = xla::Reshape(data, {0,1}, {});
auto accum = xla::DynamicSlice(accum_stack, {idx_1, data_scalar}, {1, 1});
accum = xla::Reshape(accum, {0,1}, {});
accum = xla::ConvertElementType(accum, dtype);
xla::XlaComputation update;
std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> true_builder =
auto param = Parameter(true_builder.get(), 0, condition_shape, "param");
auto data_scalar = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 0);
auto idx_1 = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 1);
auto idx_2 = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 2);
auto accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 3);
auto accum = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 4);
auto weights = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 5);
if (binary_output_){
accum = xla::One(true_builder.get(), dtype);
else if (! has_weight) {
accum = accum + xla::One(true_builder.get(), dtype);
else {
auto weight = xla::DynamicSlice(weights, {idx_1, idx_2}, {1, 1});
auto weigth_scalar = xla::Reshape(weight, {0,1}, {});
accum = accum + weigth_scalar;
accum_stack = xla::DynamicUpdateSlice(
accum_stack, xla::Reshape(accum, {1, 1}), {idx_1, data_scalar});
xla::Tuple(true_builder.get(), {accum, accum_stack});
update = true_builder->Build().ValueOrDie();
xla::XlaComputation no_update;
std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> false_builder =
auto param = Parameter(false_builder.get(), 0, condition_shape, "param");
auto accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 3);
auto accum = xla::GetTupleElement(param, 4);
xla::Tuple(false_builder.get(), {accum, accum_stack});
no_update = false_builder->Build().ValueOrDie();
auto limit = xla::ConstantR0<int32_t>(builder.get(), output_size);
auto pred = xla::Lt(data_scalar, limit);
auto tuple = xla::Tuple(builder.get(), {data_scalar, idx_1, idx_2, accum_stack, accum, weights});
auto cond = xla::Conditional(pred, tuple, update, tuple, no_update);
accum = xla::GetTupleElement(cond, 0);
accum_stack = xla::GetTupleElement(cond, 1);
counter = counter + xla::One(builder.get(), xla::S32);
xla::Tuple(builder.get(), {counter, data_stack, accum_stack, weights});
body = builder->Build().ConsumeValueOrDie();
// Create a While node with computations for the condition and the body.
auto zero = xla::Zero(ctx->builder(), xla::S32);
auto zero_out = xla::Zero(ctx->builder(), dtype);
auto zero_broadcast = xla::Broadcast(zero_out, {output_shape.dimensions()});
auto init = xla::Tuple(ctx->builder(), {zero, input, zero_broadcast, weights});
auto result = xla::While(condition, body, init);
auto output = xla::GetTupleElement(result,2);
ctx->SetOutput(0, output);
REGISTER_XLA_OP(Name("DenseBincount").CompileTimeConstantInput("size"), DenseBincountOp);
} // namespace
} // namespace tensorflow