blob: dccb222c26e63895bf04aa2984c86028efda032d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Tools for deserializing `Function`s."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import re
from tensorflow.core.framework import function_pb2
from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
from tensorflow.python.eager import function as function_lib
from tensorflow.python.framework import func_graph as func_graph_lib
from tensorflow.python.framework import function_def_to_graph as function_def_lib
from tensorflow.python.framework import op_def_registry
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec
from tensorflow.python.framework import type_spec
from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
from tensorflow.python.saved_model import nested_structure_coder
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_decorator
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect
def _is_tensor(t):
return isinstance(t, (ops.Tensor, resource_variable_ops.BaseResourceVariable))
# TODO(edloper): Update this to just use ConcreteFunction.__call__ with the
# structured signature.
def _call_concrete_function(function, inputs):
"""Calls a restored Function with structured inputs.
This differs from `function.__call__` in that inputs and outputs are
structured and that it casts inputs to tensors if needed.
Note: this does not checks that non-tensor inputs match. That should be
done before via `_concrete_function_callable_with`.
function: ConcreteFunction to call.
inputs: Structured inputs compatible with
The structured function output.
expected_structure = function.graph.structured_input_signature
flatten_inputs = nest.flatten_up_to(
expected_structure, inputs, expand_composites=True)
flatten_expected = nest.flatten(expected_structure, expand_composites=True)
tensor_inputs = []
for arg, expected in zip(flatten_inputs, flatten_expected):
if isinstance(expected, tensor_spec.TensorSpec):
ops.convert_to_tensor(arg, dtype_hint=expected.dtype))
result = function._call_flat(tensor_inputs, function._captured_inputs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
if isinstance(result, ops.Operation):
return None
return result
def _try_convert_to_tensor_spec(arg, dtype_hint):
"""Returns None or TensorSpec obtained if `arg` is converted to tensor."""
# Note: try conversion in a FuncGraph to avoid polluting current context.
with func_graph_lib.FuncGraph(name="guess_conversion").as_default():
result = ops.convert_to_tensor(arg, dtype_hint=dtype_hint)
return tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=result.shape, dtype=result.dtype)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
def _concrete_function_callable_with(function, inputs, allow_conversion):
"""Returns whether concrete `function` can be called with `inputs`."""
expected_structure = function.graph.structured_input_signature
flatten_inputs = nest.flatten_up_to(expected_structure, inputs)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
for arg, expected in zip(flatten_inputs, nest.flatten(expected_structure)):
if isinstance(expected, tensor_spec.TensorSpec):
if allow_conversion:
arg = _try_convert_to_tensor_spec(arg, dtype_hint=expected.dtype)
if not _is_tensor(arg) and not isinstance(arg, tensor_spec.TensorSpec):
return False
if arg.dtype != expected.dtype:
return False
if not expected.shape.is_compatible_with(arg.shape):
return False
elif isinstance(expected, type_spec.TypeSpec):
if not expected.is_compatible_with(arg):
return False
elif _is_tensor(arg):
if id(arg) != id(expected):
return False
if arg != expected:
return False
return True
def _deserialize_function_spec_as_nonmethod(function_spec_proto, coder):
"""Deserialize a FunctionSpec object from its proto representation."""
typeless_fullargspec = coder.decode_proto(function_spec_proto.fullargspec)
# Convert a method function into a non method.
if function_spec_proto.is_method:
if not typeless_fullargspec.args:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Missing support to deserialize a method function without a named "
"'self' argument.")
args = typeless_fullargspec.args[1:]
args = typeless_fullargspec.args
fullargspec = tf_inspect.FullArgSpec(
input_signature = coder.decode_proto(function_spec_proto.input_signature)
return function_lib.FunctionSpec(fullargspec=fullargspec,
# TODO(allenl): The fact that we can't derive ConcreteFunction calling
# conventions from the serialized input spec right now is unfortunate. Merging
# these would be good, maybe by adding TensorSpec names to cache keys so renamed
# keyword arguments would yield different ConcreteFunctions.
def setup_bare_concrete_function(saved_bare_concrete_function,
"""Makes a restored bare concrete function callable."""
# Bare concrete functions accept only flat lists of Tensors with unique
# names.
concrete_function = concrete_functions[
# pylint: disable=protected-access
concrete_function._arg_keywords = (
concrete_function._num_positional_args = (
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return concrete_function
class RestoredFunction(def_function.Function):
"""Wrapper class for a function that has been restored from saved state.
See `def_function.Function`.
def __init__(self, python_function, name, function_spec, concrete_functions):
# TODO(mdan): We may enable autograph once exceptions are supported.
super(RestoredFunction, self).__init__(
python_function, name, autograph=False)
self.concrete_functions = concrete_functions
self._function_spec = function_spec
def _list_all_concrete_functions_for_serialization(self):
return self.concrete_functions
def _defun_with_scope(self, scope):
func = super(RestoredFunction, self)._defun_with_scope(scope)
func._function_spec = self._function_spec # pylint: disable=protected-access
return func
def recreate_function(saved_function, concrete_functions):
"""Creates a `Function` from a `SavedFunction`.
saved_function: `SavedFunction` proto.
concrete_functions: map from function name to `ConcreteFunction`.
As a side effect of this function, the `FunctionSpec` from
`saved_function` is added to each `ConcreteFunction` in this map.
A `Function`.
# TODO(andresp): Construct a `Function` with the cache populated
# instead of creating a new `Function` backed by a Python layer to
# glue things together. Current approach is nesting functions deeper for each
# serialization cycle.
coder = nested_structure_coder.StructureCoder()
# Note: handling method functions is tricky since make_decorator does not
# allows control of "ismethod". Additionally since restored functions do
# not behave as methods i.e. they always use the same captured tensors
# independent of the object they are bound to, there is little value on
# propagating that correctly.
# Ideally this conversion should happen at serialization time. But since
# there are SavedModels which have "ismethod" populated and have an extra
# argument that they expect to be ignored, we do it at deserialization.
function_spec = _deserialize_function_spec_as_nonmethod(
def restored_function_body(*args, **kwargs):
"""Calls a restored function."""
# This is the format of function.graph.structured_input_signature. At this
# point, the args and kwargs have already been canonicalized.
inputs = (args, kwargs)
# First try to find a concrete function that can be called without input
# conversions. This allows one to pick a more specific trace in case there
# was also a more expensive one that supported tensors.
for allow_conversion in [False, True]:
for function_name in saved_function.concrete_functions:
function = concrete_functions[function_name]
if _concrete_function_callable_with(function, inputs, allow_conversion):
return _call_concrete_function(function, inputs)
signature_descriptions = []
def _pretty_format_positional(positional):
return "Positional arguments ({} total):\n * {}".format(
len(positional), "\n * ".join(str(a) for a in positional))
for index, function_name in enumerate(saved_function.concrete_functions):
concrete_function = concrete_functions[function_name]
positional, keyword = concrete_function.structured_input_signature
"Option {}:\n {}\n Keyword arguments: {}"
.format(index + 1, _pretty_format_positional(positional), keyword))
raise ValueError(
"Could not find matching function to call loaded from the SavedModel. "
"Got:\n {}\n Keyword arguments: {}\n\nExpected "
"these arguments to match one of the following {} option(s):\n\n{}"
.format(_pretty_format_positional(args), kwargs,
concrete_function_objects = []
for concrete_function_name in saved_function.concrete_functions:
for cf in concrete_function_objects:
cf._set_function_spec(function_spec) # pylint: disable=protected-access
restored_function = RestoredFunction(
return tf_decorator.make_decorator(
def load_function_def_library(library, load_shared_name_suffix=None):
"""Load a set of functions as concrete functions without captured inputs.
Functions names are manipulated during load such that they do not overlap
with previously created ones.
library: FunctionDefLibrary proto message.
load_shared_name_suffix: If specified, used to uniquify shared
names. Otherwise, a unique name is generated.
Map of original function names in the library to instances of
`ConcreteFunction` without captured inputs.
ValueError: if functions dependencies have a cycle.
library_function_names = set( for fdef in library.function)
functions = {}
renamed_functions = {}
# Our graph building code currently requires functions to be registered with
# some tf.Graph in order to import functions using the
# op-name-is-function-name calling convention. To avoid leaking memory into
# the global default graph when executing eagerly, we create a temporary
# Graph.
# TODO(allenl): Make this Graph creation unnecessary when executing eagerly by
# fixing function_def_to_graph_def.
if ops.executing_eagerly_outside_functions():
graph = ops.Graph()
graph = ops.get_default_graph()
if load_shared_name_suffix is None:
load_shared_name_suffix = "_load_{}".format(ops.uid())
for fdef in _sort_function_defs(library, library_function_names):
copy = _fix_fdef(fdef, functions, load_shared_name_suffix)
# There is no need to copy all functions into the function def graph. It
# leads to a O(n^2) increase of memory when importing functions and the
# extra function definitions are a no-op since they already imported as a
# function before and passed in explicitly (due to the topologic sort
# import).
with graph.as_default():
func_graph = function_def_lib.function_def_to_graph(copy)
_restore_gradient_functions(func_graph, renamed_functions)
for dep in _list_function_deps(fdef, library_function_names):
# We do not initialize the new ConcreteFunction's function_spec or
# arg_keywords here (which are used to parse the structured and flat
# signatures, respectively). function_spec is set up later by
# recreate_function(); and arg_keywords by setup_bare_concrete_function().
func = function_lib.ConcreteFunction(func_graph)
functions[] = func
renamed_functions[] = func
if any(op.type == "TRTEngineOp" for op in func_graph.get_operations()):
# TODO(b/150708051): Remove this hack once TensorRT SavedModel integration
# is fixed. Currently it's leaking memory to maintain bug compatibility
# with previous behavior.
return functions
def _restore_gradient_functions(func_graph, renamed_functions):
"""Populate function op's _gradient_function with default gradient."""
for op in func_graph.get_operations():
# TODO(andresp): This code assumes that the gradient registered for this
# function call is the default gradient for the function and not a custom
# one.
if op.type in ["StatefulPartitionedCall", "PartitionedCall"]:
function = renamed_functions[compat.as_bytes(
op._gradient_function = function._get_gradient_function() # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _sort_function_defs(library, library_function_names):
"""Return a topologic sort of FunctionDefs in a library."""
edges = collections.defaultdict(list)
in_count = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for fdef in library.function:
for dep in _list_function_deps(fdef, library_function_names):
in_count[] += 1
ready = [
for fdef in library.function
if in_count[] == 0
output = []
while ready:
node = ready.pop()
for dest in edges[node]:
in_count[dest] -= 1
if not in_count[dest]:
if len(output) != len(library.function):
failed_to_resolve = sorted(set(in_count.keys()) - set(output))
raise ValueError("There is a cyclic-dependency between functions. ",
"Could not resolve %r." % (failed_to_resolve,))
reverse = { fdef for fdef in library.function}
return [reverse[x] for x in output]
def fix_node_def(node_def, functions, shared_name_suffix, debug_name):
"""Replace functions calls and shared names in `node_def`."""
if ("_gradient_op_type" in node_def.attr and
node_def.op not in ["StatefulPartitionedCall", "PartitionedCall"]):
"Importing a function (%s) with ops with custom gradients. Will likely "
"fail if a gradient is requested.", debug_name)
if node_def.op in functions:
node_def.op = functions[node_def.op].name
for _, attr_value in node_def.attr.items():
if = functions[].name
# Fix old table creation bug.
if node_def.op == "HashTableV2":
if ("use_node_name_sharing" not in node_def.attr or
not node_def.attr["use_node_name_sharing"].b):
node_def.attr["use_node_name_sharing"].b = True
# We are turning on node mame sharing, so have to make sure we don't
# accidentally share a table resource.
shared_name_suffix += "_{}".format(ops.uid())
# TODO(b/124205571): Avoid accidental sharing and destruction of restored
# resources. For now uniquify "shared_name" when loading functions to avoid
# sharing.
# TODO: Add regression test for b/150826922.
op_def = op_def_registry.get(node_def.op)
if op_def:
attr = next((a for a in op_def.attr if == "shared_name"), None)
if attr:
shared_name = None
if "shared_name" in node_def.attr and node_def.attr["shared_name"].s:
shared_name = node_def.attr["shared_name"].s
elif attr.default_value.s:
shared_name = compat.as_bytes(attr.default_value.s)
if not shared_name:
shared_name = compat.as_bytes(
node_def.attr["shared_name"].s = (
shared_name + compat.as_bytes(shared_name_suffix))
def _fix_fdef(orig_fdef, functions, shared_name_suffix):
"""Fixes a FunctionDef proto to be loaded in current context.
In particular, when loading a function library into an eager context, one
must rename the functions to avoid conflicts with existent functions.
orig_fdef: FunctionDef proto to fix. It is not modified.
functions: map from function name to a ConcreteFunction instance.
shared_name_suffix: A unique string for this load which helps to avoid
`shared_name` collisions across loads. Two functions from the same load
using the same `shared_name` still need to share, but functions from
different loads with the same `shared_name` should not.
A fixed copy of the original FunctionDef.
fdef = function_pb2.FunctionDef()
for node_def in fdef.node_def:
fix_node_def(node_def, functions, shared_name_suffix, = _clean_function_name(
return fdef
def _list_function_deps(fdef, library_function_names):
"""Find functions referenced in `fdef`."""
# TODO(andresp): Recurse into list attributes and into NameAttrList attrs both
# when listing deps and when fixing them. `function_def_to_graph` also
# requires fixes.
deps = set()
for node_def in fdef.node_def:
if node_def.op in library_function_names:
for _, attr_value in node_def.attr.items():
if attr_value.WhichOneof("value") == "func":
return deps
_FUNCTION_WRAPPER_NAME_REGEX = r"^%s(.*)_\d+$" % (function_lib._INFERENCE_PREFIX
) # pylint:disable=protected-access
def _clean_function_name(name):
"""Vanity function to keep the function names comprehensible."""
# Note: each time a function is wrapped into `function_lib.ConcreteFunction`
# its name becomes "__inference_<orig>_xyz".
match =, name)
if match:
return name